• Member Since 30th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


"Jimmy Hook's the Name, Transformations is my Game" (Victim of The Cursed Gift since September 2016)

Comments ( 16 )

RQOTD: Do you think that Daybreaker is real and not a figment of Starlight Glimmer's imagination?

It is a shadow of what could be, not what will be.

Do you feel Regret for the Destruction and Death you bring??!! 😕 😤

Can't you use something like a Anti-Dark Spell, or Light Spell, so you can STOP turning into MLP Villains and Heartless Monster, and TRY to Protect Innocent People. And Minimize the Damages.

Before the U.S. Government, FBI, CIA, and the US Military gets tired of this Stupid Magic Changing Fiasco. And will "Investigate" and will come after you for the Deaths of Innocent People, and the Destruction and Property Damage.

Remember, Actions HAVE Consequences!!!!

You do realize that I don't turn into MLP Villains all the time though.


Well, it's terrible and sad for what happened. 😞

Yeah well... if you look at my past transformation stories (and including those done by other users), then you will see that I don't transform into characters all the time that are, well, villains.

The US Government are already looking into Jimmy. If you wish to read some tales with Jimmy and his mates as heroic characters, here are four I recommend;

TLegends of Equestria: The Sands of Time
I don't Sphynx it's very funny!
JimmyHook19 · 3.7k words  ·  50  27 · 2.8k views
TLegends of Equestria: South Swamp Rag
Join us now for a tale of the Bayou...
JimmyHook19 · 13k words  ·  28  21 · 1.3k views
ELegends of Equestria: Fire and Faith
A brony goes on a great adventure. Being one of the greatest unicorns of all time is an amazing added bonus.
The Blue EM2 · 5.8k words  ·  20  4 · 593 views


Oh yeah, I saw those Fics in the New Stories a while ago. But, I never read all of them at all. It's because I wasn't interested in having Humans forcefully turn into Ponies on Earth. Sorry.

But, this Story did catch my attention. And it is Sad that WHEN Jimmy become a MLP Villain Monster. He cause the Deaths of Innocence, Chaos and Destruction. Eventually, he and possibly his Friends will be a "Menace" of the U.S. Government, and possibly Everyone of the U.N. and the World. 😲

See 6 Universal Nights for more details.


I probably not really interested or forgot about it. Sorry. But, maybe one day. :unsuresweetie:

Edit: Okay, I search for it, and see that your Story has the Universal Studios Logo. Cool. But, I probably won't read the whole thing or be interested. :applejackunsure:


I apologize if I didn't want to read your story. :applejackunsure:

As Daybreaker saw several wings of US Air Force fighter aircraft bearing down on her, she laughed. "Those pathetic tin cans think they can best a God? I... AM... FAUST!"


Actually they have rules against traveling to alternative dimensions outside of their control

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