• Member Since 18th Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I like women

Comments ( 23 )

Hot and steamy! :pinkiecrazy:

Btw, I think its awesome you put "All characters depicted 18+"

I remember when I didn't put that disclaimer in my Human In Equestria story, everyone left, unsubbed and was disgusted when they read the chapters with the CMC :rainbowkiss:

Okay, Chryssi makes a very convincing Tsundere.

Don't leave it hanging there. By Celestia please don't leave it hanging there. This is a second favorite pairing of mine that includes Cadance and I must see them get to know each other.

Unlikely. This piece is my personal project and I prefer the gentler scope.

Fair enough. Twidance is my favorite pairing for Cadance and this one sits in second position for my favorite with her.

Excellent story, pretty hot you should write one with a Sombra like the bad guy.

Only write women. Sorry.

I don't mean to pry but... is there a particular reason for that? Btw I liked your story.

That's... Oh. OOOOOOH! I get it. Well I can understand that. Btw Chrysalis and Cadence kissing is hot AF.

Women are just- they make me feel a certain type of way. :heart:

Nah. Working with Cadance in another story.

Thanks! Keep writing,

Planning on it. Massive updates and more coming soon.

So cute!
Thanks for the fic!

Nunca habĂ­a pensado en este ship y ahora lo amo es todo lo que esta mal y me encanta

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