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Looks like the other Players decided Fortunas pawn in the outfield wwas no longer of any intrest?.
So looks like this pawn is back in the maingame
There is one very angry player at the moment who would love to do something about it for sure, but, rules are rules
This was shocking chapter with Candid suddenly being killed by The Black Death. Fiery will probably have deal with the guilt of not telling anykirin from Candid's merriment about Autumn Blaze's special status. That is something she'll have to confront with her family though. I expect that Ares won't get any sympathy from any of the other gods about what happened since he's not exactly popular.
Thank you for pointing that out, I am not sure though how much guilt there will be with her being ordered to sleep and all.
Considering Ares, yes, the compassion will be limited for sure