• Published 17th Oct 2020
  • 1,630 Views, 17 Comments

Kamen Rider Equestria Generations - ReiwaRider

Mirai Clock, has had a normal life for 17 years, and after learning about a great secret from his late grandfather, he must stop the villainous kaijin from terrorizing his town, alongside other riders. Also while meeting many friends along the way.

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Episode 2: Who I am!

Mirai looked at the crater that Sunset was groaning in. He felt something inside him. It was relief that was flooding him.

'I am at the first step, of my goal,' Mirai thought, smiling.

Woz walked up to Mirai in amazement. "My prince, that was incredible, you have transformed for the first time and beat a kaijin, a dopant no less!"

Mirai chuckled a bit "Yeah, thanks. Um, is she gonna be ok, i know she's breathing, but i kind of kicked her face. Like, real hard."

"She'll be just fine. Your rider kick made sure not to really injure since she was almost the same level as you and that she had some kind of pure heart. But never mind that for now because tell me, how do you feel right now?" Woz asked in anticipation.

"Well, now thinking back to it, when I transformed, it sort of felt overwhelming. Like this huge burst of power was surging in my veins. But I didn't really care about that, because all what was in my head was to save these people........." Mirai answered looking at the six girls and looking blankly for a second.

Worried, Woz said "My prince? What's the ma-"

"SSSSSSSSHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mirai screamed in the air.

"My prince? What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

Mirai, with wide eyes under his helmet, looked at Woz and yelled "I just transformed! In front of those 6!" pointing at the main six.

Woz gasped "Oh my goodness! Forgive my lord, but how could you let this happen?! We are supposed to keep this a secret."

Mirai yelled "I know!"One of the girls, Twilight, walked up to the two and asked "Um, what are you two talking about? Keep what secret?"

Mirai and Woz looked at Twilight. Mirai then straight up looked at Woz and said "Let's get out of here, now!"

Woz nodded. He somehow made his scarf longer and wrapped it around himself and Mirai. The scarf tornado turned into nothing and then the two were gone.

The main six looked confused. Rainbow dash irritated said "Man, first the new kid steals our thunder and he has a magic hipster sidekick?!"

The white skinned girl with purple hair said "Although, the scarf looked rather gorgeous."

Rainbow then said "Shaddup Rarity."

Twilight then said "Girls, let's not worry about that right now. Let's just talk to Sunset and see if she is okay." They all walked towards Sunset who was getting up.

On the ceiling of a building across the school, out of nowhere the scarf tornado reappeared.

The scarf tornado went smaller and turned into a normal scarf, revealing Woz and Mirai who was breathing hard.

Mirai then fell and sat down to calm down. He tapped on the right side of his neck with 2 fingers. His helmet then disappeared showing his face. This helped him calm down.

Woz looked at Mirai with worry and said "Are you alright, my prince"

" Y- Yeah, I'm fine" Mirai nodded in reassurance.

They both looked on at the main six who were talking to Sunset.

Woz then sighed "This is an inconvenient predicament we have here"

Mirai looked at Woz and said "have any ideas?"

Woz came up with one and said "Ok, here's the plan, first I follow each of them around...."

Mirai nodded "Uh-huh"

"And then I walk up to them....." Woz continued.

Mirai nodded "uh-huh"

"And then I use my scarf to choke the living daylights out of them, and destroy the evidence." Woz said with a sadistic grin.

"What?! No!" Mirai said surprised that Woz would think that.

"Ok my prince, but I have nothing else in mind" Woz said.

Mirai looked at the girls and said "Ok, we just tell them the truth."

Woz looked at Mirai with wide eyes "But, my lord, your secret!"

Mirai said "They already saw me transform, so it probably could be easier to just tell em to make sure they don't randomly tell other people about me. Plus telling them probably could help us find out who gave sunset one of W's memories. Too bad, I destroyed it."

Woz looked at him confused "What are you implying, my prince? I have it right here" showing the heat memory in his hand.

Mirai stood up surprised "Wait a minute, when did you get that?"

"While we were escaping I noticed it on the ground, so I picked it up on our way." Woz explained.

Mirai then said "Alright then, now how should I tell them the truth"

"Don't worry my lord, I have a plan." Woz said with a smile.

Episode 2: Who I am!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

"9 5 DO? What kind of shop name is that."

There shows a store that had some japanese words with the english translation under it. There was some clocks in display.

