• Published 23rd Dec 2021
  • 5,014 Views, 61 Comments

A Very Batty Hearth's Warming - Hiver

A short story for Hearth's Warming in Canterlot

  • ...

Chapter 3

The snow fell thickly outside and the fire crackled in the large fireplace and I sipped my hot cider as I looked out over Canterlot below.

Twilight moved up next to me, her side brushing against mine as she leaned softly against me, “This was a nice idea,” she murmured softly, her own cup of steaming hot cider floating before her.

I smiled and turned my head to nose at her cheek, “Thank Sunset, it was mostly her idea you know.”

“I know,” Twilight agreed, “But you got things going.”

I winked at her, “How about we thank Sunny together later?”

Twilight grinned and nodded, “I think Luna said something about that earlier too,” she agreed with a small blush before sipping her cider.

Now that sounded like a great idea for tonight.

I glanced back at everypony else gathered. Luna, Skitter, Sunset, Tempest and Midnight were gathered around one of the tables, a boardgame laid out between them. Midnight looked particularly smug right now as Luna glared at her. Tempest was already out of the game, but seemed content in just watching and providing morale boosts for her marefriend. Spike and Talon were by the fireplace, reading their brand new pile of comics.

Closer to the fireplace Celestia and Chrysalis were facing each other across the battlefield of a chessboard. Neither has made a move the last ten minutes that I had seen, both studying the board but I think it was Chrysalis’ turn.

Further on on a pair of couches Silver Leaf, Swift Spear, Thunder Cloud, Rising High, Minuette and Ocean Breeze were relaxing, a gramophone playing in the background as they talked.

Took all of dinner for Silver Leaf and Rising High to relax… and to be honest, most of the rest as well. They were used to me and Twilight, but it was different with Luna and Celestia. Or Chrysalis.

But a couple of drinks and some time had helped.

In all honesty, it made me a bit sad. That was what came after this generation, wasn’t it? After everypony that knew before I grew wings were gone… would we be as lonely as Luna and Celestia?

Twilight shifted, resting her head against my neck and I turned my head back, nosing at her closest ear.

No. No we wouldn’t. We had two Princesses of Friendship. Twilight and Midnight, they wouldn’t let anything like that happen.

Besides, it was a long time until then and thoughts like that didn’t belong today… and Skitter and Chrysalis would taste it. And Amber where she was hiding.

Didn’t want that, especially not today.

There was a knock on the door and I looked up as a unicorn maid appeared from… somewhere… to open it, allowing Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and Sunburst inside. Followed by Night Light and Twilight Velvet, Twilight Velvet were currently taking up the rear as she herded a slightly sleepy but still excited looking Flurry along.

Twilight smiled and pulled away, moving to meet them, “You made it!”

Shining nodded and pulled her into a hug, “Sorry we’re late, Twily. We got delayed with the snowstorms.”

Midnight joined them as she reached them, hugging Cadance before she and Twilight changed places.

I moved to join them, “Considering how far you traveled, a couple of hours delayed by a snowstorm isn’t bad,” I said, tapping hooved with Shining and Sunburst before I looked down at Flurry, “Well, unless you decide to be the alicorn of storms. What do you say, little one?” I asked her with a smile.

Flurry looked like she considered that for a moment before she nodded firmly, “Yeah!”

“Thought so,” I said with a smile before I looked at the rest and gave Twilight a poke with my wing, “Love, we should let everypony inside and something hot to drink? They have been traveling for a bit.”

“Oh! Yes!” Twilight said and smiled a bit sheepishly, “Sorry! Come on!”

I backed away, letting everypony get inside as the maid moved up to get everypony's drink and snack preferences.

Picking up my drink again, I headed over to Luna, “So, who’s winning?” I asked her with a smile.

“Midnight,” Luna sighed softly, resting her head against the top of mine.

Sunset grinned, “Well, it used to be Luna, but then Midnight got one of her towns and well…”

Luna looked at her, “Watch yourself, Sunset Shimmer. Your alliance with Midnight against Us will not be forgotten. I will have my revenge.”

Sunset grinned and stuck her tongue out at the alicorn, “And when will that be?”

Luna smirked, “I’m thinking tonight.”

Suddenly Sunset didn’t look quite as certain again. Skitter smiled though from the other side of the table before she got up, “Well… will be a bit until Princess Midnight return, can I refill everyponies drinks?”

“Oh no,” I said, “You’re a guest, Skitter. I’ll do it. Another hot chocolate for you?” I asked her.

Skitter shifted a bit uncomfortably, “...Yes, thank you sir.”

I nodded and looked at Luna and Sunset. Sunset smiled, “I’ll have another hot cider,” and Luna nodded,

“Me as well, thank you.”

