Inspired by the artwork You Look Cute in Pink
By artist Julunis14 and Fimfic Julunis14
Rainbow Dash loves a challenge. She always wants to be the best at everything. However, she may have bitten off more than she could chew when it comes to a prank-off with Ponyville's master prankster. Now she's wishing that this day did not exist altogether and wanting to get rid of it with a hot mug of cider.
This was great! You did a good job!
Thank you and happy you liked it
Awww, such a sweet little story. I really appreciated the fact that Applejack didn't continue laughing, being completely oblivious to her friend's... hard day. I'm not a fan of that. At all.
Anywho. Really enjoyed this little piece of work of yours. Sweet, short, fluffy and fun. (Hey! That describes all of your stories, that I've read!) Well worth the read!
Thank you for the fun little read, bud
Also; nice see the first place Dash wants to go after a hard day is Applejack's. Makes total sense to me.
Happy you liked it ^^
You're welcome!
Lol wow I kind of guess you saw the missed color toy of rainbow dash but anyway it looks like Pinkie Pie pulled the ultimate prank on rainbow and now she's all pink well at least she got hurt chance to drink some Cider at least and Applejack was pretty nice of her to do that but now she wants to get even with Pinkie Pie now cuz you know rainbow but anyway this was a pretty good story and a funny one and I did see that on Twitter keep up the good work
A perfect piece of fluff for my morning. Also,that last line...
Pinkie will be extra colourful by tomorrow ^^
Please for the Love of Faust, tell me that you are making a Sequel to this story, I think that Pinkie REALLY needs a wake-up call that she should NOT prank her Pranking Partner like that without thinking of what would happen to her after said Prank has finished, also if there was ever an 'Order of Pranksters' I can see Luna, Celestia and DIscord being the one's to have created it when they were younger and them being the leaders of it and Pinkie and Rainbow could be members of it too.
If I see a piece of artwork on DA, I am drawn to it immediately and want to write something that inspires me
If I have to idea or motivation to really
Another one, I just put up mine so I'll give yours a read to see how it fares!
Oh wait, this is what you originally published on DA, LOL.
Yep it is ^^
I literally just posted my own take to challenge yours on DA then spotted it here.
Oh Dash, you poor adorable idiot. Fun story! Any chance of a sequel where we get Pinkie turned into Rainbow Pie?
Depends if I have the determination for it. I get one good chapter and then it just seems right to me
My mind isn't up for more than one sometimes
Knowing Pinkie Pie, she'll probably like being rainbow.
La-la-la-la! I feel so colourful today XD
A very humorous and humble story.
Brought a smile to my face.
Thank you for the compliment ^^
The wrath of the Pink One hath be wrought.
This fic is exactly what came to mind when looking at the cover art, so definitely well done.
Oh, I so want to see a sequel!
Question! Did Pinkie Dash, get Pinkie Pie back and turn her into Rainbow Pie?
Would love to see a sequel where Dash gets some revenge.
It really depends if I have the drive for it really. I can't really do more than one chapter. Most inspiration comes from the fanart I see on DeviantArt and so it just really goes from there where I create the ideas
I don't really see why so much on asks for a sequel. For me, the last line was the introduction to the episode of the cookies trapped with rainbow dye and the counter prank pony zombies.
Yeah why am I not surprised
Okay I was not expecting another chapter but I guess you need to follow up the revenge to Pinkie and she did so instead of that now she looks like Rainbow dash and she got really upset but basically kinda taught her a lesson how she felt as well and something tells me now they're going to use the situation and Confused the other ponies and creatures in Ponyville this was a pretty fun story keep up the good work
That's a cute story. ^^
I loved the picture as Julunis posted it on Twitter, but having an accompanying story is really sweet.
Thank you and happy you liked the story with it ^^
I was challenged by friends on DA to do a story, then I got support from the artist for it as well. She allowed my to use the art as the cover as well
Yeah, she promoted you on Twitter, otherwise I hadn't seen the story. ^^
Haha this was great!
Thank you ^^
Cue Applejack accidentally flirting with Pinkie. I'm almost expecting a third chapter, where, by the end of the week the two of them, with Luna's assistance, have pranked the entire town and nobody knows who's who anymore.
Well, we have a story about a picture of a pink rainbow, now to bring it full circle we need the artist to make a picture of this story about a rainbow pinkie.
And then Pinkie makes a joke that "Even I don't know who's who anymore!" and everyone's unsettled, and Pinkie says "I could be kidding, but you'll never know!"
Awesome! I knew you could pull it off!
Well, as soon as you said you had no inspiration for a sequel I was expecting a crash when I saw the new chapter coming out, so much so that I didn't dare read it until today, but you did pretty well ^^
I really liked the reference to the "I always have a trophy in case of unexpected dance contest" from EQG.
If you haven't already made a deviation on this scene consider it as a request and I will send you the exact time-code one of these days.
An oddball ghost happened across your fic and read it. Have a review!