• Published 14th Sep 2012
  • 3,108 Views, 21 Comments

Goodnight Sweetie - bobdat

Sweetie Belle has an accident, and dreams of being the grown-up mare she never will be.

  • ...

Goodnight Sweetie

"We'll get our cutie marks for sure!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, her sleeping bag rustling as she waved her hooves in the flickering light.
"How can we not? We have a whole night away from all those older ponies who make us go to bed." Scootaloo replied, adjusting her pillow on the wooden floor of the Cutie Mark Crusaders' clubhouse.
"Nopony to get in our way! We can try as many things as possible." Sweetie Belle added, smiling at her two best friends. "I can't wait to get started!"

The night air had a slight chill and it found its way in through the beautifully painted shutters of the clubhouse, causing the three fillies to shuffle deeper into their sleeping bags. But despite the cold, they'd had to spend weeks persuading their families to allow them to have a camp-out, and there was no way they were wasting even a second.
"Let's have a look at that map." Apple Bloom said, pulling it out of Scootaloo's grip. "We need to see what we can do nearby."
"Maybe we should start in the clubhouse. We could try stargazing?" Sweetie suggested, not that keen on going outside into the orchard where it was so cold. "The telescope is right there."

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo fell over each other in their rush to be the first to get their astronomy cutie mark. Sweetie was a close third, annoyed that they'd got in ahead of her.
After three long gazes into the heavens, they all checked their flanks - nothing. Disappointment reigned once again.
"It wouldn't have been any fun if we'd got our cutie marks that easily." Apple Bloom said optimistically. "We've just got to keep thinking."
"How about wrestling cutie mark?" Scootaloo suggested, her purple mane bobbing slightly with excitement.
"How about no?" Sweetie replied, tossing her own pink and white mane in disgust. "That's what colts do."
"I heard it from Rainbow Dash! It must be a good idea."

Apple Bloom wasn't keen either and went back to the map. Sweetie sighed and pulled her sleeping bag back around her legs.
"Hey Scoots, pass me the lantern." The red-maned pony asked, squinting in the low light.
"No problem." Scootaloo laughed, grabbing the nearest lantern and handing it to her friend.
"I think we can probably make it to Fluttershy's Cottage from here... we can investigate the animals. One of us must have an animal-related cutie mark."
"Booooring." Scootaloo complained, lying on her back and waving her hooves. "Fluttershy is such a killjoy." She rolled back onto her side, but one of her hooves smacked into the side of Apple Bloom's lantern.

Fire fell from the overturned light onto the paper map, melting the crayoned lines and quickly consuming the corner.
"Oh horse-apples!" Apple Bloom said as the orange flames crept up the map. "We need some water right now!"
"There isn't any!" Sweetie said, panicked.
Scootaloo tried to stamp on the flames to put them out but it didn't do anything. Nor did covering it in one of their talent show costumes - the costume just caught fire too and started a small bonfire.

"Scootaloo, go and get somepony!" Sweetie said, stepping away from the fire.
"No! If they find out we caused a fire, they'll never let us camp out again. Apple Bloom, go and get some leaves or something to put it out."
Apple Bloom leapt out of the door and headed towards the nearest tree.
"Try beating it with your sleeping bag." Scootaloo suggested, grabbing her own. Sweetie did the same, and they both flapped at the fire until it became obvious that their sleeping bags were now burning.

Flinging it away, Sweetie Belle thought hard. A resourceful pony like Applejack, what would she do... she'd probably find water.
"Maybe we should try and get water from the lake!" Sweetie shouted, before turning and running out of the clubhouse too. The lake had ruined that roll of dumb fabric, but now it might be useful. "Bring a bucket!" She yelled at Scootaloo.

By the time the two ponies had returned with a heavy bucket of water, Apple Bloom had tried beating the fire with a branch covered in leaves, but it was now burning brightly too.
"It's out of control!" The apple pony cried as Scootaloo and Sweetie edged into position. The fire was now an inferno that was licking the ceiling, and when they tipped the water onto it there was no effect except for a loud hissing and lots of smoke.

