Ten years after Celestia's fall to the nightmare, the final battle for the fate of Equestria begins.
Just a one-sitting one-shot that I cooked up after seeing :Demon: by familyof6 on deviantart.
♫ Do you want to build an airship? ♫
Ten years after Celestia's fall to the nightmare, the final battle for the fate of Equestria begins.
Just a one-sitting one-shot that I cooked up after seeing :Demon: by familyof6 on deviantart.
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No first fo joo! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Trixie_lolface_2.png
Sticking it to read later, also seconddl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/lolface_Celestia.png
Earlier than first!
... you know what this reminds me of? Sunsine and Fire.
Just saying. It's a damn good story nonetheless.
I didn't enjoy working on this as much as Among the Ruins or The Vampony Chronicles, but this was still great fun.
*edit* I just noticed this, but I get an actual "Edited by" line at the top? Cool.
That was amazing. I'd say more but I'm a bit speechless at the moment.
(P.S. I'd love to see the story leading up to all of this, it would probably be amazing as well.)
That it does, that it does.
1224457 Dude...this is an amazing one-shot story... i love it! It's just perfect and i had to admit the ending made me cry a bit. You are a genius!
Quite good. Could've been longer. It would've been awesome to see Solar Flare, instead of just implying stuff.
Is it wrong of me to say that the ending almost felt too easy? Just one blast and Solar Flare was defeated? I understand the Twilight was kinda overpowered, but...
Well, either way, its an awesome story. I enjoyed reading through it. A great reward for finishing that annoying reading assignment for history. I mean, a book about writing research papers... dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Twilight_crazy.png
Wow that was great. You should do more stores like this. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Twilight_crazy_invert.png
1224457 First. Reply to your comment.
Mwahahahahahahah! Nicely done, obviously a lot could have been done to flesh it out, but since this was a quick one-shot, I feel you did damn well.
... Except for the fact that it wasn't immediately clear that they were up against Tyrant-lestia. A sentence or two extra describing the failure of the EoH in more detail would have cleared that up. Looking forward to your other works updating now that this bit of awesomeness has been cleared from your system.
1227761 where is everybody getting those emoticons???
1228102All pm u a link dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Vinyl_Scratch.png
Give up the ruse, we all know she's not dead. It reeks of anti-climax. Now get back to writing the epic battle scene.
This... this is amazing!
You get all my internets dear sir.
Also, not sure how to do the LOL luna and celestia face, can anyone tell me?
Even though it was short it was pretty damn AWESOME!
Judging by just how it ended, it had to have been an extremely epic war!
This is why you are King, and we, your humble servants. We are not worthy of such greatness as you can give.
thoughts? let's hear em.
Very insightful. It was a bit cruel leaving all the 'what if's' though.
Fantastic story! Can't wait to see more like this in the future!
we where thrown in right before the big one, under which nothing special happened, which pretty much means that there was never any build-up in suspense, leaving the story pretty boring in terms of excitement.
on the other side of the coin: we're only given a few vital pieces of information about what's happened previously (and nothing about what's going to happen afterwards); leaving the rest to our imaginations, and the "big one" did end up in a pretty original manner. and you have an actual message (dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Octavia_O_O.png ), which is kinda rare.
1229001 I could really see someone taking the main idea of this and making a good 20 plus chapter epic with back story too.......it could easily be done....but overall you have a fantastic one shot here and the what if's kept me guessing right up to the end just like they were supposed to do. You are awesome at this stuff. Can't wait to see more one shots from you in the future.
1229001 Alright.
Are all authors incapable of self-proofreading, or just the ones I edit for? Gyvon, in a blog post, called me "a good among men," and both you and PonyBlue have trouble with capitalization and spelling.
It's not that we are incapable, I for one, just find myself writing at a time of day where I really don't care much for that kind of thing. I commonly end up writing sometime past 11 PM. At that point most folks let their word processor handle capitalization and spelling.
1230160 Well you should. Capitalization is important! Don't mind me, I just really needed to go into a short editor rant, it's been a long day already.
Nice oneshot...I liked the Diablo reference even. I would love to see someone write a backstory to this. The training between Twi x Discord x Luna would have been brutal if she could overpower a god of hell the way she did.
More mustaches for you.
The ending was pretty anti-climatic, but it was a good little story nonetheless.
Makes sense to me. Being caught off guard has done in many a person. Also, you could have just said 'a leader' if you were worried about watch lists and such.
My one question would be how Twilight is going to be received now with the power she has? Is she stuck with it? Will she go and rule Tartarus, or stick around? Dunno if you will answer now, since that might be one of those 'happened after not answering things...
Either way, thanks for the explanation.
Well that's up to the reader to decide. I have my ideas on what happened, but i'm interested to hear what others think.
If my writing skills didn't suck I'd have started on a fic based on this. Someone get on this, it shall please me.
(SteampunkBrony is best Brony)
I would like to ask for permission to write "The Battle of Stalliongrad." set in this story line. From a soldier's point of view.
Like i said, i want to see what others write so go right ahead.
i love you
i would love to do this but damn i suck at writing to static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/flutterrage.png
now off to mystic writing land to further skills static.fimfiction.net/images/emoticons/pinkiecrazy.png
Very good story! I kinda hoped for the great clash of titans in the end but still, amazing work!
I... I think I love you bro, seriously... This was a great story, and I'm confused at to why there aren't more views... It was an interesting concept.
Love it, MOAR! If you want to...
Although, I wish that you had developed the ending a bit more, it had the potential to expand a lot.
Oh I could have gone for the epic battle route, but that wasn't the point.
Good, for a quick one-shot based off of a picture.
Off course it would have been better if it was around 120,000 words, but I understand.
Gods don't bleed... Minecraft vidio (look it up for Awsomeness*
I think Solar Flare succeeded in what Nightmare Moon was trying to do, but instead, with the sun, creating eternal day, instead of eternal night. I'm very certain that the Miasma took control of Celestia, like with Luna, and the result was Nightmare Moon's opposite: Solar Flare.
The morbid side of me insists that the demon one the battle. And that this is just a fantasy created by it to keep her oblivious.
Honestly... it seems too easy >3>... a crumbling castle downing a nightmare infused Celestia? I dare say, my head-canon assumes that she sensed OP Demon Sparkle coming and decided to leave her body behind to come back sometime in the future!...
I think I might totally work a little bit of inspiration into a demon story I'm already working on >3>