• Member Since 16th Apr, 2021
  • offline last seen Oct 20th, 2024

Dawn Leaper

Did you know that humans are approximately 70% water... so, we're basically just cucumbers with more anxiety <3


A thousand years is a long time to be alone in the darkness. But it wasn't the darkness that hurt Luna, no, the darkness was part of her. What hurt her was the fact that the pony whom she loved more than anyone else in the entire world... was the very one who banished her.

Darkness isn't an entity.

Darkness is merely an absence of light.

And if Celestia is the light, what does that make Luna?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

Oh my gosh this was so good. You did an amazing job at capturing Luna's emotions and struggle!
I almost cried but then the song "Toward the Sun" came on and I started laughing at how fitting it was.
I loved it. :)

Aww haha thank you!! I tried my best to convey her *intense* inner struggle because we all know Nightmare Moon isn't who Luna really is :D :rainbowkiss: glad Toward the Sun was there to cheer you up... what a strange coincidence :rainbowlaugh:

They say, that darkness,
Is merely an absence of light.
Is not a thing in itself.
Is not an entity.

do not need these commas in the middle of a sentence,
just because line breaks are there too.

I just happen to have feelings about good punctuation. Bad punctuation can be good when it serves a good purpose, but some of these commas didn't.

with a surely divinely hatred

I gotta go, so I don't get to finish reading the story right now and point out some of the good things about it, WHICH THERE ARE, BY THE WAY.

Also, it's prefectly ok to post a story of your own here that you've also posted to AO3. So no worries! :twilightsmile:

Ahh thank you for catching those errors! :twilightsheepish: corrected now :) usually I tend to focus more on the descriptive elements of my writing rather than grammatical structure but I'll be sure to have a thorough check next time ;)

At least you bothered to have something to say, so any minor punctuation and grammar issues are less important.

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