• Published 1st Jan 2021
  • 212 Views, 41 Comments

Poetry Is Magic - Peace Poet

Writing rhyming poetry about ponies and creatures in Equestria, and more.

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Pinkie Party (short poem)

One night, seeing ponies drinking Hoofcardi
At one of Pinkie Pie's biggest parties
Gilda was dancing, shaking her tail feather
Gabby was doing the moonwalk under great night weather

Applejack and Big Mac brought in more cider
Scootaloo was behind Rainbow Dash on her new glider
RD took the whole barrel full
AJ brought out her lasso, her number one tool

Spike, Rarity, and Gabby made a triple dance
Spike's night was gonna be his greatest advance
Listening to DJ PON3 and Octavia
Sapphire Shores, Songbird Serenade, and even Celestia

Luna kept the cakes hidden
From Celestia, since she was the diet and forbidden
The party was far from being bored
Especially when you have Discord

Twilight was talking to Flash Sentry
As Rainbow made an awesome entry
Apple Bloom was hanging with Tender Taps
As they both are dancing in shoes that made taps

Shining Armor was a party machine
With his wife Cadence, as they're the main scene
They saw the awkward look from
As they saw the nonsensical dance from Twilight was above norm

Pinkie was dancing with Cheese Sandwich
They both a robot, without a glitch
Even went old school, the Running Horse
Which was my favorite dance, of course

As for me, I dance with a fight style
Tai Chi, non-violent, like Gummy the non-crocodile
Finished listening to Pandora
I started to dance with rhyming friend, Zecora

The party night was fantastic
Good music and friends, all were ecstatic
Which means I'm out of here
As I say "peace" to all my friendly peers.

Author's Note:

The best I can think of for a rhyming poem. But for now, thank you for reading my poems.