• ...

Something with strips this way comes

Something wicked this way comes

Tambelon is having a carnival with roller-coaster fairest wheels, and the plenty of games and food.

Then we see Sweetie Belle Applebloom, and Scootaloo races through the stands fallowed closely by the mane six and Spike.

Then Applebloom said "I can't believe we here in the carnival!"

Then Sweetie Belle said "Look at all the fun stuff here!"

Then Scootaloo said "This gonna be so awesome!"

Then Applejack said "Hold on there youngins'!"

The three fillies paused as they hear the apple pony.

Then AJ said "We got plenty of for fun and games but we got to be responsible about it. Twilight has to judged the talent show, Pinkie has to mann the cotton candy stand, Rarity has the fashion show to enter, Rainbow and Flutter has to keep the sky clear and the apples have a gallon of cider to sale."

Then Applebloom said "Oh come sis can we just go off by our selves for a while?"

Then AJ said "Sorry sis no can do but promise we'll have as much fun as we can. Not unless someone goes with ya."

Then Twilight said "Spike can go with them."

Then spike who at the back of the group suddenly panic and then said "No! not again! Not this no way your not making do it!"

But then CMC when to the little drake with there eyes wide and adorable "Please Spike."

Then spike snig while rolling his eyes "Fine I'll do it."

The trio of fillies said "Yeah!" Then they race while pushing spike in front of them.

Then AJ rolled her eyes and smiled "Kids will be kids."

It was a long day of Spike as the crusaders was taking him on roller costar after roller costar and making him carry their numerus just they were taking a break from the fun and the games. A familiar and annoying voice called out to them.

"Well look who it is." then the crusaders turn and looked and see that it was the spoiled little brats Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon.

DT then said "The Blank Flank crusaders let me guess trying in eating candy?"

Then Applebloom said "Diamond Tiara don't have anything better to do then to bug us?"

Then Scootaloo said "Yeah like jumping off a cliff."

DT smirked and said "Nope you three are the only blank flanks at this entire carnival."

Then Sliver Spoon said "I bet there the only blank flanks in all of Tambelon."

Then Spike said "Oh come on you two you know that's not true."

Diamond then said "No one was talking you baby dragon."

Then Spike grumbled under his breath "I'm year older then you."

Then Sweetie Belle said "Hey you can tease us but don't tease Spike his Princess Twilight's assent!"

Then DT said "What ever it's more fun to pick on you three anyway."

But then they hear a voice that said "Diamond Tiara! Silver Spoon! Come on your mother wants a photo with the king and queen!"

So then DT said "Coming daddy." But before she and silver Spoon took off she said to the CMC. "Catch ya later blank flanks!"

Then after they left the crusaders grumble to them selves.

Then Spike said "Don't lessen to them you three dragons don't have cutie mark we get along just find."

Applebloom then said "That's because your not supposed to have cutie marks."

Then spike frowns at her and Applebloom said "I'm sorry Spike it's just those two where do they get off of being so high and mighty just because they got their cutie marks so early."

Then Sweetie Belle said "If only there was some way we can get our cutie mark."

Then Scootaloo said "Well forget it you herd what every pony else said."

Then all three of them spoke together in annoyance. "A cutie mark come to those who wait."

"Oh does it now?" A mysterious voice chimed in.

The three fillies and spike turned to see a mysterious figure behind them. He had a tall top hat and a bow tie. He was covered in stripes from head to hoof, and had a small bone in his muzzle. He gave the Crusaders a wide smile with with a golden tooth.

Spike eyed the figure suspiciously, "Who are you?"

The figure smiled, "Who me? Why I'm Dr. Z! Zebediah for short, but you can call me Zeb.."

Sweetie Belle spoke up, "I've never seen a pony like you before."

"Why me, why I'm just Equus grevyi, otherwise known as the common Zebra."

"And what brings you to Tambelon?" Spike asked, "I thought Zebra's were supposed to live in a faraway place."

The Zebra smiled, "Why I go where I'm needed my fine Dragon Friend. And Right now I believe I am needed right here with these poor little fillies."

Zeb gathered the Crusaders close to him, "I saw that despicable display performed by those wretched little monsters, and believe me I feel for you. My fellow zebras They never understood my particular talents, not even my own sister."

Applebloom sighed, "I know how that feels."

The Zebra continued, "That's why I go from town to town helping little ponies in need. And right now I'd like the three of you with your particular problem."

The zebra waved out a cane labeled with a Z and an E, "With my mystical powers, I can personally see to it that no one ever call's you three fillies Blank Flank's again."

