Dark Spike then floated down and landed in front of his trapped young self and said in a monotone, deep, cold voice.
"So, to what do I owe this little blast from the past?"
Spike was outright frightened at the glare he was given by his older self and said nothing
Dark Spike only glared further and cut the net, freeing his young self, who tried to run, but was grabbed by the neck. The evil teen dragon said in a more serious tone
"Well? I'm waiting for an answer."
"Well you see...me and Twilight were trying to stop a pony called Starlight Glimmer from altering Equestria by sabotaging the Rainboom Rainbow Dash did that caused Twilight and the girls to get their cutie marks."
"The purple princess horse and that retarded, hypocritical, communist excuse of an student of hers? Give me a break." Dark Spike said in disgust
"Student?" Spike questioned
"After she and her fought, she managed to reform Starlight and stop her from destroying the scroll of the time travel spell she stole. She then helped Starlight make amends with her friend Sunburst and the others. And even though I helped her and the girls, nopony cared. " Dark Spike said with a distasteful tone
"How do you know that?" Spike asked
Dark Spike only smirked and said "Isn't it obvious? I'm YOU. In the next few years."
Spike only gave a look of horror at his evil self. This was the dragon he would become when he grew up? Destroy Ponyville and kill everything in his way? As Spike looked at him, he said in shock
"What did you do to my friends?" Spike asked his older self
Dark Spike only gave a look of disgust and simply said with a tear in his eye "Let's just say that friendship isn't just magic, it's also an way of false hope."
"What? What did Twilight and the others ever do to you?" Spike asked his future self
"Are you kidding me? You should know since your me. They see me and you as a tool and don't care!!" Dark Spike said, saying the last word in a tone of betrayal and despair, as Spike was about to ask again, Dark Spike cut him off
"Do you remember the time when it was Twilight's birthday? I wasn't invited and she didn't bring me!! What about the Winter Wrap up? What happened when you were frozen, everypony laughed at me and nopony bothered to help! At the Fall Weather competition, they used me as a punching bag! And they left me at the Gala and each time THEY. DON'T. CARE!!!" Dark Spike ranted in tears
Spike only looked in silence at his future self and finally asked "But wait, what made you turn into...this?"
"That doesn't matter, what matters is I make sure you become ME!" Dark Spike said
However, the older dragon was blasted into a nearby stand, he looked and saw it was Rarity. He then got angry and lunged as she blasted magic bolts at him, but he teleported in ftontbof her and grabbed her horn.
"You know, just out of respect, if let you live.." Dark Spike said
He then threw her up and savagely punched her away, but Spike managed to catch her and push her away from one of his magic blasts.
"Are you ok?" Spike asked Future Rarity
"Spikey-Wikey, I'm sorry for how I treated you. I...I'm sorry." Future Rarity said before she passed out from the pain.
Spike only looked at his older self, who was about to kill Future Fluttershy and breathed a large wave of green fire at him, which knocked him back into a building.
Spike turned to her and said "Hurry, run!"
She nodded as she fled the area as Dark Spike quickly recovered and grabbed Spike's tail, saying mockingly
"Run, where are they gonna go?"
He then threw Spike down and roared out a loud screeching wail, releasing green dark flaming rings from his mouth. Future Fluttershy ran, but was knocked away from the blast.
Spike tried to save her in any way he could, until Dark Spike grabbed him "Ah Ah Ah! Your not going anywhere!"
As Spike looked, he punched his dark self in the chin and saw that older Fluttershy was able to escape.
"Oh man, at least she's ok, now I gotta get back to Twilight."
However, before he could react, Dark Spike grabbed him by the leg and said
"And then what, return home?, she's doomed anyway."
He glared at his young self with an evil grin and said "In fact, your not going anywhere!"
Dark Spike then used his magic to open an dark looming portal from his arm as he said
"Strange how the so-called magic of friendship can tear a life apart, especially from one that cared so much."
Spike however gave an glare at him and said in defiance
"It doesn't matter if i travel back in time or not. I'll NEVER turn into you! And Twilight and my friends will help me and stop you!"
"Oh of course you will, besides if they were going to try saving you, why hasn't any of them even bothered to show up? In fact....when have they ever shown up."
The moment he said this, he suddenly transformed himself into Spike in a dark green flaming ring as he threw Spike into the portal while he closed it with his magic.
Having dealt with his young self, Dark Spike then pulled out the time travel scroll and said
"Time to go to work!"
He then began to open a hole with his magic and swiftly entered.
The town of Ponyville was going through its annual routine and the daily lives. In an alleyway, Dark Spike landed, he left the alley as he saw the town and its residents with some even waving at him, but he only gave a look of disdain as he walked by.
"Ponyville, still standing. For now."
As he walked by, an voice called to him.
The dark dragon looked and saw it was a relieved Twilight running over to the dark older dragon in disguise.
"I was worried about you! Are you ok?" The purple alicorn asked in worry
"Yeah I bet you were you hypocritical fake." Dark Spike thought before he said in Spike's normal voice.
"Yeah Twi, I'm ok, let's go home and relax."
Twilight only smiled and said "Good idea, Spike. By the way, we have a new guest living with us."
"Oh I wonder who." Dark Spike sarcastically said mentally as he decided to play dumb.
As they walked to the path to her castle, Dark Spike ominously grinned as his green eyes flashed red before returning to green.
What happened in this timeline to make him say that?
Actually, it does matter.
How is she a hypocritical fake?
Wait, starlight got reformed?
Yes Starlight got reformed. HA HAHA. Really hope it stays that way. Also Starlight cares about Spike in fact she didn’t treat him like a servant at all and more of an equal. Why’s Spike mad at her?
Spike and Stygian complement one another very much. Both close to Magic/Sorcery, and were the unappreciated underdog.
The difference between them and the reason why Spike didn't choose the same path as Stygian in canon were (in my opinion) 3 things
1. His young and innocent mind keep him in constant optimism despite the abuse.
2. He owes his life to his friends, and wants to help anyone anyway he can.
3. He loves his friends and family no matter what.
Yeah, about that...