• Member Since 19th Sep, 2019
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Leo Luce

Hey, I'm Leo Luce. I really like reading these stories, especially crossovers. I'm a huge Sunset and Sunshyne fan if you can't already tell from my stories.


This story is a sequel to You Will Never be Alone : 7 Part Harmony

As I said before, this is NOT an Anon-a-miss story.

A mysterious forum, forgotten in time has suddenly been reappearing after 15 years. At first, what seemed like a normal forum dedicated to club activities, seems to be hiding much darker secrets as the forum was able to bring untold horrors into reality. Now it's up to the girls and a new student at CHS to solve the mysteries of the forum, before it can hurt anyone, and close the forum, once and for all.

This is a direct sequel to my previous story "7 Part Harmony", and also a crossover with a horror visual novel I found on the Play Store called "Mysterious Forum and the 7 Rumors". You don't have to read that novel before reading this unless of course if you wish to read that in the future as this will contain spoilers for that novel. Also, I never wrote horror stories before so bear with me.

Chapters (21)
Comments ( 316 )

Thanks. I'll try to keep it interesting as much as I can. This is a new genre to me.

Interesting start.
We know from the short Queen of clubs that SciTwi is in at least three clubs: chemistry, computers, and wigs? (though that was just an opportune callback to the first movie), so she does sort of stick to stuff up her alley.
The fact that Sunset was in the fencing club, and only the fencing kinda baffled me. I mean, come on, I would've expected her to be in the chess club at least.:unsuresweetie:
And it seems Sunset's taking her new role as princess very seriously:trollestia:

I wanted Twi to be in no club, especially because this is her second day at CHS, and make her join something new for a change. Also I forgot Sunset was in chess club other than fencing and yearbook. Though Sunset wouldn't be in yearbook club in this.

I'm getting a chilling feeling down my spine on what could of caused this and hope no one thinks sunset did it, we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Not an anon-a-miss so no one is going to think that. And I'm glad you are getting chills. So the horror aspect is good?

I guess, I'll have an opinion on the horror as more of the story is out in the future.

Why put Anon-A-Miss is the title if it had nothing to do with it?

The villain in the visual novel had a similar name, and both has a similar idea. So I thought to use anon-a-miss instead of that.

Oh, no, what I'm saying is even in Queen of Clubs, she was only in the fencing club. I'm sure she would join the yearbook club later.
Same with Sci Twi and all those clubs she's in that short (which aired just prior to Forgotten Friendship)

Oof i dunno me gut tells me this might not end up well but i'll follow this for a bit and see where this will end up to🤨

"Sunset-san Ja ne (see you)," Aiko said, bowing a little.

I have a feeling there's gonna be a lot more of this in the story. I'm just not used to seeing plus, never seen anyone do this on fimfiction.

"No. Unlike Spike, she's a Cockatoo. They are known for their speaking ability." Snowdrop said. One of the things they found out was that Ari kept the ability to talk fluidly since the trip to Equestria.


Tell us about any mysterious stories, strange incidents, or scary rumors that you know about! The Newspaper Club will find the truth! Something you want to investigate or something that stumps you anything at all is welcomed! Please post here!

That was unexpected but quite convenient.

I've seen one where Fluttershy does it. Don't remember what though. And yes, expect to see more. The visual novel was set in a Japanese school that's why I added Aiko. Plus, I thought to expand the group a little bit from 7 to 8.

"No. Unlike Spike, she's a Cockatoo. They are known for their speaking ability." Snowdrop said. One of the things they found out was that Ari kept the ability to talk fluidly since the trip to Equestria.

Well, at least Spike will have another pet to talk to :ajsmug:

Tell us about any mysterious stories, strange incidents, or scary rumors that you know about! The Newspaper Club will find the truth! Something you want to investigate or something that stumps you anything at all is welcomed! Please post here!

Spooky. So it begins again...

"You can always join the Going Home Club. Besides band practice, Ah always head home to help out at the farm and finish my chores," Applejack added helpfully.

So you basically go home after school?

"You don't know!?!" Everyone turned at the voice as Rainbow plopped into her seat as the rest of the girls took their seats as well. "Everyone's talking about it! Apparently, some kind of forum appeared on the school website that has been closed for years. Some say it's haunted. Others think it's a prank of some sort."

What the heck kind of logic is that?

"Come now, you don't really believe in that gossip, do you darling? Of course, I know magic is real but honestly, ghosts?" Rarity asked.

Doesn’t magic and ghost go hand in hand?

"You mean… Equestrian Magic?" Sunset asked. "Well, Midnight did blast the portal and opened up a bunch of rips in space. Maybe something slipped through?"

Is that good or bad?

