I...I am a monument to all your sins...
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My favourite part of this story was how it's existence caused my group notifications to explode as hard as I coomed.
10/10 would Go Native again.
I've been publishing a story every wednesday for 3+ years
...oh, fair enough. I’ll just be over here... dying from cringe...
Of course the artifact is cursed.
It's the illusive plot device!
awesome story mate keep it up cant wait for the next story

Every wednesday, at right around 4pm EST US.
Thanks for the comment!
Not bad in my opinion the ending was nice kinda sweet honestly
That's! Wanted to make it kinda cute/wholesome
Np lol
What if Daring Do became the Personal Royal Relief or PRR to Princess Twilight?
Awesome story Leech! I always found interesting the idea of a zebra ritualistic breeding. Well done!
As the hoard approached, — horde
Don't tell me the cover image match your story perfectly. Would you tell me the link?
WeLost should be posting the original image today! I'll reply with a derpi ID # once it's up!
An unexpectedly wholesome take on striping, and without fetishizing race? 10/10, Leech!
I absolutely love gangbang stuff. Would love to see more of stuff like this, tribal or whatever! 10/10 bud!
Man(or person?), how are you so good at describing desire. These are always the hottest parts, in my opinion, just because they're written so well!
If you did anything orgasm control-related, that'd hit me right in the kinks.10804088
There's more in the pipe
I just might
I bit softer than I anticipated, but still a hot piece! Well done!
Damn not the going Native I was hoping for.. Oh well, still a good read.
Sweet Celestia I hope you write more of such stories especially with those kinks
You literally made me login again just to say this.
I wish more arts had stories attached to them because the art might spur you on but you may prefer details of said picture in words
I do have another gang-bang thing in the works. Annihilate that like and subscribe button for more!
Woah! I have been reading your work for a while, but didn’t realize. I just thought several awesome people were writing great stories.
But now I know I should just follow you!
Very neat! I know a few folk who'd be into this.
I'm a degenerate and turning full zebra would've been tops, but that's literally just me
I've got more zeeb stuff in the works!
Just me. Sadly, I'm more machine than man.
Damn sexy. Hopefully Daring got more group loving too.
>ceremonial markings
you mean striping
you know my feelings on that
take your downvote and get better already
move on from this shitty fetish
Going to assume you're the one that downvoted some folks. I also didn't say 'striping.' Transformation is a completely different fetish, and I have absolutely no idea who the hell you are. With the presumption of "you know my feelings..." dude, no-one knows your feelings, and with this kind of attitude, I don't think anyone would want to.
If you're talking about that whole 'Zebra Supremacy' crap, then no, I am definitely not a fan and I do not really support it. But with nuts like you on this side it's hard to say no to it.
Social lessons everyone!
was talking to the author, not you
One more masterpiece in my collection. Magnificent juicy time
Rainbowdash is probably bored because her Bookline ended
Have you considered just not reading this stuff?
Opening a fic, downvoting it, commenting that you downvoted it, and then telling an author to get better is extraordinarily childish.
Please block me and kindly see yourself out.
A nice story, a nice strategy with the silent tribe to keep things focused. Though i admit some dialogue to expand on things, even if just between the zebras could have been interesting. Still gets a high score from me though.
Any thoughts on a sequel, one could easily see at least Rainbow Dash showing up, having gone looking for the missing Daring, the question would be whether she would be alone or dragging any of the rest of the main cast with her.
shut up and take my like
I mean, you could just not read fics with fetishes that you don't like, that is always an option
i ain't read it
see, Leech is kind enough to leave all the fetishes in the synopsis
and even if such weren't the case, the synopsis, pic, and title come together to paint an ugly little picture
i'm not reading it
just the synopsis is enough every time
thanks for leaving the fetishes in there, really makes my job easier
you call it childish, i call it quality control
and why would i do that
now, i'm gonna go watch an emplemon vid and actually enjoy my time
no replies, please
Why the hell are you commenting on a fic you haven't read about whats in it
You know what, fuck it. Just for that, I'm going to INTENTIONALLY write some zebradom stuff.
Let it be known, any and all forthcoming zebradom material I produce is because of this guy. Sorry, m8, you're doing this to yourself.
i'll be there to bitch
on and on it'll go
infinite loop
downward spiral
that'll be us
this is whatcha get for replying when i said not to
also, >inb4 you're running to the admins over this
Nah, I ain't no snitch
Honestly, at this point, I think you want me to write about Fluttershy getting striped and railed out by a group of zebras. I mean, I ain't one to judge, but this is a really unorthodox method of making a request!
not gonna rise to such easy bait, my mans
gotta try harder
Cool story, can't wait to read more Zebra stories that guy essentially commissioned.
>this is what you get for replying when i said not to
And who the hell are you exactly? Lmaooooo get fucked, nerd