A human cosplaying as Chisaki from My hero Academia, more commonly known by his villain name Overhaul, is warped to Equestria to end the fallen Equestria timeline.
I feel as a character Overhaul was limited heavily. He could gain many benefits such as practically instant regeneration just by modifying himself a bit. If his quirk could control air he could just throw his disembodied hands at people. Even just copying the biology of those around him would be helpful for a multitude of reasons (magic, blending in, durability, etc, etc). I look forward to where this story goes. But I would recommend a editor/beta reader to catch spelling errors you miss
10759684 I meant Overhaul from the anime sorry if I didn’t make that clear. I’ll include the ones I found but I suck at grammar so can’t help you there.
“This should be our most profited show since we had started airing.” Should be “This should be our most profitable show since we have started airing.” Or “This should be our most profitable show since we first started airing.”/“This will be our most profitable show since we first started airing.”
“The colorful chains and shackles where made to match Fluttershy's mane and coat, with the actual shackles that'll go around he wrists and ankles painted yellow and the chains alternated between pink and yellow.” Should be “The colorful chains and shackles where made to match Fluttershy's mane and coat, with the actual shackles that'll go around her wrists and ankles painted yellow and the chains alternated between pink and yellow.
I probably missed some but I’m not an editor anyway. Feel free to do what you will with what I’ve written
I've got an idea, try and make the next chapter about Kai Chisaki learning about Pony biology and magic so he can try and integrate the ability to use magic into his body.
Plus I don't see how any creature stands a chance against Overhaul, seeing as he can instantly kill them with just a scratch. In the My Hero Academia manga and Anime I feel like Overhaul's abilities were really undersold seeing as he has control over matter, the possibilities were near-endlesss.
A group of four tall creatures, who Overhaul came to know that they were named ‘ponies,’ they’re unlike their earth counterparts and had feet instead of hooves. All four of them were Mare and a quick glance at their shorts told him that they were Hermaphrodites. Which was odd, Chisaki thought that that gender was only in stories, and in plays where all the characters were of the female populous. Overhaul knew something was wrong, but he couldn’t quite tell yet, maybe it's just late rent? No, it isn’t that, Overhaul opted to just watch for now to properly evaluate the situation and not do anything irrational.
Are all the ponies like that?
"Gladly!" She said in almost a bubbly manner compared what she was like mere moments ago, "Mare snuff is a reality T.V. show that airs once every other week. Where we take a random mare from equestria and rape them until the spark is extinguished, and Fluttershy is rather well known across equestria so there is a rather high demand for her to be on Mare Snuff. And to keep things running as efficiently as possible, we will cook her remains and feed them to best scoring rapist."
Is that legal?
"I now see why he doesn't like doing this." Overhaul said to himself, "The blood gets everywhere and is a pain to clean up."
Did turning into the character also change his personality?
"Let the dead burry the dead." Overhaul replied waving her off, "I’m going to go wash off, then go back to bed. Also, sorry for messing up your yard.”
Because those creatures and other Ponies are too prideful, arrogant, and even too f****** retarded to even "think" of standing little "chance" against a OP Quirk like Overhaul has.
For example, from a Star Wars perspective. It's like seeing weak ass non-force users facing against a Full-Blown Sith Master that masters the force so much. That he can turn your body into paste like Overhaul did.
The world is sick, it needs a cure.
I feel as a character Overhaul was limited heavily. He could gain many benefits such as practically instant regeneration just by modifying himself a bit. If his quirk could control air he could just throw his disembodied hands at people. Even just copying the biology of those around him would be helpful for a multitude of reasons (magic, blending in, durability, etc, etc). I look forward to where this story goes. But I would recommend a editor/beta reader to catch spelling errors you miss
As overhaul as in from the anime or story?
Also, if you find any spelling errors, please let me know where it is and how to fix it.
I meant Overhaul from the anime sorry if I didn’t make that clear. I’ll include the ones I found but I suck at grammar so can’t help you there.
“This should be our most profited show since we had started airing.” Should be “This should be our most profitable show since we have started airing.” Or “This should be our most profitable show since we first started airing.”/“This will be our most profitable show since we first started airing.”
“The colorful chains and shackles where made to match Fluttershy's mane and coat, with the actual shackles that'll go around he wrists and ankles painted yellow and the chains alternated between pink and yellow.” Should be “The colorful chains and shackles where made to match Fluttershy's mane and coat, with the actual shackles that'll go around her wrists and ankles painted yellow and the chains alternated between pink and yellow.
I probably missed some but I’m not an editor anyway. Feel free to do what you will with what I’ve written
You, my friend have good taste

They are the disease and he is the cure
I've got an idea, try and make the next chapter about Kai Chisaki learning about Pony biology and magic so he can try and integrate the ability to use magic into his body.
Plus I don't see how any creature stands a chance against Overhaul, seeing as he can instantly kill them with just a scratch. In the My Hero Academia manga and Anime I feel like Overhaul's abilities were really undersold seeing as he has control over matter, the possibilities were near-endlesss.
I like that song Too for overhaul
Are all the ponies like that?
Is that legal?
Did turning into the character also change his personality?
What does that mean?
There are three major genders in the fallen equestria timeline,
and mares.
Males and hermaphrodites are considered the 'apex gender', and in doing so, they treat mares as nothing more than holes to please themselves with.
In this timeline yes
How would you feel if you got covered in blood?
The saying "Let the dead burry the dead" roughly translates to it is not important, or there are better things at hand that need to be done.
"How would you feel if you got covered in blood?"
It's a really good thing a certain blood lover wasn't the displaced instead...oh sweet discord. Now I kinda wanna do a story with each villian.
Because those creatures and other Ponies are too prideful, arrogant, and even too f****** retarded to even "think" of standing little "chance" against a OP Quirk like Overhaul has.
For example, from a Star Wars perspective. It's like seeing weak ass non-force users facing against a Full-Blown Sith Master that masters the force so much. That he can turn your body into paste like Overhaul did.
Leader of Bloodclan: These Equestria Universe is disgusting, All Bloodclan force will expunge and purge these filth.
bury not burry
If he is gonna take down this currupt society overhaul os gonna need his crew.