"I can't see!" Sweetie shouted, stumbling through the thick smoke and trying to keep away from the heat. She found a wall that she thought the door was on and followed it blindly, her eyes stinging. The door wasn't there, but she still couldn't see through her streaming eyes.
"Scootaloo! Apple Bloom! Where are you?" She yelled again, hoping to hear a reply from one of her fellow crusaders. But she could hear anything over the crackling of the fire.

Apple Bloom escaped through the door with Scootaloo holding onto her tail. It was only when they were safely on the ground that she realised Sweetie was missing.
"Sweetie Belle!" She shouted, tears forming in her eyes. "Please come out!"
"I'll go and get the fire brigade." Scootaloo said quickly, sprinting towards her scooter and hopping onto it. She zoomed away through the orchard, leaving her signature helmet lying uselessly on the ground.
"Sweetie!" Apple Bloom shouted again. She could feel the heat of the burning treehouse on her face and didn't dare to get any closer.

The flames were now licking the outside of the roof, having escaped through the hole they'd burnt. Supporting struts were being burnt through and when the roof collapsed, Apple Bloom had been expecting it. Her mind refused to believe that her best friend was still inside the rapidly disintegrating structure.
"Sweetie?" The filly cried, tears rolling down her cheeks.


"We've got a code seven, serious burns. Urgent care required."
"Take her to Ponyville Hospital, highest priority."
"Get me Doctor McInfoal."
"Straight into surgery."


"Sweetie Belle? Can you hear me? Sweetie Belle?" The kind nurse leant over the filly, repeating the words softly.
"What..." She couldn't manage to say anything more because her voice cracked and failed.
"Sweetie, you're in Ponyville Hospital. I'm Nurse Redheart. Are you feeling any pain?"
It took her a few moments to reply, but she eventually managed to shake her head gently.
"Your parents and sister are here. They'd like to see you." The Nurse said, slowly and carefully.

The light streaming through the windows of the private room was the thing that most irritated Sweetie Belle. She couldn't move anything except her head, so she looked towards the windows.
The Nurse shut the blinds as she went to fetch the guests, relieving Sweetie a little.

The door inched open and three unicorns entered, each wearing the same look of terrible pity and distress.
"Oh Sweetie, my beautiful girl..." Pearl said, breaking down into tears.
"Hi Sweetie." Magnum added, his voice wobbling emotionally.
Tears were falling thick and fast from Rarity's eyes, leaving smears of black mascara on her quivering cheeks.
"H..." The filly couldn't manage more than a croak. She wondered what was wrong with her voice, but then surmised it must have been something to do with the fire.

"We're here Sweetie, we're here." Magnum said, speaking for the two mares. "We won't leave your side until you're better, okay?"
Sweetie did her best to nod. She wasn't entirely sure why her mother and sister were quite so upset, but the nodding sent strange waves into the back of her eyes. Instinctively she closed her eyes, then had a sensation of falling.

"I'm afraid I don't know when she'll come to." Nurse Redheart said sadly. "With her injuries, everything is so unpredictable."
"We'll wait here. Rarity, you'd better go back to the boutique." Magnum said to his daughter. "You have to inform your friends, they'll be worried."
Once Rarity had left, Magnum took the Nurse aside, away from his sobbing wife.
"The burns... they won't heal?"
"The doctor did his best. If she stabilises, he can operate again and give her a new nose, but she won't look... normal again." Redheart sounded sad.
"What about her eyes? They're her most beautiful feature." Sweetie's father couldn't keep his voice from cracking again, blinking at the wetness in his own eyes.
"I'm sorry... there's nothing we can do."

As Sweetie Belle lay in the hospital bed, somewhere between unconsciousness and sleep, nopony had the heart to tell her about her disfigured face.


When Sweetie Belle awoke, she didn't realise that her legs were longer, her mane longer and more expertly styled, her bed luxury and quilted. Automatically she went to her closet and picked out a stylish dress; Carousel Designs was printed on the tiny label.
"Good morning Miss Sweetie Belle." An elegantly-dressed stallion said, bowing slightly and tipping his hat when she emerged from her bedroom. "There is toast and fresh fruit in the dining room. Would you like to hear today's schedule?"

