Disclaimer – I own none of the cannon characters, settings, or locations contained herein. All ownership credit goes to Hasbro/Lauren Faust respectively.
Chapter 6: Judgment
Celestia was frozen in place perhaps a dozen paces before the Twilight Sparkle doppelganger. Had whatever this being was just threatened her? Looking to her side she saw an enraged Luna about to launch herself at the unicorn before them. Much to her relief though, Luna simply snorted and began to dig a fore hoof at the ground with her wings spread threateningly. What Luna said next however could not be considered diplomatic in any sense or fashion.
“Identify thyself fiend, and explain thy reason for blocking from us our objective whilst thou threaten our safety.”
“We are the spirits of Harmony, and we reserve the right to pass sentence upon those that have been submitted to our judgment.”
“Thou art responsible for Nightmare’s imprisonment?”
“We have bound her using our power, and though she resists with all her might, our binds are slowly removing her from the soul of the night bringer. The burden of her sins will be the weight that drags her unto the eternal abyss. She will never again disrupt the balance we protect.”
“What do you mean by ‘those submitted to your judgment’? To my knowledge my sister and Nightmare have already served a thousand year sentence for their transgressions. To submit them to further punishment would just be cruelty for the sake of cruelty.”
Behind the scion of Harmony, Nightmare Moon stirred as she regained consciousness. Slowly raising her head she first took note of her position on the raised altar. The chains binding her seemed to have increased in weight and she knew that she had no chance of standing any longer. Hear heart raced in fear as she realized that she almost looked like a sacrifice in her position. Before her, she noticed both Luna and Celestia standing in front of a small purple mare. Luna stood lightly on her hooves with her wings spread, clearly agitated with the purple mare and ready to attack. Even Celestia seemed ready for a fight, although she was clearly trying to be the diplomatic one as was expected.
“It would appear that the dark one has awakened.” The purple mare observed without ever turning to look at Nightmare.
“Nightmare! Art thou unharmed!?” Luna yelled frantically, straining to approach her.
“I am as well as can be expected dear Luna. I take it the spell failed?” Nightmare shakily replied.
Celestia was relieved that Nightmare had not yet been defeated, there was still a chance to restore her sister as long as Nightmare was alive. Using her calmest tone of voice she attempted to ease the anxiety she knew Nightmare must have been feeling after waking up in her circumstance.
“Indeed Nightmare. The Elements must have caught on to our plan and pulled us into wherever we are now. Please hold on a little longer, we will negotiate with this being to secure your release.”
“There will be no negotiation. You hold nothing with which you could offer for any leniency in the dark one’s judgment.” The purple mare informed, slowly shaking her head.
“Thy actions are inharmonious at best, and downright evil at worst. We have already formed the perfect plan for her peaceful coexistence with us once we free her from thy clutches!” Luna angrily snorted.
“This is nothing like the harmony that I know and teach my ponies.” Celestia added, “Love, tolerance, and forgiveness of those who seek it bring about the harmony that keeps Equestria stable.”
“Those are indeed bright markers toward the path of harmony. Perhaps if our bearers had wielded us with the very virtues that you claim to teach your subjects, we may have reached a different verdict.” The Elements looked toward the shocked Celestia.
“Enough of this farce! Thy words lead us in circular patterns of thought. I shall bring about balance within myself once I merge with Nightmare and we continue as we once were.”
“The one you call Nightmare Moon is herself an imbalance in the inner harmony of the night. To house two consciousnesses within one frame is inharmonious towards the norm and must be cured. It is our judgment that she be removed from the vessel of the night permanently.”
“Art thou condemning this mare for her own manner of birth? Something she had no control over? Twas my own cowardice that begat her existence, and she shall not be made to suffer for my weakness.” Luna growled her response, thoroughly offended.
“Please, that cannot be allowed to happen. Surely you can see that she holds within her my sister’s divinity. Without that my sister will perish as a mortal pony over the course of years.” Celestia pleaded with the pony before her.
“We never said that the dark one was the only one being punished. Is the loss of immortality not a fair penance for the imbalance she has wrought? Why should one be gifted with everlasting life after making the decision to potentially kill all life upon this planet through everlasting night?”
