• Published 14th Jan 2021
  • 2,292 Views, 8 Comments

The Filly With the Flowers - Marina Stars

We've seen Dash's moments with Fluttershy, and Zeph, but what about Scootaloo? The filly is just as much Rainbow's sister as Fluttershy is. What moments are in store for the Lovely Bride and her Flower Filly. A Companion Story to Warrior in White.

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The Beginings of an Exelent Flower Filly

Scootaloo knew she was easily excited. Over excited even. She was enthusiastic, okay.

There was nothing wrong with a little enthusiasm-or a lot, in her case. It’s what gave ponies their passion, their dreams, their zest for life.

Today, however, she felt like she might explode.

Raising her shaking hooves to meet her thundering heart, it was all she could do not to squeal, or shriek or even pass out then and there. Despite its small size, the wicker basket in her hooves seemed to hold tremendous weight. It was impossible to forget, even for a moment, what today was: the biggest event she had ever-or likely would ever-experience.

Why? It was the wedding day for two of the Greatest Wonderbolts of all time, for Celestia’s sake! You'd have to live under a rock not to know that!

She’d never thought she’d get anywhere near such an event, let alone be asked to be a part of it! She was some random filly from a small town who just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

The day she first saw the Rainbow-maned pegasus she was stricken with her sheer speed and flying ability. Literally. The mare had nearly run into her in her haste. Nevertheless, Scootaloo was in awe. An Rainbow Dash, to make up for her carelessness, had grabbed Scootaloo a milkshake from Sugarcube Corner as an apology… then proceeded to share her greatest feats of flying, her stunts, her accomplishments. As if Scootaloo needed more convincing.

It had been a while before the two actually became close, their early relation had been more akin to that of a showpony and one of her adoring fans.

Even so, that was a day she would never forget.

By some miracle she, little Scootaloo, a flightless pegasus, had become close with a record-breaking flier who took the world by storm long before she officially became part of the Wonderbolts' team. That friendship had become like a sisterhood, and now Scootaloo had been invited to what could have been one of the biggest events in Equestria!

It was mind boggling!

Sure, she was just a flower filly, she had been one at Princess Cadence and Captain Shining Armour’s Wedding-another right place right time incident. Anypony could have done it and no pony outside the wedding party would have really cared… but it felt like the highest honour she could have possibly been bestowed that day at such an age. It may have been simple as sprinkling flower petals along the bride’s path, but the reminder of her sisterhood that had come with the invitation was what floored her, what caused her nerves to buzz and head to spin.

It was all she could do to keep from bouncing off the walls in excitement, amazement, nerves. A million feelings attempted to overload her, but for Dash she'd keep a cool head today. As cool as she could keep it, anyway.

The day she learned the big news had begun normally, clear skies, singing birds, and a muffin from Sugar Cube Corner for breakfast. Everything as it usually was with no great expectations for the day, when, so abruptly and to her great surprise, her morning routine was wholly interrupted. In a matter of seconds she was torn off her hooves and up into the open skies far above Ponyville. Far, far, above Ponyville.

Having no warning, the orange filly shrieked, gripping tightly to whoever had taken her from the ground and into the air so swiftly, “What the hay!?”

“Hey there squirt,” An distinctly familiar voice chuckled, one Scootaloo recognized faster than the mare could reposition her from dangling by her hooves to secure on her back-which in and of itself was surprisingly fast. Her startled bewilderment melted away as she found herself safe on the back of one of the greatest fliers in Equestria.

“Rainbow Dash!?”

“Yep,” The Cyan mare smiled, turning to look at the amazed filly as they soared through open skies, “Got time to talk?”

“Ohmygosh! It's you!”

Dash’s head lifted a little higher as she raised a hoof to her chest in a gesture of a humble brag, “The one and only,” she proclaimed with a smirk after hearing the unrestrained smile in the filly’s voice.

“Woo hooo!” The cheer echoed around them, “Best day ever!!!”

