• Published 11th Aug 2021
  • 2,079 Views, 24 Comments

A Cozy of Innocence - Petalled

The three villains of Equestria spend an eternity trapped up in Tartarus together, and Cozy Glow asks them a seemingly innocent question.

  • ...

I'd rather be encased in stone

Daunting and alone. Except they all had each other during their eternity being locked up in Tartarus. The entire room was formidable, even to them. Different unique creatures kept snarling and barking aggressively up at the enormous cage above that was sitting on top of a stoned hill. The belligerent pounding on the rails felt like it was creaking to break, but thankfully there was a magic-proof spell cast on them by Princess Luna herself.

Tirek, a previous lord in the making in his homeland and the older brother of Scorpan but betrayed him as he was tempted to drain ponies of their magic, was doodling an ‘X’ many times inside a grid already drawn on the ground with a stick, he had found lying around somewhere in the cage, as he was playing Knots and Crosses with the former queen of the changelings: Chrysalis.

She was a ruler of her changeling subjects and known to suck the love out of ponies from Equestria since they were mostly immune to friendship; which Chrysalis would gag about. Luckily, thanks to Starlight Glimmer, she convinced the whole changeling nation to share their love instead of draining them and becoming vicious, except for Chrysalis though; she still hadn’t tried to redeem herself.

But she nearly did when she had finally reached the destination of the adventure for retrieving the bewitching bell, created by Grogar (Father of Monsters), with some help from her two friends, but she wouldn’t like to call them that, but servants as she is an evil queen. Well, was.

On the left side of them, there was a little peach pegasus filly rolling around on the dusty ground of the cage. The bars on it were as rusty and molding like it hadn’t been cleaned up in forever; which was true. She was stretching her eyelids out of frustration and boredom because of having nothing else to do, except to annoy her companions that were also trapped up in the cage alongside her.

She hastily sprouted up from the ground and tapped the centaur on the shoulder, having him turn around irritatingly, she batted her eyelashes innocently.

‘’What is it now?’’ Tirek inquired harshly, displeased by the dissatisfaction of that movement for the millionth time during their long time being stuck here.

‘’I’m bored,’’ Cozy Glow simply stated as a reply, which got a roll of Chrysalis’ green bug-like eyes, but she insisted on further continuation, ‘’so I was suggesting if you two could tell me where foals come from? I never had the time to learn about it since, well...’’ she trailed off as the others already knew what she was going to say, but they looked at her with their eyes shrunk.

Chrysalis blinked. ‘’What was that?’’

‘’I said...’’ the filly was interrupted as a charcoal coloured hoof was shoved up her mouth to prevent her from speaking further.

Tirek just casually smirked. ‘’Aren’t you a little too young to know still?’’

Cozy Glow rolled her eyes and then deadpanned. ‘’A filly being trapped in Tartarus because she was clever enough to drain power all around Equestria and then later on, joined the villain’s side permanently to get revenge?’’ Suspense caught both of the adults. ‘’Golly, I don’t think so.’’

‘’Well, I’m not doing this.’’ Tirek put his hands up in defense.

Chrysalis looked at him poutingly. ‘’Aw, what’s wrong?’’ she asked. ‘’Too coward enough to tell a young filly where foals come from? BLECH! This would be a piece of Celestia’s cake.’’ She said in a whisper tone, ‘’all you need to do is tell her where they come from and then throw her little friend over there at her so she wouldn’t bug us anymore.’’ She glanced at a rock sculpture outside of the cage.

Tirek shrugged at the former changeling queen, then turned around to face the peach pegasus filly, waiting for the older female to begin ‘’The Talk’’.

Cozy Glow sat down with Rock Sculpture on her lap and had her ears perk up with eagerness. Chrysalis wasn’t frightened at all and kept her cool as she began talking.

‘’Well,’’ Chrysalis started, ‘’it starts when a mare and stallion get really, really, really close with each other and they snuggle for a bit to get warmed up so they could begin with the sexual intercourse.’’

Cozy Glow tilted her head in confusion. ‘’Sexual intercourse? What’s that?’’

The former changeling queen smacked herself with a hoof and rolled her eyes. ‘’For goodness’ sake, it’s SEX! Do you not know what that is either?’’

The filly remained expressionless.

Chrysalis snarled. ‘’Very well,’’ she said. ‘’As you’re only a filly and trying to know where foals come from, then I could eternally understand that.’’

