• Published 6th Oct 2021
  • 7,568 Views, 253 Comments

Flurry Heart's Story: Dream of Alicornication - AleximusPrime

Cozy Glow returns once again, aided by her parents and the Alicorn Amulet, to get revenge and Flurry Heart must find a way to stop her.

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3. Ultimate Power!

The doors to the front entrance of the school slammed open. Cozy walked in, carrying Discord, Celestia and Luna with her magic. She threw them off to the side in a heap as King and Queen Kriegspiel stood watch over them.

“Ah, feels so good to be back!” Cozy said after taking a deep breath.

“So this is the School of Friendship,” said the king as he walked over to a pillar with a bust of Starswirl the Bearded on top.

“It will be the perfect place for our precious little daughter to reign supreme!” the queen added as she took the bust of Rockhoof and transformed it into one that resembled Cozy’s head.

“NO! Please, not the Pillars!” Celestia called before getting zapped by Queen Kriegspiel.

“Silence, fool!” she scolded. “The Pillars of Equestria are old and outdated. It’s time we started making statues of a pony that actually matters.”

“Aw, thanks, Mommy!”

Cozy walked up to her mother and nuzzled her as the queen wrapped her arm around her and they both giggled. King Kriegspiel started transforming more of the busts into Cozy’s head with different expressions. Luna stood next to Celestia with rage in her eyes. She looked like she was about to explode in anger until her sister put her hoof on her shoulder to calm her down.

“Cozy, can we talk please?” Discord asked, carefully.

“Oh sorry, what’s that?” Cozy said, putting her hoof to her ear.

“Um, I said can we-”

“I CAN’T HEAR YOU OVER THAT DUMB VOICE OF YOURS!” she shouted in his face as his lips stretched back and his mane blew around in the wind.

“Ugh…no Cozy, really, I need to tell you somethi-”

A red aura appeared around Discord’s face. A zipper moved across his lips and zipped his mouth shut.

“Can it, will ya?! And while I’m a it, why don’t you three go make yourselves useful and clean up!”

Cozy’s horn glowed and flashes of light appeared over the three alicorn children. They were now wearing French maid outfits with feather dusters and cleaning spray on the ground next to them.

“OH COME ON!” Luna shouted.

“MMMMPPPFH!” Discord said in a muffled voice.

“Cozy, the year just ended. They’ve already cleaned the school,” Celestia tried to explain.

“Yeah yeah, whatever. Clean it again!” Cozy barked back.

The three alicorns reluctantly flew off to go do their chores. Cozy walked over to join her parents.

“I’m loving the busts so far!” Cozy said, gratefully. “I think every room in this building is going to need an adorable picture of me to remind everypony who’s watching them.”

“I’ll get to work on that right away!” said the king.

“How about a statue of you right over there, dear?” the queen asked Cozy.

“Oh I’d love that! This place is going to shine by the time I’m done with it…or rather, by the time we’re done with it. Hehehe!”

With a sinister grin on her face, Cozy flew around and used her magic to make changes to the school with her parents following closely behind. They began to sing as they went about their dark deeds.


Golly it feels great

To be back in charge again

With this amulet around my neck

Reality’s mine to bend

No more wimpy centaurs

Or psychotic changeling queens

This time I’ve got mom and dad

To help me pull some strings

Queen Kriegspiel:

Oh the things we’re going to do

With this lousy friendship school

Nopony will question us

Or we enslave those fools

King Kriegspiel:

Our daughter reigns on high

So meet all her demands

Everypony here at her commaaaaaaaaand

King, Queen, and Cozy:

Ultimate power doesn’t

Come for those who sit and wait

Only the strong shall rule

So take it before it’s too late


I’ll have that ultimate power

I’ll be seated on the throne

I’ll make them bow to me

And this time I am not alone

Queen Kriegspiel:

So much to redecorate

So much time to spare

Everypony will adore

This precious little mare

King Kriegspiel:

And those who oppose her

What good will that do?

