The hardest part of Rarity's life, is knowing her sister is never coming back
A/N: First time writing a story, so lay it on me thick. And make sense; if you favorite it, like it. Don't over-think this, it's just something I wanted to write.
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submitted story this morning, #64 for queue
I "like"? But it feels wrong to like. Oh Sweetie Belle...
My God, this is brilliant! I love you! Thank you! Oh, but's so sad... OH, GOODBYE, DARLING, BEST FILLY,
Also.... (you knew it had to come eventually)
(would've had the image, but Copy and Paste doesn't work, for some reason... Here's the link.
Damn you.
Fic's don't usually make me teary, even for a second. This broke a month-long record of no manly tear shedding. But your first story? I, Big-Macintosh, award you one free internet.
Wow is all I have to say. This story hits me hard, really hard; like
hard. The story was wonderful darling, for a first story you've succeeded in a most tragic fashion. Thank you for such a poignant story 
Damn this made me shed many manly many manly tears

dam this story made me cry manly tears
. and i know how you feel about the que thing but at least people seem to like your story, if it's not too much trouble would you mind checking mine out it's a different kind of story then this one but i just want someone to tell me how i'm doing k 
manly tears have been shed

Argh. I've taken a direct hit to the feels.
Wait a minute I think I remember reading this fic on this site before.
I remember ered the beginning of the fictions but fpr some reason the ending to this one feels more right. Bravo to you.
Wow! You even made an old Jarhead cry...
Okay, a few problems. Number one: I can't tell where it's taking place half the time. Number two: I can't tell when it's taking place half the time. And Number three: I don't understand how she died! Did she kill herself? Was it just an accident? I understand she started cutting, but that's all I understand.
1: grow up, 2: grow up, 3: you're 5 years old
Loved that story, made me cry many manly tears

.But do you know Doctor Whooves isn't really a doctor, right? Did you write it that way on purpose or by accident?
Many tears were shed while reading this work of beauty, such work, must not be forgotten. E-exuse me while I, p-powder my nose a little... ~Rarity
1302702That's not funny...oh wait
I...wasn't trying to be funny. I really didn't understand what was going on.
1578400Man learn to read before writing comments.
Oh, I see there was an image up there that wasn't loading earlier for some reason. Hilarious.
Anyway. What the fuck is your problem?
Aw man... So rueful... I'm in tears!
I'm not going to lie, this story made me have tears in my eyes
Even my hatred for Rarity couldn't stop me from crying... Well done...
Gah, the feels.
Also, divorce is spelled wrong in the short description.
damn the feels from this one hit hard, I feel sorry for rarity