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Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.

AIM base of operations.

4:20 AM

A lone island sat in the middle of the ocean. Nothing truly stuck out, all except what looked to be a nuclear power plant of sorts. All around said plant were people wearing nearly identical yellow Hazmat looking suits, all armed with some kind of assault rifle. Inside the plant's security room, two guards sat and monitored the various screens. One of the screens blinked red, showing what appeared to be various escape pods coming down to their base of operations.

"Intruders!" One of them yelled, quickly getting up. "We need to tell the boss and everyone about this!"

"Nah, we don't." The other replied, still sitting, but leaning in his chair.

"We don't? Are you crazy!? It could be SHIELD!!! Maybe Hydra! Or even-!"


He didn't get his final words out as he looked at his stomach, seeing it red with his own blood. The other man got up, holstering a smoking pistol with a silencer on its nozzle.

"The X-Force?" He asked, but now with a woman's voice. Green flames engulfed him, and they quickly turned into an insect humanoid with very light blue shell, and pink fins that were also translucent. She walked to a nearby computer, putting in a USB drive. "Don't worry, it'll be over quickly." Her victim fell to the floor, dead. The entire place went dark for a second, followed by the place turning on with red lights. She put on an earpiece. "Shields are down, sir. Everything is going to plan."

"Sweet!" The voice on the other line replied. "Think you'll be able to join us, Ocellus?"

"Mr. Deadpool, getting in was the hardest part. Getting out is the easiest. I'll be with you soon." The sound of men clamoring through the halls could be heard. "... give me a moment, first."

"See ya soon, Ocell." Right on the other end was the man himself, Deadpool, inside one of the various vessels. Right in front of him was Princess Luna, being humanoid in the body but still having her pony head, sharpening a rapier. Next to her was a woman who looked like a mix of the two, being female in shape with the head of Luna, but was wearing a blue version of Deadpool's costume, with some crescent moons on her hips. She was looking over a pair of swortswords, then one long claymore, strapping it to her back.

"Just so you know," Luna replied, sheathing her rapier. "This plan of yours is very stupid, Wilson."

"That's not stupid!" Deadpool replied. "The stupidest thing was when MrAquino tried to create a sequel before my fic was finished!"

"Wait… but I have the weapons that are based on RWBY and from that Power Ranger." Their 3rd wheel replied. "Hey! It's Neara!"

"Eh, retcons. They happen all the time." He placed a hand on his earpiece. "X-Force! You guys ready!?" Various replies of "Yeah!" And "Yes, sir!" were heard. "Sweet. Let's get to it! Yo Gallus! Blast Deltron 3030's Countdown!"

Ocellus ran on top of the rooftop of the powerplant, but stopped, taking her breath to admire both the sunrise, and the arrival of the X-Force. She quickly ran alongside one of the various shuttles, jumping on, flying to, and landing in one of them, as other flew past her. Below, some of the various hazmat soldier looked up, seeing the shuttles coming down. One of said shuttles crashed into the middle of an open area. Its door opened, and pulling herself out was Yona the Yak, being quite huge than she was a few years ago. She tried to pull herself out, but was stuck… until she was pushed out by her much smaller boyfriend, the young stallion Sandbar. He shook himself as he crawled right out.

Ocellus stood behind a wall, pulling out a remote and pressing a button. The vessel the couple came in exploded behind them, but they didn't flinch. Rather, Sandbar gave his huge girlfriend her helmet, which she gladly accepted. The two nodded as Yona pulled out a huge machine gun, revving it and blasted away, as Sandbar had an assault rifle and fired alongside her! The hazmat guards didn't have much time to react.

In the air, one of the vessel doors came flying out, and coming out, coughing, was Selina the cat. She looked around, hissing, ready to fight, but stopped to see the vessels flying in the air wildly. An unamused look came to her face as she rolled her eyes, quickly jumping into the air and, very gracefully, landed on a robot patrolling, slashing some wires out, before pulling a crossbow out and firing an explosive arrow into a crowd. As the smoke cleared, following was Roscoe the Diamond Dog, pulling out a pistol and firing rapidly before firing at a crowd with a grenade launcher.