I stepped back, giving them all a small bow, “I will return momentarily with your drinks, my ladies,” before I headed back towards the Sparkle family where they were still giving drink orders to the maid.

I gave those orders as well as some others before the maid retreated to get it all and I joined Shining by the window, “Long trip?”

“Long trip,” he agreed, nodding, “But worth it to see Twily again. We haven’t had a Hearth’s Warming with everypony together for… buck, we were foals still,” he admitted, “By the time Twily started to get older, I was off with the guard and the times I managed to get home to it, she usually was off doing something for Princess Celestia and then in Ponyville…”

I nodded and sighed, “It’s… difficult to get everyponies schedules to work together. You know we kind of brute forced it this year.”

“Yeah, but it was still a very good idea,” He agreed and held his hoof up.

Smiling, I tapped mine against it, “But worth it.”

“Worth it,” he agreed and rolled his shoulders slightly, “But I have to admit that it has been a long day.”

I flicked one ear and suppressed a small yawn of my own, “Maybe you guys should just head and get some sleep?”

“Not on your life,” he said and looked over to the couch Cadance and Sunburst had occupied with Flurry. Flurry already curled up deep asleep. The moment she stopped moving she was out like a light.

“Fair,” I agreed as the maid returned with a large tray of drinks and a couple of plates of snacks and starting to distribute it all, “Excuse me,” I said and ducked to snag one of the trays from the unicorn maid, giving her a smile before I trotted over to Luna, Skitter and Sunset to deliver those, taking a kiss in payment from two of them before I continued on.

I took Chrysalis and Celestia's hot chocolate mugs and replaced them with a smile, “So… who’s winning?” I asked.

“I am,” Chrysalis said and moved a pawn.

“No, that would be me,” Celestia said a moment later, giving me a small smile, “Thank you, Page,” she said and took the offered cup in her magic.

“You’re welcome, Sunshine,” I said, smiling back as I looked back at her, meeting her eyes for a moment before I looked to the side as I caught Chrysalis looking at us, “What?” I then asked her.

The Changeling Queen shook her head and then she turned fully to Celestia, “Your move, pony.”

Celestia smiled and turned back to frown at the chessboard between them.

I retreated, looking around. Midnight was back to the game, but now she had dragged Shining along with her.

Crossing over to the couch, I jumped up next to Twilight where she was talking quietly with Cadance and Sunburst.

“Hey,” Sparks said and gave my ear a nuzzle, “Tired?” she asked as I leaned against her.

“Bit,” I admitted, resting my head against her neck, “It’s so bright, makes me sleepy after having gotten used to being nocturnal. Didn’t used to, but… last year or so…” I answered, shrugging a bit.

“Makes sense for a batpony,” Sunburst said, keeping his voice down for Flurry, “Would sunglasses help?”

“...Maybe,” I admitted, “We haven’t tried it. Normally I’m awake at night anyway so it's not usually a problem.”

“We should try it anyway,” Twilight said with a smile, “At least make these visits easier for you,” she said, nosing my ear.

“Fair,” I admitted and shifted to get more comfortable, “We’ll look into it tomorrow. Thanks Sunburst, good idea.”

“Don’t fall asleep on me now,” Twilight teased quietly, slipping her wing across my back.

“Mmmm… I’m not…” I answered, my eyes closed as it drew a small giggle from Cadance.

Today had been a good day.

Moments later, I was just as asleep as Flurry.

Author's Note:

And with that we're done for now. Thank you all for reading and a Happy Hearth's Warming to you all!:twilightsmile:

Comments ( 31 )

“Well, unless you decide to be the alicorn of storms. What do you say, little one?” I asked her with a smile.

Page, you are inviting disaster! :raritydespair:

Chrysalis has absolutely stolen the show with this miniseries, as with all your other characterisations, she's superb. This has been a nice little interlude and I eagerly anticipate the next book. Merry Christmas Hiver! :pinkiehappy:

Grammar jackboots:

and Twilight Velvet, Twilight Velvet were currently

Should be: 'and Twilight Velvet, who was currently'

tapping hooved with

tapping hooves with

should just head and get some sleep?

There's a missing word and I'm not sure what its should be.

Merry Christmas to everyone waking up to this chapter!

“You’re welcome, Sunshine,” I said, smiling back as I looked back at her, meeting her eyes for a moment before I looked to the side as I caught Chrysalis looking at us, “What?” I then asked her.

Oh nothing, she just saw the same thing that pretty much everyone around has been seeing for a while :trollestia:

Author's Note:

And with that we're done for now. Thank you all for reading and a Happy Hearth's Warming to you all!

And a Happy Hearth’s Warming to you too :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by FanaticLunarist deleted Dec 25th, 2021

I glanced back at everypony else gathered. Luna, Skitter, Sunset, Tempest and Midnight were gathered around one of the tables, a boardgame laid out between them. Midnight looked particularly smug right now as Luna glared at her. Tempest was already out of the game, but seemed content in just watching and providing morale boosts for her marefriend. Spike and Talon were by the fireplace, reading their brand new pile of comics.

