• Published 6th Oct 2021
  • 7,552 Views, 253 Comments

Flurry Heart's Story: Dream of Alicornication - AleximusPrime

Cozy Glow returns once again, aided by her parents and the Alicorn Amulet, to get revenge and Flurry Heart must find a way to stop her.

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2. Next Stop: the School of Friendship!

Discord took a few steps back. He cracked his knuckles and stretched his arms. Cozy just hovered around, smirking and flipping her hair. Discord stood with his legs further apart and his arms outward as if they were about to duel in the Wild West. Cozy made a similar stance. They stared at each other for a few seconds until finally Discord lifted up his lion arm, opened his palm and shot a multicolored beam at Cozy. At the exact same moment, she shot a red beam at him. Their beams met in midair and pushed against one another. Discord gritted his teeth and looked as if he was having a very difficult time using his powers for once. He lifted up his other arm and tried to use more chaos magic to overpower Cozy, but the Alicorn Amulet started glowing and Cozy’s eyes turned red. It was now apparent that the power of the amulet was too much and even his own powers could not stop her. She looked like she was showing effort at first, but now she had a wide grin on her face.

Her beam pushed forward as Discord’s beam shrank. The red beam finally reached Discord and enveloped him with a magic aura. His mouth suddenly opened up and his chaos magic spewed out into a small portal that Cozy created to trap it. She had absorbed his magic in the past and knew how dangerous it could be; she wasn’t going to risk taking it for herself again. The only option was to put it somewhere safe.

“DISCORD!!!” shouted everyone behind him.

“HAHAHAHA!” Cozy laughed wildly. “Well Golly, that was fun, but I’m afraid I can’t allow the Lord of Chaos to persist like this!”

Cozy then zapped a beam of lightning at Discord. His entire body seized up and a bright light shone around him. His arms and legs morphed into the hooves of a pony and his wings were now small, grey pegasus wings. His horns disappeared and a unicorn horn appeared on his forehead. As this was all happening, his entire body also shrank and his facial features morphed into that of a young colt’s. The only thing that didn’t change was his coat color and his black Trojan horse mane-cut running down the back of his head. His flank bore a cutie mark of a set of scales. Discord had been transformed into an alicorn colt!

The light died out and he plummeted to the ground, not having enough strength to use his tiny wings. He landed with a thud and riled up some dust. He coughed a little and stood, groaning in a much younger tone.


Flurry and all her friends stood with their mouths hanging wide open. While Starlight, Trixie, and Sunburst seemed to already know, all of the kids except Flurry were not aware that this is what Discord actually used to look like. He was not always a ‘draconequus’. He started off as an alicorn thousands of years ago before he eventually became the Lord of Chaos and took over Equestria in his villainous days. Not having his magic anymore and Cozy obviously using an aging spell was what had caused him to revert back to this form. Discord no longer resembled the Lord of Chaos even one bit. He was probably the same age as Flurry.

“Daaaw, ain’t you a little cutie!” Cozy said, making her face look all enamored before it returned to her usual mischievous grin. “How does it feel now to be the weak and helpless kid, oh mighty Lord of Chaos!? How does it feel to be pushed around and bullied! HUH?!”

“I don’t get it. Discord used to be an alicorn?!” Chip asked.

“I forgot you guys didn’t know that,” Flurry told him. “He wasn’t always the Lord of Chaos or a draconequus for that matter.”

“What about his cutie mark? What does that mean?” Pumpkin asked.

“I…uh, it’s nothing, Pumpkin!” Discord said nervously as he covered his flank with his tail.

“Looks like somepony’s got a bit of a dark secret about their past,” Cozy teased.

“Cozy, please! There’s something I need to tell you!” the little alicorn colt begged. “There’s a reason I turned you into-“


Cozy used her magic to float him over to Celestia and Luna. Their bubbles popped and all three of them were pushed up against each other tightly with Celestia in the middle.

“Hey ladies. How’s it hanging?” Discord said, anxiously.

“We finally have them!” the king exclaimed. “Our revenge is complete!”

“But we’re not done yet, Father,” Cozy said, turning away from the others and walking towards the School of Friendship. “I still have a few other little things in mind.”

“Cozy Glow! Wait!” shouted Flurry behind her.

“And just what do you think you are doing?!”

The queen turned to Flurry and stood tall over her as her horn glowed the same color as Cozy’s. Cozy turned around and walked over to her mother.

“Don’t worry about her, Mother. She can’t stop me. How could she?”

“Cozy, I know we haven’t met yet, but I’ve read the Journal of Friendship and I know all about you. I’m trying to help. Please let me help you,” Flurry begged.

“Look Princess, you don’t know a single thing about me. I know you’re learning about friendship and whatnot and you really wanna try and ‘reform’ me, but I’ve got my own agenda. I’m only going to say this once: do not get in my way.”

Cozy leaned in close to Flurry’s face. She stopped smiling and her tone was threatening as she spoke through her teeth. Flurry stood there, feeling completely helpless. Her friends walked up behind her and Pound put his hoof on her shoulder.

