A human cosplaying as Chisaki from My hero Academia, more commonly known by his villain name Overhaul, is warped to Equestria to end the fallen Equestria timeline.
When morning had finally rolled around, the six ponies and Chisaki decided to start preparing to head toward the library in search of any books that could help them towards their goal. Both Chisaki and Fluttershy believed it would be best for him to use his quirk to join their bodies together. The sky was a blood-like orange with the sun barely rising over the horizon. As the six of them prepared to leave, Chiskai listened for anyone outside of the hidden door, and once he knew no one was there, they exited the hidden hallway into the cluttered main room before they headed down the dirt road.
Wait, what’s their goal? I kinda forgot.
“I asked Twilight, not you.” Chisaki replied, his eyes like pin pricks scaring the short dragon.
How can his eyes scare him?
“Biology, Medical science, anything of that sort.” Chisaki said, “If it is science related take it just in case. We will only take one trip here and never return, it would be best if my goals remain hidden from the public.”
Wait, so is his goal different from the girls?
The last of the three races was unicorn. Its skeleton, needless to say, had a horn on its head, but said horn seemed smaller than it should’ve been. ‘The majority of unicorn bones aren’t on either side of the extreme, like earth ponies or pegasi are, but the bone attached to the frontal bone of the skull acts as a conduit for magic for unicorns. Even with a layer of keratin protecting it, it has been said that getting punched in the horn is similar in pain to getting kicked in the tescicles or giving birth.’
Wow. Strangely specific.
When he turned to face Macintosh, the red stallion had begun to run as far away as possible. Overhaul walked out the door and onto the dusty streets of Ponyville, the red stallion had already ran at least 15 feet from library grabbing the attention of nearby ponies by the time Overhaul exited the library. He slammed his palm into the ground as he reformed the ground into sharp tendrils which punctured and broke Big Mac’s wrists and ankles.
10816922 1.) their goal is to destroy the misogynistic society they live in and create a utopia out of its remains. 2.) the eyes were full of anger, not to mention his somewhat intimidating costume. 3.) their goal is the same, it was just a typing error. 4.) It is a common trope in the mlp fandom for a unicorn horn to be sensitive. 5.) Big Mac was running for his life, while Overhaul wasn’t in any kind of rush.
Surprised to see you here, and also commented in this story as well? You know? We both are the kind of readers/users that reads many stories, and comment them sometimes.
Fine! Although, I really DON'T like this version of Equestria! I mean, NO version of Fall of Equestria with the Caribou winning is any better. But, this story is way worse!!!! Not only do the pony males are still being rapist assholes. But, we have to deal with f****** Futa's as well????!!!!! And it's UNBELIEVABLE that Celestia ( Including Luna and Cadence ) of all ponies is still "ruling"!!!!!
And now we got a mess up "game show" that is more worse than The Running Man ( 1987 ), or the Hunger Games Series???!!! And that's saying something!!!!!!
Your story is actually fine, so far. And despite me not being a hard core fan to MHA ( My Hero Academia ). I like the Anime, just not too invested in it like the Dragon Ball Series or Naruto. I also like Overhaul's OP Matter Power, and the Displaced Character himself.
I was talking about that this Equestria/Universe itself is a very F******* UP place!!!!!!! It's like a place that the Chaos God/Goddess Slaanesh, and the Dark Elder/Drukhari from Warhammer 40K will like!
This is a first Fall of Equestria story, that ACTUALLY involves killing the mares, and having the Caribou, Stallions, and even Futas being FRICKIN Cannibals while they at it.
"Fall of Equestria" is definitely 1,000,000% NOT a part with the Fallout Games, or the Crossover of Fallout Equestria. The reason it's caused "Fall of Equestria", is that the Ponies sadly lose against a f*** up foe. And played the Heavily Consequences.
Long story short, "Fall of Equestria" is a equivalent of a bunch of sexist/misogyny Caribou empire, lead by King Dainn ( The main bad guy boss/total raping dickhead! ). That somehow beats and enslaves Equestria. Due to corrupting the poor stallions into "mind willing" rapists to their cause, and also corrupt the Crystal Heart to the Crystal Cock!
Yeah, it's that kind of story. Anyway, the Original Stories, Sequels, and Spinoffs show our favourite MLP characters ( Main Six, Celestia/Luna, and others ) get raped all day, everyday by this Caribou dickheaded jerks!
This actually reminds me of Kurinou! If you don't know what that is? It's basically the same thing, but instead of being MLP. It's a Hentai and involves some Human Princesses, a Elf "Goddess", and a Dark Elf Queen get raped as well.