Dash laughed, relaxing her speed and allowing the wind to guide them in their soaring, “It’s not the first time we’ve done this, and it won’t be the last,”

“I know, I know," little Scootaloo admitted nonetheless enthusiastic, "but still!” She released a gentler squeal than normal, holding tight to her hero in a happy embrace.

The Wonder Bolt's tender smile was just barely noticeable to the filly as Dash pulled her hooves in closer and tighter in the best return embrace she could offer, given their current position.

It was no secret the admiration the two had for each other, while Scootaloo showed it more blatantly with her excitable nature, her fangirling, her squeals and obsessing, Dash showed it with undaunted, unwavering, and total support when the filly needed it most.

“It’s been so long since I’ve seen you,” Dash admitted, nudging her playfully, “how are things?”

“Good, great really,” She beamed, “the CMC and I are still doing a lot of good for ponies: helping them find their purpose, understanding their talents and cutie marks… you know how it is,”

“Sure," Dash agreed, smiling proudly for the filly who had become like a sister to her, "Good for you. Now that you've found your calling, you can pay it forward, how great is that?”

“I love it, wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world,” She sighed, “And I’m glad we finally figured it out. Trying all that crazy stuff like we did was exhausting,”

The older mare smiled in understanding, spotting a cloud for them so rest on. As fun as flying was she wanted to talk with the filly eye to eye.

“You know, I'm sure you got good at cool stuff you’d never have thought to try before,” The older mare ruffled her mane as she sat her down, "and if that isn't super awesome, I don't know what is,"

As her hair was pushed in every which direction, a giggle bubbled from her lips, “I guess you're right, I never thought of it that way,"

"Of course I'm right, you," She growled playfully, hooves moving from their nogies to tickle the filly.

Though she laughed and squealed, pushing hooves away and ultimately begging for mercy, the older mare remained relentless as they smiled and laughed together. It wasn't long before Scootaloo had had enough and squirmed from Dash's grip, just enough to get leverage and make a tickle attack of her own.

"What," Dash gasped between each burst of laughter, "no fair,"

Scootaloo smirked all the more, increasing her efforts to reduce the mare to a pile of laughs and giggles as she had done to her.

They flopped to the cloud beneath them in full bellied laughter. Now looking up at the sky, both fought to steady their breaths.

“Man, I’ve missed ya Scoots,”

“Ditto,” She chirped with half a breath, and after taking a moment to breath she sighed, her happy, content smile turning almost sad, “But you’re a wonderbolt. One of the best fliers in Equestria. You’re busy. You have routines to learn, tours to take, events to attend… every day is packed. I mean, it makes sense why I haven’t seen you much,”

“I know, I know, it’s crazy,” She sighed, “One minute things are normal, the next life is flying by faster than light-faster than I can fly. But hey, whether you’re flying towards it or away from it, life hits you at the same time. I think I might as well fly right into it and make the most of every moment,”

“Have you?"

"I think so," she mused, "Even though I've got a lot going on, I wouldn't change a thing, so long as I get times like this every now and then to spend with my friends, and my biggest fan,"

A small smile tugged at the corners of Scootaloo’s lips. Didn't matter what anypony else said she was Dash's greatest fan.

"And sister," she had added, to Scootaloo's surprise, the look in her eyes saying beyond a shadow of a doubt that Dash meant what she had said. SHe thought of her as a sister. Scootaloo had known for the longest time but… well, it was easy to forget. They could claim complete and total sisterhood like those of Apple Bloom and Applejack, or Sweetie Belle and Rarity, and nopony would be the wiser.

As much as she loved the mare and was beyond happy to see her, one thought started to peck and pester in the back of her mind.

"Why are you in Ponyville?” It wasn't the smoothest transition, but curiosity threw tact out the window, “I thought you’d be practicing all month, busy with event after event after that… so why the sudden visit?”