Sweetie nodded, looking at her reflection in the mirror. Her green eyes looked back happily, her mane looking a little dishevelled.
"This morning you're attending one of Fleur de Lis' brunches, so you'll have your hair and makeup done at nine. Then you'll have a light lunch with Pianoforte, your songwriter, as usual."
Breakfast looked delicious, with Sweetie's favourite Zap Apple jam spread thickly on the wholemeal toast. She bit into it in a rather unladylike fashion, savouring not having to measure herself.

"You have instructed me to keep this afternoon free; I believe you're meeting Miss Scootaloo and Miss Apple Bloom at a café." The elderly voice continued as Sweetie crunched her way through the first slice.
"Then you'll be taken to the theatre, makeup and hair for an hour, then one performance commencing at seven o'clock."
Sweetie nodded and started the second slice.
"Once that's done, you'll sign autographs and meet members of the Royal Family, then you'll be chauffeured back here. Anything you'd like me to add or change, ma'am?"

The mare shook her head. "No, thank you."
"Very good." With that, the elderly butler shuffled away into the next room, leaving Sweetie with her thoughts and a bowl of freshly chopped apples. She felt nervous because of the performance later, but the idea of meeting her best friends that afternoon filled her with happy excitement.

As she passed the mirror on the way back to her bedroom, she admired her cutie mark once again. A pink heart with a musical stave over it, and a single note in the centre. It was beautiful, she thought, before moving on to her room and her dressing table. The stylist would be waiting.

"Apple Bloom!" Sweetie exclaimed as she stepped into the café and spotted the red-maned mare. "It's so lovely to see you."
"It's great to see you too, Sweetie Belle." Apple Bloom replied, hugging her friend before inviting her to take a seat. "Scoots will be here shortly, she'd rushing over from practice."
"Oh, she needn't rush." Sweetie said as the café door opened again and Scootaloo stepped in, her Wonderbolt suit clinging to well-toned muscles.

"Sweetie! Apple Bloom!" The orange mare said, hugging her two best friends before sitting down in the third and final seat. "It's just great to see you both."
"You too, Scoots. How was practice?" Apple Bloom asked. The waiter dutifully brought over three dainty cups of tea.
"Oh you know, kinda boring, kinda exciting. Rainbow Dash nearly had another accident, but she's okay." Scootaloo giggled a little.
Sweetie sipped at her tea. "I'm glad. I hear you're both coming to my performance tonight?"

"Our best friend, performing in front of royalty? I wouldn't miss it for all of the apples in the orchard." Apple Bloom said enthusiastically. "I'm just over the moon that you've done so well for yourself here in Canterlot. Rarity sends her best wishes of course and hoped that everything goes well."
"Give her my love when you see her next." Sweetie replied, levitating her patterned cup with her magic. "And everypony else back in Ponyville, of course."
"Do you think you could ask one of the Princesses for a ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala? I know it's only in two days, but I really want you both to be there when I do my first show with the Wonderbolts." Scootaloo said bashfully.

"I'll try." Sweetie promised. "And one for Apple Bloom too."
"Oh no, it's okay. Fancy dos don't really suit me."
"Nonsense Apple Bloom. You enjoyed that Royal Wedding well enough." Sweetie replied.
"Oh yeah, with the Changelings. Wow, that seems a long time ago." Apple Bloom said, a tinge of sadness in her voice.
"Cutie Mark Crusaders Flower Girls!" Scootaloo smirked, and all three mares laughed happily.

"Ladies and Gentlecolts, Your Highnesses, please stamp your hooves and give the warmest of welcomes to the talented, the beautiful, the wonderful Sweetie Belle!" The announcer said into the microphone, before trotting off stage and giving the signal for the curtain to be raised.
Sweetie Belle was sat on a narrow chair behind a microphone as the curtain disappeared upwards and the bright stage lights hit her. She could see the orchestra in front of the stage preparing to play, the conductor's baton glinting. Beyond them was a full house, just like the night before, but in the royal box she could just make out the shapes of four ponies.

The violins struck up and Sweetie no longer had any time to think about the audience. They were expecting some music and she didn't want to disappoint. Two bars went by and she counted them in her head, ready to come in after the fourth. The microphone waited in front of her mouth expectantly.

I saw you across the room
looking at me that way.
I could feel my heart beating,
I didn't know what to say.

You stepped closer, closer than ever before.
I felt a flutter and a smile.
That look you gave me means more than you know,
but it was only for a while.