And please DON'T tell me how I know this "type" of Hentai.
10817945 While this is predominantly fall of equestria, I’ve combined it with the dark clop/snuff comic titled ‘Mare snuff’ on derpibooru. And as expected it is very grim dark.
I didn't know that "Mare Snuff" is a real thing in derpibooru or e621. And I actually search, and I have to say. Poor Trixie, and it is mess up. I mean, while a 24 Hour Rape Fest "Game Show" is a bad thing. But to actually have Necrophilla ( Dead Corpse Sex ), and Cannibals is definitely a one way ticket for a Exterminatus to the entirely of Equestria!!!!!
Dude! It's right here in this website the whole time? Surprised, that you didn't hear or see them? I actually seen them myself many years ago. And seen Crossovers with other Franchises with famous Characters that protects/saves the Ponies, and brutality kill the Caribou asses.
Just put "Fall of Equestria" in the search page. And there you go.
I just had a thought, if Kai Chisaki has control over matter then couldn't he just manipulate the chemistry of ponies brains and make his very own Nomu or at least make them no longer as corrupted as they currently are.
I also realised that with his Quirk he can turn hermaphrodites into females, so if he could get his hands on Luna and Celestia he can turn the rulers of Equestria into mares. He could also turn stallions into mares so they can get a taste of their own medicine.
10819935 First part is good in theory, but it requires neuroscience. Something I, nor Chisaki, knows, because if he did, he’d probably make eri more obedient to him without removing her quirk.
The second part is actually something I was planning on doing. And by using his quirk, Chisaki can make the (former) stallions and hermaphrodites reusable, to say the least.
10820016 Okay, but at some point Kai could learn neuroscience and maybe even genetic engineering so he could give mares Quirks. He has the Quirk gene in him so all he'd need is a good grasp at genetics, which Twilight could help him with.
When is the next update
Wait, what’s their goal? I kinda forgot.
How can his eyes scare him?
Wait, so is his goal different from the girls?
Wow. Strangely specific.
How did it reach that far?
1.) their goal is to destroy the misogynistic society they live in and create a utopia out of its remains.
2.) the eyes were full of anger, not to mention his somewhat intimidating costume.
3.) their goal is the same, it was just a typing error.
4.) It is a common trope in the mlp fandom for a unicorn horn to be sensitive.
5.) Big Mac was running for his life, while Overhaul wasn’t in any kind of rush.
And that explains how it reached so far?
The range is what he wants it to be all he needs to do is touch it with his hand
So it can go for miles and miles?
Something tells me he took your advice.
Wow. I didn’t expect to see you here.
Surprised to see you here, and also commented in this story as well? You know? We both are the kind of readers/users that reads many stories, and comment them sometimes.
Probably. I’ve commented on most stories that I’ve read.
What do you mean "probably"? I do the same thing by commenting on most on the stories I have read as well.
Really? Well, I guess there’s no probably about it, then.
How are you enjoying the story so far?
That's one way to send one hell of a message.
Fine! Although, I really DON'T like this version of Equestria! I mean, NO version of Fall of Equestria with the Caribou winning is any better. But, this story is way worse!!!! Not only do the pony males are still being rapist assholes. But, we have to deal with f****** Futa's as well????!!!!! And it's UNBELIEVABLE that Celestia ( Including Luna and Cadence ) of all ponies is still "ruling"!!!!!
And now we got a mess up "game show" that is more worse than The Running Man ( 1987 ), or the Hunger Games Series???!!! And that's saying something!!!!!!
Are you saying my story is bad or that this universe is bad?
Your story is actually fine, so far. And despite me not being a hard core fan to MHA ( My Hero Academia ). I like the Anime, just not too invested in it like the Dragon Ball Series or Naruto. I also like Overhaul's OP Matter Power, and the Displaced Character himself.
I was talking about that this Equestria/Universe itself is a very F******* UP place!!!!!!! It's like a place that the Chaos God/Goddess Slaanesh, and the Dark Elder/Drukhari from Warhammer 40K will like!
Well, actually when you think about it. It isn’t surprising.
This is a first Fall of Equestria story, that ACTUALLY involves killing the mares, and having the Caribou, Stallions, and even Futas being FRICKIN Cannibals while they at it.
No I mean about enslavement and all that. Also, are you saying there are more fall of equestria stories?
I most definitely know about the enslavement and all. But, this is a first that it has killing the mares, and eat them.
And of course they're many "Fall of Equestria" Stories in here? Don't you know that before?
