• Published 2nd Nov 2021
  • 2,003 Views, 68 Comments

Big Macy - Foal Star

Big Mac decides to transform into a mare to be in the Sisterhooves Social for Apple Bloom

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Chapter Two: Auntie Orchard Blooms

After a shower and a rather embarrassing trial of trying to use the toilet with his new female "parts." Big Mac was back sitting on the hotel bed hugging a teddy; he found himself repeating the name he was given for his disguise, Orchard Blossom. Looking over at his reflection, the stallion had to admit it was still somewhat unreal for him to accept he was now indeed a mare. He just gazed intently at the image of a rather pudgy mare staring right back at him. Big Mac seemed unable to move, unable to stop admiring his own reflection. As the former stallion stared at his reflection, he couldn't help but admit he was indeed a rather beautiful mare with his lush bouncy mane, chubbier well-defined frame, smooth round face, and that thick round ass. As Big Mac looked intently at his reflection, all he could feel was a sense of dread as it was dawning on him at this point; there was no going back.

Big Mac laid back down on the bed for a few moments as he dealt with this realization. He had to keep reminding himself he would only be a mare for three days, and it was all for Apple Bloom. He was just staring at the ceiling when he heard somepony give a loud. "Hmmm," The stallion quickly looked up and saw that Zecora was now standing over him. Her stern expression was now becoming concerned that there could be a side effect she was just recognizing. He gulped before asking, "Um...is there something wrong?"

The zebra trotted closer to the bed and pointed a hoof at him. "I have to admit, there is something I did omit."

"What's that!?" Big Mac cried out.

Zecora then poked something rather sensitive near his groin with her hoof, making Big Mac wince. He had an idea what she just touched, but he needed to confirm as he asked out loud, "Wha...what was that!?"

The stallion then looked down her belly and spotted two fleshy bulbs covered in red fur and with tiny pink nipples present on top. Big Mac wasn't ignorant of the anatomy of a mare but what was unexpected was their size. Unless they were pregnant, mares' teats were as small as tennis balls. But he was much more prominent and bloated looking if he had to guess his teats were the size of softballs! "Wha...why are my teats so big!?"

Rarity then trotted over and eyed the teats herself then with a wave of her hoof, she commented, "oh, they're fine; you're overreacting."

"That's easy for you to say! Am I gonna be producing milk!?" Big Mac snapped back.

Zecora shook her head and explained, "Do not fear; this is quite normal, my dear."

"Zecora's right. They're perfect for a mare your size; besides, you can easily hide them with a dress," Rarity chimed.

The former stallion groaned as he slammed a hoof into his face; he now had an image in his head of him wearing a fancy gown covering his feminine frame. In agitation, he ran his hoof down his face then shouted, "that's not very helpful!"

Rarity slowly trotted up behind him as she chirped, "Alright, enough of that, how about I groom your mane and tail before they dry?"

"Yeah, s...sure…." Big Mac stammered; he couldn't help but feel somewhat unsure of taking the mare's request. He had a feeling his nervousness stemmed from the feeling she was going to take him out to go out in public. But, like Rarity explained before, if he didn't act confident within his new gender, it would blow his cover, and all of this would be for nothing.

The fashionista then sat down on the bed and went to work brushing the giant stallion's mane and tail. "Oh, I'm not going for a full makeover, just touching up some things here and there."

The former stallion wasn't really a fan of grooming. Deep down, he wanted to tell Rarity to stop; however, Big Mac could tell she was putting a lot of concentration and effort into her work. Being a rather polite soul, he didn't feel it was right to interrupt. So Big Mac gnashed his teeth, endured the pain from the few short tugs, and waited patiently for his mane to be groomed.

Rarity continued to do a thorough job of brushing and combing his mane; she then had him stand up on all fours, and Rarity bent down and continued to groom his tail. Big Mac's eyes narrowed, seeing Zecora sitting down across the room with a playful smirk on her face. He had a feeling that the mares were obviously playing up "girling" him up for their amusement. But again, his polite nature had him keep himself from calling them out. Especially since they have done a lot in making this plan work in the first place, he had to consider how much effort they put into making all of this happen.

Big Mac then looked back at his shiny, smooth mane. The stallion then turned his attention to Zecora and asked, "So...um...are there any other side effects I should know about?"

"There will be no side effects, I assure; Rarity measured weight quite accurately, I'm sure," The zebra explained quite confidently.

Big Mac nodded as he bent his head a little as he waited patiently for Rarity to finish working on his mane and tail. The stallion tilted his head up at the ceiling, wondering if he would indeed be able to pull this off because, despite his physical changes, he didn't really feel like a mare. But eventually, Big Mac felt the tugs of hair stop Rarity then turned to face him, "There, now it wasn't that difficult, now was it?"