"Until now," Sunset said, causing Celestia to nod. "Now that's… ahem. So if you think there is some magic at play, maybe we should reopen the club. Twilight was looking for a club to join, and we can solve the mystery, two birds one stone. If it's magic, we'll most likely be safe as Element holders. Her brains could be really useful for this."

Oh yeah. I forgot sunset is an EB now.

"Yes, I'm sure. As the only person that knows anything about Equestrian magic, I'm essential. I'd be wrapped in sooner or later. Plus, as a princess, it's my duty to keep people, especially the students at school, safe," Sunset said, bringing a fist to her heart. Celestia lightly laughed while Luna had a small smile on her face.

I also forgot she was a princess.

"Okay, Sunset, you convinced me. However, that will have to wait until after school. We have a new student today. Let's see here, her name is… Aiko Whiskers. See if you can't make friends with her. In her files, it says she was a part of the photography club in her last school and considered the best photographer in the club. Maybe you can have her join you. You could use a good photographer, and it will help her to get to know the school," Luna said.

Nope. My last name isn’t Parker, but my spidey senses are tingling.

"Okay, I'll talk to her. Love you," Sunset said as she left the room, with one goal in her mind, find the possible source of Equestrian magic at play. To do that, she would have to reopen the newspaper club. If there was no magic, she could still enjoy making the club with her friends and help the new student. They could join and take some killer shots. She was looking forward to joining another club other than fencing anyway. This was a win-win situation. She was sure of it.

She knows fencing?

Hey pete. I missed you. Glad see you here.

1. Yeah. It's a fancy way to see you are not in any club.

2. -

3. No.

4. Probably bad

5,6. -

7. -

8. According to queen of clubs short, sunset is in the fencing club.

Thanks. Took me a while to get to this story.

1. So is basically any student that’s not in a club apart of it?

3. So they both don’t involve the supernatural?

8. Is that canon?

1. besically yeah.

3. I mean it is supernatural but they are not the same. You don't need magic to have a ghost.

8. Yeah.

1. That’s an odd club.

3. I didn’t mean that they were the same, I meant that they both involved the supernatural. I probably should have phrased it better.

8. Interesting.

"Ja ne Aiko-san," Sunset did the same. Aiko smiled at her. As she walked around the corner, she turned around to wave bye to Aiko, but she was gone. "Uh, that's weird. Shoot, I forgot about band practice." With That, Sunset ran to the music rooms to avoid an annoyed Rainbow. Sunset loved Rainbow, but she was a pain sometimes. Rainbow could be late to band practice, and that was fine, but the second anyone else was late, they wouldn't hear the end of it.

Rainbow dash would have to deal with me not caring.

"Uh… on second thoughts, maybe not. But if any ghosts need some butt-kicking, I'm in, okay?"

That I would love to see, because I know it’ll end badly.

"I'll join you. It'll be fun. Perhaps I can publish my finding on all of your magic. I'm very good at writing my scientific findings in articles," Twilight said.

Is that a good idea?

"Didn't I tell you that?" Luna asked. Sunset shook her head. "Perhaps it slipped my mind."


"What the?" Sunset said as she looked in disbelief at the latest post in the newspaper club forum.

Admin –

Tell us about any mysterious stories, strange incidents, or scary rumors that you know about! The Newspaper Club will find the truth! Something you want to investigate or something that stumps you anything at all is welcomed! Please post here!

Is that bad?

1. Oh yeah? :rainbowhuh:
2. -
3. Probably not. We'll see.
4. -
5. You'll have to wait and see?

1. Yup. I can stand a lot of things, but hypocrisy ain’t one of them.

Thanks. The next chapter is still under editing. I'll upload it as soon as Moonrise finished editing it.

"Why would they do that? Not to mention that Aunt Luna didn't even know the login info. She had to call the previous principal to know the username and password since it became irrelevant to use with the introduction of mystable."

"She's still alive?" Rainbow asked only to get an elbow to her side by Rarity. "What?"

That was amazing.

"Well, however this happened, Principal Celestia could be right. Something is going on, and it seems weird for this to be just some random hacker," Twilight said. "As far as any of us know, this could all be my fault."

"Now wait a minute, Twilight. This has nothing to do with you. You were forced to do it. If it's anyone's fault, it's that Principal Cinch's fault," Applejack said.

Can’t we just blame every villain?

"She's right, don't think like that. Everyone makes mistakes, even teenage geniuses that learned to store magic in a necklace made of broken-down machines from the dump. What matters most is for you to learn from them and keep moving forward," Sunset said. Twilight smiled at her. Just then, they heard a knock at the door, and Pinkie ran towards the door to answer it.

I don’t think I know anyone that made that mistake.

"Whoo weee, this sure is a nice club. If ah wasn't a part of the going home club ah mighta joined yall," Applejack said after whistling from the entrance, as the other girls went to look around.