Flying through the air was Lightbreeze the breezie, in a new mech suit that, while wasn't as huge as his Warhammer 40k dreadnought, still had a menacing look, and was much faster & lighter. He flew, giving a friendly wave to Silversteam the Hippogriff, who stood on her vessel as it crashed to the floor, destroying some of the robots in its path. She jumped into the air, pulling her sniper rifle out, blasting at a missile, which exploded with other missiles. Said explosions were seen by the kirin, Summer Flare, walking solo on a bridge, using her blades to slice and reflect the gunfire. Though she was relatively calm, the flames of the Nirik part of her came through as she released a huge slash of fire on the people on the bridge.

Ocellus took cover as the explosion happened, but looked in the distance of the sun. The sun was bright, but the silhouette of something was arriving… and it was getting huge. A sentinel was arriving. She panicked and tried to communicate, but it landed right in front of her. The impact made everyone turn to her, seeing the giant humanoid robot. It lifted a blade and swung at her!

Were it not for Summer Flare, Ocellus would've been gone. Though much smaller, the Kirin used her blade to block its blade, then erupting into flames, slicing the sentinel's blade in half. She stood, panting, as it took a lot of energy from her. Ocellus quickly got up, turning into a fly and buzzing away. The Sentinel swung it's other blade, but a flash of light came, and the other blade was missing. It turned to see Silversteam in a sniper tower, having just blasted it's other blade clean off.

Said Sentinel's back opened and fired a bunch of missiles at Silversteam, before it's chest opened and it fired a barrage of lasers. Everyone began to run for cover as Silversteam jumped out of her sniper tower, pulling out a simple pistol, firing at the various missiles. Lightbreeze grabbed one of missile and flew it right at the Sentinel's face, blinding it, before grabbing Summer Flare's hand. Though she was taken back by the force, the Kirin was tossed at the sentinel with the force from the mech's throw, where she sliced off its left foot right off, and the titan of a robot fell over. Almost descending from the sky came Neara, slicing off the robot's head with her claymore, followed by an epic explosion. The sun was now in the sky, and the X-Force had won! Everyone cheered, offering compliments and bolstering their own skills. But Deadpool entered the building as soon as the kickass song ended, with Luna and Neara following.

"So… what are we here for?" Neara asked.

"Rescuing one of our own." Deadpool replied. They entered a lab of sorts, with various Shark looking humans in various giant tubes. But at the very end was a fairly small, metal ball. "Little help?" Luna sighed as she sliced the metal ball with her sword. The slices were enough to make a small hole, followed by something growling. "Come on out! It's safe." There was a small pause. Some small footsteps came, followed by what appeared to be a small shark standing on four legs.

"... Wait… is that-?" Neara asked.

"Jeffery! Come here you!" Deadpool picked up the small, dog-shaped shark. It made happy mrr noises. "Oh, I'm so happy to see you again!"

"... we did this to save… a landshark?"

"Like I said, it's stupid." Luna replied.

"I have to agree." Another voice spoke, a man's.

"Who's that!?" Neara asked.

"Oh my god!" Deadpool yelled. "Patton Oswalt!?"

"No, you idiot!" Flying in was what could only be described as a giant head in a robot case with small arms and legs. "It is I, MODOK!!!"

"Oh… hi there!"

"... That's it? You came all this way, killed all of my fellow AIM soldiers, destroyed my robots and modified Sentinel, rescued your abomination of a pet, and the best thing you can say is 'hi there'!?"

"Um… do you have Covid-19?"

"... ugh, no matter! You won't make it out of here alive! None of you will!"

"Hey! This is MY family! If you're gonna try to kill them, then you're gonna have to kill me first, but ya can't! So…" he flipped him off.

"Oh, I am very much aware, Wade Wilson. Which is why I'm taking you out of the picture first!" The gem on his forehead glowed, and a wall opened, revealing a portal.

"A portal!? That's the best thing you can think of!? Sheesh, talk about being unorig-" he didn't complete as Modok fired at him, sending Wade flying into the portal. Jeffery barked and followed Wade, jumping through the portal.

"DAD!!!" Neara yelled, running after him. But the portal closed. Modok began to cackle wildly.

"Oh boo hoo, your daddy's gone." He mocked as various weapons came out from the side. "But now… let's have some fun!"