You left for the nine o'clock train,
I watched you pull away.
You told me to wait for ever,
My heart told you to stay.


Initially she thought the blinds were closed, but it turned out that it was merely night-time. Sweetie could see the stars twinkling out of the corner of her eye, but her neck felt too stiff to turn and have a proper look.
"How are you feeling, Sweetie?" Nurse Redheart asked, ever concerned.
Sweetie tried to speak but the words caught awkwardly in her throat. In the end she just smiled very slightly with her eyes.
"Good. If you feel any pain, just let me know. Do you feel up to having some visitors?"

"Oh... Sweetie." Apple Bloom said as she stepped into the room. "Are you okay?"
The filly nodded in response, tilting her head a little as possible.
"We're not supposed to stay up this late, but the Nurse said she didn't know when you'd wake up." Scootaloo added, looking sadly at her friend.
Sweetie noticed that neither of them had their cutie marks yet. She wanted to tell them both that she was looking forward to crusading some more when she was better, but once again her voice seized up.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry. About the fire." Scootaloo said quickly, looking upset. "We didn't mean for it to go so bad."
"Yeah, we're so so sorry. We should've just called for help right away." Apple Bloom nodded.
Sweetie wished she could reassure her friends that it didn't matter, and that as soon as she was back on her feet she'd be covering them in tree sap as revenge. But all she could do was smile a little and say "yeah... I don't..."

Then the dreadful blackness returned and she felt woozy. She tried to raise her hoof to wave at her best friends but she just closed her eyes and fell again, her stomach swooping horribly.


Sweetie found herself sitting at a stylish desk, a piece of paper and a quill in front of her. She was trying to write lyrics but it wasn't at all easy.
"Okay, try this." A pony's voice said, before a few chords of piano music followed.
"No... it's just not doing it." Sweetie replied, looking at her chocolate-coloured companion. "We need something inspirational. Something romantic."

Something about the autumn leaves outside made her heart yearn for a powerful love ballad. Nothing else was going to suffice. But the songwriter had worked with Sweetie long enough to understand this.
"This?" A few more chords that just didn't do anything.
"I'm so frustrated." Sweetie said, casting the quill aside and staring unhappily at the mahogany desk. "I'll never come up with something for the gala, and it's tomorrow night!"

The songwriter left the piano, his long mane tucked carefully behind his ear. "Now, you know that you won't write anything if you're upset."
"I know. I just need... something."
"How about you go and get some inspiration? Go for a romantic walk in the park."
"But I don't have a special somepony to walk with. It'll just feel lonely."

Her companion looked straight into her green eyes.
"Find somepony. Even if it's just for today."

Wearing a scarf, Sweetie strolled past the Royal Palace towards the gardens, not realising that her inspiration would come from the palace itself. And that inspiration came up behind her with a smirk.
"Hi Sweetie." The young voice said, pouncing on Sweetie's tail.
"Oh, you scared me!" The singer replied, turning to face the colt. "Nice to see you here you, Prince Fleetwings. Where are your parents?"

"Oh, they're just behind. I ran ahead because they're boring." The young prince said, rolling his eyes. "Always so lovey-dovey."
As he said it, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor emerged from the around the corner, walking close to one another.
"Good evening, Sweetie Belle. I must say, I thought your performance last night was just marvellous." The Princess said, smiling at the singing pony.
"From what my wife has told me, I'm sad I missed it." Shining Armor added. "I'll just have to settle for your performance at the Gala tomorrow, which I'm sure will be spectacular."

Sweetie blushed at the compliments. "Oh, well, thank you both. I'm actually somewhat stuck on a new song, so I came out to try and gather inspiration."
"Well, don't let our son bother you. He's been quite mischievous lately." Princess Cadance laughed. Prince Fleetwings rolled his eyes again and scurried away, desperate to be away from his mother.
"Bye Sweetie!" He called over his shoulder.
"Bye Prince Fleetwings."

"Well, I hope you find your inspiration." Shining Armor said with a friendly smile. "See you tomorrow." And he walked away with his wife, the two of them keeping a fond eye on their son as he kicked his way through a pile of fallen leaves.
"Thank you." Sweetie said, bowing slightly. She watched them go, smiling herself. There was something lovely about the young royal couple that infected the whole of Equestria with joy.

