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I'mma stop you right there. It would only be a 'monarchy' if there was only one ruler. Just saying.
This ending has is a great point to start another chapter or a continuation of this story
Ahh Celly you have no idea what Lulu has wrought upon the world. Two Lunas, that's a recipe for winning every prank war.
I kinda expect something like this...
Celestia: Why in Equestria did you think this is a good idea, Luna?
Luna#1: Well, dear sister, we just tried to congratulate our subject's happiest time. Moreover, nopony got hurt!
Luna#2: We agree, and think about the benefit we now have...
Celestia: What are you talking about?
Luna#1: Think about it sister. Now that there are two of us, we can share the load of our duties and might be even able to get time off once in a while.
Luna#2: Exactly!
Celestia: ... can I see the spells you used?
Will there be a sequel? I really want to see this continued!
Correct. It would be a diarchy. And strictly speaking Equestria is a Principality as it is ruled over by princes and princesses, not kings and queens.
So is there a sequel planned? That ending seems like there is.