“It’s okay, Flurry. We’ll try again later,” he told her.

Cozy turned around and walked back to her parents with the three helpless alicorn children still floating around in midair.

“What’s on our list first, oh beloved daughter?” the king asked.

“Well, I gotta be honest, I was missing the School of Friendship a little,” Cozy said, stroking her chin. “I think I might go on in there and do a little renovating.”

“What?! NO! NOT THE SCHOOL!!!” Starlight shouted as Trixie and Sunburst held her back.

“Aw sorry, Starlight, but I’m afraid I’m gonna have to shut the school down,” Cozy said. “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll get a full time job at some hayburger joint in town. Father, Mother, let’s go have some fun!”

Cozy and her parents walked off proudly, carrying Discord, Celestia, and Luna with their magic as they went.

“Princesses, Discord, don’t worry, we’ll get help! We’ll find a way!” called Sunburst.

After a few seconds, ponies in the area began to open the shutters to their windows and come out of their front doors. The others just stood there with their heads down. Starlight was especially stressed now that her own school was being taken over. She had her face buried in her hooves as Sunburst had his hoof on her shoulder.

“This is bad! This is very bad!” Trixie said, frantically tapping her hooves on the ground.

“She really is as scary as they said she was,” Pound commented.

“You have no idea,” Stormy said, still shuddering as he huddled up on the ground.

“How do we stop her?” Annie asked Flurry.

“I don’t know. She just overpowered the three of the most powerful magic-users in Equestria and now they’re her prisoners,” Flurry said, gloomily.

“FLURRY!” called a familiar voice in the sky above.


“Flurry, there you are!” Spike said, landing and panting a little as he rushed over to her. “Did you…was…Cozy Glow…was she here?!”

“Well right now she’s in the School of Friendship doing who-knows-what to it.” Flurry responded.

“And she’s taken Celestia, Luna, AND Discord!” Trixie said.


Behind Spike was Zecora who had just arrived with Twilight and several guards flying behind her.

“She has already taken the princesses AND Discord?!” Zecora exclaimed.

“You think that’s bad enough, she also turned them into kids!” Pumpkin added.

“That wretched little girl! She needs to be…uh…stopped!”

“Zecora, you’re not rhyming. What happened?” Flurry asked.

“The child has taken my ability to rhyme! I have never felt this terrible in years!”

“So she did go after Celestia and Luna after all,” Twilight said as she landed next to Zecora.

“Twilight!” Flurry said as she ran in to give her aunt a hug. “I tried talking to her, Twilight. She wouldn’t listen.”

“I didn’t think she would. I thought it would be a lot easier to get to her, but I didn’t expect she would go after the Alicorn Amulet. Now we’ve got a real problem. If only I could find her parents and ask them to talk some sense into her.”

“Twilight, her parents ARE here!” Starlight exclaimed.

“What? They’re here already?!”

“But they’re helping her out! They’re just as bad as she is! Oh, and if that isn’t bad enough, they’re both alicorns!” Trixie added.

“ALICORNS?! No…no that can’t be possible!”

“Well her father was born an alicorn and her mother became one,” Pound told Twilight.

“So they say,” Flurry added.

Twilight began to pace around as she spoke.

“This doesn’t make any sense. We would have known about her father years ago if he was born an alicorn. If her parents are as bad as you say, there’s no way her mother could have ascended the way Cadance and I did. Ponies don’t just become alicorns if they have such malice in their hearts.”

“I’m betting neither of them are alicorns, even her dad,” Spike said, crossing his arms.

“I’m with Spike on this one,” Sunburst added. “Cozy obviously used the amulet to make herself an alicorn, she probably did the same to them.”

“Or they aren’t her real parents.” Pumpkin added.

“Then why would they say they are?” Chip asked.

Twilight then heard footsteps to her right and looked to see Gallus, Silverstream, Sandbar, Yona, Ocellus, and Smolder with the new Elements of Harmony.

“Princess?” asked Gallus.

“We heard everything about Cozy,” Silverstream told Twilight. “Gallus suggested we get these things ready.

“Should we use them?” Sandbar asked.

“I’m not too sure we should,” Twilight responded. “Cozy’s very powerful with that amulet, but…well, I was going to see if I could track down her parents to see if they could talk some sense into her, but now that I know about all this…”

“Bad ponies can’t be Cozy’s real parents.” Yona said, firmly. “Real parents out there somewhere. Maybe we use Elements on them.”

“They could even be the real villains,” Smolder added.

“Well I’d rather we not use the Elements on Cozy Glow unless it gets bad enough,” Twilight continued as she looked back to the School of Friendship. “Discord and I had plans for her, it’s just too bad she escaped too soon. Maybe she’ll change her mind if he talks to her in there.”

“What plans?” Flurry asked.

“I’ll explain later, but right now I need to see if I can talk to Cozy. I just hope she listens.”