• Published 2nd Nov 2021
  • 1,999 Views, 68 Comments

Big Macy - Foal Star

Big Mac decides to transform into a mare to be in the Sisterhooves Social for Apple Bloom

  • ...

Chapter One: A Plan Bears Fruit

Author's Note:

Happy Birthday Peter New and thank you for this episode. :eeyup:

Big Mac was lying in bed looking up at his ceiling when he was supposed to be up getting ready for the Sisterhooves Social, but something was eating at him. The stallion saw through his window that the sun was up and had been up for a while and saw it was best to get up for the day. He slowly trotted across his sparsely furnished room and over towards the open window. There he took a moment to look out among the grand Orchard Blossom that made up Sweet Apple Acres. He took a moment to take in a fresh breeze and gave the air a whiff smelling the sweet aroma of apples; the atmosphere did cheer the stallion up a bit out of his mood. As Big Mac looked out over the sea of apple trees, he took a moment to think as the Sisterhooves Social was happening in a week from today, and it weighed heavily on his mind. He was rather disgruntled at the prospect that it would likely be another year where Applejack will be Apple Bloom’s favorite sibling. Every year it just stung a bit more now with his sister having saved Equestria multiple times and has clearly become the favorite sibling of Apple Bloom. Big Mac grumbled irritably, thinking about how his younger sister seemed to barely notice him anymore; he was starting to feel just like any other background pony to the filly. The gentle stallion shook his head, trying to stop himself from mulling over these negative thoughts. He continued to look out of his window, taking a moment to collect himself before going to the nearby field to set things up where the Social would be hosted. He peered up at the sun again and saw it was getting late, and he should be getting a move on. He slammed back down on the ground on all fours then slowly trotted downstairs. As he made his way to the front door, he was shocked to see his sisters there with Applejack standing in the doorway with a packed saddlebag. While Apple Bloom was looking up at the older mare with tears flowing from her eyes as she wailed, “Applejack, do you have to go!?”

“Y...yeah, I gotta go take care of somthin’!? There’s something crazy going on with a pirate captain named um...Cal…Cal something or whatever,” The mare responded with a puzzled look.

Big Mac blinked, being utterly confused by these new developments? What could Applejack be possibly talking about? An adventure with pirates? Knowing his sister, she ain’t lying, but it sounded crazy!? Now curious and feeling a bit worried, Big Mac slowly trotted over, cleared his throat, and asked, “um...what’s going on here?”

Applejack looked up and shook her head with a disappointed expression. “It’s not good, Big Mac. I'm going on some adventure with pirates at the worst time. This captain Cal something needs help with a evil pirate named Captain Talon."

“Can I come!? please!” Apple Bloom whined.

The farm mare ruffled her sister’s mane and said, “sorry, but this is gonna be rather dangerous for little fillies like yourself. It’ll be better if ya stay put with Big Mac.”

“Awww,” Apple Bloom pouted; she kicked the ground and snapped, “But then who’s going to be with me for the Sisterhooves Social!? I only have a week to find a new sister!?”

Applejack looked down and shook her head. “I have no idea? But the rules don’t specify the mare to be your partner has to be your sister. I would suggest seeing if maybe Fluttershy or Pinkie is available?”

“Right, Scootaloo will team up with Rainbow Dash and Sweetie Belle with Rarity...Ugh!? Fluttershy doesn’t do sports!? And Pinkie!? She’ll probably just make me a laughingstock! What am I gonna do!?” Apple Bloom wailed; she then ran off with tears streaming down her face.

Applejack turned her attention to her brother with a disheartened look and continued. “You know that I don’t wana go!? As much as going on a swashbuckling adventure sounds like fun. I can’t stand just leaving Apple Bloom like this and after promising her to go to the Sisterhooves Social….” She bucked the door a little out of spite and growled, “ya know me, I hate breaking; promises.”

Big Mac saw how disappointed Applejack looked and wanted to give her some comforting words. He took a moment to think before saying, “you go every year with her, yeah she’s disappointed, but you two can compete next year.”

Applejack looked up at her brother with a smile and said, “you’re right, Big Mac, we got tons of years to do the Sisterhooves Social together.” The farm mare then took another pause; she then suddenly burst into a fit of laughter which eventually died down to a snicker, “I just had a thought, if you were a mare, I would ask you to go with her!”

Big Mac couldn’t help but chortle at his sister’s joke as well, just imaging himself dressing up in drag and trying to convince the judges he was a mare.

After a good round of laughter Applejack slowly trotted over and nuzzled him, “you just take care of Apple Bloom and Granny Smith while I’m gone, ya hear?”

“Yup...and um...you just be careful? Ok?” Big Mac responded in a concerned tone he knew his sister could take care of herself. Still, after the death of his parents, he always had this pang of worry whenever his sister left Ponyville.