Dash casually regarded the filly, brushing a hoof against her coat in a "cool" sort of gesture, "Me? I'm just here for some business that can't wait till the season is over," she explained, her neutral expression then morphed into a sly smile, "Spitfire allowed me the day off. I've got some good news and… a very important question for you," For emphasis, her hoof sprung forward to tap the filly in the chest, to which Scootaloo looked up at her hero wide-eyed and curious.

"Really? Me?" Dash nodded, "Well... what is it?"

Rainbow's knowing smile only grew as Scootaloo’s wings began to buzz in anticipation. Her stare fixated, every muscle rigid as she leaned in closely to hear what seemed to her the world's most valuable secret-if it was even to be a secret at all. Dash knew she had the filly’s full attention, now more than ever.

“Well,” she paused, considering what she would say. Dash knew Scootaloo to be over the top, she was reminded of her enthusiasm with each encounter. Seeing as the filly was practically her sister, she felt it necessary to create something equal to and deserving of her wild enthusiasm, “What do you know about Soarin’?”

She figured that was the best place to start, Scootaloo followed the Wonderbolts’ activity with exactness-but she had a feeling it was all because of her. How much did she know about the rest of the team?

“Soarin’? Your teammate Soarin’?” Scootaloo squeed, telling Dash all she really needed to know, but she allowed the filly to keep going, “He’s one of the best fliers in the team-you know when you don't include yourself and he’s not clipping his wings and getting injured,” Dash snorted at the comment, “but he’s fast, and quite the showpony,”

“Someone’s paying attention,”

“Are you kidding!? You two have been in headlines for months! Everypony says you two are the Dream Team, even I could see that after watching just one of your shows,”

“Dream Team?” Dash laughed, “Haven’t heard that one before, at least not about us,”

“Well it’s true,” She rolled her eyes, “Ponies are even saying you two are a couple even though nothing’s been officially announced. But, I learned from my days in journalism that you can't trust the news. Ponies make up all sorts of crap to stir up drama and get reviews,”

Dash’s ears twitched, “When were you a journalist?”

She turned to give a deadpan stare, “Gabby Gums,”

“Oh... right, forgot about that,” The older mare sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck as she remembered the rather unpleasant experience, “Man, you sure have grown up since then,”

“We all have,” She shrugged, “So is what they say true?”

“I thought you didn't believe them?”

“I don't! But I can hope! And if I’m going to hope I want to hear it from the source,” She leaned in, an intensity in her eyes Dash knew all too well. This was the perfect set up she’d been waiting for.

“Well,” Dash’s smile turned sly as she drew out the moment, building anticipation, “They aren’t just rumors,”

“What?” Her eyes widened as her voice dropped to a whisper, fearing she may miss a vital nugget of information,

“They are technically right,” Dash assured her, “Soarin’ and I have been dating, we never said anything publicly because we didn't want drama if things didn't work out, it’s one of the reasons Spitfire allowed it in the first place,”

Scootaloo appeared at loss for words, like she might even drop dead in an instant. “Till today, only Spitfire, Flutershy and the other Elements of Harmony knew,”

That seemed to register with her as her attention refocused on Dash.

“Then why tell me now?” Her head tilted to the side, her ears pinning back with worry, “If it’s on the down low, why tell me? You know I’m awful at keeping secrets,”

“Because,” She nudged her in the shoulder, “By the end of the week, it won’t be a secret anymore,”

“You’re announcing it to all of Equestria?”

“Yep, but we agreed to tell our friends and family first so they hear it from us and not some headline,”

“Okay,” Scootaloo considered it, a million other questions flowing into her mind, “I guess that makes sense. But why now? How long have you been dating without saying a thing?”

“Five… Six months,”

“Are you kidding! How the heck did you keep it a secret for six months!?”