Our little Cozy has the

Power to overthrow you


Oh the things I’m going to do

When I get my hooves on that welp!


Sister please, I think we should wait for heeeeeeeelp!



King, Queen, and Cozy:

Ultimate power doesn’t

Come for those who sit and wait

Only the strong shall rule

So take it before it’s too late


I’ll have that ultimate power

I’ll be seated on the throne

I’ll make them bow to me

And this time I am not alone

Cozy laughed wickedly as her parents kept using their magic to make alterations to the school.

“Mom, Dad, I’m loving what you’ve done with the place!” she told them.

“Anything for our precious Cozy!” the queen said.

“Now just what do we plan to do to everyone else aside from our prisoners, daughter?” the king asked.

“Eh, we won’t worry about them right now. It’s not like anyone can stand up to us really. I guess eventually they’ll all just give up and crown me their next princess. All in due time.”

“Hehe, oh that would be just wonderful!” the queen laughed.

Cozy looked out a nearby window to gaze upon Ponyville and Canterlot in the distance as she finished her song.


Look at all these ponies

They lack a proper leader

Someone oughta step up and help ooooooout

They seem so lost and helpless

Just like I once was

Perhaps I should show mercy and cut baaaaaack?


King, Queen, and Cozy:

Ultimate power doesn’t

Come for those who sit and wait

Only the strong shall rule

Just take it before it’s too late

I’ll (We’ll) have that ultimate power

I’ll (We’ll) be seated on the throne

I’ll (We’ll) make them bow to me (us)


And this time…

King and Queen:

This time…


I’m not…

King, Queen, and Cozy:



Just as they finished singing, a loud, booming voice could be heard echoing all around them. It was loud enough to hear from any angle, but sounded like it was coming from outside.

“COZY GLOW!!!” shouted the voice.

“AGH! What the!?” Cozy said, putting her hooves up to her ears.

“Who dares interrupt our dark business?!” shouted King Kriegspiel.


“Oh plllllease,” groaned the queen as she buried her face in her hooves.

“Would you like for us to take her on, daughter?” the king asked.

“Don’t worry Father, I’ll take care of Princess Twilight.”

Cozy opened a nearby window and flew outside with her parents following her close behind. Down on the lawn between the castle and the school were Twilight, Flurry and Spike.

“Gosh Twilight! Nice job with the Royal Canterlot Voice!” Spike told Twilight.

“I’ve been practicing,” she responded, proudly.

They waited patiently for Cozy and her parents to land. This was the first time Cozy had seen Twilight since her last defeat over eight years ago, though for Cozy it was just over a week, so she still had the event fresh in her mind. With a calm yet foreboding look on her face, she landed daintily and walked forward.

“Yes, Twilight? Or should I just call you ‘princess?’ Congratulations by the way,” she said, smugly.

“Cozy, I’m here to make amends with you,” Twilight began, firmly. “I know you’re upset about what happened in Canterlot, but you need to let this all go. Equestria has suffered enough.”

“Yeah, yeah, I don’t think so.”

“Is there any way I can get you to let Celestia, Luna, and Discord go?”

“No, I don’t think there is.”

“And the School of Friendship?”

“Nope. All mine.”

Cozy answered Twilight while refusing to make eye contact and instead just using a hoof-filer to polish her hooves. King and Queen Kriegspiel looked proudly at their daughter and scowled at Twilight. Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was already getting impatient.

“Look, Cozy, I know you’re powerful with that amulet, but if this keeps up, I’m going to have to call the new wielders of the Elements of Harmony to take that magic away from you. I don’t want to, but I will if I have to.”

Cozy started to look a bit confused and then thought hard. She stroked her chin with her hoof and her eyes and horn started to glow red like she was already using magic. Twilight wasn’t sure what was happening, but she seemed to be casting a spell that was meant to see from a great distance or sense something. Cozy finally looked back at Twilight and began to speak with a smile on her face once again.”

“New wielders? Oh that’s right! You mean these new wielders?”

Her horn glowed again and six bright lights flashed above her head. Twilight looked up, horrified to see all six of the teachers, no longer wearing their Element of Harmony necklaces.

