The following morning Apple Bloom was sitting with the rest of her friends in the treehouse where they hold their meetings for the cutie mark crusaders. Despite Apple Bloom being rather energetic despite being up at the break of dawn, both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked rather tired. They peeved, having to be up relatively early in the morning. In the back of the quaint Treehouse, there were various pieces of yarn attached to a dozen or so pictures of various family members pinned across the wall, which looked like an overarching conspiracy map. Apple Bloom knew that her friends weren't thrilled to be up so early. Still, the filly was rather excited to explain to them her theory that Auntie Orchard is really her sister. She wanted to see if it made sense. Seeing her friends now sitting down and waiting for her to start, she cleared her throat then said, "Thank you for coming to an emergency meeting. I'm sorry I got ya two up so early, but it's just that I gotta explain all of this and see if it makes sense before school starts."
Sweetie Belle threw her hooves in the air and yawned, "can ya just get on with what ya got us up for?"
The little orange-coated filly in a somewhat irritated tone and said, "yeah, I have this training session with Rainbow Dash for the Sisterhooves Social soon."
The little farm filly turned around to face her friends with a triumphant smile being rather proud of herself she said, "so I spent all morning going over my family tree, and I have come to the conclusion that Orchard Blossom really isn't my aunt but is my long-lost twin sister."
Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle both scratched their heads as they looked at each other with unsure expressions. The little unicorn filly turned her head and asked, "um, Apple Bloom, are you sure?"
Apple Bloom nodded and said, "Yes, I'm absolutely sure there's no way I have an Aunt Orchard Blossom. But there are various things I've noticed about her; of course, she looks way too similar to Big Mac, plus she somehow lived in Manehattan all her life, and we never heard about her. On top of that, she has a similar cutie mark to my brother, and she even says his catchphrases!"
Scootaloo's cheeks flushed red as she scratched the ground with a hoof, then added, "um…do you think that maybe Big Mac was turned into a mare?"
The fillies all faced each other then suddenly burst into fits of laughter. Apple Bloom tapped a hoof to her chin and pondered the question for a moment. It could be plausible, seeing Zecora never did explain why she was with Rarity and Auntie Orchard; maybe she could've made a potion to change Big Mac's gender? The thought made Apple Bloom snicker and shake her head. She couldn't help but see that as absurd. The filly couldn't help but shake her head. Big Mac would never go that far then said, "There's no way. I mean he's worn drag before for losing a bet with Applejack, but him turning into a mare? Nah, that would never happen."
Sweetie Belle shrugged and said, "ok, so if this is your long-lost sister, how did she get separated at birth?"
Apple Bloom gave a triumphant laugh as she learned about the idea from a book as she explained. "Oh, that's easy! I read a book where two ponies were identical twins; they got separated at birth. But they each had a piece of a necklace to show they were related."
The other crusaders were again somewhat confused, and Scootaloo spoke up this time. "So…how does that pertain to your predicament?"
Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, thinking it should be obvious what she was trying to say, and continued, "We need to find something that both Orchard Blossom has and Big Mac have that's similar to prove Orchard Blossom is my sister."
Scootaloo then scratched her mane then asked, "um, ok? Does your brother have a necklace or something?"
Sweetie Belle just rolled her eyes then said, "Yeah, sorry, I'm not buying this. Again, why would they be separated from birth in the first place?
Apple Boom gritted her teeth, seeing that part didn't make sense, and said, "I don't know? In the story, it was done on purpose by the villain. Because the two pieces would fit to make a key, and it opened up a vault to a secret that saved Equestria."
Scootaloo was somewhat surprised at the response; she tapped a hoof to her chin and said, "wow!? I never even thought of that! Maybe you're onto something."
Sweetie Belle turned her attention to the pegasus filly and said, "I don't think so, but from the sounds of things, maybe the doctor gave her to the wrong mom or something? I'm not sure if some evil villain is trying to keep Big Mac and Orchard Blossom from meeting."
The other crusaders then began to discuss things with each other, with conversation becoming even more outrageous. Apple Bloom had to admit the idea that a villain trying to separate her family was way too crazy. But, the idea that the two were indeed her siblings and that Orchard Blossom was separated at birth seemed to make sense even to her friends. The farm filly then cleared her throat to get other crusaders' attention then said, "don't worry about the reason for their separation; we just need to find a way to prove they were. So today, that'll be our goal before she goes back to Manehattan."
