• Member Since 8th Dec, 2021
  • offline last seen Mar 6th, 2024


I love Izzy and I love MLP! I'm not all that much of a writer, but I can try! (Edit: I tried writing, but motivation is hard, and the fandom gives me anxiety. I'll just lurk I suppose...)


After Sunny's home is destroyed, Sunny and her friends go looking through her home for salvageable items. During their search, they find a spell book that will allow Izzy to learn spells like teleportation. Soon after, Sunny and her friends start meeting up for breakfast in the mornings. During their meetings, Sunny and Izzy start to grow close, and perhaps they'll grow even closer...

[Cancelled: I don't have the time or energy to write for this story any more due to IRL stuff and my bad mental health. I also just don't feel comfortable interacting with people in the MLP community much anymore, so my interest in writing this has plummeted. Sorry to anyone who was interested in seeing this finished.]

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 24 )

Awesome. I cant wait for more!

No too bad for your first story.

Thank you! I'm hoping to release a new chapter every day until it's caught up to my writing. I've got 6 chapters written so far (and I'm working on Chapter 7 right now), so that's enough for the next 5 days at least!

Very cute so far. Enjoying the pacing.

Chugging the rest of her Hot Chocolate, Izzy levitated the glass into the sink and put away the tea set. Flustered, Izzy went back upstairs and got into her hammock. Everything will be better when you wake up Izzy. You don’t have a crush on Sunny, you’re just tired.

Keep telling yourself that.

We reached the end of my backlog, so it's going to be up to a few days for the next chapter to come out (it depends on my motivation). I'll try to get it finished as soon as possible though! For anyone wondering, there's 13 planned chapters + an epilogue chapter, so we're reaching the homestretch!

Apologies for the long wait for Chapter 9! I got sick a few days ago, so I've mostly just been resting and relaxing for the past few days. I'm starting to feel mostly better now though, so I'm hoping to get Chapter 9 out within the next few days. I just kinda gotta actually start working on it first. 😅

Another update for folks who have been waiting: I've written a first draft for Chapter 9, but I'm not sure if I really like it, so I might rewrite it. It's taking a while to get Chapter 9 done because getting sick has completely thrown off my groove for writing, so I'm having trouble feeling confident in my work right now. I've also just been busy now that I'm feeling better and can do stuff again.

I'm still hoping to get the next chapter out soon, but to be safe, I'm not going to make any release promises. It'll be out when it's out. I'm going to at least attempt to get it out before January ends though (preferably sooner that that of course 😅).

I fricking love this, just the way everything is expressed is so good! Keep it up! :twilightsmile:

Thank you! 💜

I'm hoping to update it again in the near future. I'm just going through a little writer's block. I'll hopefully have another chapter out soon enough though! Thanks for reading!

Sooooooo CUTE♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

This is an A-MAZE-ING story, please write more of this ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Since it has been over a month I am now legally required to poke this story with a stick.

*pokes story with a stick*

Ah, sorry! My mental health has just been in a bad place lately, so having the energy to work on this story and overcoming my writer's block has been hard. I'll try to get it done soon enough though! I'm so sorry for the long wait... 😰

Edit: I want to make it clear that I'm really not trying to make false promises. I've really wanted to finish chapter 9 for weeks now, but after not working on it for a while, it has become really hard to get back into the groove I had when I first started publishing the story (it coming out around the Holidays didn't really help either). My Anxiety has also been really bad lately, causing me to need to rest a lot since my head's been in a panicked state a lot over the past few weeks. I take meds for my Anxiety, but it's still a big struggle for me. And on top of that, I've been thinking about my gender a lot lately, and I've started identifying as Non-Binary, so I'm still figuring that out too.

All-in-all, I've just had a lot on my mind lately, and that's why Chapter 9 has taken so long. I just want to be open with y'all because I really do wanna finish this fanfic. I've got notes for every chapter lined up, I'm still just struggling to get back to being able to write it in a way that makes me happy. I'll try to get the next chapter out as soon as I can, and I'm truly sorry for how long it's taken me. I hope y'all understand. 🥺

I am following the law and nothing more.

not everything I say or do should be taken seriously

I don't really know what this law thing you're talking about is, but I just kinda wanted to explain stuff since I have felt a bit guilty about this. 😅

I also struggle to understand tone through text, so apologies if I misunderstood your comment.

I know it's not super important, but I was under the impression the smoothie stand belonged to Sunny, not just her place of employment.

She could very well own it, but I'm just going off the presumption that it's just her place of employment given that in the "Gonna be my day" song, you can see another pony running the stand as she grabs the smoothie cart. Given how young Sunny seems to be, I don't think it's super likely that she owns it, but I could be wrong.

Hey all, I just kinda wanted to post an update about the status of this fanfic. It's definitely been quite a while since I've updated things around here. 😅

The short of it is that I burnt out while writing this fanfic (curse my own perfectionism for wanting my first fanfic to be 14 chapters long). I've also been dealing with a lot of stuff irl, like starting new medications, questioning my gender identity, and family issues. I'm currently unsure about where to go from here since my fanfic relied on a lot of assumptions, and some of them turned out to be wrong. Either I could keep going with my canon, or once I am able to continue working on this fanfic, I could maybe rewrite it to fit the canon lore shown in Tell Your Tale and the Make Your Mark special that's coming out in like 2 weeks. I'm not sure entirely what I want to do yet, so this story is still in a bit of a limbo until I figure that out and get my life back on track.

I don't wanna abandon this story, but for now it's (staying) on hiatus until I'm in a place to work on it again, and once I figure out what I want to do from here. I apologize for not posting any updates about this sooner, it just slipped my mind with everything else going on. I still like to check in here frequently, so I'll respond to any comments, but I'm just not ready to continue working on this story again just yet. I'll try to post an update on here again when I feel ready to continue work on this. I appreciate all the kind words and reception I've gotten so far, and I don't wanna let you all down. 💙

you should keep going and add the au tag, but you do you.
hope you sort things out, and feel better soon

So far the book is really good .

Adorable story. Even tho its canceled I still hope ur doing well!

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