• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


A slightly better than novice writer and a relatively new member to the Mlp Fan-base. Book smart but socially stupid.


This story is a sequel to A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued)

Discord has finally returned. And Steve is one of the few beings capable of standing in his way.

He’ll need all of his strength, cunning, wit and fighting prowess if he hopes to stand a chance. Will he succeed, or will Discord get his second Reign?

A continuation of my story, "A Crafter's Dream" so that the tale does not go untold.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 46 )


I have SEVERAL questions. I look forward to learning their answers. Plz I can haz happy ending?

So looking forward to this

Remember how I was questioning the Thanos reference, now that I see the context and actually had a laugh about it. I wish to apologise for my bird-brained ways and bow to your superiority.

Waiting eagerly for the next chapter.

I think when I saw this i shit my pants I kid you not I guess you kept a totem of undying lol this is a perfect start tho don't feel pressured you got this man

.......uh, Kinda?

Already this story rocks!

Will you be continuing writing Steve's story after Discord? I'm a bit hesitant to get my hopes up, but I have to ask.

Yes. But it’ll probably be in this similar style, where it’ll be a separate story in the same continuity

Oh thank God! And now we get to see his adventures with the main 6 in the MLP episodes! Awesome! Also, do you plan on including Equestria Girls? It'd be fun to see how Steve would deal with Sunset Shimmer, as well as high school life, even if he's only going to be there for a couple of days.

Don’t worry, I have something special planned for that.

Are we gonna se some Black Claw or General Trench action in part 2?

Yeah! It’s good to see how our boy Trench is doing. Him and the Black Claw.

AWESOME!!! Thank you so much!

Just wondering is the second part coming out in the middle of the week again like last week, or will it be sooner/later?

I’m shooting for later this week

I just thought of something, would Abyss become human if she went into the EG realm?

Well, according to Mlp, dragons turn into dogs, so while Spike turns into essentially a small dog, Abyss would turn into like a Doberman or something.

Honestly, Abyss as a dog would be pretty weird, but hey you know what they say, “You know the rules and so do I.” She’d, also, literally be Steve’s bitch.

Well shit, I'm gonna need a new keyboard since I just spit my damn coffee all over it after reading that last part.

Hahahahaha lol. That's some good shit. Keep up the great job d work btw. Very very intriguing

You should put that in the story.

Hope the next chapter comes out tomorrow so I can be hyped about this and the third episode of the Bad Batch.

Indeed. After I get off work I’ll finish up writing the chapter and editing it, and then it will be uploaded.

Yay! Now I can get double-hyped again!

Okay, everyone’s gonna think I’m crazy and everything, and I am, but first hear me out. What if...

Onyx fell in love?


writes that down

You did it! You crazy son of a bitch, you did it!
Glad to see you’re okay.

I can save your friends and family...

Steve:but can you get me netherite tho........

Discord uh no..

Steve:kills discord with a fishing pole.

......that’s, what?

Honestly I expected something like:

Discord: Steve, Abyss didn’t tell you what the other half of your sou-.

Steve: Listen, Herobrine has the same skin complexion, hairstyle, height, weight, clothing, foot size, and facial hair. The only difference is in our eyes, so cut the crap, it’s pretty obvious he’s the other half of my soul.

Discord: Dude...uncool.

Warning: Bad End Route
"W-WHAT?! I... I am half-Herobrine...!?" Steve's mind went blank and flash backs of his PTSD. He killed his own race, friends, innocent families, Greedy-Emerald-Lover-Villagers and especially his Girlfriend. Steve pause himself and type "/Gamemode Herobrine" and killed Discord point-blank permanently as he went insane, destroying Equestria with his own hands, and dancing Fortnite dance. He made his own legend, it's White-Eyed Crafter Devouring Ponies.
Twilight puts back a weird fanfic BOOK to the bookshelf, sweating and her mind told herself "It's not... real! It's not, real! It's NOT REAL!" Later... Twilight confronted Steve with her horn charged-ready of Military Grade Magic. Steve looks at her and he thought "This video one of my pony friends try and hunt me down and stop me from beating Equestria so here we are can she stop me from beating the Luna or will i survive this is it Equestria Manhunt also only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you end up liking this video consider subscribing it's free and you can always change your mind enjoy the video"

I hope Steve kicks Rainbow Dash’s ass in soccer. As a soccer player myself, that scene really pissed me off. First of all, Dash didn’t do any skills. She needed flair! Second of all, most of the physics were fucked up. Lastly, her reason for beating Twilight was “because I’m awesome,” which is stupid. The obvious answer is that Twilight has never played and Dash has been playing for years.

Also, if you do write that scene I will be giving you so much feedback, just know that it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Honestly, I think soccer is too big a part of my life.

Thank you. As a huge soccer fan that means much more than you think. It looks like they tried made her look like fucking Messi.

Wouldn’t it be epic if Steve and the Elite Guards teamed up? Wouldn’t that be OP as fuck? Not necessarily against Discord, but maybe later, like against the changelings. Maybe Steve doesn’t go to the wedding, but is called due to the changelings. Then, he meets Trench and the Elite Guards and together they kick ass, maybe even meet Vask along the way for a rematch.

Today, Lionel Messi just left Barca and I cried for ten minutes straight. But coming back to this story was enough to soak the tears. Amazing story. Please, don’t give up on it.

Is this story dead?

Will there be more?

It was a wonderful time first reading the first story, sad to see things go but like time - nothing last forever.

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