She turned to Scootaloo then asked, "so I have to ask can you go to the hospital and see if you can dig up anything about my brother's birth?"
"Um…I guess so? Wonder how that could translate in getting my cutie mark?" Scootaloo responded with excitement.
Apple Bloom turned to face Sweetie Belle. "Ok, as for you, when Orchard Blossom visits Rarity later, can you spy on her? See if you can find anything or hear anything that can help confirm she's my sister."
"Ok, that should be easy enough," Sweetie Belle replied.
Apple Bloom beamed a smile at her friends then said, "thank you for all the help! I know this is a lot to ask but if we can prove she's my sister. Then maybe we can convince her to stay in Ponyville!"
"Right! That would be pretty cool! I would love to have two big sisters," Sweetie Belle chimed.
"Heck, I would love to have just one," Scootaloo grumbled.
Apple Bloom threw her hoof in the middle of the treehouse and chirped, "alright, place your hooves together!"
"Cutie Mark Crusaders go!" the fillies all chimed together.
Later that same morning, the sun rays woke her up. Orchard Blossom groaned, still feeling rather achy from the transformation. She slowly got up on her hooves and just sat admiring it as a mare in her room. Despite being in her new gender, the things that Orchard Blossom loved when she was a stallion, like comic books and O&O. For some reason, she felt somewhat relieved that she deep down she's the same pony as she sighed, "it looks like it's about time; to get up."
The mare threw her hooves in the air and yawned as she slowly rose up from her bed. She then began to trot over to her closet and started to dress herself in the outfit. The mare looked over at the mirror and went about admiring the blouse around her chest and the skirt hiding her embarrassing large teats. Despite still feeling awkward in her new body at the same time, she couldn't help but flash a smile at her reflection to admire herself as well. She then trotted off down the stairs leading to the landing to see Granny giving her a suspicious look. The old mare placed down a platter of apple cinnamon pancakes down on the table and asked, "you're finally up, huh?"
Orchard Blossom rolled her eyes and sat down at the table. "Thank you for the warm welcome!"
"Of course…Big Mac," the old mare chimed.
Orchard Blossom groaned, seeing that Granny Smith has clearly seen through his disguise, and there was no use in trying to hide the truth from her.
"Just don't go telling anypony," Orchard Blossom grumbled as she began to dig into her breakfast.
Granny Smith trotted around the table and sat down across from her grandson or maybe now her granddaughter. "Of course not; I know ya did this ta help Apple Bloom so she can compete in the Sisterhooves Social, so I ain't gonna say nothin'.
"Good," Orchard Blossom scoffed and nodded; she was trying to keep her voice down just in case if Apple Bloom was around. She continued to drink her coffee and eat her pancakes when suddenly Granny Smith said out loud.
"However ya should tell Apple Bloom the truth. It ain't right lying to her."
The chubby mare didn't say anything immediately as she chowed down on her food. When she finished, and wiped her face. Granny had a point; it was cruel stringing her little sister along and making her think that she was her aunt. But there was a reason for this as he looked up and explained, "Apple Bloom was never known to keep secrets, and if the judges at the Sisterhooves Social figure out I'm really a stallion, we'll be disqualified."
"Right, I get that, but still…I think ya should consider telling her right after," Granny replied as she gathered the dishes to clean them.
"I will, but until then, don't go slipping up yourself," The former stallion snapped as she got up and brushed some crumbs off her outfit and straightened it out abit. As if on cue Apple Bloom burst through the front door and ran across the room shouting, "Morning, Orchard Blossom!"
"Morning, Apple Bloom!" The mare quickly exclaimed as she turned around and threw her hooves open as the filly jumped right into her lap. Orchard Blossom wrapped her hooves around the filly and hugged her tightly to her chest. They held each other in their embrace, and they nuzzled each other. Regardless of it being a lie, it was nice being a motherly figure to Apple Bloom, even if it's only for a day. She then placed the filly on the ground and asked, "are you ready to sign up for the Sisterhooves Social?"
"Oh, buck yeah! That's why I got up so early!" Apple Bloom chirped as she bounced off, tugging on Orchard Blossom's hoof.
The mare snickered as she was led off out of the house and into the streets of Ponyville. Orchard Blossom could only hope that more ponies don't see through her disguise.
