• Member Since 15th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 11th, 2024


I love ponies, bronies, and matrimonies! I'm an author, artist, and plushie-maker. I create stuff and I try to make it awesome. Relax. You're in good company. ❤ ~Since 2012~


Queen Twilight has had the leadership of Equestria for quite some time and is finally beginning to close on an international pact that could end hostilities for generations to come. The stakes are too high and thus she spends her Hearth's Warming working on it. Thankfully, a certain delay gives her a moment of rest. Now, who to spend it with...?

Twilight x Tempest for Hearth's Warming~ 🎄💝

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

This is just so...adorable.

Awww thank you~ :heart:
Happy Hearth's Warming :raritystarry:

Aww, this is soo sweet! 💞

Twilight and Tempest are so cute!

Merry Christmas and Happy Hearth's Warming

Thank you very much~!!
ikr?! One of my fav pairings. :heart:

Is this a crossover?

It's an AU based on the movie. :raritystarry:

I'm getting some Fleet and Flotilla vibes from this.
Twilight with a duty to Equestria, her ponies, friendship, and peace.
Tempest with a duty to Twilight's protection.

Having just finished reading a Tempest X Twilight romance fic, I feel like this deserves a sad tag.
Sad because Tempest won't let herself love Twilight and won't outright tell Twilight, and sad that Twilight doesn't realize that Tempest has true romantic feelings, and won't let herself have a romantic relationship.:ajsleepy:
The things that people/ponies do, and give up, for their country.:ajsleepy::fluttershyouch:

Chrysalis was the final piece of the puzzle she needed. If she could negotiate a favorable deal with her then the Grand Pact would practically be sealed. The ponies would be at the heart of a peace and trading treaty that spanned every race known in the modern era – and some recently discovered too! But this might end up being the hardest deal to close. She had plenty of experience but there was more underlying animosity towards changelings than there was towards any other race and it was not only the ponies who felt that way.

I like stories where Chrysalis isn't the evil character she is after season 2. During season 2 during Canterlot Wedding, despite not watching most of the show and currently only on S1E13, I only ever saw the changelings as a dying race desperate for food, that food being love. But then after that she just seemed evil.

That is when the snow-gazing purple alicorn finally turned around. Her matronly features were mature but not old in the slightest. She was still as youthful in heart as she had been when the crown had been passed to her by a weary Queen Celestia and Queen Luna. Though her long slender legs and enormous wings were much like Celestia’s, she had only recently started using a more motherly tone towards her subjects. Except for her chief bodyguard before her. She considered her a close friend, trusted her with her life, and respected her more than any warrior – even Marshal Dash.

This story really seems to have alot of lore behind it. Im guessing Marshal Dash is Rainbow Dash?

The scar-faced guard blushed but knew she could not look away from her queen like this. Twilight’s shimmering orchid-colored eyes seemed to pierce into her very being. She was beautiful. So beautiful. Taller than her with that unique alicorn monarch physique that only a few possessed in this world. The massive wings with the rainbow-colored feathers fluttered against Twilight’s sides like they always did when the queen was safe and happy. She may have been the leader of ponykind but there were still things about her that were foal-like...unchanged from the earliest years Tempest knew her. Back when she had been a mere recruit in training and Twilight was the heir apparent.

Wow, this story has alot of lore behind it, doesn't it?

“Your comfort is my desire,” she quickly replied. No, Tempest thought to herself, she knows how I feel. Will she only mercilessly tease me or is this the chance I’ve been dreaming of for years…? Oh, who am I kidding? She likes me but not in that way. I’ll never-


“I may not have any special somepony – or somecreature,” Twilight said aloud. Her inner thoughts made their way out of her mouth. She had been bored, so even if this meant voicing her vulnerable feelings then...well, she didn’t mind. As much as she enjoyed teasing Tempest, she knew the guard did not harbor any serious feelings towards her beyond her duty. Their personal relationship had been one of friendship growing up – or at least that’s how she thought Tempest viewed it. “But I’ve always been a romantic at heart. I treasure moments like this. The flickering light of the fireplace on a snowy day and the comfort of a beautiful mare...”

You got to be kidding me.

Tempest watched fondly as her queen giggled and squealed as she enthused about the one thing she never lost excitement for...books. Of course, the categories had changed over the years. She had preferred more “practical” and “useful” books when she was younger. Ones that taught her sciences and magecrafts. Politics and cultures. With enough years behind her now and experience to match her booksmarts, the interest in practical learning had waned. There just simply wasn’t that much left that she didn’t already know. At least regarding things that actual books existed for. Romance novels, on the other hoof, offered the queen an escape into the romantic fantasies she felt were beyond her reach on account of her royal obligations.

... You have no idea how much I can relate to that.

So this is how it ends? Neither of the 2 realizing there love for each other? That's sad. Good story.

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