• Published 15th Sep 2021
  • 2,374 Views, 24 Comments

Soft Comfort - MrNumbers

Pinkie Pie is a wonderful roommate. The best, really. Too good, frankly. So of course Twilight is doing her best not to make having the biggest crush in the world on her a thing. She just wants to be what Pinkie needs her to be, tonight.

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Comments ( 17 )

Most of a sequel is already written (5k out of a planned 7 or 8k), set a few months into the relationship. Much happier, fluffier. So look forward to that if that's what you're in for.

We need an interlude with smugset gloating at scidumb.

Aww, that was sweet.

>TFW no depressed Ponkers GF


So this is the exact kind of smutty-yet-still-character-driven clopfic the world needs right now. And, y'know, if there's a sequel coming (har har dirty innuendo), that makes things even better!

(Also bonus points if the sequel has, like, rarijack and more casual nudity hijinks or whatever but that's just my own personal bias even though I don't write clopfic anymore and I honestly don't know where I'm going with this).

Keep up the good work, is what I'm saying.

Twi-Pie is so god damn adorably written in this it's almost insane.

Okay, THIS is a h/c fic I can enjoy!

I have a baaaad history with the subgenre. ^^()

Very nice though, and the sort of adorable hotness I'd expect from these two.

This was an absolutely wonderful story to read, I need more of this asap lol

Well this has got to be the best fluff I've read in years. Getting that sensual feel that I could only dream of producing. Just... Incredible work, looking forward to the sequel. :twilightsmile:

This story is too good.

It is literally a perfect TwiPie. Characterizations are spot on. The reality of Twilight having to logically figure out that it's okay that she likes Pinkie. Pinkie teasing her relentlessly until she does something about it. Both intentional and unintentional teasing.

It's definitely going in my best ships shelf.

You kind of lost me on this, I know they talked about feelings but sloppy seconds rebound after Pinkie didn't even bother to close the door knowing that Twilight could probably hear everything if she woke up makes me think that this isn't a lasting thing.

Once that honeymoon period ends the amount of doubt and second guessing that this first time would lead to would be overwhelming every time one of them had doubts about the future or they got in a fight.


This feels to me like a case of someone bringing their own baggage to the text, given how far out of the way this story goes to address that.

I thought it was pretty clear in the text, but this isn't a sudden spur of the moment thing for either of them. It's just that both of them thought a relationship with each other wasn't an option on the table, and this was just the tipping point that let them both know what the other wanted.

At every moment of escalation after that point, the idea that this is just "sloppy seconds" or a spur of the moment rebound either of them would regret is brought up and refuted. What's there to be overwhelming or fight over here? Pinkie never cheated on Twilight - she didn't think Twilight liked her that way. She couldn't be considerate of Twilight's feelings if Twilight was going so far out of her way to hide them. And Twilight has nothing to be jealous about - I think that's a really unhealthy mindset that the character doesn't share.

As a side note, the bedroom door open thing and the walking around the apartment naked thing is an homage to a lovely, otherwise very thoughtful, and deeply straight roommate who absolutely did those things for the first few months of living together.

MrNumbers you madlad. 10/10 TwiPie. The last few paragraphs should be taught in universities as how to perfectly wrap up a story.

Oh okay then. That escalated quicker than I expected XD But they both wanted that and enjoyed it, so even if it was fast I'll allow it under the circumstances. Especially because it was really well written.

You know, it's not often one can say you're genuinely reading porn for the plot and dialogue. Yet here we are.

This story filled me with love unlike barely any others could. Hurt-and-comfort scenario is one of best ways to attach reader to a romance emotionally stronger (but of course, that's far from all to it that made it so astonishing) and i honestly squeaked in my pillow from how lovely it all felt
thank you 💙

Aww, this was really sweet!

This was really cute! It was nice seeing their daily life together and then seeing them finally get together, including their surprise at just how much the other liked them. I generally have a hard time imagining Pinkie as being, well, sexually active, This did a great job presenting that without feeling weird or making Pinkie feel out of character.

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