"Pianoforte, give me some chords for royalty." Sweetie commanded as she stepped back into the studio, hanging up her scarf.
The stallion immediately started a strong march.
"No, no, something more... emotional. Joyous."
He paused for a moment, then ran his hooves gently across the keyboard, picking out a vibrant set of chords.
"Hmmm... mm mm mmmm..." Sweetie hummed. She'd found the tune and unlocked something within herself. There was nothing out of the window but orange-leaved trees, yet she couldn't stop staring.


"Sweetie Belle?"
This voice was strangely familiar, Sweetie thought as she came around. When her eyes opened painfully, she saw the smiling face of her teacher, Cheerilee.
"Oh Sweetie Belle. I'm just here to deliver your Get Well Soon card - it's signed by all of the colts and fillies at the school." Cheerilee explained, holding the brightly coloured card up for Sweetie to see. It was written in crayon and quite smudgy, but it touched Sweetie. She tried to say thank you but couldn't, and she was choked with emotion but no tears came.

"I'll just set it down here on the table. I think your friends want to see you now." The teacher said, the daisies on her flank smiling as ever. She waved and turned on the spot, heading for the half-open door.
As she exited, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo rushed in, anxious to see their best friend. The waiting room was otherwise empty but for Big Mac, who had escorted Apple Bloom to the hospital.

The nurse entered just as Cheerilee headed for the exit.
"Oh Nurse Redheart. Tell me, how is little Sweetie doing?" Cheerilee asked, and Big Mac's ears pricked up.
The Nurse shook her head and beckoned the two ponies closer, one eye looking at the partially open door warily.
"I'm afraid the doctor says there's no hope. Two days at the most. Too much damage to her respiratory system; she's lost her voice and she's starting to have difficulty breathing. Magnum & Pearl have begun... preparations."
"Oh, my." Cheerilee said, the full meaning of this hitting her chest like a hammer. "Poor, poor Sweetie."

Big Mac just cried manly tears and tried not to let Apple Bloom see.


The golden ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala sat proudly on Sweetie's dressing table as her stylist combed through her mane.
"Keep your head up, Sweetie." The mare said, comb moving swiftly through the curls. "We're nearly onto your make up."
Sweetie looked back at the lyrics stuck to the mirror. She had to perform them live on stage in just two hours, and the butterflies were churning at her insides.
"Will you be at the Gala?" Sweetie asked.
"Oh, of course." The stylist replied. "Wouldn't miss your performance for anything!"

"Are you nervous?" Pianoforte asked as they went through the song for the final time.
"Yes." Sweetie replied. "All of those ponies..."
"Don't worry about it. You perform at the theatre without any trouble, just treat it like that."
"I suppose. I'm just afraid I'll mess up this song, or that it won't be perfect."
"No need to worry, Sweetie. It'll be just brilliant. I've been with the orchestra all day, they've never been better." The songwriter smiled reassuringly. "The Princesses invited you because they know you'll make everypony gasp in wonder."

Sweetie blushed a deep red. "You're too kind."
"Do you know all of the words?"
"Yes, I think so."
"Even the double pause after the second chorus?"
"Then we're all set. Half an hour until you're onstage. Use it to meet some ponies." Pianoforte smiled and kissed Sweetie on the hoof. "You will make my music seem totally inadequate, I just know it."

Sweetie, dressed in the finest ball gown she had ever owned, stepped carefully up into the Royal Castle where Princess Celestia was waiting.
"Sweetie Belle, it's an honour to have you performing tonight." The Princess said graciously. "I am looking forward to it very much."
"Oh... my. Thank you, your highness." Sweetie replied, blushing the same colour as the carpet. She bowed in deference before heading towards the ballroom, looking for her best friends.

"I'm so excited for your performances. I'm so lucky to know two super-famous and talented ponies." Apple Bloom said happily, hugging Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "I'll be cheering both of you on every second of the way."
"Thanks Apple Bloom." Scootaloo said, looking around to see if any of her devoted young fans had seen that un-cool outburst of affection. "We'll try to meet up after the show?"
"Here in the ballroom." Apple Bloom said. "We just have to show off Rarity's dresses adequately."

