Join Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash on their episodic adventures as they traverse distance, time and universes via a mode of transportation only Pinkie could create.
Note: Later chapters may include content that would require additional category tags. As this will not be the case for all chapters however, I will put any additional tags required in the chapter names.
Well, I'm hooked already. I've always been a sucker for adventure stories like these. Definitely tracking this.
Keep up the good work.
You know, it would be very funny if the two encountered Viking like humans in their travels.
NICE! i see i wanted to see a fic that included airship when they made it canon and you DID IT, good for you!
Okay, this is officially the best thing that has ever been written. Faving and tracking. I can't wait to see where you go with this.
81302 Perhaps they will, who knows what will happen in the future?
93916 Blimey, many thanks
I hope the actual adventures turn out to be good - I had originally planned this to be a random silly story to do for a bit of fun after it popped into my head, but then I put much more effort into it than I intended; now I'm worried the next chapters will be either too simple or overly complicated.
Woo! Tracked :3
94806 go for complicated. i love this.
128078 It's coming, it's just very slow due to exams & the fact I can't write to save my life. Also I have my first and much worse but more popular fic that I don't want to neglect too much.
But the first adventure of this story will be here eventually, no worries
Sadly, I'm starting to feel that this fic is dead...
301743 Not at all, I keep coming up with ideas for it still. But I have two or three other stories I want to write/finish before I go back to this (or my horrible first story, Tempest). The other stories are taking a long time to be done because of a whole bunch of reasons, including laziness, lack of concentration, being busy and being crap at writing while also being a perfectionist. Also, a few people lately have been tracking the aforementioned horrible story Tempest, so I feel obligated to do more of that too.
However, of the three stories I have uploaded and the five or whatever in total that I have written/am writing, Airship Adventures is my favourite, so it will definitely be continued. At some point.
Got ya! Sorry, but I looked, and hadn't seen any activity for this fic in seven weeks! Around that time, I start to declare fics dead
Thanks for giving me the update! I'll continue to track this thing. As for tempest, I think I'm tracking it too, but if you are not enjoying writing it, then put it on hiatus... BUT UPDATE THIS ONE DAMMIT! THIS SOUNDS DAMN AMAZING!!
302321 Blimey, has it really been seven weeks?
Forget what I said before then; I'll see if I can't write two stories at once.
No no no! I merely tease! Honestly, do whatever you feel best doing. Otherwise, I know that (from personal experience) you will not enjoy writing either, and feel pressured.
All I ask it make sure to keep readers of this fic informed that it isn't dead... which you did!
Adventuuuurrreee!! yay
Herp Derp
971502 Shhh, I know. I know what I want to write and I know what is going to be in following chapters. I just don't have much time - and when I do, I can't bring myself to write, for some reason. And most of what I have written, I don't like much. But soon! If I don't have some sort of continuation in the next few weeks, then... something.
Oh, no worries. I was just making sure you were aware that this wasn't a dead fic in terms of readers.
973548 Oh I know, there's still two or three people left to read it, the others have all untracked it :P
I'll be continuing it soon though I hope, I just have actually sit down and write it, instead of getting distracted or caught up in all the details until after I've written it.
Please, please, please continue this story!!!
It's so unbelievably amazing!!!! 

The only flaw in this story is that it hasn't been updated!
Pinkie dun goofed!