In front of the store were six girls, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, a happy pink skinned girl, and Sunset.

Rainbow said with a piece of paper on her hands "wonder what this jerk wants"

The pink-skinned girl then said "Come on Dashie. Don't call people jerks. Maybe he invited us here so we could welcome him to our town. Or maybe he doesn't have any friends and he didn't want to be lonely! Or maybe....." Then applejacks hand clamped on pinkie's mouth to quiet her down.

"Ok, Pinkie, simmer down. I know you are friendly to everyone, but we should keep our guards up, because we barely know this boy." Applejack said.

"He probably doesn't want us to know he has powers, so he's probably gonna kill us or something." Rainbow said


That small noise came from fluttershy who was hiding behind rarity.

Rarity smiled and said "It's ok, darling, rainbow doesn't mean it. But just in case something happens rainbow and applejack will protect us okay?" Fluttershy nodded.

They all went inside. Then they saw a bunch of different clocks. Grandfather clocks, watches, even digital clocks. Behind the counter they see Mirai in a black t shirt and pants fixing part of a clock. He looked up and saw the six girls and walked from the counter smiling.

"Hello! Welcome to my home and the place I work at. Would you like anything to eat at all?"

Rainbow then said "Cut the act, buster. We just wanna know why you invited us here."

Applejack then said "and why is your choice of lettering, so strange" holding an arrow.

"Sorry, but I had to both be out of sight and let you know where to go."

Woz appeared in view saying this. He said this because his plan was to use an arrow with a letter that said "If you want to know the truth and who I am, go to this address from Mirai clock." To each of them.

Woz added "Also speak kindly to him, for he is the prince of time."

Applejack said "Prince of what now??"

"Ok let me explain, but first weren't there supposed to be seven of you?" Mirai asked counting only six girls.

"Um, well you see young man, she was visiting from out of town so she is currently not here" Rarity said clearly lying, but Mirai shrugged it off.

Mirai then walked behind the counter and faced the wall and said "KR." A piece of the wall slid up which showed a red orb, a screen, and number pad.

A voice came from the red orb.

"Mirai Clock: Authorized"

"Woz: Authorized"

"6 unknown individuals: not under authorization"

"Enter code in t-minus 60 seconds"

Mirai then entered a code on the screen.


Then next to that number pad, an elevator appeared. Mirai then motioned everyone to get in an elevator.

They all went in, and the elevator closed. They all felt it going down and as they stopped, the elevator opened and they all walked out and the main six were surprised at what they saw.

They saw a huge room with a bunch of computer screens and a main one. The room was mostly blue. There were some door ways that had a training room, a living room.

Also went they went into the main room, they were passing a railway with on the left 15 holograms of strange masked warriors, sunset noticed one of which was monster like in appearance. On the right, there was a hologram of zi o lined up with 19 other warriors much more diverse in appearance than the ones on the left side.

Rainbow had only one thing in her mind 'What the hell is this'

Woz said "Iwae! Welcome to the Chamber of Riders!"

"Chamber of Riders?" Sunset said feeling something familiar about this place.

Mirai nodded and noticed some bruises on Sunset's arms. He then walked up to her and said "Hey, you're still a little hurt. Let me help you." He then grabbed her arm softly.

"No thank you, It's fine." Sunset said. But then as Mirai was putting his other hand in front of her arm, his hand had a magenta aura and her minor scrapes and bruises suddenly heal in 2 seconds. Sunset suddenly raised her arm up in confusion.

Rainbow in surprise said "Woah! You have magic too!!??"

Woz said "It is not magic! It is my prince's power. He is able to heal injuries or in other word "reverse time on your wounds". Also speak in respect to the prince of time!"

Applejack said straight to Mirai "He keeps on saying that, but what does it mean. Aren't you gonna explain what's going on."

Mirai looked down at her and nodded. He turned around and said "My grandfather was a great man. My mother died when I was born. And my father and grandmother died before they could even see me. So growing up it was just me and my grandfather."

The main six felt bad for him but applejack asked "Ok, but what does that have to do with this."

Mirai turned to face her with a slight anger in his eyes and said "everything." He then straightened himself up and calmed himself and said "Growing up my Grandpa told me about these stories. There were so much of them, I always thought he should publish them, but he kinda thought he shouldn't. These stories were about heroes whose abilities were connected to evil, but they used these abilities to fight for justice."