Rarity wagged a hoof in front of him. "Uh, uh, uh, what did I say about saying your favorite catchphrases?"

Big Mac gave a sheepish grin as he scratched the back of his neck; he realized it was going to be quite difficult to not say Ey'yup or Ey'nope. "Right, um...no, it wasn't bad at all."

"Now, it's time to see you in the new outfit I made!" Rarity chimed as she then took out a blouse. Big Mac couldn't help but blush as he saw how feminine the outfit was. The blouse in question was white as snow with frilly shoulder holes and pink trim around the outer edges of the fabric. He gave a loud groan as his patience started to wear thin but again, the fashionista had put quite a lot of effort into the shirt. He reluctantly had the unicorn assist him in getting the dress come over his body. Once the blouse was covering his chest, the former stallion then turned to face the mirror once more, and he couldn't help but groan, seeing the outfit now snuggly dressed over his torso. The white blouse was relatively simple, but it was also short enough to show off his chest and thick, powerful legs. Despite the misgivings about his appearance, he was starting to realize that even now, he could say without a doubt he was one good-looking mare.

"Now, come on, darling, it's about time you go in public," The fashionista encouraged; she then took Big Mac's hoof and hoisted him on all fours.

The stallion gulped rather nervously, seeing that it was indeed time to show off his new feminine body. He then slowly trotted towards the door nervously as he stammered, "W...wait, do we have to do this now?"

"Yes, darling, I told you already we need to build your confidence before we head back to Ponyville, of course," Rarity explained rather bluntly.

Big Mac gave a long exasperated sigh, and he had to admit the fashionista had a point. He had to be confident and act normal in his new gender, or all of this would be for nothing.

Big Mac was a stuttering mess as he slowly trotted out of his hotel room as; he looked both ways down each side of the hallway, and to his relief, nopony was around. Rarity then turned to face the stallion then gave him a reassuring smile. "Darling, come on, it won't be that bad."

The former stallion gulped as he was unsure; despite Rarity's reassurance, he knew he was just a stranger for most of these ponies. But, the idea that somepony would notice him being a former stallion lingered in the back of his mind. He gulped as the stallion continued to follow her down the stairs, where he eventually came upon the luxurious hotel lobby. There he hesitantly came forward and looked around, seeing all kinds of ponies going about their business. Big Mac was now frozen in fear as the realization that he was neck-deep in public was overwhelming him. The former stallion just stood there shaking uncontrollably, even more than before.

The fashionista slowly trotted over, and with a reassuring smile, she said, "It's alright, nopony will even notice you were previously a stallion, now come on."

Big Mac grumbled, and he continued to trot down the path; some ponies seemed to notice him (mainly stallions) as they looked over at the pudgy mare trotting across the lobby. The former stallion did his best to hide his presence and bowed his head a little as he continued to trot to the two big glass doors.

Big Mac was a shivering wreck as he began his trot around the city with a nervous expression on his face. The former stallion had his head bowed, trying his best not through the streets, looking about with a worried look on his face as he was still getting used to his new body. Rarity was trotting alongside him, seemingly turning around and asking, "How are you holding up?"

"I'm doing fine," Big Mac grumbled as he stumbled about the street trying to keep up with Rarity. The mare gave him a cold glare as she snapped, "Stand up a bit straighter, darling, and trot like you're confident in yourself."

"O...ok…" The former stallion stammered as he held his head straighter and continued to trot off with a somewhat awkward gait. Despite his new frame, it wasn't that his weight was different, but the weight was distributed over his body. He felt his new thicc rump and how strange the bones in his body felt. But what made his walk the most awkward was the lack of his member; instead, all he could feel down near his nether regions was the weight of his bouncing teats. Big Mac grimaced through the awkward feeling of his new mammieries. However, the longer he walked, the more he got used to this new body. Eventually, these strange feelings ebbed away, seeing fewer ponies paying attention to him. He had to remind himself most ponies didn't know who he was, so to them, he was just another random mare just going about her business. With this in mind, it made it easier for Big Mac to continue walking as he and Rarity made their way to the end of the street. Big Mac started to get rather annoyed; it had been at least a few hours since they started walking, and he wondered why they were going for so long. He then lowered his gaze and growled, "Why are you making me walk around the city?"

"I do apologize, but until you're comfortable in your new body, darling, we'll keep walking until you do."