The Wonderbolt shrugged, “I don't know… we hung out out of uniform. Went on casual, low profile dates, avoided cameras. It all just sort of happened,”

“Did someone figure it out,”

“Nope,” It was the simplest answer she could give, and she knew it would lead to more questions, so she saved the filly the trouble and began to answer them herself, “But it’d be nearly impossible to hide it any longer. See Soarin, my coltfriend, my partner… he… well, he proposed last night,”

Scootaloo froze again, jaw dropping farther than it physically should have been able to. She had barely begun to process the revelation that two of the greatest wonderbolts of all time were actually dating, but to find out they were engaged!? It was more than she expected to hear when her hero and Idol had swept her into the sky that morning.

“Scootaloo, I’m getting married,”

The filly’s wing’s were buzzing excitedly as she babled incoherent, awestruck noises. A true fangirl, I see. While scootaloo had plenty of interaction with the wonderbolts, she never ceased to admire them, today was no exception.

“Hey, hey, hey,” She laughed placing a hoof on the filly’s shoulder and she suddenly stopped her babbles to devote all attention to her hero, “that’s not even the best news,”

She gasped looking like she would either keel over with joy or die on the spot from sheer happiness, “There’s more!?”

“Uh huh,” Rainbow Dash nodded, “I want you to be my Flower Filly,”

“You want me to be part of your wedding? The greatest wedding of all time!? Between two of the best wonderbolts I’ve ever seen?” Her jaw slackened and her eyes took on a dreamily blank stare. That’s when dash began to worry she’d broken the filly. Before she could ask for a sign of life and consciousness the filly whispered, “Are you serious,”

Rainbow Dash sat taller giving off her best serious face and nodded sharply “Yes Scoots, very serious,”

Both to her surprise and not, the filly began to make a noise akin to that of a tea kettle as it was finishing warming.

“So, will you do it?” Dash prodded hopefully, though there was almost no doubt Scootaloo would accept.

Scootaloo’s eyes turned skyward as she pleaded “Luna, if this is a dream, I hope I never wake,”

Dash’s knowing smile told her she had felt the same way. She even offered to pinch her so she’d be sure it was real.

Needless to say, Scootaloo had accepted, once she got over her initial shock, of course. She had even been there when Dash shared the news with her parents. They had been more shocked than she was. Her afternoon had been spent with a group of full grown ponies bawling their eyes out. She couldn’t help but cry for joy with Dah’s parents, even more so when Dash shed a few tears herself. It seemed she was more than just happy about the whole arrangement. Everyone was overjoyed.

Soon enough preparations for the wedding were in full swing, and Equestria awaited the day two major celebrities, two wonderbolts, would be wed. Now, the wedding itself would be close intimate friends and families, as per the request of the happy couple. But the reception in Canterlot would be the place to be.

That meant the wedding party had to look sharp for the event. Rarity had come up with a plan for the ensembles. For the Bridal party, gowns inspired by ancient Grecian fashion, mythologies, and warriors. And Dash readily agreed. The tuxedos worn by the Groom’s party, however, would remain more traditional with Soarin’s lapel being decorated by a golden rose and laurel leaves.

Each member of the wedding party had been assembled not long after the announcement and were now present in one of the larger backrooms of Rarity’s shop dedicated to fittings for every occasion.

At the moment one of Rarity's assistants from the Manehattan shop was marking adjustments for the groom's tux while the bride overlooked the fittings for the dresses, her fitting would be later, when the groom wasn't present. Bad luck to see the bride in her gown before the wedding, but by the glimpse she'd gotten, she couldn't wait to try it on.

Scootaloo, in the meantime, had been pulled aside by the matron of honour to try on her own dress for the first time while chatter continued amongst the ponies in the fitting room.

"You know, you've really outdone yourself Rarity," Soarin commented, smoothing his tux jacket in the mirror, admiring the soft grey fabric, and the perfect fit of it once pinned in place

"Oh, psh, don't mention it,” She waved a hoof in dismissal, “Anything for a friend,"

"Seriously, we appreciate it, Rarity," Dash pressed, “It’s enough work just being in a wedding, but to do as much as you’ve done for us is amazing. Thank you,”

She didn't look up from her current work, but the smile on her face was clear as day. Her generosity knew no bounds, but the kindness of her friends made every selfless act all the more worth it. She would do this for all the girls knowing it would earn their smiles.

From the side of the room, the matron of honour cleared her throat, earning everypony’s attention and a soft hush which fell over the room. With a gentle smile she spoke “Dash, your flower filly,”

Scootaloo stepped forward from behind Fluttershy and rushed to the center of the room to show off the gown. It was Gracian in style, just like the bridesmaid dresses, purple in color with a chiffon top and tied at the waist with a belt. The skirt glittered gently and had been made of delicate purple layers of sheer fabric. A golden flower had been tucked behind her ear to match the golden ties of her sparkling purple ballet slipper-like shoes. Her enthusiasm and love fo the outfit was clear, Rarity sure knew how to design something everyone would love.

Seeing as she was practically Rainbow Dash’s little sister, they knew how special it was for the couple to have Scoots be a part of it all, and they wanted to make sure it was special.

“Isn’t she adorable,” Fluttershy cooed

“You look awesome scoots,” Dash grinned before gushing over the filly like a proud mama would, “You’re just, agh, so flipping cute, that is the best dress Rarity has ever designed for you,”

“Why thank you, Dash, I did try,” The seamstress called from where she was still at work, glancing up a moment to appreciate the dress on it’s wearer

Scootaloo squealed giddily “Thank you Dash!”

“What do you think Soarin’” Dash grinned pulling the filly in for a noogie, earning a laugh from both parties, “Is this the best or what?”

“It’s absolutely perfect,” Soarin smiled, “It suits you well Scootaloo,”

“Ohmygoshohmygosh,” Her wings fluttered excitedly lifting her a few inches off the ground, voice rising several octaves, “Soarin-the Wonderbolt just talked to me! ME!”

If it weren’t for Dash holding her up, she might have collapsed entirely.

“I may have just died and gone to heaven,”

“Not yet, Scoots,” He playfully responded, “Dash needs you for her big day,”

She froze and looked like she was about to faint, dazed and eager she nodded, “Sure, sure, I’ll wait till then,”

“Alright, I think that as much of this dress as we can take for today, let’s get you changed,” Fluttershy gently prompted, leading the still dazed and fangirling Scootaloo back to the dressing room to help her out of the flower-filly dress.

“You think she’d get used to you talking to her by now,” Dash teased, but happy Scotaloo thought as highly of him as she herself did.

“I guess it will happen one day,” He shrugged,

“Nah, I’ve known that kid for forever and she still got starstruck when I asked her to be my flower filly,”

“Well, that’s because you’re more awesome, even I can't help but be starstruck by you,”

“Uh huh, sure,”

“Seriously! She looks up to you, I’m just a wonderbolt, but you, you’re her hero, there’s a difference.”

“What does that say about you then?”

“That you’re my hero too,” He winked, “After all you did save my pie, my life, and my chance in the Equestria Games,”

“You’re still hung up on that pie?” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

“It was the first time we met,” He winked, “Of course I’ll always remember it,”

The big day came quicker than anticipated, with plans firmly in place by the announced date. As expected, everypony who was anypony was begging to get in, the two were some of the biggest celebrities in Equestria, after all. But they held strong to their initial decision. Close friends and family only. Adoring fans were for stadiums. Friends and Family, their loved ones were the only ones they needed for the wedding.

It had ended up a wonderful decision as the bride and groom found themselves able to relax before the ceremony as the event was calm, subdued, worlds less showy than a Wonderbolt event.