"Wish me luck." Sweetie whispered as the time came to go backstage and get ready to sing.
"Luck!" Scootaloo replied happily, hugging her friend and disappearing into the rapidly-gathering crowd.
"Just do your best. You were always the greatest singer ever." Apple Bloom said, pulling Sweetie into a longer hug. "See you soon."

Backstage was a nervous and dark place as Sweetie walked over to the microphone. She knew all of the lyrics, she knew the tune, and the orchestra had sounded beyond magnificent during their warm-up. The new song was the most special thing Sweetie had even sung and she was confident it would be perfect, but she'd never got over pre-show nerves. The thick curtain blocked all of the light, but she could feel the wooden stage beneath her elegantly pedicured hooves.

"... Sweetie Belle!"
The curtain was raised and Sweetie looked happily at the audience. The conductor's baton waved and she heard Pianoforte come in on the piano, playing those magical chords. The orchestra came in, full force, after two bars, and after the fourth she'd begin her song. She counted six and took a breath.

As I lie here with nothing but my thoughts,
I can't help but think about what came before.
Those happy nights, those joyous days,
those times I wanted more.

We did everything we should have done
and sometimes we did too much.
But I'll never regret those seasons
we spent close enough to touch.

I miss you more than anything,
nopony else heals my pain.
I can only lie here and think
about the beauty of your mane..

If I could wipe your tears I would,
I'd tell you not to cry.
I'd tell you that you're beautiful,
I'd tell you 'you can fly'.

Though I might be gone from here,
and you might feel lonely,
you will forever be in my heart
and you will always be with me.


"Excuse me Miss, would you like to dance?" A rather scrawny young stallion asked Apple Bloom.
"Why not?" The yellow mare wondered aloud, flashing the stallion a disarming smile and following him onto the dance floor.
"I wish somepony would ask me to dance." Scootaloo said, a little sadly.
"Ask Rainbow Dash. She used to be an awesome dancer." Sweetie replied.
"Oh, she's more interested in getting into arguments over politics and showing off her intelligence now." Scootaloo shrugged.

"You're a dashing member of the Wonderbolts. Surely you can find a stallion willing to dance. They're probably just intimidated."
"Well, you're probably right. I'll go and mingle. Will you be okay here?"
"I'll be fine. Have a good time."
Scootaloo disappeared into the crowds as the orchestra finished playing the happy dance number. Sweetie sighed a little. She might have received a standing ovation from everypony in the royal castle, but that just meant that all of the stallions were too afraid to talk to her.

"Excuse me, Miss Sweetie Belle?"
The voice was like rocks grinding together. Sweetie turned to see who owned it.
"My name is Strong Arm." The gravelly voice added, coming from a perfectly proportioned mouth. Sweetie's eyes swept over his stone-grey eyes, his beautifully kept mane and the shoulders that betrayed true strength.
"Pleased to meet you." Sweetie said.
"Oh no, it's a pleasure to meet you. Your singing... you're like a goddess." The dashing stallion said, taking her hoof and kissing it. "I am privileged even to hear you sing."

Sweetie blushed. "Oh... my."
"Would to be too much for me to ask you for this dance? I've taken the liberty of requesting something rather special from the orchestra." He held out his hoof for Sweetie to take.
"Well... okay." The two ponies made their way onto the dance floor, which was mysterious starting to empty.

Strong Arm looked deep into Sweetie's green eyes, and she found herself unable to look away.
"I think you might recognise it." He murmured, taking her shoulder in his hoof.
The orchestra struck up into the instrumental version of the song Sweetie had performed earlier, and she couldn't help but smile.
"Yes, I do." She put her hoof on his shoulder and they began to dance, with the eyes of everypony present on them.

The two ponies gracefully and elegantly danced, turning and stepping perfectly across the polished floor. All of Canterlot's elite smiled in wonder and excitement at the two young ponies dancing, especially the beautiful and delightful Sweetie Belle. Some of the older mares began quietly discussing the idea of a summer wedding between the two, while the young stallions were looking on enviously.

Sweetie stared into the grey eyes that captured her attention and danced effortlessly, somehow feeling deep in her heart that something was very... right. She didn't even notice everypony looking at her, but everypony noticed the pure joy that showed on the singer's face.