Orchard Blossom gulped, being rather anxious as she trotted through the streets and headed to get signed up for the Sisterhooves Social. Luckily for her, it was still relatively early, so there weren't many ponies out and about. But the few that were couldn't help but stare in awe at the rather gorgeous mare trotting along. Orchard Blossom bowed her head a little, knowing that Ponyville wasn't that big of a town, so her presence was rather noticeable. Also, despite not being that famous as Big Mac, he was well known enough to be identified. He can only hope that Orchard Blossom's characteristics wouldn't bring unwanted questions.
Apple Bloom looked over and eyed her then asked, "um Auntie Orchard, why ya actin;' so nervous for?"
The mare squealed as she threw her head to her younger sister, and with a smile, she had to act more confident, or her cover will be blown. She then ruffled the filly's mane and said, "oh n…no reason, just not being in a new town is all."
They then trotted together side by side until the two eventually came upon the obstacle course where they'd be doing the competition along with three older ponies sitting at a table. They were clearly the judges as they sat signing mares in with their younger sisters. This was the time to stop being nervous and show off she was indeed a mare from Manehattan. Orchard Blossom threw her mane back and strolled right up to them with more confidence in her step; for now, Big Mac is dead, and this is where Orchard Blossom will truly bloom. She couldn't help but blush, feeling rump shifting side to side as well.
As they came to the table, the old stallion judge eyed him and asked, "Who are you?"
The plump mare placed a hoof over her chest, flashed her eyelashes, then proclaimed, "I am Orchard Blossom from Manehattan! And I'm here to sign up for the Sisterhooves Social to compete with Apple Bloom!"
The older ponies were in complete awe at her beauty, with their eyes unable to believe the poy that was before them. Eventually, one of the older mares eyed her and whispered, "I swear I've seen you before?"
"Oh…um…you must be mistaken for Big Macintosh well I can say for sure I am not him though we are related," The mare responded rather confidently. But deep down she was starting to feel really tense. If there was any reason to doubt her being a mare, then everything she's done up to this point will be done for nothing.
The older mare continued to look her over with intense scrutiny; it was somewhat unnerving for Orchard Blossom, who had to stand there being observed. She wondered if they thought she was really just Big Mac in disguise and hoped that she didn't do anything to reveal the truth. But she did her best to remain calm and act as if nothing was suspicious about her. However, to Apple Orchard's relief, the old mare just nodded then said, "right, you do look similar, but it's clear you're not him."
"Of course I'm not; now let's get a move on. Apple Bloom does have school after all." Orchard Blossom chimed rather proudly, relieved that her disguise wasn't blown. Then the old mare placed a sign-up form on the table, "alright, you two both sign up here."
"Yay! Let's do it!" Apple Bloom chirped as she bounced over and eagerly signed her name. Seeing that cheerful smile on Apple Bloom's face as she signed her name was something that made her heart fill with joy. It was indeed a small sacrifice to make to ensure that Apple Bloom competed in the competition tomorrow. When Apple Bloom finished, the mare trotted over and bent down to sign her name as well. As she did, Orchard Blossom noticed that the old stallion was staring directly at her rump with a creepy smile on his face. The mare's face turned red, and steam came out of her nose as she started to feel that fierce anger when the stallion back in Manehattan slapped her rump! As she finished signing her name and with one swift motion, she slapped the old stallion in the face sending the old stallion reeling off his chair and into the dirt.
Apple Bloom gasped, as did the other judges, while the pervy old stallion sat there rubbing his reddened cheek and cried, "what did you do that for!?"
"You know exactly what you did; now, I hope I'm not disqualified? Or should I tell the other judges what you were gawking at?" The mare snarled, feeling a bit angry for losing her cool. But this unwanted sexual harassment wasn't something she would just allow. The other judges turned their attention to the pervy old stallion who just grumbled, "of course not, just don't do that again."
"Alright then, now come on! Let's go; there's so much I gotta show ya!" Apple Bloom squealed as she tugged on Orchard Blossom's hoof, and the mare was led off to Celestia knows where.
Orchard Blossom was now sitting down at a booth in Sugarcube Corner, sitting across from her sister. There the two were having a milkshake filled with vanilla and strawberry ice cream, whipped cream, and topped cherries. As the two started to enjoy their milkshake together, she looked around. She saw that many of the other patrons were eyeing her and gossiping amongst each other. Despite being more confident since signing up for the Sisterhooves Social, she was still nervous more ponies would try asking why she looked so similar to Big Macintosh. She then subconsciously bent her head down and continued to sip her milkshake in silence.