“You must understand, she is all that I have, we both suffered for a thousand years while she was imprisoned within the moon. We were forced into isolation as time passed around us, there is no point to immortality if you have no one that can help you bear it.”
“You speak as though you are alone day bringer. Is there not another immortal blood relative of yours upon your planet? One that you have cast from your heart and have yet to speak with to this very day? You are quick to paint yourself as a victim when you have the power to mend what is broken within your ability.”
Celestia stiffened in shock, she had no reply to the accusation. She knew in her heart of hearts that she should have mended relations with her brother long ago. Her pride and stubborn nature had not allowed her to follow the path of healing she knew she should take. While Celestia sat stunned by the remarks of the purple mare, Luna was beginning to lose her patience. She could feel the remainder of the power intended for the corruption spell within her, and although Nightmare was clearly struggling she was still feeding her power across their link. Luna began to plan her attack. She would need time to execute it, as well as the proper opening. She needed to keep the mare talking and get Celestia in on her plan.
“Thou art truly heartless if thou intend to destroy Nightmare after she has already suffered and atoned for her crimes.” Luna commented snidely.
“Our justice is blind to the ethics of your society night bringer. We merely rule according to the guidance of our wielders and what best promotes harmony in the world. When our current bearers summoned our power against you and your alter ego we cared not for any plan you may have had, but instead judged according to your potential for further harm and disruption.”
Luna had moved slowly to her sister’s side as Harmony spoke. She leaned in as if to comfortingly nuzzle her shell-shocked sister and craned her head upwards to briefly make contact between their horns. With what she prayed was a barely visible flicker of magic, Luna opened up a telepathic link to her sister. If they were to plan an attack to free Nightmare and escape their present situation then close coordination was going to be integral. Celestia started as if slapped awake when her sister’s voice cut into her mind.
Sister, rouse thyself, our action is needed if we are to free Nightmare from this mockery of justice.
Celestia stood by silently with Luna by her side. She could tell that Luna wanted her assistance in attacking the mare before them, although she could already guess that such an action would not likely work out well for them. Could Luna not feel the power radiating from the conjured form in front of them? How could they hope to defeat the very Elements of Harmony in direct combat? Even Luna and Nightmare together at full capacity were no match for them.
Luna, do not be foolish. Even together we stand no chance against the Elements. You know I am with you, but if we attack then we will both be put down with ease.
If we cannot beat them directly then perhaps deception should be our strategy. Perhaps thou might distract their attention long enough for me to approach Nightmare and see what aid I can offer?
Celestia still felt the power of the eclipse overhead supercharging her magic and strength. Perhaps if she caused enough of a scene Luna could get to Nightmare, but then what? How were they even supposed to escape from this place? She doubted very much that they could simply trot out and return home. Something told her that they were all here until the Elements were done with them and sent them back.
Luna, that might work, but what is your plan for getting out of here? Not to mention that as soon as you reach Nightmare then the Elements attention will undoubtedly be focused solely on you.
Then that is the point at which thou shall have your advantage sister. If their attention is focused on keeping me from Nightmare then you will be free to press your advantage and subdue them.
Celestia frowned, she did not like this plan. Their chances at success were infinitesimally small, and she could not help but remember the Elements previous warning about joining Nightmare in her punishment. Could it be that the Elements would really destroy both her and Luna for resisting them?
Luna what will you do if you manage to reach Nightmare? Our corruption spell takes both of us and a fair amount of time that we no longer have.
Think positive sister. I propose that we focus our power into a single precision strike. Let us break a single bind of the Elements and tip the battle unto our favor.
I thought they all had to be unmade together or they would react against their captive.
There is certainly a significant risk of that happening sister. Once the system has become imbalanced there is no predicting what will happen. That is why I suggest that we free Nightmare’s magic by shattering the inhibitor ring on her horn. If we can do that then perhaps she can wield enough power to stave off any negative after effects.
Celestia could not see any other way of altering the situation. The Elements seemed dead set on their course of action, and nothing she had said to them had waivered their dedication. Though it carried enormous risk, she had resolved soon after this whole chain of events had began to do whatever it took to restore her sister. If that whatever happened to involve pitting herself in combat against a force more ancient and powerful than herself, then so be it. She would unleash all of her fury against the closed minded spirits.
In thy own time sister, I will wait upon thy opening move before making my approach.
Looking skyward at the eclipse and closing her eyes, Celestia slowly inhaled before flaring her wings and soaking into herself the power of the heavens. When she opened her eyes to look at the scion before her, she adopted a resolute face. Wisps of raw, golden power began to stream off of her body and a brilliant orb of solar energy formed over her back and between her wings. When she finally spoke she had invoked the old Royal Canterlot Voice.
“Your power is great day bringer, but it will not be enough to force us to your will. Your arrogance will cost you dearly if you attempt to free our prisoner.” The Elements calmly stated, still not having moved at all.
Celestia widened her stance and braced herself, continuing to ramp up her overtly flashy and dramatic power display. The solar energy orb she had summoned cast a blinding light from behind her and made looking towards her difficult. She could not sense when it had happened, but she could tell that Luna had left her side. Once the Elements were firmly distracted with her sister’s artful display, Luna had used one of Nightmares favorite spells and shifted her body into a small, nimble mass of dark magic. She then melded with the shadows and let herself be swept aside by the light Celestia produced. She had drifted completely around the courtyard and was now on the approach to the altar.
Tia, on my command I want you to fire the most potent magical burst you can just above Nightmare’s position.
Understood, ready when you are.
“Are you going to attack or are you just hoping we will back down day bringer?” The Elements tilted their head in a gesture of confusion.
Rearing up on her hind legs and spreading her wings, Celestia made her move. The sphere of energy above her back spread itself until it resembled a second set of feathered wings, overlaid against her own natural wings. The solar wings pulsed before sending the shimmering, golden feathers of energy scattering above and behind her. The feathers then lanced upwards and soared in a trajectory that brought them above the purple mare’s head. A brilliant white bubble shield was erected above the altar as the Elements immediately recognized that the attack was not meant to hit them. As the feathers began streaming down towards the shield they seemed to blink out of existence just before impacting it.
“What is the meaning of this? Where is the night bringer?” the Elements questioned as they finally shifted their form to observe the altar.
Standing to Nightmare’s side was Princess Luna, a smug grin on her face as her horn glowed. Her brow was beaded with sweat as whatever spell she was holding was clearly quite taxing in her weakened condition. Yet she still managed to sound quite condescending as she revealed her plan to the Elements.
“Thou art both foolish and predictable. Mine sister has always possessed the natural ability to draw the eye of others, which allowed me to slip through your sight unnoticed. We both know that attacking thou as we are would be pointless, but the same will not be true once I free Nightmare!”
“Night bringer, do not deceive yourself into thinking you can single hoofedly free our captive. Step down from the altar immediately before we lose our patience.”
“Thou art correct, I alone cannot hope to free Nightmare. That is why I have borrowed my generous sister’s magic that she sent me. Hold thyself still Nightmare, as this shall likely hurt quite a bit.”
Luna’s horn shone with another layer of power as she gritted her teeth. A rift tore open directly above Nightmare and began flashing as the energy feathers that Celestia had launched earlier were compressed into a stream of pure white energy. Luna had hastily scribbled a magical seal on the surface of the altar and now activated it with a stomp of her right fore hoof. Celestia’s attack energy was converted into pure light, laced with her magical signature, two thirds of which was drained away and converted into dark energy bearing Luna’s signature. The conversion process was inefficient, and only output half of what she took in, but that was what she had planned on all along. Now the ring on Nightmare’s horn was being bombarded by alternating waves of perfectly balanced dark and light energy, like a focused version of their original corruption spell.
Sensing Luna’s plan, the Elements leapt into action and bounded towards the altar to stop her. With a great flap of her majestic wings, Celestia lifted off and glided over their head before slamming back into the ground before them. Flaring her wings and lowering her horn, she met the charge of the smaller unicorn head on as they locked horns. With a tremendous burst of energy, Celestia was sent flying backwards to slam into the base of the altar. The Elements were not unfazed by the collision, as they were also sent sliding backwards, though still standing on all four hooves. Recovering herself, Celestia got back on all fours and bounded forward from her impact point to see the smaller mare merely standing there.
