Queen Chrysalis returned to the badlands hive and gave the tragic news of Nephrite's death at the hands of Princess Mi-Amore Cadenza who had lured Her and Nephrite to A meeting under the guise of trying to find a way that the changelings of the badlands could be saved from their extinction.
when in reality it was just to get the Queens away from the hive with Mi-Amore using an illusion spell to hide crossbows on the wall which she fired off with multiple of her royal guard bursting into the room chrysalis dodged the shot at her however nephrite not so lucky.
where in her case it had hit her right in the heart causing instant death chrysalis explained that she pretended to flee and fall into a ravine which had water at the bottom where she finished her recount of it, after which chrysalis declared that the Badlands hive was officially at war with Equestria, the changelings who were in shock at first didn't believe it but the amount of detail that was presented was convincing enough that many started to scream for Mi-Amore's head
Unbeknownst to Chrysalis and the Changelings of the badlands hive, Nephrite wasn't finished off like chrysalis thought when the rope holding her wings had come back in fact Nephrites wing's were torn off on the way down where she had fallen into a river and had been able to get the anti-magic ring off her horn, now Nephrite knew that she would have to lay low with the knowledge that chrysalis knew she hadn't died or at least that's what she thought when in reality Chrysalis thought the opposite
Candace was waiting for her friend Midnight who was one of the first thestrals she had ever encountered but they had become quick friends, however, she had always had a red glow in her eyes she was told in confidence by Lucina that all thestrals had a glow of some sorts but after hours of waiting she hadn't come deciding to try again enough day she left thinking of the next time she would meet Midnight unknown to her all she knew about Midnight was A lie
How does Thorax feel about this?