• Member Since 1st Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I think it'd be better if I just shut my mouth, cuz I hate how I look, how I sound.


Everybody knows Gallus is moping. He has a pretty good reason, too; heartbreak is never easy. Why else would he actually be studying by himself in a library, after all? Unfortunately, the Student Six are in charge of putting their own spin on a Hearth's Warming pageant, and that means they need everyone.

So how do you coerce the participation of a reluctant griffon? Kidnapping, of course.

This story was written for Quills and Sofas Secret Santa Speedwrite contest, and tied for first. It was written for Cara, with the prompt (beware spoilers): Fluff with Gallus (maybe a Student Six polycule?)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

This was so adorable, and I loved how you included the simple fact Gallus knew nothing. It just makes the reveal all the better in the end. Truly A+ work here. And we need more Gallus fics. <3


Fluffy boi Gal-kun deserves all the feminine affection and snuggles.

This was a cute story very odd choice for shipping but I'm not that upset anyway so gallus is feeling down but sandbar and the others are planning to make him feel better to put a little play just for him sure it was not the most perfect play but for silverstream and Ocellus and gallus this was perfect for them to show that they care for him ❤ this was a cute story merry Christmas and happy holidays

What's the ship?
Not that I would mind, I'm just wondering.
Edit: Nevermind, I found out..... And it's adorable 😍

Very fun, I'm happy for all of them. Some people just have too much love to share for one partner.

Thanks again for this, I loved it then and still love it now!

Gallus is a lucky son of a griff

Really adorable. I loved it ❤️

Also, I don't mean to be "that guy" but it's spelled 'Smolder' Just thought you should know.

Again, I loved the story


Is this play culturally insensitive to dragons? I mean, for them, isn't it the celebration of the murder of a great dragon hero by a vile pony knight?

Sad boi Gallus.

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