Sunset Shimmer hangs out around the Wondercolt statue with her dear friends, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. They await the arrival of one Starswirl the Bearded to aide them in recovering and safeguarding magical mysteries he once left behind in their world.
Some mysteries of which he's only just now discovering for himself, however.
Part of the Anarchyverse. A sequel to All These Midnight Days, but you can read this without it.
Wasn't that Celestia? You know, your kind of obsession?
I'll archive this under r/TIHI
HAH! But at the same time, there is one less problem with this. Less racism, no more white supremacists or KKK in THIS history
Wow. That makes too much sense.
Well, that happened!
Fuckin' Starswirl. Add it to the list!
Rather clever, that.
So... is the truth that do hats translate well, or that it is his fault they don't?
Ah. This does make sense as another aspect of Equestrian interference. I just like to think it's another sign of the low-level but still present magic that was always in that world. Chromelanin really is a fascinating pigment protein. Lovely bit of silliness. Thank you for it.
Zogging Starsquirrel...
That's one way of explaining how EqG Humans are all technicolor. Everyone having varied hair and skin color would help people get used to others being different but I doubt that discrimination would just go away.
I think that there was a Deadpool comic where even after someone turned everyone blue and bald, DP lampshades this by showing that you could still tell what gender, race, and ethnicity people were.
I love how Rainbow's first instinct was to jump the old man for using Earth as a dumping grounds.
Oh this is a nice start and addiction to this universe.
You really misunderstand human nature if you think giving us more colours is gonna solve racism
Not being well Anarchy-versed, I'm gonna assume that there's a bit/a lot of emotional baggage there (depending on the headcanon).
Ok. This makes sense. That universe was a magical dumpster. Humans mutated.
i said ''less' not 'no'
This is human-Twilight. She has no obvious reason to idolise a high school principal.
Sunset was obsessed with surpassing Celestia. And who's ego was almost as vast and gravity-well-generating as hers? Hmmmm?
Uh... r/TIHI???
Up the Greens!!!
Glad you all liked it!
r/thanks i hate it. It's a subreddit for things that generally creepy as hell. Like slippers that look like a human jaw with teeth
r/Thanks, I Hate It
The truest sign of success I ever saw. Thank you!
Speaking of that:
It's getting into the real-world educational system, one in-joke at a time. Like the thagomizer.
... I do not know how to feel about this.
There was one Fairly Oddparents episode where Timmy, after being bullied by his asshole dentist, tried to stop bullying by making everyone into a grey blob...only to learn that making everyone the same doesn't end things like bullying.
Equestrian ponies are also multi-colored, but that doesn't stop them from discriminating against other creatures like zebras.
The EG world might have candy-colored people, but that probably doesn't stop things like war and greed.
Rainbow and Starswirl were utterly hilarious in this story.
i did say 'less' not 'stop'
I wonder what his little pet project was…
Dang, a lot of time dure has passed since all these midnight days
Yep, that's rainbow for ya.
Figured she didn't.
Ok now I understand what rainbow meant and just want to say why the hell would they beat him up if he's come to help them.
I think she was dating aria correct?
He's probably not used to her human form compared to her pony form.
Human starswirl not hooman.
Yep, she has a point.
You kinda are rainbow, no offense.
Had a feeling when I saw clover would have that. Sigh. I hate that memory stone so much!
Thank you, I really tried with them.
A magical crystal that would allow him to change the color of anything in the world! Unfortunately, it changed them permanently. That wouldn’t have been too big of an issue, except that Celestia and Luna (ages 6 and 4) started messing with it. Starswirl had to rebuild his house from scratch to preserve his retinas, pretend that Celestia‘s mane was always those colors, and then tossed the darn thing through the nearest portal before Rockhoof or his idiot brother Low Key could get a hold of it and start more mischief.
It’s actually only a month or two later. I will update the “wiki” soon.
oh, I see, thx.
Hmm. Tweak it to be a not single-event-source and I'd take that on as headcanon in general. Of course then it wouldn't be as strong a story, so no reason for this to be any different.
...Rockhoof had a brother named Low Key? Tell me more!
Dang it. I screwed up the joke. Ash Mane is his Anarchyverse brother. Kinda. And he liked keeping things low-key. Sorry
Read this chapter of The Legend of Trixie to learn more.