“HEY!” shouted Gallus.

“The…THE ELEMENTS!!” Silverstream gasped as she looked at her neck to see her necklace no longer there.

“What the?! Oh come on!!” Smolder screamed as she shook her fist.

“Cozy, put us down!!” Sandbar joined in, trying to break free of the magic aura surrounding him by wiggling his legs about.

“NO!!! Cozy, please!” Twilight begged.

“How bratty little pony know teachers were New Elements?!” Yona bellowed.

“I may be a kid but I’m not stupid!” Cozy responded. “I already knew you guys were the new Elements of Harmony. I knew somebody had to be. Tirek, Chrysalis and I saw that big column of green energy over by the old castle ruins the other night.”

“You…you saw that?! What about the changeling?” Ocellus asked.

“What was his name…I think Scutellum or something? Yeah, he found us a few moments later and then made right off with Chrysalis, leaving me and Tirek behind. Anyway, it wasn’t hard figuring out who did that. Everypony knows how to read a random newspaper on a doorstep.”

“Cozy, that’s enough!” Twilight shouted.

“Sorry Twilight,” Cozy said as she allowed her parents to use their magic to hold the teachers while she continued to speak. “I wasn’t planning on doing anything to these guys, but you left me with no choice. You shouldn’t have threatened a poor little girl like that!”

“That’s right, foolish princess! If you even deserve to be called that!” said the queen, petting her daughter.

“Why don’t you just toddle off and mind your own business,” the king added.

“And just who are you two? What took you so long to reunite with her? And…and how are you both alicorns?!” Twilight asked.

“Again, mind your own BUSINESS!”

The king walked to Twilight and got right in her face, speaking in a very sinister, deep voice.

“Don’t worry about it, Twilight,” Cozy continued. “Those three brats get what they deserve and I only want the school right now you know. As for the teachers, you can just tell everypony that’s your fault since you threatened me. This is just going to be the new normal. You wouldn’t want to disappoint a poor, little girl…who’s happy now that she’s reunited with her loving parents, would you?”

“Awww!” said the king and queen as they giggled and snuggled up to Cozy.

“Cozy, are they your real parents?” Twilight asked.

The smiles on their faces suddenly turned to shock, which then turned into rage. Cozy marched toward Twilight with her horn glowing intensely.


She shot a beam at Twilight, turning her into a unicorn filly. Twilight was standing in her anklets and was still wearing her necklace and tiara, though they were far too big for her now.

“Wha…HEY!!” Twilight shouted in her younger voice.

“AHAHAHAHAH!!!” the king and queen laughed wildly.

Cozy was still panting from all the anger, but then calmed herself down, closed her eyes and smiled. Spike and Flurry were both horrified to see what happened.

“Oh my sweet Celestia…” Flurry said as Spike fainted.

“Daaaw, you should keep this look, Twilight! You’re almost as cute as I am!” Cozy teased.

“COZY, TURN ME BACK THIS INSTANT!!!” Twilight said, leaping in the air.

She expected to keep herself afloat until she remembered she no longer had her wings and plummeted back to the ground.

“Alright, alright, fine. Just consider that a little taste of what’s to come if you ever say a harsh word about my parents again! You hear?!”

Cozy zapped Twilight again and Twilight turned back into a grown alicorn. Her anklets had rolled away and her tiara was elsewhere on the ground. She still had on her necklace, but it was crooked. She was lying on the ground and her eyes were spinning. Flurry and Spike rushed over to help her up.

“Not cool!” Spike said, angrily.

“Cozy, come on!” Flurry added.

“Later, losers!” Cozy said as she walked back to the school with her parents and the teachers. The teachers kept shouting at her to let them go, but it did no good.

“Twilight, are you okay?” Flurry asked.

“I’m fine,” Twilight said as she got up and put her regalia back on.

“Well, that went swimmingly,” Spike grumbled.

Author's Note:

The tune to the "Ultimate Power" song can be found here: