• Published 2nd Apr 2021
  • 193 Views, 10 Comments

CUPID! - PacifistDoodl3r

[FIH] Coco Pommel puts herself up to the task, trying to solve a school-wide threat! She has a week before moving day....

  • ...

"... Whisper, whisper, whisper like brass..."

“You mean... You don't know your parents told us to set this up? Well, uh, mostly Pinkie but we helped.” Flash Sentry looked puzzled, almost as much as Coco. His attention turned to Roma as she crossed her arms with a low brow.

Roma shook her head, heavy like a dumbbell, “Why aren't you saying anything?”

“Because I... Had no idea I was moving? Excuse me, I have to go. But- but enjoy the party!” Coco Pommel gave an awkward laugh paired with lazy hand movements.

“You heard her!” Pinkie Pie took out her canon, causing the crowd of students to duck as a wall of confetti shot out.

Such paper fireworks were on cue for the teen to mosey on out of there. She quickly flinged her phone out of a pocket, preparing a call. Her mom's photo took her straight to voicemail. Without an answer, she put the phone away with a heavy sigh.

But then she took it back out to call her dad! Straight to v—

“Yes, dear? I suppose you want a pick up?” He answered as the sound of swishing trees and deep water puddles filled the background noise. That was, if the wind allowed it to.

Her tone was peppered and seasoned with an acquisitioned annoyance. “We're moving?”

“I'll be there right away, love ya!”

“Why didn't you tell me we were mov-”


‘He better explain to me immediately... Not at home... The car ride there.’ She thought. The thought wasn't loud enough to change her tired facial expression, however. She began to walk over to the curb, balancing herself alongside it. The Canterlot Statue loomed over her as she walked around it. Maybe it was the coldness brought over from its dark blue shadow.... But Coco’s neck pricked and chilled like a glacial matte.

She jolted and turned her head, but what she saw were houses. They circled the school, with dark red and space purple roofs - sometimes black or orange but mostly those colours. A flock of doves left one of many windows. A certain student with a love for nature came to Coco’s mind. She wondered why she couldn't see her at the party.

The sky was a dark grey, as if it were ominously teasing the return of heaven’s tears. She hugged herself for warmth after a hefty breeze blew her way. The lone girl attempted to haphazardly fix her hair but besides the continuous wave of moving air, the embroided hair clip that sculpted her bun would've became undone. Her eyes widened after brushing a finger over the soft clip, but narrowed once a few strands of light blue hair fell to her shoulders.

Another neck chill. She turned around to look at the school, while people are started to leave. ‘When is he getting here? I can't walk home... not anymore...’ Her mind murmured quietly.

She took out her phone to call him, staring longingly at the image she chose for him; that charismatic awkward guy dressed in black from a dinosaur movie they watched together. After a few more seconds of her ringtone, he picked up,


“Okay, uhm... fine, can I go to Rose’s place? I need to tell her the... News.”

“I thought you guys had a falling out?” He casually asked, honking the horn aggressively through the phone.

Yeahhh we did, but then made up... now we're friends again.” Coco walked over to a wall, away from the large statue.

“Well, what happened exactly?”

“I- uhm... rather not explain how we became even but everything is sort of better. So can I go to her-”

“Okay, fine, I'll pick you up at five. It's a school night. That sound good?” More honking blared, but this time it wasn't coming from her dad.

“Yep. Thank you! Love you!”

“Goodbye, love you-” *beep*

She stood up and headed back towards the school, it felt colder. Be it the wind or her soft hair causing the skittering spider crawling across her neck, it made things feel awfully chilly as if eyes were on her.

“Hey, Coco, I'm surprised you're still here.” Roma waved for her to come over, sliding her student ID card inside of her bra.

“Oh, hello,” Coco aimed and pulled her gaze away from a party hat, “I see this sad occasion has you finally dressing up? Happy New Year?”

“My garage has decorations dating back to my very first Halloween and Thankgiving. Nobody else wore a hat so I may as well stand out?” A cheeky smile drew from her lips as she gave a shrug.

“Yeah, it's a reason, but I still don't know why Valentine's Day is your least favorite holiday...” Coco gave up on ignoring the party hat. It made her quiet.