“Your devotion to your sister is admirable indeed day bringer. Yet, we cannot allow you to alter our verdict simply because you think we are in the wrong. It seems that it is time we stepped up our efforts.”
The six pillars surrounding the courtyard pulsed with a rainbow of energy that matched the glow of the smaller unicorn’s own horn. Celestia watched in amazement as the small unicorn began to grow before her eyes. Her legs stretched and drew her to an equal stature with Celestia. Her frame filled in with muscle and broad wings grew from her sides. Where Celestia’s mane shifted with the colors of the aurora, the feathers of the new alicorn’s wings cascaded with the colors of the rainbow. A cutie mark appeared on her flank, a circular formation of six gems, each a different color of the rainbow. Finally, a large harness appeared around her neck, similar to Celestia’s in design, but far heavier. Upon the harness six gems phased into existence and were set into it, pulsing slowly with an inner light.
“We are Harmony, and we will not allow you to free our captive. Back down immediately and you will be spared, both of you.” The Elements spoke with the same multi-toned voice.
“I fight for my sister, and I fight against the perversion of the ideals of harmony you are representing.” Celestia responded, “You are wrong and we will prove it to you.”
Celestia stood strong and raised the most powerful barrier she could summon to protect her and her sister. She had to give Luna the most time possible to break free Nightmare’s magic. Harmony looked at Celestia and slowly shook her head. The gems embedded in her harness began to glow with an inner light as she prepared herself to subdue the two upstart alicorns.
“We shall prove our might and our conviction to you and your sister day bringer. Do not say you were not warned when this is over.”
“Are you going to attack or are you just hoping I will back down?” Celestia taunted with a smirk.
The alicorn avatar of Harmony spread her wings and hopped into the air to hover several feet above the ground. Fixing Celestia with an emotionless stare she proceeded to begin her attack.
“Honesty, to lay bare the threat potential of the dark one’s nature according to her past behavior.”
The orange gem around her harness shot forth a beam of correspondingly colored energy that slammed into Celestia’s barrier, causing her knees to wobble. She gritted her teeth and stood firm before bolstering her barrier as best she could.
“Kindness, to offer the night bringer a mind not shared with another, and an existence of her own before she passes.”
Pale yellow light joined the orange and shattered Celestia’s barrier, bringing its shards to crash to the ground. Celestia staggered before catching her balance again and began charging power into her horn. If barriers were ineffective then she would have to press her attack.
“Loyalty, to stand firm in our resolution. Never straying from our charge to protect and preserve life on this planet.”
A sky blue beam of light raced towards Celestia who dodged it with a juke to the side and began charging forward. The blue beam suddenly arced backwards and corkscrewed before exploding overhead and raining down on Celestia. Each point exploded in a brilliant flash as they hit both her and the area around her. As the light faded, Celestia was dragging herself from a crater made by the blasts.
“Laughter, to dispel the arrogance of those who seek to undo the works we have wrought.”
A barrier appeared around the scion of Harmony as Celestia sent an enormous wave of destructive magic at it. The energy swirled around the outside of the barrier before being gathered above it and exploding into a rainbow of sparkles which fell harmlessly to the ground.
“Generosity, to offer a quick, dignified, and painless end to those whom our power is brought against.”
Celestia had closed the distance and glided forward in an attempt to tackle the mare before her. Harmony dodged her tackle and spun around under Celestia’s reach as she rose to her hind hooves. Landing a solid fore hoof punch into Celestia’s gut, Harmony teleported to the side and raised her hind legs to deliver a massive buck to Celestia’s unprotected side. Launched sideways and rolling along the ground after she hit, Celestia staggered to her hooves as she struggled to regain her lost breath.
“Magic, to bind our ideals together, and give us the strength to enforce them.”