Applejack looked up and said, “yeah, I will, I mean...I never sailed out in the open seas before; I’ll be extra careful, promise!” She then gave her brother a hug and the two held each other in a tight embrace. The farm mare broke off gave one last sigh before fixing her brown cowcolt hat and tightening the straps on her saddlebags. She then gave her brother one last wave and exclaimed, “See ya later, Big Mac, I’ll be sure to take a ton of pictures and bring some souvenirs!”

“Ey’yup,” Big Mac replied and waved back. As he watched his sister trot off, he couldn’t help but ponder the comment she made. If only he were a mare, he could be in the Sisterhooves Social…It was an absurd idea, but it was one that just seemed unable to leave his mind…. maybe…. just maybe...

Four days later...

Early one morning, Big Mac was walking down the busy streets of Manehattan. Pegasi, unicorn, and Earthpony alike were trotting around going about their business to and fro, some chatting, others just trotting along on the sidewalk. The stallion was somewhat taken aback by all the hustle and bustle. His sister has now visited the city a few times, but he himself had never seen the city. The splendor of the skyscrapers towering over made the stallion gape in awe and wonder. They were much taller than any building in Ponyville, and he wondered how such grand structures could even be built.
Big Mac continued to trot on the hard pavement alongside some of the fancier dressed ponies. These ponies, in particular, eyed the rustic stallion moving out of his way either out of disgust or an unwarranted sense of fear of his stature. The farm pony didn’t notice or care; his entire focus was on his thoughts about the Sisterhooves Social.

Applejack has yet to return from her adventure, and Apple Bloom hasn’t been able to find her a replacement. The Social was only three days away. A proud smile grew on the stallion’s face as he had found a way to be a part of the Sisterhooves Social! It took a lot of planning, but the idea seemed to resonate in his mind, and he was solely focused on competing with his sister. Big Mac felt as if this was an opportunity to heal the chasm that had stifled the relationship between him and his youngest sister, even if she’d never know it was him. But for that to happen, he needed to be a sister, and that was where his plan came in.

The stallion stopped suddenly, seeing he came upon the front of a hotel with its gleaming glass doors and giant crescent-shaped handles. The stallion then looked down at a slip of paper with an address written on it. Big Mac confirmed that this was indeed where he was to meet Rarity and Zecora. The zebra agreed to develop a potion to swap his gender. Then she went to Rarity, who in turn crafted an elaborate backstory for him, and she’ll also be his advisor on making him more...feminine. The stallion gulped at the thought and was starting to feel nervous, shaking all over, knowing that he could still leave at any time. He could just trot back to the train and just apologize to Rarity and Zecora later. Maybe he should just crossdress as a mare as he thought a few days ago?

Big Mac couldn’t help but chuckle to himself; that was such a silly and stupid idea? He would be identified as a stallion for sure with his broad chest, bulky frame, and not including his thick square jaw. If anything happened, they would disqualify him and Apple Bloom that would just make everything worse. The stallion took a moment to look around the skyline, and he remembered that his Aunt Orange lived here. Maybe instead, she could be Apple Bloom’s replacement?

He thought of the idea for a second, then shook his head and said, “ey’nope.” That fancy mare would never run through mud or get her mane dirty. Besides, they were family, but the Oranges never really cared for their simple rustic lifestyle, and they never really got together.

It’s too late now, Rarity and Zecora already put a lot of time and effort into this, and he was going to see this plan through. Big Mac gave one last deep breath before he then trotted into the hotel lobby. As Big Mac made his way to the receptionist’s desk, he came upon a rather bored-looking mare who gazed upward at him and asked rather bluntly. “Do you have a reservation?”

“Ey’yup, um...it’s under Rarity?” The stallion responded with a gulp. His nerves hadn’t settled yet; he could still feel his back legs shaking a little.

The mare took a moment to search through the forms on her desk and then spotted one, then gave a slight nod, “right, a room for three for one night...you’re Big Macintosh, correct?”

“Ey’yup,” Big Mac responded once more.

The mare gave another nod before she gave him a room key. “Your room is four sixty-three; take the stairs, please.”

“T...thank you….” Big Mac then looked to the elevator and trotted over to what appeared to him a metal box; he had never seen an elevator before and was somewhat worried about seeing how small the box was. He stood there scratching his chin and wondered for a second, thinking to himself how he’ll fit?

“Hey! I told you to take the stairs, not the elevator! You’ll break it!” the receptionist shouted at him.

Big Mac growled, “fine, I’ll just take the stairs.” He threw his mane, being a bit peeved at the rude receptionist but was too kind to hurl any insults back. He then headed to the giant marble staircase and saw the rows and rows of stairs leading up into the building. The stallion just gave a sigh, not looking forward to the long walk, and mumbled, “at least it’s only the fourth floor.” With a hint of optimism in his voice.