"Are you doing ok?"
Orchard Blossom looked over and saw that Apple Bloom asked, giving her those adorable puppy dog eyes. The pudgy mare flashed her a smile once more and said, "nope, nothing wrong, it's just in the city, most ponies would avoid me, so I'm not used to all of this attention."
Apple Bloom nodded as she turned around and commented, "but you're just so interesting? Also, it's just so weird seeing that you look almost exactly like my brother."
"As I said, it's just a coincidence," Orchard Blossom sighed, seeing that this question just keeps popping up. It was clear that her disguise did leave much to the imagination.
"You're my sister, aren't you!" Apple Bloom shouted with the pudgy mare clenching her teeth and seeing everypony was now staring at her, and some were now listening intently for her answer. Orchard Blossom gulped as she was now abit unsure of what to say. But she needed to say something. "No, of course not!"
"Well, who are your parents then!?" the little farm filly snapped back.
The mare paused as she thought things over and realized that she didn't come up with a good enough lie for this question!? She never thought it would come up! Orchard Blossom cursed Granny Smith under her breath as she stammered, "F…fine! You win; maybe I was adopted, but even so, does it matter?"
"Yeah, it does! If you're really my sister, we need to prove it!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "Also, if you are my sister, then I want you to stay here in Ponyville!"
Orchard Blossom paused for a second, seeing that she had to now come up with a good excuse for not staying in Ponyville. "Of course, I would love to stay here, but I have to go back to Manehattan; I still have obligations as a model, ya know," the farm mare said rather bluntly, trying to do her best to come up with lies to keep up with Apple Bloom's questions.
The little farm filly slammed her hooves on the table and exclaimed, "come on, we have Rarity here, and she makes the best outfits in all of Equestria! Just be a model for her? Please!"
Orchard Blossom groaned; she didn't see this coming at all! Now that Apple Bloom thinks she is her long-lost older sister, it'll be that much harder to explain the truth. For now, he should play it up because if it's ever revealed he is Big Mac, then all of this will be for nothing. "Alright, I'll consider it, but I'm not promising anything."
"Fine," Apple Bloom snapped as she threw her hooves across her chest.
Mrs. Cupcake then slowly trotted over with a concerned look as she asked, "Is everything alright?"
"Yes, everything's fine thank you," Orchard Blossom replied as she turned to face the other pudgy mare and gasped to see two little foals on her back. They were the cake twins who were babbling and cooing.
There was something he always wanted to ask Mrs.Cake but was always too embarrassed to say it out loud as a stallion. But now, seeing he was a mare, it would be much more appropriate, and it would also put a stop to Apple Bloom's questions. She gulped then asked, "would it be ok if I held your foals for a moment?"
"Of course, I wouldn't mind just be gentle ok?" Mrs. Cake chirped as she hoofed the foals into Orchard Blossom's hooves. The two plump foals felt relatively soft and gentle in her hooves. They both seemed to relax abit as the twins nuzzled into her chest, making the stocky farm mare feel even more embarrassed.
"Oh wow, I had never seen them get so calm that quickly before," Mrs. Cake cooed.
Meanwhile, Apple Bloom's eyes lit up as she asked, "so do these adorable twin foals jog your memory?"
Orchard Blossom rolled her eyes, seeing that the questions just seemed to continue. She just shook her head and shrugged, "ey'nope." Making many ponies gasp along with Apple Bloom. All Orchard Blossom could do was groan, feeling so stupid for saying Big Mac's catchphrase. Seeing the attention she was bringing on herself, and it was best they moved along. The plump mare then gave the two foals a kiss on the head before hoofing them off as Mrs. Cake asked, "I have to ask do you have foals of your own?"
"Sadly no, but I would love to have some eventually," the former stallion admitted instead rather embarrassingly, seeing that he did indeed want foals one day.
Apple Bloom snickered and tugged at her hoof. "Now come on! I gotta show ya to my classmates!"
"Ok, ok," the mare squeaked, seeing that she knew her sister's classmates, having visited her school multiple times for family appreciation day, and will once again he'll hope her cover isn't blown.