Big Mac continued to grumble rather irritably, but he trotted off once more, following Rarity closely. Eventually, they came upon a scene where a young adult earth pony mare was trying to comfort a rather bratty-looking filly who was crying and wailing about wanting to go to the toy store.

The former stallion suddenly had a strong urge to help, and he quickly trotted over with a smile. "It seems like you're having trouble here? Do you need any help?"

The mother looked over with a look of frantic expression on her face. "No, please don't worry yourself; my daughter is just making a scene."

"You promise me we can go to the toy store!" the filly wailed.

Big Mac looked downwards at the filly, seeing she must not be older than four or five, and she reminded him a bit of Apple Bloom. Seeing how if you promise them something, they won't make you forget it. The former stallion then bent down to the young unicorn filly's level and asked in a calm and polite tone, "Hello, little one, what's your name?"

"Lampy," the filly whimpered.

"Oh, that's a cute name, my name is Bi-I mean Auntie Orchard," Big Mac blushed, realizing he said his fake name so naturally.

The filly, with a wide-eyed expression, then asked, "So you're an auntie?"

Big Mac couldn't help but snicker, seeing the question was sort of accurate, and responded, "Yeah, I got loads of cousins all over Equestria,"

"Wow! You're so big! Do you have a baby in your tummy!?"

Big Mac was somewhat taken aback and was at a loss for words by the question seeing that the filly was just curious. Still, it also made him feel even more self-conscious of his own body. The mother then turned her attention to her daughter and scolded her. "Lamp Post, you apologize right now!"

The little filly started to tear up and whimpered, "S..s...sowie…."

Big Mac looked downward, and as he gazed upon the sobbing filly, he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming urge to comfort her. Yes, what she said earlier was rude, but the filly didn't insult him on purpose. He bent down to her level, staring right into her big blue eyes, and in a gentle tone said, "it's alright darling, I get that every once in a while."

He then remembered that teddy he had taken from the hotel by accident. He'd placed it in his mane for a sense of comfort, and he saw that it was the perfect opportunity to brighten this young filly's day. Big Mac then brought out a stuffed animal and hoofed it over to the little filly. Lamp Post squealed in excitement as she took the plush and bounced up and down, shouting, "Oh, this is so pretty!"

The filly's mother eyed her daughter and snapped, "What do you say to the nice mare?"

"Thank you, Auntie Orchard!" The filly chimed as she rushed over and gave one of Big Mac's thick red legs a tight hug.

Big Mac always felt this maternal instinct within him, and now it was overflowing through his body even as a stallion. He couldn't help but ruffle Lampy's mane and cooed, "it's no problem, sweetie, you can have it. But, I want you to listen to your mother."

"Ok, I will!" The filly chirped back before trotting off alongside her mother, who then turned around and mouthed "thank you" to Big Mac as well. The former stallion felt a sense of pride waft over him.

Rarity then trotted over and commented, "I have to say you're a natural with foals."

Big Mac scratched the back of his mane, feeling a bit embarrassed at the compliment, as his maternal side wasn't something he liked showing off. "Yeah, I know I actually like caring for foals."

"I know, darling, it's just nice to see your maternal instincts coming out," Rarity cooed as she nuzzled her new friend. They continued onward until they came by a snazzy-looking unicorn stallion wearing a tuxedo, seeming to be waiting for a taxi. Big Mac barely noticed him as he and Rarity trotted on by, but he squeaked as he felt a sharp pain on his rump. He didn't even need to see what happened, knowing full well that the pompous unicorn slapped his rump! Without warning, he lifted his back legs and bucked the stallion, sending him flying into some trash cans with a loud crash!

There Big Mac spun around facing the stallion who was getting up with his fancy tux stained with grease and moldy cabbage with a banana peel on his head. His face was a bright red with steam coming out of his ears as he snapped, "What was that for!"

"You know what that was for! And if I ever see you again, you'll get more!" Big Mac shouted in response. The former stallion couldn't believe his ears! What was that for? He just slapped his rump without any hesitation and thought he could get away with it? But Big Mac's threat made the stallion hesitant to pursue this argument anymore as he ran off.

As the stallion ran off, Rarity trotted over, laughing hysterically. "Very well done. I couldn't have handled that situation better myself."

"Thanks, I just can't stand stallions like that! Treating mares like property and thinking they can get away with that stuff!" Big Mac snarled; he always despised this behavior from other stallions but being on the receiving end made him much angrier.

"I agree, and seeing how you handled yourself, I think our exercise is about done? What about we go get something to eat?" Rarity suggested.

"E-I mean, of course, that sounds lovely," Big Mac chimed in response as he was feeling rather hungry as he hadn't eaten all day.