“There's many reasons why many people— including myself, of course, hate Pink Halloween....”

“...pink Halloween...” A silent whisper escaped Coco’s thoughts. What a fun phrase to cling on.

“—it’s just a depressing, money stealing, stupid day. Also it's my birthday.” The last word was emphasized.

“I know, Roma, you reminded me plenty of times... though, I actually like Valenti- heh, err, Pink Halloween because I can easily remember the day I got payback on Suri.” She smirked after responding.

“I tried to warn you that revenge is a coward's friend... ever heard the story about Alex Shamrock? You should.”

“W-who? I don't think I'm familiar with this... story?” She crossed her arms and listened intently.

“Alex Shamrock was a well known student and gained the respect of many...”

“-Then... why haven't I heard of them?” Coco interrupted, raising her eyebrows to test Roma on a this possible lie.

“This...” she huffed, “isn't a real story, let me finish please.”

“Okay, please explain then?” She gave a weak kick from her left leg which caused it to pop.

“But there was a student who used to be Alex's best friend despite the many clamoring after. Her name was Vanilla Leaflet—”

“Mhm, this is definitely a made up story— how can they get by without being bullied to death with names like those?”

“Coco, please.” She took a deep breath, “Vanilla was a shy and timid person who was very kind. Helping out everyone any day without asking for anything in return.

One day, Alex started to take advantage of Vanilla's kindess and made her do something very evil without her knowledge. You see, they may have seemed like a really nice person but deep down they were rotten. Alex stole money from other students and bought Vanilla gifts to make it seem as if SHE was taking their funds and spending it on whatever.”

“Okay, uh huh. I know what you're getting at.” Coco rolled her eyes and shut them.

“As time went on, Vanilla's presents made her uncomfortable and asked Alex to stop. So they obliged, but the damage was already done. Because of this, Alex told people about Vanilla's ‘evil ploy’ and rumors spread very quickly. But Vanilla caught on quick and knew this had to be Alex's doing. She wanted revenge.

Vanilla knew Alex was in a relationship with someone and waited months for their relationship to develop. Thirteen months later, Vanilla got all of the receipts that Alex got from the gifts and she filled a notebook with them.

Vanilla asked Alex's girlfriend to talk to them on Valentine's day and she explained what actually happened. Vanilla was shocked to find out they were getting expensive gifts as well!

The truth got out and Alex was rightfully shunned. Days later, she moved out of town to never be seen again.

Even though Vanilla set things right, it came with a tragic cost. She was no longer a quiet and reserved student. But instead, a carefree and laid back hipster—”

“Hey! I— Vanilla is independent and now lives a much better life... I think?” Coco rubbed an arm and frowned.

“Do you get what I was trying to explain?” Roma gave her a broken smile forged by pained lip muscles, “Revenge changed you, I miss the old you... This isn't how you really are and if you're leaving... I'm going to remember the Coco Pommel that parties and hangs with the popular people here.”

Her phone vibrated inside of a pocket as a small black car parked in the school's parking lot stopped a ways away from the pair.

“Well, maybe you can remember who I was and who I am now? Excuse me, I'm going to Rose's... And maybe prepare for a talk about why I'm moving then ultimately get lectured by my dad about this being fair.” She gave Roma a side hug , “See you tomorrow?”

“If you haven't moved by then.” She covered her smile with a hand, faintly giggling.

As Coco walked towards the vehicle, she gave Roma a dismissive wave. “Oh har—har! Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow.”

Someone clicked the picture button on their polaroid camera repeatedly as Coco opened the passenger door. The cloaked figure turned their head, following the car's movement. Behind the trees and bushes, the figure with the heart shaped mask refused to move.

Roma hung her head, to eye a pebble. With seemingly nobody around to see her face, the girl sucked in a breath. Her eyes almost glistened with tears as she softly spoke. “Coco, I loved her... I really did.” She gave the baby rock a slow kick.

With the masked person's gaze now fixated on Roma... Their camera raised. Few flashes followed but the universe didn't seem to care. Roma was heartbroken... But again, the universe didn't seem to care.

Author's Note:

Updated on January 7th, 2023.

Comments ( 2 )

this is awesome!

Thank you
for my first b:heart:cking comment as well-

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