A human cosplaying as Chisaki from My hero Academia, more commonly known by his villain name Overhaul, is warped to Equestria to end the fallen Equestria timeline.
Great chapter, I have a few criticisms though. Overhauls mask is a fairly obvious mask so how did twilight get that confused. If sweet apple acres is selling the ponies, presumably publicly, why are they missing. If the mares are truly in so much danger and realize the danger why do they continue to act out when it could mean death. I would love to have these questions answered but feel free to ignore me
10772025 First question, I think I may have left out some words or made some typos. Second question, more than likely, sweet apple acres has a log of which ponies they’ve sold. So they’ll know if someone had either bought them or the mares had escaped. Second question (alt answer), if you mean how are they missing, it is implied that Overhaul/Chisaki saved them sometime in the night. Third question, if you mean why Rainbow Dash kept lashing out, she is Rainbow dash, do I really explain any more?
with twilights help he might be able to make himself into an alicorn. dont think you will go that route but its an interesting thought
What about stallions?
Why? What was the point?
That’s a very odd resistance.
I’d be disgusted if I was covered in blood, but I wouldn’t be nonchalant about it.
The answer to both is easy to understand if you've seen the anime,
but I don't want to accidentally spoil it for you.
I’ve seen the anime, but I may need to catch up.
Great chapter, I have a few criticisms though. Overhauls mask is a fairly obvious mask so how did twilight get that confused. If sweet apple acres is selling the ponies, presumably publicly, why are they missing. If the mares are truly in so much danger and realize the danger why do they continue to act out when it could mean death. I would love to have these questions answered but feel free to ignore me
First question, I think I may have left out some words or made some typos.
Second question, more than likely, sweet apple acres has a log of which ponies they’ve sold. So they’ll know if someone had either bought them or the mares had escaped.
Second question (alt answer), if you mean how are they missing, it is implied that Overhaul/Chisaki saved them sometime in the night.
Third question, if you mean why Rainbow Dash kept lashing out, she is Rainbow dash, do I really explain any more?
Bruh you got to make more I got to see how overhaul kills the rapists and celestia
Continue com essa história por favor tá muito legal
I've been busy, but it is on my to-do list
I may do a fix with All for One or Gentle Criminal,
But right now I need to continue working on my already existing fanfics.
Justicia divina será introducida a Equestria! MEJOR AUN!, A TODA EQUUS!.