He continued on. "He told me stories about 2 cyborgs, A man whose family was murdered, a loyal scientist, a robotics expert, a boy raised in the wild, a man who wanted revenge, a robotics scientist, a man who wanted to be an astronaut, A loyal brother, a child of the sun, a man who turned into a monster, a lab assistant, a man who was resurrected, a man who has many talents, an amnesiac, a man who had to fight in a battle, a man with no dreams, a man who had to fight fate, an oni, a man who had to walk the path of heaven, an unlucky boy possessed by demons, a ghost boy, a traveler of worlds, 2 detectives, a man with no desire, a high school student, a wizard, a normal boy who became a god, a cop, a ghost, a gamer doctor, a genius and a demon king"

The main six stood amazed that there was such a variety and that he was able to remember all that.

"Whenever I had a hard time in my life, my grandpa always told me the stories and it cheered me right up. Heck, even when we were in a normal conversation, he still told me those stories, and even then I listened. The stories inspire me to be my best and they gave me hope." Mirai said with some slight tears.

The main six still were amazed. Rainbow dash was gonna ask what does this have to do with his abilities, but she had a feeling this was leading to something.

Mirai then said "and one day......."

Saturday June 15, 2019

Mirai walked into the shop with 3 bags. The shop was closed since it was a saturday.

"Gramps, I'm home. I brought the ingredients for ramen tonight. It was kinda a hassle, I had to go to 3 different stores. Just try not to burn it" Mirai said putting the bags on the counter. He was confused that he didn't hear his grandpa's reply.

"Gramps? You here?" He said while walking into the living room. When he entered, his eyes widened at what they saw.

On the floor, his grandpa was laying down on his side and his breathing seemed slow. Mirai ran to his grandpa with tears in his eyes. He laid him down and called for him.

"Grandpa? Grandpa, what happened?" Mirai said worried.

"Mirai" His grandpa said in a weak voice.

"D-Don't w-worry. I'll heal you and we can see w-what's wrong." Mirai said barely keeping back his tears while using his hands to heal him.

His grandpa was moving his arm. Mirai then said "Grandpa, p-please don't move." He then noticed his grandpa was reaching something in Mirai's inner jacket pockets. His grandpa took out this strange black stopwatch.

His grandpa then put it in Mirai's hands. Grandpa then whispered to Mirai "find them....." He then closed his eyes.

"W-w-wait, who, find who? Grandpa? Grandpa?! GRAAAAANNDDDPAAAA!!!!!!" Mirai says with streams of tears running across his face.

He faces the ceiling and screams in anguish. What he didn't notice that a clock symbol appeared in front of the stopwatch. It is then engulfed in a light.


The main six looked at mirai in sadness. To hear that someone Mirai was close to and inspired by just died, It saddened them.

Mirai was rubbing his eyes when he felt a huge weight on hisbody. He opened his eyes, he saw Rarity hugging him.

"Oh my goodness! We are so sorry for judging you and about your grandfather." Rarity said.

"Thank you. But, um, can you let go me please?" Mirai said blushing, feeling 2 specific somethings on his body in the hug. Rarity let go.

Mirai coughed in his hand and continued explaining "The hospital claimed his death was from a heart attack, and me grieving, I decided not to question it. A few days later, I noticed one of the clocks were loose, so I took it off the wall to get fixed, and behind the clock I saw a note that said "KR" and "18651859159". I read the first part and suddenly the keypad appeared. I typed in the number and well you probably know the rest."

"When I went into the chamber of Riders, I was confused then Woz appeared and showed me a video of my grandfather. Where my grandfather explained everything."

Sunset asked "explained what exactly?"

Mirai faced her and said "That the stories were not stories. They were heroes from a completely different universe known as the kamen riders." He pointed at the railing with the holograms of the identical bug-like riders.

"Those ones right there are Kamen riders Ichigo, Nigo, V3, Riderman, X, Amazon, Stronger, Skyrider, Super-1, ZX, Black, Black RX, Shin, ZO, and J. They were known as the Showa Riders. They fought hard to make sure the world had peace. They achieved this goal. But there was only a little bit of peace. "

"Little bit of peace? What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked a bit scared.

"Usually Showa Riders fought organizations run by humans, but in the beginning of the 21st century, groups run by monsters and supernatural forces appeared to threaten humanity. But thankfully, new riders came to fight them off." Mirai pointed at the other railing.