Closer to the fireplace Celestia and Chrysalis were facing each other across the battlefield of a chessboard. Neither has made a move the last ten minutes that I had seen, both studying the board but I think it was Chrysalis’ turn.

Further on on a pair of couches Silver Leaf, Swift Spear, Thunder Cloud, Rising High, Minuette and Ocean Breeze were relaxing, a gramophone playing in the background as they talked.

Somebody PLEASE make art of these scenes I beg you

I nodded and sighed, “It’s… difficult to get everyponies schedules to work together. You know we kind of brute forced it this year.”

They need to do it every two years just smash like 3 days out of the schedule 2 years in advance

“You’re welcome, Sunshine,” I said, smiling back as I looked back at her, meeting her eyes for a moment before I looked to the side as I caught Chrysalis looking at us, “What?” I then asked her.


Cadance: :rainbowderp:...what?

Chrysalis: :ajbemused: As much as I loathe extra competition, I know what I taste. HOW is it so difficult for you get the Fire and the Predator together?!

Cadance: I'm been trying!:raritycry:

Chrysalis: :facehoof: Well you been failing miserably! That potential love energy between those two alone would be enough to feed my Hive for a season!

Cadance: At this point, those two are MOCKING me with their stubbornness...

Chrysalis: Perhaps a different approach is needed.

Cadance: Hmm?

Chrysalis: I'm not wasting the possibility of a future food source. Good old changeling manipulation is required for this task.

Cadance: :trixieshiftright:......keep talking. I'm listening.

Put them in a cocoon together until they fess up!

Aye I know where this one is goin, lemme grab some snacks

oh snap, missed the update, time 2 read

ANOTHER train delayed!? This time involving the line to the Crystal Empire. :twilightoops:

*Suspicious Kevin is supicious* :trixieshiftright::trixieshiftleft:

Cadance and Shining better set up patrols to keep a look out for avalanches, ursa majors/minors sleeping on the tracks, yetis--oh, yeah, Storm King is dead, so definitely keep up the alert for any revenge acts from them--, mysterious snowdrifts & mountains of snow suddenly appearing on the tracks in the middle of nowhere, and other snow-related hazards. :rainbowdetermined2:

Otherwise, good times to be celebrated by Page and all the friends he's made over the years! :rainbowkiss::pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Closer to the fireplace Celestia and Chrysalis were facing each other across the battlefield of a chessboard. Neither has made a move the last ten minutes that I had seen, both studying the board but I think it was Chrysalis’ turn.

they're doing the thing where they move one piece then the other declares checkmate in 25 moves aren't they

The Storm King isn't dead in the Blank Page storyline, he was forced to surrender after he attacked during Page and Luna's wedding through Page giving him nightmares everytime he fell asleep. The nightmares were set on a spell that was cast upon him entering the unconscious world during the book Complications.

The 'get em, boys' always makes me laugh.

Now that I think about it, the Storm King still being alive means the Hippogryphs are still trapped underwater.
They should probably do something about that.

Wait, The Storm King is dead? Whe did that happen? Last I heard, he'd basically given up...

Dammit! :twilightangry2:
I keep mixing up Hiver's story arc with Goldfur's in trying to remember which one is the one where he's dead and which one is still alive.:facehoof:

Pinkie Pie: "Oh, I guess we can think of the Storm King as in kind of a quatum state? :pinkiecrazy:"
Kevin Lee: "Shut up, Pinkie! You're NOT helping!! :flutterrage:"

Good story, I can't wait for the continuation

Essentially what Deadpool was so confused about.
"McAvoy or Stewart? These timelines are so confusing "

There's also "Twilight gets a Puppy" where he was imprisoned in stone :pinkiecrazy:

So short yet so cute.... ♡

Time to read the sequel now :yay:

This was really good. I'm sorry I missed it until now. I'm glad Page made it back to Equestria for Hearthswarming. This story was as warm and sweet as hot chocolate on a winter's eve. Thanks for this.

Wasn't in this story line mentioned that was one of the few things they enjoy tasting physically was Chocolat ? Nice detail :pinkiehappy:

This reason so sweet.😋 I kove it!

Very nice. The bad thing is that it seems like Midnight will never go home. I bet her world was conquered by Cthulhu.

I hope that some day, Sipioc reads this and decides to grace us with artwork! I wanna see Chryssy and Skitter in their hats and scarves.

No. No we wouldn’t. We had two Princesses of Friendship. Twilight and Midnight, they wouldn’t let anything like that happen.

Then everything changed when G5 attacked.

Hearts Warming special indeed ♡

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