The fashionista then escorted him to a rather quaint pizza parlor not far from where they were. Inside, there wasn't much around, minus the few tables with some ponies sitting around and enjoying delicious-looking slices of pizza. Enticed by the aromas that wafted from the food, there was a happy chubby earth pony stallion with a rather prominent mustache on his upper lip. He turned towards the two and waved a hoof, "Welcome, Rarity! Glad to see you're back!"

"Of course, darling, I can't come to Manehattan without having one of your pies!" Rarity exclaimed.

The stallion placed a hoof over his chest and exclaimed, "Oh, you flatter me, Rarity!"

"I'll have the usual, a small pie topped with peppers, broccoli, and a sprinkle of olive oil with no garlic, and I'll have a glass of your finest wine," Rarity chimed.

"Of course, Rarity, the usual as always, and how about your friend?" The stallion asked as he went to his cash register and punched in their orders; he then looked up right at the plump mare.

"My name is Auntie Orchard." Big Mac responded, being a bit surprised seeing it came out rather naturally.

"Auntie!?" The stallion chortled as he then asked, "alright? What do you want to drink?"

"Same as Rarity, please."

"Alright, just sit down and relax; your food and wine will be right out!"

The two mares then continued their way to a table and sat down together. Big Mac couldn't help but feel that something was eating his mind. Rarity was supposed to teach him how to be a mare? So why hasn't she been doing anything? These questions were bothering him, and he had to know if he was pulling off being "Auntie Orchard." "Rarity, why haven't you given me any pointers all day?"

Rarity then flashed him a smile. "Darling, you think that being a mare means getting prettied up, brushing manes, and talking about colts all day?"

Big Mac gulped and bowed his head, seeing Rarity had a point those stereotypes did cross his mind. "Yes, I assumed some stuff like that?"

"Darling, mares come in all shapes and sizes, and if I have to say, you pull off the big adorable motherly type quite well. On Top of that, you can stand for yourself and act natural while in public. Overall I say you're more than ready to pull off being Auntie Orchard."

Big Mac sat there, being rather astonished at what Rarity said as he was starting to feel rather impressed with himself. In fact, the mother he helped and the asshole stallion he bucked didn't realize he was a stallion. Then the aroma of something good wafted over, breaking Big Mac's train of thought as a pie was brought between the two mares with two wine glasses filled with a thick red wine.

The chief bowed his head then proclaimed, "Bon appetit!'"

"Thank you, darling," Rarity said as she took in the aroma of the pizza.

"Yes, thank you," Big Mac responded as well, also feeling his mouth water.

The two then went and dug into the pizza. Rarity, of course, was cautious as she ate her pizza, taking a slice and carefully eating it with a knife and fork. As for Big Mac, he took whole slices and chomped down without a care. He eventually realized he must be eating like a stallion as he looked over. To his surprise, Rarity wasn't saying anything. But she was giving him a smug smile and asked, "Now, Auntie Orchard, we need to discuss a few things first? What do you do here in Manehattan?"

The mare paused and asked, "Wait, I…."

Big Mac then paused as he realized that Rarity was asking him these questions to see if he could come up with his own adequate backstory? These were the final steps of showing that he could pull off this disguise. Big Mac wiped his mouth with a smirk; seeing he got this far, he could make up something that sounds realistic. He sat there for a few moments sipping at his wine glass and thinking it over for a second, then an idea came into mind. "I'm a model, been one for two decades now."

"Oh, that's a wonderful profession! You must try on some of my designs!" Rarity chimed. "So, Auntie Orchard, how did you get your cutie mark?"

Big Mac paused as he was starting to realize that she was asking these questions in public to make him confident in lying! He had to answer quickly. "I...I got my cutie mark one day as a young filly wandering the big city. I found myself at a fashion show and snuck on, and yes, the ponies there were quite astonished to see a young filly showing off her body. Still, they were captivated by her beauty, and that was when I received my cutie mark! As much as I love being an apple, I love being a model!"

Rarity's smile widened as she clapped her hooves a little. "Well said, my dear, now what makes you wish to visit Ponyville? It's much more rugged and simple compared to this massive city!"

"When I heard that you said my dear niece Apple Bloom couldn't attend her Sisterhooves Social, I just had to do something, that's why I wrote to her."

Rarity held up her glass of wine and chirped, "I think you're ready, darling."

"T...thanks," Big Mac whispered as he took his wine glass and clanked it against her's. He then drowned the rest of his wine and looked down into his empty wine glass. Big Mac didn't feel ready, but from this point forward, he will do his best to be this new alter ego Auntie Orchard Blossom and make this the best Sisterhooves Social ever.