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For them, a dream. Like thousands of other dreams. For you, a story. Like thousands of other stories.


This story is a sequel to Hope and the Horizon

Hitch Trailblazer’s family has always been important to Maretime Bay. Their lineage goes back to the founding of the town. And now, with the sheriff’s badge pinned to his shoulder strap, all the weight of that legacy is coming down on him. He has a lot to live up to. But he’ll be okay.

Elsewhere, distant, Celestia watches and ruminates on her choices.

More than one dawn will happen in Equestria today.

[09/23 - 9/24] Briefly featured. Thanks, all--and happy G5!

Part 5 and the finale of the Equestrian Scions, which began with Your Faithful Disciple; this story was preceded by Hope and the Horizon.

Cover art by sofiko-ko, used without explicit permission. If use of the image offends, I will gladly remove it.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 33 )

I was wondering if this would come out before the film released. Happy to see it here.

This has been a lovely series to read. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Wow. You made the deadline! That's seriously impressive! Now time to watch it all be torn to shreds by canon-

Oh well, this series will always be canon in my heart, regardless of how G5 goes.

Just in time!

It's been a wonderful series. Kudos.

A fitting conclusion to this... Well, I don't know what you'd call a set of five connected stories. A quintology? And just in time, too.

Whether or not the movie lives up to expectations - or defies them - this series will certainly hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for writing it.

Aww... I can relate relate to finishing everything the day before it is due.
In all seriousness though, this series was wonderful. You've captured the fear of having missed sometime wonderful (for people like me who only joined the herd after the show had ended), nostalgia (for those who saw the show in its prime), and the cautious hope of something new.
Thank you, and cheers to Gen 5

Ok now you finally got everybody here and just in time before the movie is about to come in tomorrow and it looks like hitch question about his position and sometimes he really wishes that something that he can do more than that even the animals seem to like him a lot and it looks like Princess Celestia finally wanted to help out the situation not only that to bring back Harmony but from these five ponies that the Alicorns chose hopefully they will bring back Harmony Back once again this was a pretty good story and let's hope the movie it's going to be good keep up the good work

I told you you'd be able to fit Hitch in there just in time. Congrats on finishing the series! Looking forward to many more stories with you at the helm. :yay:

(Also, Hitch is best G5 stallion.)

I'm sure there will be major season 4 premiere vibes when the movie releases.
"I felt a great disturbance in Harmony, as if millions of headcanons suddenly cried out in terror, and were as suddenly silenced."

Yes! Just in time as I wait for the movie 🤩

You going to write more after the movie?

I really really liked this series, and I am so glad that you wrote it :)

So, this doesn't have that much to do with the story, but if magic is gone, why do ponies still have Cutie Marks? Remember, when Tirek drained a pony's magic, their Cutie Marks disappeared.


Thank you to you and others who have been following along for some or all of the ride. I know it wasn’t the most ambitious project, but it was a fun little character study and I’m happy that others got enjoyment out of my throwing words onto the page--even if I don’t think I did every story the justice it deserved.

Depending on how much of a stickler you want to be, both are correct, but “pentalogy” is more correct (insofar as the word is derived from only one language where “quintology” is derived from two, which makes linguistic purists unhappy).

But that aside, thank you for coming along with me on this little ride, and I’m glad you enjoyed it.

I have other projects I am working on, and not all of them are related to MLP; that said, if the movie grabs my attention and I see more places to take these characters, I certainly would not be averse to writing more!


Ah, the fanfiction writer’s greatest fear--getting Jossed.

In all seriousness, I expect that the movie will rapidly prove one or more, even all, of these stories non-canonical, and I anticipated that from the beginning. I’ve stayed away from as many trailers and previews as I have, because I wanted this series to be as close to my initial vision as I could, and while I think I could have done better, I’m happy enough with how it all came out.

While I hope to enjoy the characters as the movie shows them, and while I’m sure there will be plenty more stories to tell, I’m happy i managed to sneak my way in at the foundation of a whole new generation of work. Hopefully the foundations I’ve laid are solid enough for others to build on, should they choose.