Scootaloo looked at him puzzled, "I thought you couldn't get a cutie mark with magic?"

"Oh believe me my dear," the Zebra smirked, "There are ways to get around that."

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!" Spike cried out to the three fillies as he grabbed them and pushed them away from Zeb. "Didn't anyone teach you three not to talk to strange ponies! And believe me no one is stranger than this guy! Seriously he is.."

"Don't you disrespect me little Dragon!"

"Yipe!" Spike cried as Zeb appeared behind him.

"Don't you derogate or deride"

The zebra began leading the CMCs to a mysterious and spooky caravan.

"You're in my world now, not your world"

Without the CMCs noticing, Zeb kicked Spike with his hind leg, bucking him into a dumpster, "Whooooooaaa!"

"And I've got pals on the other side"

He opened the door to his caravan and mysterious voices called out.

"He's go pals on the other side"

"Just an echo little ones," Zeb reassured the girls as he led them inside.

"Just a little parlor trick where I come from, don't worry"

"Sit down at my table," He sat the three of them at a table, "put your mind at ease"

"If you relax it will enable me to do anything I please," The fillies failed to see him slap his hoof with a mysterious shadow.

"I can see your future," He pulled out a mirror in front of them, "I can change 'round some too"

"I'll look deep into your heart and soul"

He took Applebloom's hoof with a smile, "You do have a soul, don't you, darlin'?"

"Make your wildest dreams come true"

Zeb waved his cane into the air shooting magic back and forth.

"I've got hoodoo, I've got voodoo"

"I've got things, I ain't even tried"

He approached the crusaders, "And I've got pals on the other side"

"He's got pals on the other side"

Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle looked at the mirror curiously. They could that they had just heard voices coming out of it.

"The mirror, the mirror, the mirror will tell," Zeb gestured the fillies towards the mirror.

"The past, the present, and the future as well," Zeb pushed the crusaders up close to it.

"The mirror, the mirror, look and see"

"Take a little look into your future with me"

Zeb approached Applebloom.

"Now you Applebloom, are from a farm far away"

"You spent your whole life round' apple trees and hay"

"Your hopes are high, but your marks are low"

"You need a special mark to tell you where to go!"

He then approached Sweetie Belle.

"For you Sweetie Belle, you're tales untold"

"You want to show the world that you're brave and bold"

"Your heart says yes, but your flank says no"

"You got get out on stage and give em' a show."

Finally he passed by Scootaloo.

"As for you Scootaloo, I don't want to waste much time"

"You've been nothin' all your life"

"You've been shadowed by your mother, and your father, and your brothers"

"And as for your aunties, well you're shadowed by them too"

He then stood proudly before the tree fillies.

"But in your futures, the three I see"

"Are exactly the ponies you've always wanted to be"

Zeb reached out his hoof to the three crusaders.

"Take my hoof," the three ponies looked at each other suspiciously.

"Come on fillies, won't you take a poor zebra's hoof"

Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo each took a deep breath and then together shook Zeb's filthy hoof.

"Yes," Zeb smiled as mysterious shadows seemed to swirl around the room seeming to come from the mirror.

"Are you ready?"

"Are you ready?" the shadows cried.

"Are you ready?" Zeb cried.

"Time to make some changes"

"Time to make some changes"

"Time to make some changes"

"Time to make some changes"

"Time to make some great big changes," Zeb smiled wickedly as the shadows exited the Caravan and flooded throughout the streets of Tambelon, "Can you feel it?"

The Crusaders held each other in terror as Zeb continued to sing, "Things are changing, they're changing, they're changing alright!"

"I hope you're satisfied, but if you ain't don't blame me"

"You can blame my pals on the other side!"

The shadows reappeared in behind Zeb as they danced in front of the girls.

"You got what you wanted"

"What you want's what you get"

All of a sudden the shadows, the caravan, Zeb himself all seemed to suck themselves up into the mysterious mirror vanishing as they did so.


The Crusaders opened their eyes to find themselves back in the middle of Tambelon's carnival. All three looked down at their flanks, and saw that to no surprise they were sill cutie markless.

Scootaloo frowned, "Well that was a ripoff."

The CMC then looked around the caravel to look for Spike and the mane six.

Then Sweetie Belle said "Hope their not to angry with us we are not supposed to slit up with spike."

Then Applebloom said "I'm more worried about where spike is anyway? You don't think that creepy zebra did something to him do ya?"