Oh. So, not ponified Loki?
One of the proposed origins of Loki’s name basically means “little embers”, soooo… yeah. Pony Loki.
He should have included some temporal magic to rewind colors back to how they were before in the spell matrix.
Starswirl can only go back a week, and it changes nothing. Clover either knows this too, or just doesn’t want to put that much thought into it.
A good short story.
It apparently affected our naming conventions, too.
Oh shit this is good. He done fucked up.
That’s assuming it’s the full range of the spell Twilight used. As shown by Starlight’s meddling, one can send things back quite a far distance in time, though it’s arguable how long it would last since they both always seemed to come back to the same point in the present.
Though it wouldn’t be anything as arduous as time travel itself, and more of bending time around objects and things affected by a spell in order to turn them to how they were prior, which might be a forbidden or extremely difficult magic, thinking about it, due to the disuse of it in the show…
…Am I Twilighting this subject? Sorry if I’m boring you on theories.
Possibly a mirroring effect from the infusion of Magic into that world, as shown in the comics with Celestia regularly visiting Good Sombra’s world to the point that both world’s events mirrored each other.
As a Starswirl and Clover fan, I approve of this
Nah, I dig theories.
Simply put, I feel like Clover was quite clever (ha!). Not as powerful as Starswirl, but certainly with either a better head on their shoulders, or at least the ability to break down problems into a more cost-efficient model than their old teacher. Time travel in the Anarchyverse comes up a lot, and in different manners, but it's a typical rule of every method of time travel that causing an unresolvable Paradox is the end of all things. It's ludicrously dangerous, and outside of Starlight's little whoopsie, can't be done in a paradox-causing manner unless you had the power and knowledge to know just how bad an idea that was.
So, at least in Clever's mind, which is better? Breaking time so that the universe instantly poofs out of existence or has to double back over itself to fix the paradoxes caused?
Or erasing the pesky memories of being a different color? Clever picked the one that cost them, at most, one good night's sleep. Efficient.
Please. We don't use dirty words like the comics around here...
Oh, no, I was simply commenting on how preventative measures might be taken. With the proper time and research put into temporal magic, one could find a way to reset molecules to how they were prior to the spell’s casting(Tests on living subjects would be a bit iffy), assuming that they simply used the energies of time instead of attempting to traverse it. Of course, that depends upon the rules of time in whatever universe one finds themselves in, though based upon observations that time is not flowing at the same constant rate everywhere in the universe, it could be presumed that the time of that universe, with magic in the mix, would be malleable enough to allow for complexities that don’t involve traversing time.
Though it’s unlikely they had the time, research capabilities or sheer magical power in order to make such an enchantment, so the best way to have reversed those damages would probably have been some transformative magic, preferably not the disguise magic of the Changelings, to reset the DNA of whatever genes were altered to provide the colorful pigments of their skin(assuming that it’s genetics that are the cause, and not some trait that was impressed upon the soul of a person, which would be quite dangerous to try and reverse).
Yeah, I’m thinking way too hard on this, aren’t I?
Maybe, but it’s fun.
In any case, we know that age spells exist in the modern day of G4, but that only the most powerful of unicorns are capable of casting them. Considering no other immortal characters are around, one could argue there are other hurdles to surmount when it comes to such casual manipulation of the chronological state of matter.
Plus, who knows if Clover would even have been able to cast such a spell in the human world. Not without building an artifact to let them do so without a horn, and time was of the essence. People were panicking right then and there, so an immediate solution was called for.
So, totally possible! I agree with you! Clover just didn’t have the time or the circumstances to work on such a solution.
Well that was a fun topic. Hope to discuss things with you again in the future.
HAHAHA! Old fools broke space/time.
Love the usage of the Memory stone. While it explains why now the humans are colourful, I personally think that, technically speaking, the world was created because of the portal, as all the people are mirror versions. This doesn't mean I follow that headcanon in any way though, it goes into way too existencial crises
Overall, a nice, funny story
EqG is a hilarious mad rabbit tunnel of conspiracies, illogic, and oddly endearing situations and characters a Whole somehow greater than the sum of its part. ‘S why I adore it so much at times.
Did you have a favorite moment or character from the story? Ir just more insight? I so rarely get to talk shop about this stuff and being stuck un a hospital a whole week so far hasn’t helped.