That may be true.
I may have heard the term before, but doesn’t it involve a crossover with fallout? Or maybe I’m thinking of fallout equestria?
Nope! Definitely No!!!!
"Fall of Equestria" is definitely 1,000,000% NOT a part with the Fallout Games, or the Crossover of Fallout Equestria. The reason it's caused "Fall of Equestria", is that the Ponies sadly lose against a f*** up foe. And played the Heavily Consequences.
Long story short, "Fall of Equestria" is a equivalent of a bunch of sexist/misogyny Caribou empire, lead by King Dainn ( The main bad guy boss/total raping dickhead! ). That somehow beats and enslaves Equestria. Due to corrupting the poor stallions into "mind willing" rapists to their cause, and also corrupt the Crystal Heart to the Crystal Cock!
Yeah, it's that kind of story. Anyway, the Original Stories, Sequels, and Spinoffs show our favourite MLP characters ( Main Six, Celestia/Luna, and others ) get raped all day, everyday by this Caribou dickheaded jerks!
This actually reminds me of Kurinou! If you don't know what that is? It's basically the same thing, but instead of being MLP. It's a Hentai and involves some Human Princesses, a Elf "Goddess", and a Dark Elf Queen get raped as well.

And please DON'T tell me how I know this "type" of Hentai.
While this is predominantly fall of equestria,
I’ve combined it with the dark clop/snuff comic titled ‘Mare snuff’ on derpibooru. And as expected it is very grim dark.
Trust me, I won’t. So, king dainn is a character in the story?
I didn't know he had a name, but yes, he will be a character in this story, or at least that is my plan for my story at the moment.
Ohh. Because, at first I didn’t know who that was.
I didn't know that "Mare Snuff" is a real thing in derpibooru or e621. And I actually search, and I have to say. Poor Trixie, and it is mess up. I mean, while a 24 Hour Rape Fest "Game Show" is a bad thing. But to actually have Necrophilla ( Dead Corpse Sex ), and Cannibals is definitely a one way ticket for a Exterminatus to the entirely of Equestria!!!!!
Oh! He definitely is! In fact, he is the Main Villain/Tyrant King in many "Fall of Equestria" type of Stories.
Didn't know you don't know King Dainn's name either?! He is very infamous in the many "Fall of Equestria" Stories.
If you want to know? Here is the Official T.V. Trope Page about the original:
So he’s a tv trope?
No, that's for the story itself! Just a OC Villain of the infamous "Fall of Equestria" Series.
Got a link to this series?
Dude! It's right here in this website the whole time? Surprised, that you didn't hear or see them? I actually seen them myself many years ago. And seen Crossovers with other Franchises with famous Characters that protects/saves the Ponies, and brutality kill the Caribou asses.
Just put "Fall of Equestria" in the search page. And there you go.
This is honestly my first time hearing about this. I’ve heard of fallout equestria, but I’ve never heard of fall of equestria.
They are two different things. Fallout Equestria is obviously the MLP version of the Fallout Game Series.
Fall of Equestria is Rape Porn by the Caribou enslaving the Pony Female and other MLP Race Females.
I know that, now. But, I’ve never read any fall of equestria stories.
Do you even want to read them anyway?
I just had a thought, if Kai Chisaki has control over matter then couldn't he just manipulate the chemistry of ponies brains and make his very own Nomu or at least make them no longer as corrupted as they currently are.
I also realised that with his Quirk he can turn hermaphrodites into females, so if he could get his hands on Luna and Celestia he can turn the rulers of Equestria into mares. He could also turn stallions into mares so they can get a taste of their own medicine.
First part is good in theory, but it requires neuroscience. Something I, nor Chisaki, knows, because if he did, he’d probably make eri more obedient to him without removing her quirk.
The second part is actually something I was planning on doing. And by using his quirk, Chisaki can make the (former) stallions and hermaphrodites reusable, to say the least.
Okay, but at some point Kai could learn neuroscience and maybe even genetic engineering so he could give mares Quirks. He has the Quirk gene in him so all he'd need is a good grasp at genetics, which Twilight could help him with.
Sure. What are some?
See for yourself.
To do this faster.
Here is the link to one of the "Fall of Equestria" Groups in here:
Those ideas are diabolical!
I LIKE IT!!!!! I want to join the "Avenge the Mares, and Brutally Torture the Stallion's and Futa's Dongs and Balls" Party!!!!!!!!!
Continue com essa história por favor tá muito legal mesmo eu amei essa história por favor
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Being encased in stone?