Then Scootaloo rolled her eyes and said "Please that guy guy was a total phony. He said he got magic powers and look nothing happend."

Then they hear two screams crying out as DT and Silver Spoon race down the streets in terror.

Then Applebloom looked at them in confusion. "What the matter with you two."

Then DT shouted "What's wrong with us look!" the two of them wave out their flanks and in front of the crusaders that they are all to filmier with and they this time how ever something was different.

Then Silver shouted "Our cutie marks are gone we blank flanks!"

Then DT said "But that's not the worst part look what happen to my parents!"

Then Crusaders turn and looked and saw a filly and a foal standing in the street.

"But sweetie come down there no reason to be up set!" The foal said.

Then the filly said "Not to be upset!? I can't even in my full-length gown anymore! What did you do!?"

Then DT and Silver Spoon ran off again in a different detraction. Then the crusaders looked at each other confused for a minute.

Then Sweetie Belle then chimed in "Well at least they can't call us blank flanks anymore."

But the suddenly a realization dawn upon Applebloom's face. "Wait a minute guy you don't think that Zeb guy..."

All of a sudden Spike appeared and said "Guys it an energy!"

He then led the fillies down the streets of the carnival as they race about they saw that there was were no adults around only fillies and foals.

As they approach the talent show area they see six fillies that look strangely familiar. The white unicorn with a pulper mane scream bloody murder. An orange pony with a blond mane try to clam her down.

"Rarity get a hold of your self! This an't the end of the world!"

Meanwhile a pink fillies was bouncing around much to the annoyance to the blue pegasus. "Pinkie Pie how can you be so happy right now!?"

Then Pinkie said "Isn't this great we can have are cute-cean era all over again!"

Meanwhile with a pulper unicorn filly try to convert a crying yellow pegasus.

"Don't worry Fluttershy I'm sure we'll figure this out."

Then CMC approach them in utter confusion and Sweetie Belle said "Who are this ponies?"

Then Spike looked dumbfounded "You don't recognized them their!? There Twilight and the others!"

Then Applebloom approach AJ "Applejack is that you?"

Then AJ said "unfortunately it is sugar cub! I don't how this happened but we all got turn in to fillies again!"

Then Sweetie Belle goes and comforts Rarity and said "Um...Well it we might know what happened."

Then RD stop chasing Pinkie and turns and looks at the CMC and said "What do you mean by that."

Then Scootaloo grid nervously and said "We my have met some pony or some zebra that told us that he can help us with our cutie mark problem and made sure no one called us blank flanks again."

Then Applebloom join in nervously "And my possibly done that by taking away every ponies cutie marks and turn the adults in to foals."

then the mane six cried out "What?!"

Then Twilight looked at Spike and said "Spike how could you let this a happened."

Then Spike said "What your blaming me for this?!"

AJ said "You supposed to be watching them!"

Then Spike shouted "I was watching them but then there was this zebra with magic cane and his creepy song!"

Twilight said "Enough! We'll just go to Tambelon castle and ask my parents of how to fix this."

The mane six crusaders, and spike looked upon the thorn room dumbfounded.

King king knight light now a colt was casing a little queen Velvet with a spider on a string. A foul version of Spik N Span was setting in the middle of the room in despair, tear steaming out of his eyes.

Then a young shining Armor appeared before them. "Twilight sparkle what did you do!?"

then Twilight said "Your blaming me for this?!"

Then spike fake cough in his claw "Irony."

Then Twilight said "Look apparently everypony in the Kingdome had been turn to to a filly again without their cutie marks!"

Then Spik approach them and said "Well who's is responsible for this?"

Then the mane six eyed the CMC who smiled sheeplsiy and then AJ said "That's not imported right now we to find some way to turn us back."

Then an idea popped in Twilight's head "Wait a minute if a zebra coast all of this maybe it was voodoo magic."

Rainbow Dash said "Voodoo magic what in Equestria is that?"

Then Twilight said "Not in Equestria. Farasi."

Then Pinkie said "Farasi?"

The Twilight the levitate a book to her. "Farasi is a fare away lands that home to Zebras and they specialized in voodoo magic."

Then Fluttershy said "Who-Doo?"

then Twilight said "No voodoo. According to my book voodoo can be befoamed with out unicorn magic but it can be only ever be used to help other ponies never ones selves."

Then Scootaloo said "Well that zebra sure did this for himself."

Then Spik eyed her curiously and then she said "not that I would know."

Then Twilight continued "Well according to this book there are ways to twist ponies wishes around but only at a terrible price."

