• Member Since 18th Mar, 2019
  • offline last seen May 22nd, 2024


Old enough to know better, foolish enough to still do it. Reach out if you'd like to chat. I know I do. Pony then. Pony now. Pony forever.

Comments ( 18 )

That cover piece must be pretty ancient if that's what the artist drew the cutie mark as

That is true. I actually hadn't noticed!


Claire Corlett semi-seriously voiced approval for the SweetieMash ship on multiple occasions, so it's fully canon as far as I'm concerned. Even if Season 8, Episode 10 suggested Button feels nothing for her. Or at least he knows nothing about sending pies through the mail. He didn't say he doesn't like Sweetie.

And Strangers makes me tear up every time.

I just wish a couple mods would get updated so I can really get into version 1.18.

I did not know that about Claire. Awesome! Not sure what the 1.18 is in reference to though? :)


Minecraft. Even for late-30-year-olds, building a Minecraft world together is a great, romantic bonding experience.

But use your own, personal server. Don't bother with Microsoft's "Realms" scam.

(Not that Jack and Gab are late-30s. But assuming Microsoft don't ruin things by trying to force the worthless Bedrock edition on people, Minecraft will still be fun a decade from now)

Ohhhhh! Now I get the reference! Never played Minecraft. I am a huge Terraria fan though. I could totally see either game being fun for a couple to dive into.

I kinda want a sequel to this. I don't have the money right now, but in about three weeks I will if you're wanting to do a commission.

I loved this! Hope we get to see more in the future!

Dan #11 · Feb 20th, 2022 · · 1 ·

I love those two. <3

I really appreciate that but this took me a few months to write. I'm notoriously slow. :( Not sure I would be able to deliver a commission in any kind of reasonably expected time frame. I do really appreciate the thought though! And who knows, I might still do a sequel someday! Ponies seem to really like this. :)

Glad you liked it! Who knows what the future holds... :)

Too many fucks were given. Quite literally, actually. But that's just down to personal taste, I don't swear much and don't like it much either. It always feels alien and like a waste of breath. That said, there's some high quality writing to be found here. Good work.
Even though I must say... adult life seems depressing.

Thank you for writing!

Thank you for the read and for the feedback! I curse a lot in real life so it likely spills over. Not everyone does though and I should probably take notice of that. I'm glad you enjoyed! And yes, adult life can be pretty meh. But we carry on, as we must.

Wholesome and hot :heart:

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