Based on/Inspired by Ink Potts's Animatics (especially this one and just overall Ink Potts's Frankenspark AU concept (additional concept art)
It is also based on/inspired by the story and plot of The Frankenstein Musical
Instead of dying at the hooves of her creator, she is saved by a monster who only wanted a bride... a bride just like him.
Cover Art by FlutterCanaryHorse
Oh my god this is written beautifully! I can’t wait for more’
I think it might be best to get through your other projects first, so that handling the bunch won’t be too stressful.
But either way, I’d love to see this continued. :D
Oh man I really liked that. It's been so long since Ive had a good Fluttercord type story to read, and I love this whole concept, the atmosphere, how you've written the characters. I would love to see what comes next in this story, it's just too good!
Omg, I never thought of this idea, and have to say that the way you write this story is amazing and beautiful.
I seriously hope you continue this and I'm sure it'll become a very interesting fanfic. But don't pressure yourself, I know you have other projects and to much at once can be stressful. But yes, I do hope you continue with this story, and if you do, then I can't wait for the next chapter 😍
Oooh, I love this concept! I really would like to see this continued, but I also understand if it needs to wait while you work on the other projects and series you have, or if you want to leave it as a oneshot.
There's a lot of things I like in this chapter alone—like how during his psychotic break, Dusk's "mother" brings up some of Dr. Frankenstine's fears about the monster's bride from the original novel (that the bride would reject the monster, his terror at the thought of them having kids). And do I detect that the loss of his mother was the motivation of Dusk's initial experiments? It'd be more of a motivation than I remember the novel's Dr. Frankenstine having.
Another thing I liked is how "the monster" doesn't go by a name in this chapter...perhaps Flutterstine will give him his name, or he'll come up with it on his own?
And the monster's sheer adoration for Flutterstine was...sweet and heartwarming in its own right. That sudden gain of magic through his will to protect her...! I doubt there's completely love there, since she's not even awakened yet, but at least he's finally found some sense of belonging.
There are so many things I have to wonder, like...will Flutterstine remember anything when she wakes up from when she was alive? How will she react to Discord when she does? What will Dusk do, now that he's been left scarred and they've fled? I eagerly look forward to any continuation you may give this.
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Oh good, so glad that you would like this story to continue & this concept (thank Ink Potts for their original AU & for their animatics to inspire this story):)
This idea was inspired by the hints given by the Frankenstein musical and Ink Potts's Frankenstein animatics where Frankenstein's mother had a bit more of a presence in the story, and I took these hints and essentially ran with itXD Lol!So yes this wasn't in the original novel, not really
These are all good questions, and it could make one wonder if Flutterstine could perhaps have a new name in this life of hers?;)
Yeeeaaahh something like that, yeeaaahhh Lol!
Be still our Fluttercord shipping hearts! Lol;)
Oh good, so glad that you were able to pick up on that cause that's what I wanted to go for: Not only is our girl not awake yet, but Discord in this story just meet her & it's my own critique on the whole "when Frankenstein's monster first saw his bride, he fell in love" by saying more of "he felt an instant kinship with her because she was the same species as him. She came into this world similar to how he did. And because of this, there's a bond that the monster can instantly feel and this has been intensified because he's been alone ever since he was created.
Once again, these are all very good questions and so glad that you're asking them cause that's what I wanted to leave my readers asking after this chapter ended:) Thank you so much for giving this a read^^!
Ohhh my goodness I loved this read ! I actually don't know much about the actual book Frankenstein, but this was really interesting. Considering I don't have full context and don't have any clues as to what will transpire later on, I would love to read what goes on next ! Especially to what his new bride will think of him, or how she'll describe herself.
Super excited ! Thank you for blessing us with your wonderful writing :]
Oh good, I’m so glad that you loved reading this chapter/story^^!<3 Especially since you’ve never read the original Frankenstein book along with never seeing or listening to the Frankenstein musical I assume? Correct? Don’t worry, you don’t have to read the book or see/listen to the musical to understand or proceed or appreciate this story because not only is it loosely following this MLP AU created by Ink Potts but it’s a new AU/alternate take from the original story itself. My goal is to make it accessible to all:) Daww I don’t know about blessing, but I’m so happy that you enjoy my writing to this degree & that it makes you smile:) <3
So whats the deal with chapter two? I read this to write your review and wonder if there will be more?
Due to the positive reception so far, I’ve decided upon writing a chapter two and continue with the story:) I am in the middle of writing chapter two as we speak^^ The story lives on!:D LolXD I look forward to your review & I hope that you liking the story so far:)
The concept is very interesting! The range of emotions displayed in just one chapter are incredible as well. The way we see the doctor (actually a university drop-out but let's ignore that) is losing his sanity, lost in what he created which is later cut by the almost adorable tenderness the monster displays when he looks at his new bride (and the affection for her being the things that trigged the powers we know from the show is a such a neat detail). Not to mention, you made the link between the monster's creation and the doctor's mother's death much more clear than it was in the novel, which is very cool.
I can't wait to see more!
I wrote the review for the first chapter:
My Little Reviews & Feedback
I think I be intrested in doing some cover art for this!
This story is really interesting it's got my attention ❤️
This is absolutely amazing! I really adore this idea & I do hope you pursue it! The writing is fantastic and the dialogue really reminds me of the original story - especially with the ongoing monologues. Great job and I hope to read more from you!
Its been a while since I actually read a fanfic here on FimFiction. With real life and all, haven't really sat down and perused the material on this site, so let me tell you that this was a great story to pick up and read through. Especially with October drawing nearer. I'm just sad I didn't find it sooner. Excellent work Missy!
This is truly amazing, I've been waiting so long for a story like this.
I would love to see more chapters. This was great!