Harmony fired a heavy, prismatic beam at Celestia, which was countered with her own golden beam of power. Desperate to not be beaten, Celestia undid all of the stops on her power and put forth her full will into countering Harmony’s attack. What happened next however was unexpected. Harmony’s beam split into six parts, two of which deflected Celestia’s beam into the air. Two more beams slammed into her and knocked her to the ground once more, cutting off her magic. The remaining two spiraled up before descending on her and created a magical webbing, pinning her to the ground.
As Celestia struggled weakly under the webbing, Harmony calmly began to walk towards the altar. The time spent dealing with Celestia had been enough however, for not a few paces from the altar a ringing snap was heard, followed by a wave of dark energy. Luna stood on wobbly legs as she leered at Harmony.
“Thou art too late fiend! Nightmare’s magic is free and now we shall show you our true power!”
Without speaking a word, Harmony snatched Luna up in her magic and brought the thrashing princess before her. Prismatic light formed from her harness and settled into a shimmering ring around Luna’s neck. A line of energy stretched back to the still prone Celestia before snapping the flailing Luna back towards her sister like it was made of rubber. Once back on the ground Luna found that she was tethered to the ground like a dog. Pointedly looking at the small, struggling princess for another moment, Harmony then turned her attention to the now partially free Nightmare Moon.
“Dark one, your companions have fought gallantly to free you, but have failed. Should you surrender yourself peacefully we will overlook their transgressions.”
“Please, do not hurt them. I feared that this was inevitable for me, but I will accept my fate if you spare them. But please, may I have a last request? May I say a few final words of goodbye to my friends?” Nightmare spoke while gazing sadly at Luna.
“Truly, a noble end for one with a history as colorful as yours has been. Very well, prepare yourself.” Harmony spoke with a nod to her prisoner.
Harmony's horn began to glow as the pillars around the courtyard pulsed with energy, emitting a low hum. Nightmare looked on helplessly as the chains around her grew tighter and heavier. She knew that her end was at hoof, and that there was no avoiding it any longer. She reached deep within herself and focused her power on a reserve that she had been building up since the beginning of the eclipse. Cutting her power flow to Luna, she began to channel all of the power that she could possibly wield into her next action. She had to be precise and she had to be fast, the Elements were mere moments away from their final condemnation.
“My little Luna, please listen. I have always wanted the greatest of things for you. My deepest desire has always been for you to achieve the same status and recognition as your sister. But it seems that I shall not be able to see you to that end.”
“Nightmare, no! Do not give in! You promised you would never leave me alone!” Luna shrieked hysterically through her pouring tears.
“I am so sorry Luna, but I think we both knew that things might turn out this way. Fate has never looked kindly upon me in all of my existence thus far, and it seems that even in the end, some things never change. Take this, my final gift, and remember me kindly dear Luna.” Nightmare trailed off, just barely heard above the roar of the Element's power.
Turning her eyes, as her head was now immobilized by the fiercely glowing chains, she fixed her gaze on Celestia. Though Celestia had expected contempt or anger towards her, she saw neither in Nightmare’s somehow soft draconic gaze. What she saw instead was a mixture of acceptance and hope. The dark mare knew she was finally at her end and that there was no further point in struggling.
“Celestia. Please look after my little Luna. She is shy and insecure, and she needs your help. She needs her big sister there by her side. To help her become strong, to find her voice, and to help her realize her potential. Please promise me you will be there for her when nopony else is.”
“Of course Nightmare, you have my solemn word.” Celestia spoke through her tears, “I will always be there for my sister, no matter what.”
Nightmare smiled softly at this and closed her eyes as a single tear fell forth. Having said her next to final words she focused inwardly on the core of her soul. There, in the very center, she saw the divine spark that belonged to Luna. There it sat, a single bright point, not unlike a star in the night sky, surrounded by a field of truly intense darkness. The very essence of the Night Princess. The key to her immortality and divine power. She saw the energy lines connecting to it like flowing strands of mane underwater. She identified the one that was different from all of the others and traced it to the connection she shared with Luna. Working quickly she began to cut all of the ties connected to herself, a feeling akin to slashing oneself with a blade repeatedly. The only connections that she left were the one to her own magic, and the one to Luna.
