I...I am a monument to all your sins...
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I keep thinking anon gets a reward after all this for leading "new research"
Also a population boom
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Anon: "Aw shit, here we go again."
Woo Novo fic, this site needs more Skystar and Novo
Lmao he just went from one queen to the other.
It needs more well written novo
Dammmn... Anon is eanted all right... Just in a different way than he realised
It's only gonna get worse...
Really neat once again. I liked the romance element too.
As to who's next, I'm going to have to guess Ember. Since the gryphons don't have a queen
well. when you need a smuggler... call tempest :P
Absolutely love this. Can't wait to see who's coming to get him.
My question is that Anon has had sex with now 5 mares, are any of them pregnant as a result of the sex that they have had?
this is the most funny part where I laughed so hard xD.... good fiction and I love it.
Ah yes, the next installation of "Anon's Accidental Quest to Bang Every World Leader".
You people notice that Novo seems to know about bedroom endeavors already, on top of that there is the fact that anyone who Anon seduces is more cooperative and helpful not to mention the fact that Queen Chrysalis did something that could be close to what the ponies call an act of loyalty to put the likes of Flash Magnus to shame.
There seem to be a whole bunch of clues scatter in these fics that Anon possesses some form of latent form of psychic control ability which activates by fucking someone. Hence the princesses being after him...My guess is that Novo in some form of bold move sent for an expert in such abilities to confirm this fact and then explain to Anon exactly what the hell is going on.
IDW's knight of Harmony, Morrigan seems like a likely person for this role although with my limited resources and time I've yet to learn of whether or not the knights have reevaluated their extremist ideologies to match something that could be a true harmony rather than tyranny.
I don't think he possess any kind of overt power over them. The need to protect him is probably more associated with the self serving interest of keeping him safe so they can possibly get more sex later. MLP characters are well known to be opportunists even in canon.
I'm assuming it might be Tempest Shadow soon. She learns that the Magic of Friendship is great and all, but the Magic of Friends-With-Benifits is even harder to beat.
Think. An acquaintance of the Hippogryphs with the means to both smuggle and transport a wanted fugitive great distances and has no problem doing so under the cover of darkness. Maybe a certain repenting mare with a broken horn and an airship many would be hesitant to challenge?
So Anon introduced (most of) the world to the wonder of intimate activities? I mean, he has been in the air, on ground, and under the water so far.
Missing the human tag?
Ah, Anon, you're such a coward. When he is eventually captured, I'd bet he's gonna get a good taste of Celestia and Luna in their 'dungeons'. While Anon cowardice makes him run away all the time, it's definitely a convenient way to get Anon traveling around. And of course, this is excellent porn - who cares about the plot?
It's almost like fate or some sort of cosmic shenanigans are at play...
While I'm a prolific purveyor and producer of pornographic pastel pony products, I do enjoy perversion with a plot
You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. Too much alliteration. Pay the $50 fine.
Admittedly, my amateurishly amusing alliteration is annoying and angering for aspiring authors - that said, the amusement I accomplish from such adroit, artistic accomplishments amplifies my appreciation for my academic associates
Another great installment in this series. I've enjoyed the exploits of Anon with each of his wouldbe mates. I'm looking forward to the end of this series when he realizes he impregnated all of the females on his journey and is forced to herd with all of them because he not only got them pregnant but that all the females fell in love with him and demand he stay with them as their lover and because their children need a father and both Celestia and Luna are forced to give in or they lose the support of Cadance and Queen Novo and a superpowered reformed Chrysalis takes them down with the help from all those who Anon mated with including but not limited to Cadance and Queen Novo, Kerfluffle, and the sky pirate captain Celeono, and whoever else Anon mates with. Here is hoping Zecora makes an appearance as another mate for Anon.
Same. I'd love to see Zecora
i'd have risked staying there with Novo i love her
I never thought I would be amazed at a porn writer
Some people get all the gifts. I'm not smart enough for that.
Why am I getting the feeling that this’ll be similar to the Young Six series? And that Anon will have to eventually choose his preferred mate? (That is to say that he doesn’t have all of his screws loose and he chooses them all.)
I'm just a nerd with a love of literature and equines!

Or is it...?
Well, let's go over what we know.
We know that:
--The carnal acts of procreation (Sex) are practically untaught and unknown to, it seems, all of Equestria.
And since the citizens of Equestria still have the "equipment" needed to do the deed, we can assume that-at one point-procreation happened in the past.
This brings up several concerning questions.
Why does no one (in Equestria/allied with Equestria as far as we know) not know the Birds and the Bees? Are Celestia and Luna responsible for erasing all knowledge of sex? If so, why?
If the long-lived Celestia and Luna are not responsible, why is something so instinctually vital to the continuation of a species forgotten...?

BUT it is also entirely possible that I'm overthinking this, and the world is this way just to make us ask questions.
I mean, who would even think about throwing off the natural order on such a large scale-
Discord: You rang, sir? My ears were burning.
Thank you for your thoughtful reply, though I think you may be thinking with the wrong head - this is pony porn, after all.
But to be fair, in all forms of literature, there are those that will poke and dissect every thread of information given. Even Equestrian estrus evokes every existential enigma.
....I'm guessing the friend is Ember, personally, but I would be SO ecstatic if he bags his first threeway and Smolder is his +1.
His first threeway, and its DRAGONS.
Would be neat.
Lol, thanks for the story update
Very true.
This is the sign of a good writer, IMO - porn or not. The story gets its readers to speculate and discuss what will happen next. Good job! /)
Ember: no
Twilight: but we kind of want him?
Ember: nuh uh, he's part of my hoard now, do you have any idea how many dragons i have to beat daily just to keep him? I'm not goi g to deal with ponies trying to claim him as well!
*chrysalis sneaking away with a hogtied anon in the background*
Wah! What are we gonna do on the bed, Queen Novo? :3
I'm glad someone acknowledged the Pomf