Sweetie Belle said "Well this terrible enough."

Then Applebloom whispers to AJ and said "We sorry sis we just wanted our cutie mark."

Then AJ said "Well you should be I told ya not to take a word from strangers. But hopefully you've learn something from all this." Then the two sister hugged out. As did Rarity and Sweetie Belle and lastly Rainbow and Scootaloo.

Then Twilight said "I've read that only way to undo a voodoo curse is with another zebra's voodoo's magic."

Then Pinkie said "Like Zecora?"

All the other ponies looked at her in confusion and then she said "You know Zecora the zebra who leaves in the EverFree frost who help out all ponies with their problems with her voodoo magic."

Then Twilight said "Remember hearing about Zecora but I thought she was a myth."

Then Rarity said "Well Zeb if this Zeb fellow is real maybe she is too."

Then AB said "Great let's go out and find her!"

Then AJ said "Hold on you three I know you want to right the wrong you done. But you too young to gone on this kind of mission."

Then Spike said "Well actually I think they might be older then you are now."

AJ said "Well yes but mean to say was..."

"Enough!" Spik N span said "Right now your all to young to go into the EverFree Frost but senses we don't having any options at the moment you all have to do it together!"

Then fillies and Spike said "Okay."

What none of the foals don't realize that someone was watching them through magic mirror it Zeb and he said "going to see my goodie four hooves sister are we? We'll just see about that." All of a sudden the mirror just changed and numerous shadowy figures appeared before him.

"Pals nice it is to see you again." Then shadows seem to growl at him without saying a word. Zeb smiled at them sheeplsiy pulling at his caller. "Now I know you all must be upset with me. My debt to you and all."

Then he pulled out his cane and said "But now you see now I have all the cutie marks in Tambelon just waiting to be delivered to you."

The shadow seam to smile as they say the worm glow from his cane.

Then Zeb said "But if those ponies get to my beloved sister the cutie marks will be return to everypony and you'll would be still imprison."

Then shadows growled and shrilled around his cane and Zeb smile and said "Now the real fun startes."

Meanwhile out side Eeverfree frost we see the young mane six the CMC and Spike going into the frost.

Then Fluttershy said "Why do I get the strange felling of deja vu."

Then Applebloom said "Because you been here before when you were fillies."

Then AJ said "How did you know about that?"

Then AB said "Spik n Span told us."

Then AJ said "Of course that high horse wouldn't keep his mouth shout."

Then Twilight said "That not imported right now what is imported is we find this Zecora."

Then RD said "Well can't be too hard the last time we were here we took on a manticore what can be more dangerous then that?"

Then all of a sudden a loud roar felled the air and the y turn to came face to face with a four headed hydra.

Then RD said "You suddenly I miss the manticore." Then they all scream in a panic and began to scatter for their lives.

The hydra heads start to give case them form diffident angles.

Then Spike said "Twilight I really hope you got a plan!"

Then Twilight said "As a matter of fact I do! Everypony follow my lead!"

Then Twilight led one of the hydra's heads thought the tree and having it rapped around a tree. Seeing this the other ponies quickly fallow suite.

Then one head was casing AB but it couldn't reach her. then they laugh at the creature as they saw it's neck tied up in knots for amigos the trees.

Then RD said "Well look like we got this rapped up!"

Then Scootaloo asked her "Do you always go on adventures like this when you were our age?"

Then RD said "No."

Then the crusaders eyes her suspiciously.

Then Rainbow said "Okay yes but they were extremely dangerous. So don't go doing the things we did."

Then Twilight said "Okay back to finding Zecora."

The foals and Spike continued to make there way through the Everfree forest, completely unaware of the menacing shadows watching them from the trees above.

All of a sudden one of the shadows swooped down and grabbed Applejack!

"Whoa!" Applejack cried out.

"Sis!" Applebloom screamed in a panic.

Upon seeing this, Twilight Sparkle blasted a beam of light up to the shadow, giving her time to escape.

As the ponies and gather around Applejack, trying to assess if she was okay, Fluttershy took notice of something.

"Look," Fluttershy cried out.

The ponies and Spike panicked as they noticed numerous other monstrous shadows approaching them through the trees. The foals quickly scurried away trying to avoid the shadows but to no avail.

One shadow squirted out numerous tentacles which grabbed ahold of Spike, Sweetie Belle, and Rarity.

A larger shadow crunched down massive jaws upon Applejack and Applebloom.

Another smoozed itself all over Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Scootaloo.