Now Orchard Blossom was standing before all the school foals sitting down with their eyes all fixated on the mare just stood there feeling as anxious as she was when she was first turned into a mare. Apple Bloom held up a hoof and exclaimed, "Now I know it's not family appreciation day! But I just wanted to show you all my aunt who came all the way from Manehattan so that we can compete in the Sisterhooves Social tomorrow!"
Once again, the stout farm mare had to make sure nopony suspected who she really was. So with a bright smile, Orchard Blossom threw a hoof to her chest again then proclaimed, "Hello everypony! My name is Orchard Blossom, and I am indeed a model from Manehattan!"
The foals all oohed and awwed, seeming to be rather impressed by her beauty. However, Diamond Tiara just sat there with a smirk seeing that Cheerilee was glaring at her younger sister as she scolded her, "Apple Bloom, as much as I appreciate you showing your aunt to us, this isn't appropriate. On top of that, you're pretty late to class."
Apple Bloom lowered her head; seeing her sister saddened, Orchard Blossom couldn't help but feel to come to her defense. She turned her head towards Cheerilee, flashed her eyelashes, and said, "Don't be so harsh on her she just got excited I came to visit and that we'll be competing in the Sisterhooves Social together."
"Apple Bloom, just go take your seat," Cheerilee grumbled, pointing to a chair. The farm filly did as she asked, running to a chair and sitting down as she waved a hoof towards her.
The teacher then turned her attention to Orchard Blossom with a smirk then said, "Ok, since you here might as well tell the class what a model does?"
The former stallion eyed her, wondering if maybe Cheerilee saw through her disguise. Of course, trying to confront her here would be pretty stupid, so all Orchard Blossom could do was consent to Cheerilee's proposal. "Alright, darling."
She turned towards the classroom and paused for a second, figuring out what she had said. The most she knew about models was the dozens of fashion magazines Rarity tried having her read on the train ride back to Ponyville. She cleared her throat and said, "well, a model is somepony who tries on various outfits made by designers who wish to show off their outfits to the public."
The class was now filled with "awwws" and "ooohs" by the fillies while the colts mostly groaned; awwws were making "bleh" noises. Seeing how the colts reacted, Orchard Blossom decided to shatter their close-minded ideas about the fashion world as she cleared her throat and continued, "now that may seem like a job only mares perform, but stallions can also be models or even fashion designers like Hoity Toity."
This made the colts just groan, even more, making Apple Orchard scoff, "anyways, I myself have been a model for almost my entire life starting not much older than you. Now, I work quite close with Rarity, and it's how I learned about my family living here in Ponyville." She beamed a smile at Apple Bloom and chirped, "that's how I learned that Apple Bloom needed a partner for the Sisterhooves Social! And voila! That's how I decided to come to visit Ponyville!"
The pudgy mare gave a bow as everypony clapped and cheered (including some of the colts) as if she had just delivered a performance.
Cheerilee was trotting over and clopping her hooves on the ground and said, "well, thank you for you're expertise in the fashion world! I hope you come again when we actually hold Family Appreciation Day."
"Of course, I'll love to come by again; for now, I'm sure I'll be seeing many of you tomorrow on the obstacle course!" Orchard Blossom exclaimed as she threw a hoof in the air and strutted out of the school with the foals cheering and chanting her name. She threw her mane back and eventually strolled out the door and into the streets of Ponyville once more. But as she left the school behind, Orchard Blossom started to realize that she would've never gotten a reception like that as Big Mac. Heck, she never really bonded with Apple Bloom like this in years. Just then, a small alien thought invaded her mind. Would it be so bad if she stayed as a mare?
Why did becoming female make Big Mac become fat?
Side effect from Zecora's potion but its somthing that'll get addressed in the next chapter.
Crossdressing Big Mac... I seen a lot of crossdressing and they are so good. This fiction is also good as well. I love the idea. When brewing potion magic is used to swap genders it could of fool me for a moment until it was fake from the show... This is the best idea fiction I ever seen though for a gender swap. I like to tell you good luck and hope this fiction go far. Me excited for more chapters for sure. Approved by me as a reviewer from reviewer and feedback 8/10.
Thanks so much, work has been brutal for me lately and it's difficult writing a good story when im being crunched. But thank you for your comment and I hope I can continue writing stories like this
Big mac is sure enjoying being a Mare