"Those ones are called Kamen Riders Kuuga, Agito, Ryuki, Faiz, Blade, Hibiki, Kabuto, Den-O, Kiva, Decade, W, OOO, Fourze, Wizard, Gaim, Drive, Ghost, Ex-Aid, Build, and Zi-O. They were known as the Heisei Riders. They were different from the Showa riders since their abilities were more supernatural."

Mirai then faced the main six with a serious expression and said "My grandfathers name was Sougo Tokiwa and he was known as Kamen Rider Zi-O, the kind demon king!"

The main six were surprised. Rainbow asked "Wait? Demon King? Is that why your hipster friend kept calling you Prince?"

Woz nodded. "Yes, because he is the descendant of king Zi-O, and I'm not a hipster, this is normal attire where I'm from."

Sunset asked "Wait a minute, if he's a Kamen Rider, how did he get here?"

Mirai then said "Well, there was an organization by the name of Dai-Shocker, they are the culmination of revived enemies of Kamen Riders, they made a device that would open a portal to a universe without Kamen Riders, The kamen riders came to stop them, while they were fighting the lesser Kaijin, the main leader and his Kaijin escaped, and they destroyed the controls. Thankfully Ichigo was able to save the coordinates and able to make it so, that they can pass the portal for a few seconds. The 19 heisei riders decided to transfer their full powers to my grandfather so he can go to this alternate world and pick some individuals that can aid him in the fight. He passed through, but something happened."

Pinkie asked "What? Oh no! Did he mutate??!!"

Mirai looked at her weirdly for a sec. "Uh, No. The machine malfunctioned, so instead of coming here in 2019, he came here in 1972."

Applejack said "that's why you were able to be born here."

Mirai nodded "He had no way to contact the other riders, so he settled and fell in love with my grandmother. Then they had a kid. And you know the rest. After I learned this, I decided to train the past few months to become stronger. And that it is my job to find the riders."

Rainbow dash asked "wait, how are you gonna find them, though? There's like 7 billion people in the world."

Woz then said "Waga Mao picked the people of this town to become riders. We can narrow them down to that. Plus when they face a Kaijin, their rider power will most likely awaken." He looked at Sunset with a slight glare and said "I must ask young Sunset, How did you get a Heat memory and turned into a Kaijin?"

Sunset scratched the back of her head nervously and said "Well, um, a couple days before I, you know, turned into a demon, heh, I was walking on the sidewalk when a strange hooded figure called out to me. I was about to walk away, but I stopped when they said that they could give me ultimate power. They handed me the USB thing and walked away."

Woz stroked his chin. "Dai-shocker must have been mass-producing W's memories."

Applejack asked "W's memories?"

Woz said "You see, the 11th heisei rider, Kamen Rider W, were a 2 in 1 Kamen Rider. He used memories based on which side to change forms. The heat memory were one of the 4 memories his right side used."

A phone notification was rung from rainbow's phone and she checked it. "Oh, I have to go, tonight's steak and I can't miss it. See ya." She headed for the elevator followed by the other girls who also had things to do.

Mirai was staring at Sunset while she left. After the elevator went up, Woz asked "My prince? What's wrong?"

Mirai answered "It's Sunset. She looked........ broken."

Monday, September 30, 2019

Mirai was walking into the hallway at school. He was thinking to himself. 'Should I go find Sunset and talk to her? Would she want to talk to me?'

Mirai heard a noise and looked up. He saw a bunch of students in a small crowd. He walked up to the crowd and his eyes widened.

He saw Lightning Dust from gym class punching and kicking someone, and that someone was sunset. She was on the ground with scrapes and bruises.

Lightning Dust said "What, are you gonna at least try to stop me, your highness? It doesn't feel good to be hurt, huh?" She kicked Sunset on the stomach.


Lightning dust and everyone else looked at Mirai who walked between Lightning dust and Sunset.

He faced Lightning dust and said "Why do you keep insisting on hitting her?"

Lighting with an annoyed expression said "For the past few years she has had everyone under her thumb. She is a monster. She deserves to get hurt!"

Mirai sighed and looked down "I see."

Lightning dust was about to punch Sunset again, when Mirai's hand caught the fist. She was confused about this.

Mirai put his head up showing a completely angry face. "But I won't let you!!"

"I won't let you hurt her!!!!!!!" In a swift second, Mirai punched her straight at the face, causing her to fall down. Everyone looked at Mirai at shock.

'I won't allow her to get hurt! As long as I'm alive!'