Yet another buzzed through the air like a bee, and grabbed ahold of Pinkie Pie.

Twilight Sparkle turned to help her friends, but suddenly a massive shadow with what appeared to be horns came behind her and grabbed her.

As the fillies and spike struggled to escape, another shadow appeared and formed a ring of shadowy flames around them

Applebloom looked upward and to her amazement saw what appeared to be Zeb riding atop of what appeared to be a twister made of Shadows.

The wicked zebra grinned, "End of the road for you lot fillies!"

All of a sudden a brilliant flash of light filled the air driving the shadows and Zeb away.

And the fillies eyes adjusted, they looked upon a hooded figure approaching them, "Oh ponies of such little size, was that Zebediah before my eyes?"

Then the male zebra picked himself up and said "Ah if it isn't my dear sister Zecora."

Then Twilight Sparkle spoke up "You're Zecora the legendary zebra the lives in EveerFree frost!?"

Then The female zebra said "Indeed I am my little foals." Then she turn to Zeb. "Tell me brother what is your goal?"

Then Zeb gave a toothy grin "Oh you now me I'm just doing a little job for my pals on the other side." The shadows seem to grin behind Zeb.

Then Zecroa said "fool can not trust your friends they will all betray you in the end."

Then Zeb smirks "Sister must you speak in rhyme I really haven't got the time."

Then Zecroa said "Be gone you have no power here. EeverFree woods will keep you clear."

Then Zeb said "Suite yourself there's nothing you ponies can do to stop me anyway."

With that the shadows swirled around Zeb making him vanish.

With the villain gone Zecroa turn to the fillies and spike and said "Come young ones there is much to be done."

Later Zercoa lead the them deeper in to the woods until they finally came to old halo tree decorated with mask and totems.

As they enter tree Twilight spoke up "Excuses me Zecroa."

But then Zercoa said "That is some cruse my brother place, we must undo it and make haste."

Then AJ said "How did you know that we were..?"

Then Zecroa interrupted "I recognize my brother's work he really is quite the jerk. Tell fillies I must ask, how did all this come to past."

So mane six and Spike glance over to the crusaders looking guilty and finally Scootaloo shouted in annoyance "Alright we get it was us stop glancing at us okay!"

The Applebloom approached Zecroa and said "All we wanted was our cutie marks, but Zeb took everyone else cutie mark instead."

Then the voodoo zebra turn to her caldron and began to stir it, "Zeb's shadowy friends are felled with greed and cuties are they feed. Unleased the marks are returned to you Equestria will soon be through." Flames appeared from the caldron.

Then ponies and Spike shivered at the sight and then Fluttershy said "C-c-couldn't you un do the curse?"

Then Zercoa said "A zebra's can magic can be broken, but the power Zeb holds is unspoken. Only the ones who made the deal, can make the Cutie Marks revealed.

Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were taken aback!

"You want us to break the curse," Applebloom cried.

Zecora smiled, "Zeb's dark powers have a source..

The Crusaders smiled, "The Mirror of Course!"

Then Scootaloo said "All we have to the brake the mirror and the cutie marks will be freed!"

Then Sweetie Belle said "Well that's easier said then done. His not just going to give it us so we can brake it."

Then RD said "Leave that us."

Meanwhile back at Tambelon castle. we see Zeb set on the throne while the king and queen cried.

Then the wicked zebra said "Ah this is what I'm made for boys a throne, a castle that's the life for me."

Then the shadows smile wickedly behind him and the he said "And now that we have all the cutie in Kingdome we can move to the rest of Equestria!"

Then a voice shouted "That's what you think bub."

Then a big fat red tomato slams on to Zeb's face. "What!?"

Then he saw RD and Fluttershy with a bucket of tomatoes and the two fillies giggled. "Aww well what's a matter Zeb you look a little red in the face!"

Then Zeb said "Bring those tomatoes down you punk brats!"

Then Rainbow Dash smiled and said "Okay but only because you asked!"

Then RD and Fluttershy toss the bucket of tomatoes on to Zeb's head panting him red Zeb was now anger then ever. "AAAAAGGGGHHHHH!"

He then chase after them rushing thought castle all the way to the court yard "When I get ahold of you two fillies!"

All of a sudden he screech to a hold. At the center of the count yard stood an army of fillies armed wit tomatoes.

And Twilight leading the charge said "Get him."

Zeb screams could be heard all the way back up to the throne room.

Three smiling fillies look down at the scene.