Tirek grew impatient as he wanted to enjoy the show of a villainous filly being told about ‘’The Talk’’ by a former changeling queen. He threw a stick that he had been playing with during Knots and Crosses behind his back. ‘’So? Are you going to tell her or what? I thought your majesty wasn’t at least bit nervous to do this.’’

A huffing sound came from the changeling. ‘’Of course I’m not. I spent all my years teaching my subjects about where foals come from, so it’ll be no sweat!’’

Tirek arched an eyebrow, then let out an irritated snort. ‘’Fine then,’’ he said. ‘’Go ahead, your highness.’’

Chrysalis stared at the peach pegasus filly tensely as her eyes were filled with pure innocence and eagerness to know about ‘’The Talk’’. She remembered when she would often get those eyes from her subjects when she was once ruling before that pesky Starlight Glimmer ended her reign!

The bug-like former changeling queen could feel her teeth getting hardened out of anger and wanting to strangle that lavender unicorn for corrupting her life, but not for long anyway. She had her confidence up that everything would go her way, eventually.

Tirek looked at her perplexingly, then smacked his forehead, and began himself:

‘’So, it’s when a stallion puts his penis inside the mare’s vagina, and then after when sex is over, the sperm swims towards the mare’s eggs inside her body to get them fertilized. Then the fertilized eggs slowly form into foals inside the mare’s womb, and eleven months later, the mare enters labor to get her fully formed foal pushed through her vagina and is then born with finally entering this unpleasant world.’’

Chrysalis watched him with pure shock, but the filly looked at him with amazement in her eyes.

‘’Wow,’’ she uttered. ‘’Can I do that?’’

‘’NO!’’ the two adults shouted in unison at the top of their lungs, almost startling the pegasus filly and perhaps the creatures from their cages below. Although they were ignored and uncared for. Cozy Glow had merely winced and didn’t show other signs of being frightened since she is an audacious little filly, and instead makes ponies or creatures fear against her. After all, she did have a reputation of holding dominance.

‘’Though,’’ said the filly, ‘’I have yet one more question to ask.’’

‘’Ugh,’’ Chrysalis grunted. ‘’Go ahead, it saves some enjoyment while being stuck here.’’ She rested her head on her hooves as they were leaned against the rails.

‘’What is a penis?’’ the filly asked, once again innocently intrigued to know.

Chrysalis perked up.

‘’I can show you mine if you’d like,’’ Tirek suggested with a sly grin on his face.

Chrysalis panicked, gulped, and coughed. ‘’Uh, no... we don’t want you to do that.’’

‘’What’s the matter?’’ he asked out of the blue. ‘’I thought you loved it.’’

The changeling blushed furiously. ‘’I- I mean, I have a fact to say... so when I was ruling the changelings before, we used to gain love by mostly doing sex with the pony’s soulmate you are disguised in.’’

Tirek widened his eyes, then looked at her in surprise. ‘’What? Really?’’

Chrysalis nodded.

‘’Was it fun?’’

Chrysalis and Tirek both turned their heads at the innocently young peach pegasus filly who had that question slipped from her mouth.

‘’Again,’’ said Tirek, ‘’I don’t mind showing it to you.’’

Chrysalis stuck out her tongue. ‘’Really? A foal having a foal? And how would we get a hospital in Tartarus for that in the first place?’’

Tirek shrugged. ‘’It’ll be fun though, and I’m sure she’ll enjoy it too so it wouldn’t be considered as rape.’’

‘’What’s rape?’’ an innocent Cozy Glow asked.

‘’ENOUGH!’’ Chrysalis vociferated in a booming voice, strident enough to startle the two figures beside her again and especially the other creatures inside their cages below them as well.

The changeling sent a glare at the centaur. ‘’No more revealing new, unfamiliar words to her.’’

‘’Why?’’ Tirek asked. ‘’Because you care about her filly innocence so much?’’

‘’No, it’s because...’’ Chrysalis and Tirek started bickering further than they would always do.

However, Cozy Glow just sat there with an innocent smile on her face before it shifted into a devious, sly grin.

‘’Hehe! Oh, Cozy, you wicked, devious little thing. You got them good. It’s no wonder you were a mastermind of dominance and power. Mom and Dad would be so proud!’’ Cozy Glow thought aloud...

...her eyes twinkling evilly red at the glowing orb in the giant door’s keyhole.

The (Fucking Horny) End