Big Mac then started his accent, slowly trotting up the stairs with a somewhat relieved feeling that he could at least take some more time to think as he made his way up the steps. But he was determined to see this plan through, and nothing would be able to stop him.

Big Mac eventually made his way into the hotel room he and the other mares were staying. The luxury hotel room was relatively roomy with two massive beds, a few tables, a bathroom, and furnished with some potted plants. Sitting at one of the desks, Zecora was watching the cauldrons bubbling, gauging them with a careful eye. One bubbling a bright blue liquid and the other with a rich pink. All the while, Rarity was nearby sorting out a few templates of various streams of fabric and threads; he didn’t know what purpose she had for them. But, he assumed that most likely they were there to make an outfit for him when he was transformed into a mare. As the stallion made his way to the bed to sit down for a moment, the two mares must’ve heard his hoofsteps and looked over at Big Macintosh. Zecora just waved a hoof and went back to her potions while Rarity gave him a lovely smile and was the first to speak up. “Hello, darling! I was worried you wouldn't show up?”

“Yeah, I’ve considered running off many times while coming here, but….” He trailed off, still being unsure of what to say. It was now or never; he could call it off and tell them to just pack their bags. But...he could see Zecora has worked hard to make those potions. Rarity also put in a lot of effort, creating a false backstory for Aunt Orchard, and she was also willing to teach him how to be a mare. So much work and toil were put into this, and not including his sister anticipated seeing her long-lost Auntie Orchard.

“Yes, darling? Are we going through with this?” Rarity asked with a flash of her eyelashes.

Big Mac looked up at her and said, “Before we continue...just...tell me why you’re helping me and be honest?”

Rarity waved a hoof and said, “this is for Sweetie Belle; of course, she also has been anticipating another Sisterhooves Social, and I will not deprive her of a rival!”

Zecora gave him a smile, “As the brother of my favorite foal, I already told you before? Apple Bloom is a lovely filly, and I will do anything to make her happy.”

Big Mac gave a slight nod; despite being determined to go through with this, he had to keep reminding himself all of this was for Apple Bloom and her friends. “Right, this is for Apple Bloom.”

“So, is that a yes?” Rarity asked with a worried look on her face.

Big Mac gave a slight nod and responded, “Ey’yup.”

Zecora then looked toward Rarity and asked, “can you measure his weight? I need to know if I have the proper dosage to make sure he doesn’t inflate.”

“Wait...what!?” Big Mac asked in surprise!? What was this about inflating!?

“Most certainly!” The fashionista chirped in response, with Big Mac’s question being left unanswered.

Rarity took the rustic stallion by the hoof and placed him on a bathroom scale. He looked down at the scale beneath his hooves and watched as the arrow slowly went up; At the same time, the fashionista worked the counterbalance, she chimed, “Now darling, I'm just going to remind you of the details, your fake name is Orchard Blossom, and you're an aunt that has been twice removed and has been living in Manehattan.”


Big Mac then looked down at his hooves, and his cheeks flushed pink seeing the small needlepoint had stopped at five hundred pounds.

“My goodness, you’re big!? He’s five hundred pounds, Zecora!” Rarity exclaimed. Big Mac couldn’t see, but he heard a liquid being poured into something made of glass behind him.

As she did so, Rarity turned to face Big Mac and continued, “now, the story is you wanted to come to visit for a few days. That's when you heard about the Sisterhooves Social happening you wished to join, as we explained in the letter sent to Apple Bloom.”


Rarity scowled then scolded, “also stop saying “ey’yup, and ey’nope you don’t want ponies being suspicious of you? Do we?”

“E...ok…” Big Mac stammered.

Rarity then herded the stallion back into the hotel room. Zecora looked over her book once more; she turned around and showed the vial of pink liquid to the stallion. “Now, you must understand this vial will turn you into a mare, you see, until you take the antidote, that is how you’ll be.”

Big Mac nodded and was about to respond, “Ey-”

“What did I say about saying that!? Do you want to ruin the Sisterhooves Social for Apple Bloom?” Rarity scolded him for the second time.

“Sorry!?” Big Mac squeaked out. He didn’t realize how demanding Rarity could be she reminded him of his sister.

Zecora gave a slight chuckle as she then hoofed the pink vial. “Now, take your time to think, and when you’re ready, you may drink.”