To everyone who has commented, or will comment!

Thank you for your time, and I hope you’ve enjoyed this little trip as much as I have. Enjoy the G5 movie, and please, if necessary, keep spoilers out of the comments! I’ve already promised to watch the film with someone, and their first opportunity won’t be until Monday, so I’ve got some waiting to do and I’d like to enter with as a little in the way of preconception as I can. I wrote these stories blind, and I’d like to remain blind until I can experience the whole thing for myself.

Have a good one, and happy G5 to all!

You did it, you did it!

Time shall crown this series. Though deviated from what's told in the movie, (which is kinda guaranteed to happen with fanfics,) this is still a perfect gift for the beginning of a new generation.

If you haven't watched the movie, stay expectant of it. It isn't perfect, seeing as the second half of the story paced itself a little bit too fast, but it's still a good beginning for something great.

The magic of friendship may have been dimmed, but there will always be a new generation on the horizon.

The book opens once more in that meadowed grounds.

A story is told, a legend is born to inspire those that read it.

Bravo good sir/madam. This is definitely one for the FIM history archives.

I'm with 10988893 and 10989136

Film is fun, pleasant, doesn't match up perfectly with what you wrote, and is a little fast paced. Overall it's a good time, and I'm super excited to see where G5 goes from this beginning.

In the meantime, thank you for these stories, and I hope that when you do watch the movie, you'll be inspired to write even more for G5. :twilightsmile:


Thank you for your feedback, and I appreciate that you’ve both been following along for at least part of (all of?) this little ride; it means a lot to see familiar faces in the comments (not to imply that you’re the only ones, of course).

I’m glad to have made such an impression, and I’m not surprised that the movie does its own thing. While I won’t have the chance to see it for another few days, I fully expect it to tell its own tale--though I’m glad to have been here and written something for it that so many people seem to think is foundational. That’s not something I’d ever thought someone would suggest--so if and when I do get around to writing more G5, I hope I can live up to the expectation myself.

Thank you also for being nonspecific in your discussion of the movie--I’m excited to sit down on Monday with some of my oldest pony friends for a group watch, and I’m trying to keep an open mind about it and dodge as many spoilers as I can; but I’ll keep what you both said in mind about the pacing.

That’s high praise--I’m glad you enjoyed this work (and hopefully the works that came before). I’m excited to be here at ground zero for G5 and to have played my part in building up the hype! Here’s hoping there are many years of pony stories to come.

I have watched 'My Little Pony New Generation' and I must say that there is nothing in your five stories that was contradicted by the film. You did a wonderful job in looking into the personalities of each pony and on the reflection of each princess regarding that pony. I do hope you have one more in mind with a reunion of the five princess' in elsewhere on how they did a good thing by not leaving things be.

i just watched the "My Little Pony new generations" movie and all i can say is that it was one of the best movies i have watched this year since it brought back a lot of old memories but enough about that. Awesome chapter dude!!!

I've been here since the first entry, I just don't tend to comment often. :twilightsheepish: Mostly because I find it harder to organize my thoughts concerning what I like about something compared to what I don't like. I've enjoyed each of the Equestrian Scions stories, especially the interactions between the princesses of Ancient Equestria.

Very nice - I found all of these stories to be very effective at making me both smile and tear up a bit. Probably mostly for the way you evoked the cautious hopefulness of their future. I do hope you can do more with this. It seems perfectly plausible to keep the Elsewhere Alicorns as backstory that only the Mane 5 are aware of, and not very directly, at that.

Aside from Sunny's book being her own journal rather than Twilight's work, your canon-compliance came out really well. Whether luck or prescience, congratulations!

Finally got to reading this one and it was indeed a treat, like the whole series. Strong but lonely soul is something that Celestia would very much connect to, he is a very fitting choice.
Something that I do wanna see from your story is to see if Maretime bay actually does have a port. They have a lighthouse do I don’t see why not. Would be cool.
Also Hitch’s and Sunny’s interaction was really cute.