She felt as though all of the power she had surging through her body would rip her apart at the seams if she held it for much longer. The chains binding her had begun to crackle and spark threateningly as the massive field of magic she wielded surrounded her body in a dark aura. They stung at her flesh and tore at her mind, but she would not be distracted from her goal. As she felt her spell reach critical mass, she turned her eyes once more to the weeping and violently shuddering form of Luna next to her sister.
“Luna, take this my final gift, and live the life you deserve. Goodbye, my little Princess.”
With a final grunt, Nightmare closed her eyes and gave direction to her spell. She cut the remaining tie to the divine spark resting in her soul. The spark rushed forward, like an arrow released from a bow, tearing away from Nightmare and surging forth from her body like a dark missile. The energy containing the spark traveled along the remnants of the severed line between Nightmare and Luna, following its conductive path. Luna’s eyes widened and she froze in place as she felt the connection break and the dark energy rush at her. Neither Luna nor Celestia had time to react as the darkness overtook her and wrapped her in its energy.
Before them, Nightmare gave a final sad smile as the last of her strength left her body. The weight of the chains bore down on her and there was nothing left to resist the power of the Elements. The chains went taut and lifter her body above the altar, encountering not even the slightest resistance from her slack body. The six pillars around the temple pulsed with power, which they fed directly into the chains binding Nightmare. It was then that the Elements spoke once more.
“Nightmare Moon, you stand guilty of attempting to disrupt the harmony of this world a second time. The arbiters of day and night have testified on your behalf, and risked their lives for your sake. However, our judgment had been made from the moment our power was called forth.”
“Please spare her, I beg of you! She has atoned for her crimes!” Celestia shouted from her protective position standing over the darkness shrouded Luna.
“Our judgment is final and her current existence shall be undone. However, Nightmare Moon, we cannot overlook your acts of kindness in your final moments and wish you better fortune in your next incarnation. Day bringer, take your sister and be gone from our sanctum.”
The anchor points on the pillars snapped free as one, and the loose lines of chain whipped forth at blinding speed to wrap around Nightmare’s body completely. Nothing of the doomed mare was left visible under the mass of glowing rainbow colored chains. They seethed around her like live things and produced a low hum as they began to cascade their light across the entire courtyard. Celestia squinted her eyes against the light before covering them with a wing as the thrum of power invaded all of her senses. Falling to the ground and wrapping her sister protectively in her fore hooves, Celestia could do nothing against the massive waves of energy buffeting her. In the instant the cacophony of noise peaked she faded from consciousness.
----- some time later -----
As the sound of her own soft breathing became recognizable to her, Celestia opened her eyes to find herself back in the sanctuary atop Mount Canterlot. Her first coherent thought was of concern for her sister. Her fears were allayed as she saw a dark, pony shaped shadow several paces away from her. Rising shakily to her hooves, she made her way over to the dark form as quickly as she could. As she approached, the darkness seemed to dissolve from the pony on the floor, leaving Celestia awestruck at what lay before her.
Snoring softly as though not a thing had happened was none other than Princess Luna. But not in a form that Celestia had ever seen her in before. She was not the small blue filly with a light blue normal haired mane and tail. She was not the large, ebony coated mare with free flowing stars for her mane and tail. She was a cross between both of her former appearances.
She was still smaller than Celestia, but far taller than any normal pony. Her long, sleek legs led to a trim and toned body that was proportioned in such a way as to give Celestia an echo of envy toward her youth. Her mane and tail were similar to how Nightmare’s had been, a shifting collection of stars moving softly in the same solar winds that played with Celestia’s own mane. Her face had lost the roundness of a filly and now bore the sharp distinction of an adult alicorn. Her wings had grown with her and rested at her sides. A longer, sharper horn protruded from her mane. Dark, navy blue defined her coat except for the large black splotch that covered her flanks and was itself topped with a crescent moon on either side.
Closing the distance to stand beside her sister, Celestia nudged Luna’s shoulder gently with a fore hoof. When this did not elicit a response stronger than her sister rolling onto her back and continuing to sleep, Celestia sat back on her haunches and softly cleared her throat before speaking.