The entire morning had been a time for pampering as Rarity assisted everypony in doing their manes and makeup. After some light pampering Rainbow Dash had requested to finish getting ready separate from the others. While it was usually tradition for a bride to get ready with her bridesmaids, she felt she needed the time to calm down and relax after just a few short months of preparation. Weddings traditionally took years, but heaven knows Dash was anything but patient. They knew she didn't care for the hubbub of the dressing rooms at other weddings, though she stayed to enjoy the time with her friends. This time it was her wedding, and whatever she needed to be prepared, her bridesmaids were more than happy to accommodate.

That left Scootaloo with all of Rainbow’s friends, her chosen bridal party- minus Fluttershy who were attending to the final touches while Rarity worked with the bridesmaids.

Of course, the fashionista still had a laundry list of tasks to complete before the ceremony. There were last minute details to oversee, dresses to fuss over, makeup to do, excetera. Despite it all she took time to do Scootaloo’s mane in a simple but beautiful updo held in by purple chords Rarity had created to match the dress. And when Everypony was sufficiently prepared they gathered and awaited the arrival of the bride on her big day.

Now here she stood, basket in hoof, excited beyond belief as Dash appeared at the end of the hall, accompanied by Fluttershy.

The moment Scootaloo’s eyes met the bride’s she was once again overcome by a squeal and a wave of joy. For the mane of the bride was strikingly familiar, a simple updo held in place by braids of laurel leaves.

Sucking in a breath she resisted the shrieks that came naturally to her and instead bolted to the mare’s side and exclaiming excitedly, "We have the same hair!?"

"What!? No way!" Dash herself gasped scooping the filly up in her arms, seeing that it was, infact, the same style. They matched. And considering two seperate ponies had done their manes, it had to have been planned beforehand. So with a grateful smile she turned to her lifelong friend, and then to her wonderful dressmaker, "It’s absolutely perfect, thank you,"

They both gave simple nods in return, knowing she loved the little surprise as she hugged the filly tighter and resisted the urge to cry for the umptemth time that day.

When Dash released her, the flower filly ran to hug Rarity, and whispering her gratitude.

"Best surprise ever,"

"Of course darling," Rarity smiled sweetly, patting the filly’s head gently to avoid ruining the mane she had worked hard on.

"You ready my little flower filly?"

"Yes!" Scootaloo cheered, releasing the unicorn mare,

"Wait!" Pinkie called before anyone could move, once all eyes were on her, she grinned, “Group hug?”

“Bring it in,” Dash gestured to the mares as they piled in around her.

“Careful of the hair, darlings,” Rarity

The party giggled as they clumped together in a happy embrace.

“Best of luck darling,” Rarity smiled tucking a veil into the bride’s mane, “I wish you all the best,”

“May your marriage be a happy one!” Pinkie cheered

Fluttershy gently added, “We love you Dashie,”

Each of the other bridesmaids offered their best wishes, proud and happy smiles filled each mare’s countenance. As for the bride, she looked like her eyes might overflow from joy. The group glowed and radiated love and support as each rallied around their friend. It was Dash’s big day and if they didn't fill every moment with their love for her they were failing as bridesmaids and friends. The mare had to be smothered in their adoration. No excuses/acceptions.

Scootaloo threw her arms around Rainbow Dash in one last enthusiastic embrace, “Love ya Dash,”

The mare pulled the little filly in closer, closing her eyes to savor the embrace, “Your the best little sister I never had,”

She lifted her eyes skyward and blinked rapidly in hopes to bat away the wave of tears that threatened her for the umptenth time that day. She laughed again, shaky with tears, and squeezed the filly tighter. “Thank you for being a part of all this,”

“Anytime,” Scootaloo, like Dash, sounded like she was going to cry soon too. It was no secret Dash was her hero and adoptive older sister. If it were in her power, she’d do anything to be like the mare. Just being beside her on such an important day meant the world to her, that was clearer than crystals.

Author's Note:

More to come, just you wait. I know it's more little scenes and snippets as opposed to one beautiful moment between family-like in Warrior in White-but I think it suits the two better.

Anyways, hope you all enjoyed the first of hopefully many stories to come in 2021!