Great work on this series

After watching the new movie this does feel like part of it. I just read all the stories in one go and so far I do like the mystery on M6 and other characters if they had descendants which I wish many of them had… But ultimately I do like that you kept the mystery of what happened to Equestria in a way that still kept its mystery for the movie.

We don’t need a clear answer so far and it’s find. Friendship and magic came back in the end and ponies will begin to build a new Equestria that will be different but better then before.

Also, I totally thought this was your story which recommended me your stories because this definitely works with yours in my view Princess Pro Tips

Well there be a sequel that the alicorns would reflect or react to the movie events?


Close to what we saw, too. The only flaw was Sunny's notebook is a compilation of what her father did; and Argyle is the source and fountainhead for Sunny's determination...

He needs to be lauded for his steadfastness in the belief that ALL ponies need each other. And giving that gift to his daughter...

He did his part...

Hoof to Heart...

“And that decision, that agreement, has led us here.” Alongside the image of Hitch and Sunny, other mobile pictures, like video screens, began to float up alongside. Pegasi hiding in mountaintops. Earth ponies looking suspiciously over their shoulders at sunset. Unicorns sleeping in the dirt. “Equestria is… fading. Not conquered. Not victimized. But atrophying all the same. Because I swore an oath to stand back and watch—a fool’s oath. One I should never have spoken. One I should not have held you to.”

To be fair, how would Twilight predicted making a site to rank mares in her friendship school would lead to the downfall of harmony decades later?

Hitch will find himself busy in the new Equestria, as reviled in concept leaks before the G5 ponies had names they had roles they where ment to fill, well Sunny, Izzy and Hitch did. Explorer, Caretaker and Protector. Sunny and Hitch most definitely stayed those rolls. It makes sense that Celestia woul inspire the Protector.

This little series should and could be a dope little opener or post credit scene to the movie. Honestly if there's a comic book related to the movie like the show had this will fit right in way better its like a sub plot or be plot in a show and it adds to the story taking away.

Howdy, hi!

Blame me for my Hitch and Celestia bias, but this is probably my favourite. I love the parallels drawn between both characters and how they define themselves by their surroundings. They are who they say they are, but there is still an element of *force* to their interactions. A bit of a mask to keep up what's expected. I guess I just really relate to that kind of thing too.

Anyways, I loved this entire series. It's definitely not wholly accurate to the movie, I think that's fine. At the end of the day, you wrote a really good story about passing the torch and fighting back against apathy. I can't help but be happy about that kind of message.

Thank you very much for the read. Was worth every word.

ah, a lovely end, wrapping everything together! more hints at what happened to cause Equestria's fall, with Celestia taking the blame for this decline on her withers. that the work of Harmony was ensuring that Twilight's legacy in the form of her journal reached this new generation of characters is very fitting and beautiful,

this was an important series to be written, i think. coming before the release of the movie, it is a time capsule of this very specific period of time, and the hopes we had for G5 without having seen the canon material yet. thank you for it!

Pegasi hiding in mountaintops. Earth ponies looking suspiciously over their shoulders at sunset. Unicorns sleeping in the dirt.


What? :P

I adored this just as much as the rest! The way you brought things back full-circle, and the general vibe of just, change. Celestia's history and Hitch's history and the idea that the future can be different. Even as he's reluctant about Sunny's progressive ideals he's not entirely resistant either, and the ambiguity around the phrasing of his answer regardless paradoxically makes that clear. Also, the bit with the seagulls.

Thank you very very much for this series, it was a great read. I can't wait to see what comes of all of this :twilightsmile:

Love how Celestia's and Twilight's conversation is a mirror to Hitch and Sunny especially when the respective G5 Ponies in these series of stories are connected to the respective G4 Alicorns!

And now the final domino falls leading to the events of the G5Movie. Even if this doesn't gel well with the G5 Movie. I'd still enjoy it!

A shame that I've reached the end of this mini series of stories but I've enjoyed it regardless! I know this is the end of these series of stories but I wouldn't mind if you also expand into a new set of sequels during the events of the G5 Show!

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