• Member Since 13th Oct, 2021
  • offline last seen 6 days ago



Twilight is lost in another world which is already facing an extra terrestrial terror. Will these strange humanoid creatures see Twilight as a friend or foe? Will she ever go back? And what will happen to her home while she is lost?

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 90 )

Damn, Talk about a dark start, but what would I expect from XCOM. The aliens just murder everything in sight. You have my attention, I wonder if this will be going in a different direction compared to the other XCOM stories I've read on here.

Keep it up mate, I want to see where this goes.

Comment posted by MaxFlames deleted Dec 13th, 2021

Hi there. I am trying to do my own thing with this, but this is my first fanfiction so I'm not too sure I won't pull from the other fics too much, but your support is appreciated. I'm also open to any suggestions you may have.

To be honest, I don't want to provide "suggestions" as How I look at that, it would be me helping you lead the story. As to where, I want to see where you take it, I might be looking at it wrong, but that's what I think on the term of suggestion in this context.

In a question to feedback. I will add it does feel a bit quick this start, I had some real thinking over it to word myself better, and to not put you down, because I don't like putting people down on something they put their enjoyment into.

Maybe do a build up before Twilight's disappearance, as she prepares for this ceremony of unveiling the statue of defeating the three that tried to destroy Equistra, and she's been experiencing a sense of dread ever since she woke up. Build on this as it would make a pretty interesting start to the story.

I will add the Idea of her suddenly vanishing like that is great, and keeping it unknown as that leaves a mystery element to the story, who did it? What happened? I'm a sucker for mystery, BTW.

But take it as you will, and I'm truly interested to see how you take it. I hope this was helpful. :twilightsmile:

I'm already hooked as I remember playing the original X-Com game as well as the sequel X-Com 2: Terror from the Deep. Anyways I enjoyed reading both chapters and I do hope that Twilight can figure out a way to communicate with the X-Com personnel before they decide to terminate her.

That's great to hear. Never played the original games, but I do like the new ones. I'm glad you liked it.

Cool. I'm always up for more MLP/XCom. It's a promising start. I enjoyed the glimpses of characterisation we've had so far. The aside about Vahlen's habits and her holding back her annoyance at Shen, an engineer, weighing in on her field was delightful.

A couple things I'd note:
Firstly -and I know this is very generic advice- but slow down, it's not a race. You opened both chapters with a good amount of detail and context, which only makes it more noticeable how rushed the second halves feel. Maybe you're going for the trope of fast-paced writing during action scenes to emphasise panic in the perspective character. But if so there needs to be a bit more tonal contrast with the surrounding paragraphs. The thin man 'fight' flows fairly well, because it goes from the slow and ominous museum scene to panic and fear. But then Lawrence's scene is far too sparse on details for how much action it covers. It feels tacked on.
The second chapter follows almost exactly the same pacing: Detailed opening, panic scene, bullet points. A couple of extra paragraphs leading into Twilight and Vahlen's panic would go a long way to frame the action. Let Twilight examine her cage and captors in a bit more detail before suddenly:torture. Maybe have Vahlen observe in detailed, horrified fascination as the cartoon horse shears apart equipment that can subdue a berserker before everything hits the fan and things speed up again. Also she seems rather lax at her job - it was a little jarring how quickly they went from basic observations to tortuAlien Containment. She mentions testing the food traces, why not take some tissue samples, an x-ray etc?

Secondly, you're wearing your Stardust inspirations a little blatantly. That's not necessarily bad - we all build on the work of others, and you've made changes (Watching a thin man shoot a child was a whole gloriously different kind of traumatising than meet-and-greet with a chryssalid). But with how rushed some of it is, it feels like you're just going through a 'popular X-Com crossover intro' checklist.

Sorry, that turned into a wall. I ramble because I'm invested. Your writing and storytelling is good, when you actually let it show. I consider it a good sign that you're only 3k words in and I'm eager for more.

No, that's fine. I'm happy with any feedback, since this is my first fic. I'll try to slow down the later parts, and think on how to better make this one different.

Reminds me of one of my favorite stories, Stardust

Ya, It was my inspiration to actual write fanfiction at all, and I saw there weren't many other fic like it. I hope I'm not pulling too much from it

Interesting. The Administration will continue to observe this reality.

{Seems we got some more attention then planned. Keep an eye on this Administration}

Does anyone here play/remember Commander Keen? 'Cause this scene reminds me of Commander Keen for some reason.

Hold up. Isn’t this Arad’s Stardust?




He actual thought it was a prank, and was told later it was an actual alien.

Nope, but it does start out similarly

{Seems they caught on and are commenting normally. do the same}

Never heard of it, in truth

Is this based off of another story?

Comment posted by MaxFlames deleted Jan 15th, 2022

Yes, the Stardust Fic, but I thought it would be good to make one of my own. It will have more differences from Stardust as it goes on

Oh for Heaven's sake...

It's 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th now.

You are obviously not American, because this is something that's taught in Kindergarten.


should be

11:20 AM

'AM', and 'PM', are always capitalized letters.

Also, always put a space between the last number and them.

Ok, in my defense, I was focused on everything else, not the dates. I noticed that after the fact, and will fix then today or tomorrow, since I need to do some major edits to the chapter I was going to post

She shook her head and scribbled the word down quickly. She showed the words and she was surprised to see the creature raise an eyebrow and jot something onto the previous papers, before placing a new image on the window. Twilight suddenly saw an opportunity to show her… whatever these creatures were to her… that she wasn’t bad. She grabbed a paper and made a careful drawing then a small arrow, another drawing, then wrote her new word down with a smile. She then showed the creatures as their eyes widened.

Call me slow to pick up, but what did she show them?

Glad to hear, I'm posting the next chapter later today actually

Did you ever read Stardust or Mente Materia? This feels like it was inspired by those stories.

It was, and they where the reason I'm writing fan fiction at all

I imagine when she returns home there, as in the G5, everyone will quarrel.

your fanfic matches my dreams what will happen if alicorn twilight gets into xcom

Interesting... You mind elaborating in the email thing here?

I can tell my invented story, only it can be incomprehensible in some places. I communicate through a translator.

Comment posted by -Dreamer- deleted Feb 8th, 2022

It will be like just a plot and not a full-fledged fanfic, I tried to write a fanfic, I can’t, does not work

are you really running out of ideas for chapters, or is the title like that?

Running out of chapter titles, not chapters themselves

Comment posted by -Dreamer- deleted Feb 15th, 2022
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