I still can’t believe that’s a club.

"Don't worry, my firefox. We will be with you if something happens," Fluttershy said. Sunset smiled at her while Rainbow gaged, earning her a shoulder smack from Rarity.

How is rainbow dash able to handle these hits? I would’ve gotten irritated at this point.

"Academically, yes, but it's very stressful and competitive. They care more about their appearance than they do about personal growth and friendly bonds that they can foster in the student populace. It becomes too much pressure for me, and I made a huge mistake because of their no-lose attitude."

I’m pretty sure she described most of the villains.

"I see," Aiko said. "Hey um… what happened to that pedestal in the courtyard? It seems like there should be something there, but there isn't," Aiko asked, missing the way Twilight flinched.

Who wants to tell her?

"Well, first of all, we have to join the forum. Luna already made me an admin, so I can make you admins too," Sunset said, booting up the PC. "While we are doing that, Aiko, we need to tell you something."

Don’t they already have an admin?

"I see. Maybe I'll get a chance to talk with her," Sunset mused. "Anyways, Aiko, listen carefully, what we are about to tell you is really important, and you should not talk about this with others outside our friends and my mom and aunt. Can you promise me that?" Sunset asked seriously as she stopped and grabbed her by the shoulders and looked her dead in the eyes.

The entire school should know by now.

Sunset looked at her eyes for a while, and Aiko felt as though she was searching her very soul and mind for deceit before a smile began to spread as Sunset seemed to find what she was looking for and let her arms fall from Aiko's shoulders.

Jesus Christ, someone get this girl a chill pill.

"Also, Aiko, there's something with this club too. That I want to tell you about. First, let's finish setting up our accounts," Sunset said, logging into the forum from the pc.

So she’s not gonna tell her before hand?

"You see this forum? No one knows how, but this forum was suddenly active again, and for some reason, this forum cannot be closed either. Some say it might be a hacker. But mom thinks it's magic. Considering what happened at this school, it's as likely as the hacker, maybe even more so, if I'm honest. As the magic experts here, we're looking for a way to solve this and stop it before it gets out of hand."

What happened at the school to make them think it’s a hacker? Also, did she just say experts?

"Why not? Magic can do all sorts of things. There is little law that it follows, unlike in-, sorry that's one of the things I can't tell you right now. In any case, it's very possible for magic to be involved in this case."

There’s a law in magic?

"You know, I'm beginning to see why Rainbow always gags at you two," Twilight said, making Fluttershy blush.

"Oh… I forgot…"

Yay, I’m not the only one with a bad memory.

1. -
2. -
3. I know, right :twilightblush:?
4. -
5. -
6. -
7. :ajsmug: not me
:fluttershyouch: um...
:pinkiehappy: tell what?
:rainbowderp: *whistling*
:raritywink: *looking at a dress*
Sunset : Fine...

8. It was the account Luna had to ask the previous principal for login info.
9. -
10. -
11. She might not wanted to scare the new girl.
12. It's not impossible. This reminds more of a hacker than magic. And yes, Sunset's a prodigy, and the only one that can solve magic problems in that world, even though it doesn't follow all the laws like in equestria.
13. And yes, there are laws.
14. :pinkiehappy:

"She's still alive?" Rainbow asked only to get an elbow to her side by Rarity. "What?"

It was quite rude to say that about a woman rainbow, whether she's young or old it's best to never say something rude like that to a lady.

"Wha-, Hey, anime can be educational too. I don't watch every anime in dubbed."

Done both dub and sub myself despite I don't watch many anime shows.

"I don't know much about this, and I wouldn't be lying if I said I think this might be a prank. But if all this is true, and magic is as dangerous as Twilight said, then this forum could hurt someone. And if I can help in any way to stop it, then that's exactly what I'm supposed to do," Aiko said with determination in her eyes.

I'm liking her already.

1. Yeah Rainbow.

2. I usually only play JRPG's with japanese voice overs.

3. Glad you like her. And did you find the easter eggs?

If it's what I think it is, you'll see the other one later.


Muahaha. This is so much fun!!! I cant wait until the second Easter egg is discovered.

Of course, Sunset will admit to there being magic, but if Aiko was questioning that, she might think Sunset's nuts if she admits to being a talking pony from another world. Of course, the only ones in this world who have seen her true form are Fluttershy and her family

Sunset did show her some magic as proof. Now to reveal the rest without being seen as a mental case. Might be easier now since Aiko saw some magic.

Didn’t she say her grandma was a believer or something?

violet evergardern. The manga or anime rainbow was talking about.

Jury's still out on revealing the origin of said magic. Now if the girls pony up, one of them being a pony might be believable.

I wouldn't tell what kind. It's moonrise's idea and will be a recurring one. Try to spot it. Maybe the answer wouldn't be that far.

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