• Member Since 16th Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Novelle Tale

just another golden hour cryptid 🌙


Sometimes life's lessons are easiest to learn in our old classrooms, and with our old teachers. Standing on the cusp of her journey as an instructor at the School of Friendship, Scootaloo hopes that her very first teacher can offer her some insight.

Third place in the of the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting 'Colorful Characters #5' contest. The colorful character was Cheerilee, and the prompt was "patience".

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )

I loved this story, it nearly brought tears to my eyes when I read it. Just so well done. Thank you for putting it up on the site.

This was amazing and I loved every second of it

The interactions were so visceral and real and the twist of the story just drove it home, brilliantly done in every single avenue.

Fantastic stuff! :D

Ooooof, that ending hit just right.

I had to read it and re-read the end, it then clicked about Cheerile. Epic story!

That ending just hits with the feels, absolutely fantastic

Oh gosh this one really spoke to me, both as a teacher and as a student :heart:

You did a wonderful job of describing the classroom and setting the mood. You also did a brilliant job of making these ponies feel like ponies-- it's not an easy task, what with all the foreign body language, but it comes across really strong in this piece.

I'm always, always, always a sucker for people deciding to teach. This one, I think, is especially heartwarming because we really wouldn't expect Scootaloo to want to teach, but it makes perfect sense! And I'm sure Cheerilee would be very proud of her little ponies.

All of that would have been emotional enough, but you had to smack me with the feels at the end there. Now I have no choice but to lay here contemplating this for a few hours and feeling deeply wistful.

Thanks for such a lovely story!! I'm glad to see you're posting more :twilightsmile:

I really wish you'd used the Death tag on this story, so I would have known to avoid this story. I came expecting a bittersweet story, now I'm feeling really down.

Holy crap that ending hits right in the feels, huh?

Easily one of the best one chapter stories I have ever read.

interesting, i read another story- but this one was one of the cmc visiting cheerilee after she retired

I loved it. That is all.

Ok, I did not see that coming.

Bro! Right before the end I was thinking, "Where is this going?" And it all makes sense and is worth it at the end. Great execution of this one, dude!

I can't imagine what the stories that got second and first place were like... :rainbowhuh:

The first part really hit me - I'm at that same stage of life (wait, I'm an adult now).

That thin bit where Scootaloo wakes up - somethings wasn't quite right, but then the last part of the story came in and it all fit together.

This story really hits the mark, and evokes really well that bittersweet feeling (among others) that you were aiming for.

This is fantastic! I love the ending.

This was a very good and very sad one-shot. What a twist near the end of the story.

I still think it fits the title^^, that even when she's gone, her words and memories continue to teach and encourage her students, is the message here xe

Had this one on my read later list and I'm glad I finale got round to it, a very nice yet sad story in such a story time. Great work

My eyes sting with wetness. Great story! :applecry:

That was unexpected. Very nice

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