Twilight has a talk with a few of her alternate-universe selves. It turns out that she's the only one in the known multiverse to have a marefriend, and she does what anypony else would do.
She brags about it until she's blue in the face. Too bad she bragged a bit too much.
Oh gods this was adorable
That line alone gets you a like.
That was a surprisingly clever resolution.
This like too many pinke pies cranked up to 11 with a dash of insane twilight
Go on...
Aww, shoot...
Too many Twilights?
No such thing,
I can just imagine it…
celestias! Your twilights are acting like creeps
♾ thanks for telling!
♾ nooooo
At least the heterosexual female Twilights didn't show up (those who weren't serious trolls, anyway).
Yes. Very King Solomon, actually.
Hell yeah
"I'm not even attracted to you, I'm just so desperate to tell Princess Celestia I have a coltfriend and I mean you're from another dimension and boyish who's to say you're not a colt in this world and please go be my coltfriend I mean marefriend?"
I liked it.
Eh...I liked Pinkie Pie's idea about using the Mirror Pool better.
Insane fun. And very clever of Rainbow at the end. Well done n_n
Funny and only slightly depressing
Poor Twilight
Well at least Twilight being a teacher's pet stays the same in every universe.
Cute story