Then Scootaloo said "I wish we can be in on that."

Applebloom said "No time we got to find that mirror."

Then the three fillies look around the entire throne room but could not find the mirror anywhere.

Then Sweetie Belle said "I don't get it's got to be here some where?"

Then AB spoke "Look!" Lying the center of the throne room it was Zeb's cane he been in such a rush the he comply forgot about it.

Then three fillies approach the cane curiously "I don't get it." AB said picking the cane up.

"What so powerful about this.." All of sudden a blast of light came from the cane.

Then the crusader eyes eyes a jested and they saw the mirror right in front of them.

Then AB said "Come on girls! Let's broke this thing!"

Then the CMC try everything in there power top brake the thing. They try tossing it down the stairs hitting with rocks and even smacking it with the cane but nothing worked.

Ab try to catch her berth "There's got to be a way to break this thing."

Then a voice said "Not in this life time!"

The Crusaders turn to see Zeb re enter the throne room the mane six and Spike here in the clutches of his shadows.

"Your three are becoming quite the nuisance for me and after everything I done for you."

Scootaloo said "You know darn well you didn't do anything for us! You only did this for yourself!"

Then Zeb whapped a tomato off his nose. "Tomato toemato. What are you going do about? You fillies got nothing!"

Applebloom thought for a moment and then she said "Well we have you're cane!"

Then a look of fear then cross Zeb's face. "Now hold on there be carful with that thing!"

A look of curiosity was Sweetie Belle's face and said "Why is this thing so imported to you?"

Then Zeb eyes darted back and forth nervously "Oh no reason it's just a family heirloom."

Applebloom smiled as she realized the truth. "The mirrors not your score of power this!"

Zeb said "No No! Be carful with that! If it brakes I'm gonna be!"

AB then slams in to the ground braking it.

Zeb then shouted "NO! what have you done!?" He then ran to pick up the peaces. "How am I going to pay back my..."

He then glace back at his "Pals". The shadows began to loosen their grips on the Mane six and Spike and began to swirl around him.

"Bum bum, bum bum, bum bum, bum bum"

"Bum bum, bum bum, bum bum, bum bum, Bum!"

The shadows smiled wickedly, "Are you ready?!"

"No! I'm not ready at all!" Zeb pleaded, "In fact, I have lots more plans!"

"Are you ready!?" The shadows repeated taunting Zeb.

This is just a minor setback! As soon as I have this can fixed we'll be back in business.

The shadows grabbed on tightly to Zeb, tying him up in a sticky web of Darkness.

"No please!" Zeb pleaded, "I promise I'll set you all free! I promise!"

The shadows began to drag Zeb to the Mirror pulling him ever closer to it.

"Bum bum, bum bum, bum bum, bum bum"

"Bum bum, bum bum, bum bum, bum bum"

"Bum bum, bum bum, bum bum, bum bum"


The shadows pulled Zeb into the mirror, as if my magic.

A bright flash of light blinded the ponies. When their eyes adjusted, they saw the mirror was shattered into pieces..


The mane six spike and the crusaders looked at each other confused.

Then Rainbow dash spoke up "Well that was wired."

All of sudden brilliant a swirl of light surrounds the mane six lifting the fillies of the ground.

One by on their cutie marks return to them suddenly the brilliant light when over all of Tambelon.

When the crusaders and Spike looked at the mane six again they see them back to their now fully grown again.

Then Twilight leaped and hug the CMC tightly. "You did it!" Then three fillies then hugged her back.

Suddenly The king queen , and Spik enter the room confused "What in the world just happened!?" Spik N Span said.

Then Twilight said "It's a long story."

Later on that day Zercora enter the throne room.

"You wish to see me your majesties."

The king queen and Twilight smiled at the zebra.

"Yes." King nightlight said "The Kingdome is in desperate need of someone who's an expert on strange magic and well we the feeling you just the zebra for the job as mythical adviser. What do you say?"

Then the Zebra said "I honored."

Then Twilight approached the new mythical adviser. "Perhaps you can start with this." She then showed her the two pieces of Zeb's cane. "Why was this cane of Zeb's so powerful anyway?"

Then Zecroa took the hilt of the cane and turn it and then she said "Look carful and you will see that it's E and N not Z and E."

Meanwhile for off in the distance King Sombra looks at the Crooked cane thought Catrina's crystal ball "The hunt is on." He growled."

Back of the entrance of Tambelon Flash and the boys notice the CMC cleaning up the carnival as he walked by he asked them. "So what did we miss?"