• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

Mocha Star

I'm here to write my way into your hearts and infect your minds.


Comments ( 105 )

nice very nice

Thanks, a lot is coming up in the next chapter.

Wow, that's realy a dramatic beginning. :twilightsmile:

Off we go, into the wild blue yonder!

Lost again?! Sonofabitch....

I'm excited to find out what happens, too!

The writer sits down at their desk and prepares to write. They look over their shoulder at their muse and asks "so, where are we off to today?"

The muse gently grasps the writer by the shoulders and leans in with a grin containing far to many teeth. It whispers in the writers ear "it's a surprise"

I say hey go south, because it's the place nopony would expect them to go. If not, I am sure that I find out soon enough :twilightsmile:

Oh, Damn. Things are picking up!

Damn, thing"s gone crazy! This should a ride.

I hope it will be, I only have a faint idea of something I want to happen. How we get there is up to my subconscious, imagination, and ability to see into their reality and write what I see.

Lucky colt. He doesn't have to suffer the drama that is twilicorn.

A whole bunch of sweetness in this chapter, and I love it.

Really enjoying this story so far :)

Please tell me they didn't just enter Sunny Town.

At least they didn't go south to Kludgetown.

so. the inevitable search party will know which direction they went and where they crossed the border. I really hope that guard doesn't get in two much trouble....

wait..... isn't the changeling hive to the west? ..... and the zebras?

Honestly, I don't know. I think Zebraca is South West, but this story is going off the map. So I dunno what's gonna happen, but im sure we'll circle back to Equestria a few times to find out

Yeah, a few people wanted me to send them South. Across a desert that adults could barely survive. To a town of straight up slavers.
Uh, no to the south. Lol

i cant help but think that either of his mothers would stop at anything in order to find him. celestia would have the resources of an entire nation behind her. I also think that assuming rarity remembers the events of that day, will be utterly devastated at what she said to snickers while under the influence. this might even cause more of a rift between the elements of harmony....

just little plot bunnies.... thinking about what might be going on on a larger scale.... still wondering about those ponies who wanted to foalnap snickers... my subconscious trying to read your mind from afar and predict the future. don't mind that little itch on the back of your skull..... its nothing to worry about...

Don't think to hard or you might find out you're right!

... is that any better then scenic silent hill?

This series just loves blurring the line between Teen and Mature.

A little smut can go a long way, and blurry still leaves the line existing. Lol

Update: When it gets mature, it'll stay there for a while.

calling it now Cress is either Luna in filly form or is sent by Luna from the night Guard

While it is shocking, I am not surprised that something like that happened to Trixie. Let's hope Snickers is the only one able to see through her disguse.

There's an old saying that is something like no one plays with fire without getting burned. She makes her own fireworks, so I'm playing the same role.
As for her looks, I don't know. I have an idea, though.

So Snickers is forbidden from happy ending, but Diamond isn't?
Looks like herd dynamic is changing more and more in mares favor.

Well, they could just get a room at the local in to have their fun.:twilightsheepish:

This was a fun one. The happy ending spa is hilarious, and the whole way Musical Numbers are some Magical phenomina where everyone within vicinity just kinda breaks out into song and dance is both terrifying and makes total sense

The spa is only the beginning, but I am pleased you liked the chapter.
Snickers, so far, is refusing to give in to the power of Harmony's music, but only 8 know for how long.
Poor Snickers, though... Blue balled again.

I miss these little rascals, can't wait to read what happens next.

Well now I'm sad, I'm fully up to date

Hope to see this continued <3

Good to see you around dude,

They've been gone about week at this point? I imagine things are getting pretty chaotic back in equestria.

Things are going to be crazy for a while. I have plans for Equestria over the next month in universe.

Aquelis has been quiet lately. I wonder if the two of them are slowly becoming one mind. The way I see it. Either they keep fighting for the body, they make a new body for one of them and split off. They fight for supremacy and one of them gets suppressed or removed, or they merge and become the sum of all their parts. A horny pansexual deviant who is fully capable of acting refined when the situation calls for it.

I know he's been quiet, I forgot to have him chime in a couple chapters ago, but he's still there and he's going to play a role in the future.
I'd toyed with them becoming one mind over the journey, which may happen, but there are things that each of them have that the other can't just merge into.

Great work dude keep it up

Thanx. More gooder stuff in the way

Really glad this story is back :)

I'm really glad too. I wrote a lot of it while I was locked up I have to try to remember and get out.

Is Cress betrothed?

No, nothing so mundane. lol

Really enjoyed this chapter and looking forward to the next! :D

Thanks, it's ready I just gotta post it next over the next few days.
I enjoyed writing it

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