• Member Since 20th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 31 minutes ago


"I am the Aloof Hermit, the Lord of the Empty Seat. I am the Alpha and the Omega"

Comments ( 21 )

nice work on story

Very nice and quite enticing. So how would one go about requesting a story

Fright Night!!! (1985)

“Guess this could be the night of your life”

My preferred pun for this kind of situation is some variation on "having someone over for dinner".

Right. Besides have you ever seen the 1985 and 1988 (Original Fright Night) movies or the 2011 and 2013 reboot movies?

Suddenly all my love of vampire literature from my younger years came rushing back in a flood, great work bud!

That was some tale. You should read my own vampire story. It's called "The Rise of Vampire Sunset".

This could be a whole series.

Very good very good! I do think the tildes (~) feel a bit out of place in fiction, but otherwise it was very lovely.


The "~" addition is mainly meant to get across when someone speaks in a sultry/seductive tone.

I know its purpose I was just saying that for me, when I'm reading something in prose, the tilde feels out of place. I guess in my head you're supposed to get sultry tone across without the tilde in prose. Uh, not sure how to try to make this as non-threatening as possible but I sure am trying.

i almost want a part two with this happning to the rest, almost.

Who knows? If this story gets popular enough, I might just make a sequel for next Halloween... :raritywink:

Well I mean if you are going to be turned an undead killer and master of night... What a way to go.

Good stuff like always!

Hey, 'grats on the first place!

mmm nice very sexy!

…only to find herself held back by handcuffs on both her arms and legs, keeping her bound to the posts of the bed she was resting on… completely naked . "W-W-What happened!? Where are my clothes!?" She asked in a panicked tone, shivering as she looked around. Unfortunately, the room was so dark that she could barely make out her surroundings.


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