“Lulu, my dear sister, please wake up.”
At the sound of her sister’s voice and another nudge on the shoulder, Luna’s eyes slowly fluttered open. Instantly she bolted upright and began frantically looking about her surroundings.
“Nightmare!? Nightmare!? Please, where art thou!?” Luna’s older, more refined voice was laced with anxiety.
Stopping to look at the piles of rubble that had fallen to the floor during the failure of her magical seal Luna saw no trace of her alter ego. Closing her eyes and focusing inward she attempted to trace out their normal connection only to find no presence anywhere within her mind except her own. Focusing deeper, she then saw exactly what Nightmare had given her before her fall. She saw in her mind’s eye the brilliant point of starlight surrounded by the cool, comforting darkness of the night. Her divine spark once more rested within her soul.
Opening her now watering eyes once more, she looked towards her sister before bounding to her in a single leap. Nearly toppling Celestia with her newfound mass, she huddled before her sister as the tears began to flow free. Celestia wrapped her sister in both fore hooves and wings as the smaller alicorn wailed in lament.
“S-s-sister! She is g-gone! I c-cannot f-feel her anymooooore!” Luna bawled helplessly against her sister’s chest.
“Lulu, she truly gave everything she could for you. She was loyal until the end.” Celestia tried to comfort her sister as she felt tears of her own begin to form.
They both sat and cried in each other’s embrace until Luna had no tears left to give. Sensing her sisters growing acceptance of the circumstances, Celestia folded her wings back down to her sides and gently raised her sister’s chin with a fore hoof to look her in the eye. She was struck, by the fact that the eyes she saw were the darker shade of teal like Nightmare’s had been, but had the normal pupils of a pony. Luna’s eyes glowed slightly in the dim light, an obvious indicator of her superior night vision. Celestia smiled softly and proceeded to comfort her sister with her words.
“Luna, Nightmare gave the final measure of her being to return to you your immortality. I can sense it within you as plain as I can see the changes in your form. She proved all of her devotion in the end and should be remembered as a hero for what she has done. I can no longer find myself thinking darkly on her memory, but instead find admiration for her when I look at you.”
“Though she may be gone from us, remember her fondly dear sister. Let not her passing be forever marked in sadness. Instead, over time, allow her memory to be a joyous one, filled with inspiration at the possibility of anypony to overcome what they once were.”
Luna slowly nodded her head and wiped at her eyes with a fore leg. Composing herself with few final sniffles, she looked up at her sister and smiled weakly. Celestia returned the gesture with a soft nuzzle and picked herself up to stand tall. Using her internal clock Celestia noted that during what seemed like at least a few hours during their time in the pocket world of Harmony’s Sanctum, not a minute had passed in Equestria. Indeed it seemed as though they had spent the most amount of time comforting each other’s grief. With a smile she turned to her sister with an idea.
“Lulu, would you help me with the eclipse? I believe I have had enough of it for some time and our ponies may panic if it lasts too long.”
“But I… Yes of course Tia. I shall once more handle the moon and stars. Nightmare would have wanted it that way…”
Each of the sisters focused their power and separated the two celestial bodies overhead. Luna reversed the direction of the moon and set it to wait beyond the eastern horizon as usual. Celestia moved the sun further west and made sure it was on its proper course before letting go of it. Agreeing that they would have to clean up the sanctuary at some point, they both exited and began their way down the mountain.
Waiting at the bottom was a full platoon of royal guards, whose faces all broke into relief as soon as they saw Celestia round the final corner. The lieutenant in charge approached immediately and bowed before her. What Celestia could not have expected however was what happened when Luna came up behind her to stand by her side.
“Your Majesty we are so glad you are ok, we feared the worst when… we… saw… who is that?” He trailed off and was now staring at Luna, along with just about every other stallion in the forward ranks.
Luna shied away from the attention behind her flowing mane. Celestia had not taken into account Luna’s new appearance. She looked significantly more like Nightmare Moon than she had when the guards had last seen her. They were all aware of what Nightmare looked like, and a few were even suspicious that she would change into the dark mare again. Suddenly, Celestia had a potential disaster before her hooves as she feared the whole platoon charging forward to subdue Luna. What she heard next, although it was only whispers, surprised her far more than anything else in her so far crazy day had.
