• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
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David Silver

You can get your own story written or push a current story for more updates at his Patreon!


This story is a sequel to Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat

Older, yes. Wiser, perhaps? If he had learned anything, he wouldn't be there. Offered a new chance to visit Equestria, he takes it, not understanding just how much it has changed since the first time. At least he lacks wings or a horn.

The prequel is not required or even suggested. This is a new story in a new world. It is only by the magic of authorship that one of the characters happens to be the same, but even they have been through quite a bit that was never written about. Come on in fresh, it's quite alright.

Being written for a lovely patron of my patreon. Scheduled at the start for 2 updates a month.

Chapters (54)
Comments ( 220 )

I wish I could remember the index of the list of things I used to know in detail decades ago. Start with nothing but what I knew?

As for what I used to carry on my person? My coat could take medium animals out as a club.

Its all about how you handle it, and so far Gen 5 has tri schizo enviroments?:derpyderp2:

When did David have a good memory? Lies! Lies I say!

But: why would any sane person go back to human? :derpytongue2:

Ah, sorry. I made assumptions based on the story image and the prequel.

Read the first chapter and that confusion should abate. If not, do give a poke. I love comments.

There are some serious smartphones around, wwhich means IT is far more required than hardware support. Been over a decade since anything more possible than a chipreflow was possible, instead of rebuilding circuttry from scratch onyour own etcedPCB?

This feels like a kind of forced situation, with David just being put in Equestria. But I like it, so good stuff.

Nice definitely favoriting. Does this take place before or after the movie?

After. The tribes are at peace, if still figuring out how that actually works.


I can't really argue that. The Text(that's me!) put David(That's also me!) in Equestria. There is no other grand force involved. I did this. I accept responsibility for my actions.

Just how meta is it? : )

Well, it has the actual author as a character. That's pretty meta I think! I do try to be true to the characters in the story though, me included! This is not a crackfic.

Did David get the rabbit before or after he started writing Tsuki stories?

After. His mother heard of a rabbit destined to become food and could not bear the thought. So, bam, rabbit obtained.

If you had a pair of JoyBoards, like hoof sized DPads, could you type in HEX or have the equivalent of scaled probability typing, most common symbols or contols singular, the next shifting etc, but that would be like overlay Kanji boards?

You can get 64 symbols just by combinations of moving two dpads in 8 directions. That might be enough for most common letters and symbols to only require one chord. Then you can have one combination mean 'shift the next combination' or whatever to get the rest.

It'd be a bitch to learn but probably not too hard to use once you had.



I wasnt counting dual selects for beginning, but understand what you mean. If your DPads are that large, you can place 8 microswitches underneath.:unsuresweetie:

Look what you did David Silver, just look what you did.

You are bringing material like an exposition and people are showing interest in that material.

Living advertisement, where are my bits?

i have not started this story yet but i find it interesting that the art work looks kind of like some one i know. :pinkiehappy:

First you build your character, then you build your race, then you build your world, then you build your race, then you build your character.

Such is the zen of game creation.:eeyup:

"Huh." She started the game, conjuring up the introduction cinematic to the grand world of Evermarsh. "Evermarsh's ticket to fame is how many different crazy races they have, and you can play as any of 'em! Ponies love it. The NPCs come in all kinds of shapes too." She snickered softly. "Wow, imagine if our world was like that."

Imagine, just imagine; if we had games like this, around here?
now I want to play "Evermarch" too ..

Well, I mean, lots of MMOs out there give different racial options, no? Few specialize in lots of different ones though.

ok yep i was right this is a grate story.
awesome righting.

I may not be the expert, but I have played a bit.
Just that they all have modifioed Humans(Dwarves, Orc, Elves)
Compare with the variety, Equestria has available, to see what I was hoping for?
Ponies, Centaurs, Minotaurs, Griffons, Hipogriffs, Dragons, Abysinians ..
How do you get close to that, from our games perspective?

Can't argue that. Human with modification is popular.

Human magic! We can make pens wobble, and create typos! Beware human magic.

aww yes the fear of hidden Typos. i just live with them and keep pushing forward.

a grate chapter, i can see this is going to be a fun story.

During the day he goes by Captain Crunch.

But at night, he becomes Phreak Show.:unsuresweetie:

Yet another story that I love to follow :)

You are amazing!

Welcome to this, so far very pretty dang chill, tale!

Wonder if the unicorn who came up with the disk was Tenser Maths?:trixieshiftright:

so we are all going hiking and camping?
i wounder how David will make out after all he is a city boy,, oh sorry i am thinking of David Silver that is. :rainbowlaugh:

a grate chapter and some times it is just to easy to poke a little fun at a author.

That is the same person, who has a survival merit badge, thank you kindly!

Interesting idea: Since earth ponies just got their magic back, even if they don't realize it, I wonder if Joypad will notice how much more strength and endurance she has on this hike.

I wonder if the dragon lighter is made by the Horrible Hiccup Heater Company? :trixieshiftright:

i hope that root was not a potato or you are going to have a vary sick Joypad.

a grate chapter to a vary fun story.

They did cook that tuber, I note.

Can get good pay being the companies mascot. Just watch out for becoming Captain America though.:unsuresweetie:

this story is just so good.
the art work just kills me as it is so good and i can see David strolling down the street with all of the pony's.

Why would a "Potato" be an Issue for Joy Pad?
At least, Horses do eat Potatoes quite happily along with Carots and these roots

ok as most people are not in the know or have horses here is the simple answer or you can just google it.
Horses should not eat potatoes, especially not raw ones. Potatoes are a member of the nightshade family, making them inherently quite toxic to equines.
i have never lost a horse / pony to this but my daughter pony was sick for a few days only later to find out threw blood work that my (at the time) young doter was giving her pony potato tots as a treat.
she did not like them, the pony was ok

The magic came back, and so did Rag Doll physics?

OnEquestria Daily they had news of the latest G5 merchandise. The Karaoke bar. Spiky spikeroni the young female dragonette. I suspect that one, so they didnt keep having the odd one out be the male, and two, the fanon has used too many other named that make you think of being voiced by Paula Anderson?:twilightoops:

G4-G5, Charlie was there the whole time... His senses were dulled during the time of No Magic. But he never left. :pinkiecrazy:

amazing chapter and i will need to put Rag doll on my list.

For some reason, I have the tune, Pegasus Device running through my head. :twilightoops:

Imma gonna reload Discord.:trixieshiftright:

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