The mares were right; they spent almost a whole week getting prepared for this moment; he’ll most likely never get another chance to do something this special with Apple Bloom again. He gave one last deep breath before taking the vial and gulping down its contents. The potion was rather nice; it tasted like flowery tea and had this sweet aroma waft over him. He then started to feel his body change; his body bloated out a little, he felt hot red pain as his muscles started morphing all over his body. He groaned and whined as he felt his rump starting to grow out more, then he suddenly lost some height and shrank down a little. Feeling a burning pain in his face, Big Mac gnashed his teeth together as his appearance began to morph, with his skull reshaping along with the muscles in his face. He could hear his bones snapping, and his cheeks bloat outward; it was all rather painful and tingly. But Big Mac endured it all as the thoughts about his little sister and how happy she’ll be when they’re competing in the Sisterhooves Social together.

Big Mac then felt his organs and innards changing; it wasn’t painful, but he felt rather squeamish, having to rock back and forth and kick his legs in response. As Big Mac's reproductive system morphed around his nether regions, his throat started to burn, and he could hear his deep muscley voice beginning to have a higher pitch as he cried a little from the pain. The scariest thing was when he felt the girth of his member beneath him suddenly disappear. It was sudden as he eeped! In surprise. Then he could feel the final touches as he felt the hair of his mane and tail grow out. As his mane and tail finished growing Big Mac now stood there shaking his back legs, knowing that he couldn’t feel his member anymore. It was all he needed to confirm his suspicions that he was no longer a stallion.

He turned to face Zecora and Rarity, both gaping, and their eyes widened in disbelief. The zebra slowly trotted over and rubbed a hoof over Big Mac’s face. “I cannot believe it with my eyes? You actually transforming into a mare was quite a surprise!?”

“Yes, your b...beautiful!?” Rarity cried out, unable to hold in her emotions.

“J... just let me see what I look like, please!?” Big Mac exclaimed as he squeaked at his new voice; it sounded much like his Auntie Orange with a Manehattn accent. Rarity then showed him a mirror. He gaped in awe at his reflection seeing his plump round face with elongated lashes around his bright green eyes, his long golden mane curled around his head, his shortened chubby frame. Being somewhat curious of his new body Big Mac got off the bed and trotted around a little to see the reflection of his rump. He looked back with a blush on his cheeks, seeing his thick ass with his green apple cutie mark looking the same, except it was now in the shape of a heart. He looked like a plump little mare, and it gave him shivers down his spine, knowing he was indeed no longer a stallion. Feeling so embarrassed, he couldn’t help but slump back onto the bed with hooves over his face.

He just laid there feeling so embarrassed, nervous when he heard somepony trot over and whispered. “Darling, there’s nothing to be ashamed about.

“R..right…wh...what do we do now?” Big Mac whispered, still unable to believe his voice sounding so alien and feminine to him.

Rarity didn’t answer right away; she simply held out a hoof and waited patiently for him to take it. Big Mac was abit hesitant, but eventually, he took the mare's hoof, and she hoisted him onto his hooves. As Big Mac stood on all fours, he didn't feel much different; despite his gender now changed, he still felt that he weighed the same except that there was a bit more weight added to his rump and thighs.

Rarity then turned her attention to Big Mac once more and started to lecture him again, “Now darling, there’s a reason we’re here in Manehattan; you can’t waltz into Ponyville being a nervous wreck."

The fashionista placed her right hoof over her chest and threw the left one up as she proclaimed, "you need to sell that you're a confident mare! And that nopony can suspect your nothing but as such!"

“D...do we have to?” Big Mac asked; he was just starting to get used to this body. He was sure as hell not ready to walk around in public.

Zecora then chimed in, “yes, we do; all of our plans will be undone if ponies become suspicious of you.”

Big Mac frowned being abit suspicious of the zebra. Apple Bloom did ask Zecora to be Applejack's replacement, and of course, she said no for some reason. He wondered if she said no, knowing he would be desperate to use that experimental potion she was brewing. It was too late to accuse her of anything now, and he then just grumbled, “fine.”

Rarity turned to face the new mare and clapped her hooves together. “First, you need to make sure you don’t slip up when anypony asks for your name? You must be ready to respond with Orchard Blossom.” She then hoofed him a hand mirror and continued, “now you go on and practice that while I discuss some things with Zecora.”

“Sure…” Big Mac mumbled with a suspicious look; what were these mares up to? He could only hope they don’t make this any more embarrassing than it already is. The mares were whispering to each other, making it hard to hear what they were saying. Big Mac just rolled his eyes he’d know soon enough.

Big Mac plopped back down on the bed and looked at his supple face; it was rather pretty with the shape being rounder and more pleasant looking than his square-ish jaw. His lashes were well pronounced though...he blinked a few times, letting the long lashes flip up and down. Then there was the long bouncy golden brown mane that flowed around his head; he looked like a long-lost twin sister of his. Big Mac's cheeks turned bright pink as he thought of being a sister, and squeezed his legs together, unable to feel his member; just reaffirming what he already knew. He gave one more sigh before looking back at the mirror and whispered, “Orchard Blossom...my name is Orchard Blossom...”