"Sweetie Belle? I think she's awake." The Nurse's voice said. Sweetie forced her heavy eyelids open, seeing the room full of ponies.
"I'll leave you to it." The Nurse added, before leaving the room quietly.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were closest to the bed.
"How are you feeling, Sweetie? You don't have to answer." Apple Bloom said, eyes full of tears.
When Apple Bloom said it, Sweetie realise that the slight pain in her chest was coming from how hard it was to draw breath. She ignored it and focused on her friend, blaming it on her tight bandages. She'd tell the Nurse when she got back.

"We'd love to crusade with you again." Scootaloo said, wiping her eyes with her hoof. "We definitely will, okay?"
Sweetie smiled and nodded, although she wasn't sure she actually managed any of it.
"Thank you for everything, Sweetie." Apple Bloom said, before bursting into sobs.
"Yes. Thank you. You're our best friend." Scootaloo smiled, resting her hoof gently on the bed close to where Sweetie's was. "Cutie Mark Crusaders forever."

And then Apple Bloom and Scootaloo left the room. Sweetie saw Applejack standing nervously in the waiting room and comforting Apple Bloom, tears falling from her own eyes. Rarity shut the door to the room.

"Sweetie?" Magnum said. Sweetie looked at him.
"Hi Sweetie. I just wanted to say that I love you ever so much. You really are the most talented filly." He said, bowing his head and starting to sob. "I love you darling."

Sweetie was a little confused. Maybe her being stuck in the hospital bed was causing everypony to miss her so much they were crying. It was just strange that they would tell her in the middle of the night, judging by the stars outside.

"You're the best little sister anypony could wish for." Rarity said, resting her hoof on Sweetie's. "You've always been so kind and amazing... I just wish I could be more like you." Tears were falling from Rarity's eyes and splashing on the blankets. "You deserved so much more."

The filly could feel her head swimming a little. She was finding it hard to breath enough air to keep conscious, but by thinking about it and trying hard, she could just about bring herself back. Pearl broke into a fresh set of tears though, which Sweetie thought was weird.

"Sweetie Belle, oh Sweetie." The mare said, trying to control her tears. "Be a brave little filly, okay? I promise you everything will be just fine, just absolutely perfect."
Sweetie nodded, trying to cry but she couldn't.
"You are the most beautiful filly, Sweetie. My beautiful Sweetie. Never forget us."

Sweetie realised she couldn't breathe any more, but instead of fighting it and trying to suck air in, she felt like she was gliding. Like she was flying through the night sky outside. She closed her eyes and she was back in the ballroom, the music echoing in her ears. But now she was flying, gliding across the floor.

Pearl sobbed as her daughter closed her eyes and stopped moving.
"Goodnight, Sweetie."


You will forever be in my heart
and you will always be with me.

Comments ( 20 )

>Dat synopsis! :pinkiegasp:

Try to space it a bit more, this is just 1 wall of text.

I've tried to space it out a little bit more, so hopefully it's slightly clearer.

R.I.P Sweetie Belle :raritydespair:

Oh god why did I read this I knew I was gonna cry:fluttershbad:

I suppose that's good... :derpytongue2:

Excuse me. My face is leaking. :fluttercry:

[/color I CRIED MANY BEAUTIFUL TEARS BECAUSE SWEETIE BELLE CAN'T DIE! :raritydespair::raritycry::fluttercry::fluttershbad::fluttershyouch::applecry:

I must say, I started sobbing after I finished it. And reading about your vision of Sweetie's future and what could have been made it so much more painful. :fluttercry:

1376419 Thanks... I suppose... :D

1379654 Well, sure :) When I read something that is tagged "Tragedy" and "Sad" I know what to expect. It is my intention to delibarety sadden myself by reading it. And if the story does exactly that, I call that a success for the author ;)

1385249 Well thank you then :)

Wow. This actually the 2nd Burn Victim Sweetie Belle story ive seen recently. Last one was ridiculous so hopefully this one lives up to it.

1406459 Wow, really? I wasn't aware of the other one.

1406646 Ah, right. Heh, well, all the more Sweetie :P

No i wasnt listening to sad music while reading this and no im not crying i just spilled water on my face.......... its just....... water (silently sobs)

Sniff sniff such a tragedy:fluttercry:

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