“Dude, she is SO hot.”
“Sweet Celestia, I’ve never seen a more perfect mare.”
“Stars above, nothing else even comes close!”
"Oh, I really hope they can't read minds, I would be so fired!"
“EH-HEM. Gentlecolts, surely you all remember my sister, Princess Luna? Our ceremony today has empowered her with her royal status and as such she has undergone a… makeover, so to say.” Celestia cleared her throat as she explained.
Looking out over her troops she saw every eye fixed on her sister, in a few she recognized outright longing and she saw a few already scheming on how to get themselves put on night duty to be closer to her sister. Looking to her side she saw her sister’s face had gone bright red in embarrassment of all of the amorous attention. Not being used to much attention at all and then suddenly commanding the undivided attention of practically an entire herd of stallions had flustered her to say the least. Though it may have been enjoyable to see her sister muddle her way through such a situation, they really did have things to do.
“Gentlecolts, it is impolite to stare at somepony while drooling.” She chided softly, causing her sister’s face to go even further red.
Coming to his senses first, the lieutenant shook her head clear and snapped his stallions into parting ranks to allow the two alicorns to pass by. As they moved forward, Luna stayed close to her sister’s side until they had reached Celestia’s chambers. Upon entering, Luna breathed a sigh of relief as Celestia tossed a touch of envy to the winds with a muffled laugh hidden behind a fore hoof. Fixing her sister with a glare, Luna eventually giggled a bit herself.
“Tia, will it always be like this? I did not want THAT much attention.”
“Lulu, you mean you didn’t like having the undivided attention of so many brave and strong stallions” She teased softly.
“No no! I liked it! I mean, no I … wait, I…” Luna trailed off in embarrassment as her sister softly laughed again.
Moving towards her bed and motioning Luna to follow her Celestia sat down with a deeply tired sigh. Though they sat next to each other on Celestia’s bed in silence for a few minutes, Luna was the first one to break it.
“Sister, what shall I do? I miss Nightmare so much already.”
“Luna, you will heal over time. In the interim, stretch yourself to achieve the goals that she had for you, that is what she would have wanted.”
“Yes, I believe thou art correct, I shall honor her memory by earning the love and respect of our ponies.”
“And you will not be alone in this dear sister. You will have family there to help you along at every step.”
“Sister, art thou implying…”
“Yes sister, I believe that I shall draft a letter to our brother, Terra. He has gone and founded his own country, quite far away. I will extend an invitation to him and an offering of reconciliation. His daughter, Mi Amore Cadenza, has journeyed here several times in the past and she is a bright young mare. I am sure she could convince her father to come if he had any reservations.”
“Tia, that is so wonderful! Thank you! Thank You!” Luna shouted, leaning in to give her big sister a hug.
“I promised Nightmare that I would do whatever it took to raise you up Lulu, and I will honor my promise to her.” Celestia said with a smile, “Now, I can see you are tired, and you will likely have a long busy night ahead of you fending the stallions off. Let us rest now sister, Equestria can handle itself for a while.”
Dimming the chamber lights with her magic and drawing the curtains, Celestia brought her sister into a warm embrace in her fore hooves. Holding her tightly and listening as the sound of her breathing became steady and slow, Celestia closed her eyes silently and gave her thanks to Nightmare Moon for restoring her sister to her. Though her end had been one of tragedy, Celestia prayed that Nightmare had made it into the eternal fields of the afterlife, where she could find peace at last.
Author’s Note:
I took some extra time to make this one flow the way I thought it should. I will have one final chapter of indeterminate length after this one to tie up all the loose ends as well as a revelation, and possibly set up a sequel, not sure yet about that. Stay tuned and thanks for reading thus far!
I'm really glad to see this update.
A really good story line.
Indeed, Luna/NMM did something really horrible (intend to make a massive pony genocide).
And finally NMM sacrificed herself to save Luna...
(I also love the interaction between Celestia and Luna.)
Very nice story and good job!
My Nightmare!!!