“No!” The witch wailed and thrashed in the unbreakable hold, “Let go of me! Princess! Celestia!”
She could be heard from all across the castle that day as she was pulled away from her own mother, desperate and despairing.
“We command you, Witch Sorceress Aurelia Swirl to open this door this instant! Drop any hostilities!” The Solar Guard Luna had been forced to take barked at the thick oaken door, and she noticed just barely her own Guard Captain force an irritated breath out of his gritted teeth.
Luna was far too busy worrying.
“I repeat: By the high order of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, the Dual Thrones, Bringer of Day and Night, The Golden Age-”
“Do you truly think that listing off all of your Princess’ titles will do anything to anybody not some fanatic supporter of them?” An amused voice, sweet and familiar, cut through the guard’s stoic message, somehow reaching every corner of the well kept garden.
Luna tensed, her breath hitching as a wisp of magenta toyed playfully with her guards’ manes, circling them once before eventually coming to a stop in front of the door, swirling quicker and quicker until a tall, elegant mare with skin of pale lilac and dark hair of the deepest blue materialized right before their eyes. Sharp, gleaming eyes of amethyst, holding untold wisdom, seemed to pierce their very souls.
“Really, I’m curious. Does it ever work?” While Aurelia barely deigned to look at her, the multicolored eyes of the familiar fluffy feline, circling her mistress protectively, never strayed from Luna’s, as she hissed dangerously.
Her protectors were immediately put on guard.
Quivering imperceptibly, Luna took a step forward, her shoes crunching loudly on autumn leaves and eliciting a flinch from her. “Aurelia.” She greeted with a tentative smile. She half hoped the witch would grin and run up to her as she once did, throwing her arms around her shoulders as Luna herself would reciprocate the gesture with equal ferocity.
She didn’t.
Instead, the full weight of the mare’s gaze landed onto her, as if considering her every move. “Her Highness herself, come to see a cruel, heartless, life-sucking monster like me? Truly, so blessed am I this eve.”
Her words were deceptively gentle, but her tone was cool, emotionless. Her eyes judged her, accused her. Asked her how she dared to come back, told her that she was enraged beyond mortal comprehension and told her that she could never ever make it right again.
”I am within my right to disarm you! You are just another cruel, heartless, life-sucking monster that, I, the Princess Luna, Guardian of Equestria has protected her against!”
“We... I am sorry,” She took another step forwards, earning a warning yowl from Elvira. Luna shot a glare at her soldiers as they all raised their spears. She had always imagined she’d be alone for this, but the nation was on high alert and they couldn't risk another Princess...
“...Why are you here, Lunetta?” Aurelia asked softly, seemingly uncaringly, as her familiar wound herself even tighter around her.
“I-I just want to make things... okay between us once more.” ‘Really now? Even now, the lies never stop, do they?’ Luna flinched and pushed It down as far as she could, intent on never seeing It again.
The witch chuckled dryly, “Try again.”
“It’s true! I came to apologise.” Luna insisted, risking one more step.
“But as a secondary intent at best, no?” The Princess cringed and Aurelia dropped all pretense of pleasantry with a tired sigh. “What is it that you want? I weary of this dance. Speak your piece then leave me be, I doubt there is anything I can do for you.” Her voice was cold, and Luna’s Captain looked ready to retort before coming to his senses and standing down.
“Aurelia.” Came the swift, merciless correction.
Luna swallowed. “Aurelia.” She whispered again, humbling herself, “I... require aid. Please, I-”
“No.” Aurelia didn't even deign to allow her to finish, turning around with a scoff and turning the handle of her door, horn flickering with a brief unlock key.
“Wait, no!” Luna darted forwards and dropped to her knees, much to the shock of her guards. The witch paused on the threshold, but didn’t look back. “Please, R- Aurelia. I-It’s my Sister, I- she’s sick, she’s sick and, Ray, I don’t know what to do, please!”
“And what makes you think I can help?”
A dash of hope dared to brush Luna’s heart. “I-It was first the fey, the changelings. We- I dost not know if you know about the Canterlot Wedding, but Celestia was felled. She was fine for a day after, but she just got worse and worse, and n-now she-” She shook her head, tears budding. “They don’t know if she’ll...”
“...You have not answered my question, Lunetta.”
“The researchers!” She blurted out hastily. “- them and a shaman have-have identified traces of Incantatrix, Ray. The fey, We think that they have worked with the witches for the Wedding. We- I know something’s been done to Tia’s soul, a curse, her magic is just leaking out and she’s getting worse- and I can’t do anything! Ray- Aurelia, please, please...” Luna begged.
“If something has been done to your Sister’s soul, there is nothing I can do. If a curse has been lain, only the caster can remove it traditionally, there is nothing I can do.” Luna opened her mouth, but it was dry. How would she ask this of her friend? After everything?
“Princess Luna claims that your soul is unique, and that you have an ability to see deeper than any other witch, right to the... uh, core of a soul, where the curse most likely is. We would ask you to use your talents to assist our Princess.” The Solar Guard said for her.
Aurelia had told her that, in the faith that it would remain between them.
“Would I not still not be able to do nothing about the curse itself?” The witch balled her fists, stiff and cold. She knew what was coming.
“Your soul is unique.” The unicorn repeated, now a bit hesitant, as if he finally realized that he was walking on thin ice. “According to Princess Luna, your soul, or even a part of it, is powerful enough to overpower any curse and could also heal any damage within.”
The sorceress was trembling now, a bang falling over her face as a low, primal growl rolled out. “You would ask me to give up a part of my soul for you?” She spun around, lightning dancing around her fingers and a wildfire billowing in her eyes as Luna reeled back. An icy breeze swept across the yard, picking up the autumn leaves and throwing them away, as if winter had come early. “Was last time not enough for you!?”
“I will give up part of my soul in recompense! No, the whole of it!” Luna pleaded desperately, going against the wind.
Her Captain whipped his head around to her, gaping before turning back to the witch determinedly, “You shall not lay a finger upon my Princess’ soul, sorceress! Take mine instead!”
The storm reached a climax... then reached a sudden end, the wind billowing down as Aurelia took a deep breath. Elvira’s pale aura righted some of the potted plants as her mistress glared at the unwelcome group.
“Fools.” Aurelia spat, narrowing her eyes, “A soul is not a currency to be taken and traded away so casually.” Another breath, and she was back to that cool, expressionless pony from before. “Leave. You are not welcome here.”
“We are not leaving without you.” One of her Night Guards proclaimed resolutely, and her teammates nodded in agreement, stoically holding up their spears in defense of Luna, even with their magic dulled in this garden.
“Please.” Luna tried again, just once more. She couldn’t give up. Her Sister’s very life hinged on the decision of her friend, she would give her anything she wanted...
“...You took my sister, Luna, you took her. I’m not sure why I should come bounding to save yours.” Aurelia turned, stepping into her home and shutting the door quickly.
All that was left was Elvira.
“Wait, Ray! Please!”
They learnt that day that cats could scratch hard.
‘Goodbye, Sister.’
alright this Looks like it can be Really Good
So, Twi is Aurelia*s daughter?
More like a sister.
Wow...this is good. Super screwed up. Like your going to parley...now when you want something? Hmm? Not much of a leg to stand, ah,...Luna?
I am loving the witchs. Very ooh and aaah.
The cover is beautiful!
Whoever did this did a great job!
Cover art was made from various parts of talented artworks pieced together and edited by Meowofy. I’ll be sure to pass on your praise!
Sorry to say But First one was Right Twilight is Aurelia's daughter, its part of the Cover Text