• Published 2nd Oct 2020
  • 3,085 Views, 32 Comments

A Weekend of Fun - ScisetShimmerEvan

A Sciset Story on Sunset and Twilight's first date is gonna be a blast of fun with what they got planned.

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The following morning (Edited by Echo Breeze) (Updated 1/11/2023)

It was Friday morning at Sunset’s apartment and both herself and Twilight were fast asleep in bed.

The previous night, Sunset tried to commit suicide over what happened a week prior with the Memory Stone Incident. She almost did it, until Twilight stopped her. After a bit of talking and reasoning with her, it helped Sunset feel much better. They even confused their feelings for each other, which were a solid win-win for the both of them.

It was close to eight in the morning, and the two friends were still sound asleep, stirring a bit in their sleep.

Twilight opened up her eyes as the sun from a nearby window started to shine on her face. She managed to block it with her right hand before looking over to see her best friend, now girlfriend Sunset Shimmer, who was silently sleeping like a child.

Sunset still hadn’t let go of Twilight since they both fell asleep the previous night, which made Twilight smile while looking at her girlfriend.

As she looked down at Sunset who was holding onto her tightly, Twilight moved a bit of her hair out of Sunset’s face looking at her happily.

“I’m glad I saved you Sunset. You mean a lot to me. You don’t know how I’d feel if you were gone. Since you saved me from me during the Friendship Games, with my fear of magic and Midnight Sparkle, and even my stress with the change I was dealing with. Even if you're from another world, I still love you.”

Twilight soon got very closer to Sunset and kissed her forehead lightly. A minute later Sunset woke up and looked straight at Twilight for a few seconds, before Twilight leaped out of bed in surprise, tripped, and fell onto the floor.


Sunset immediately got out of bed to help her friend up.

She offered her hand to her friend which Twilight graciously accepted, following the jumpscare she had given her.

“I'm sorry Twilight. Are you o-”

But just when they thought they were in the clear, they noticed that neither one of them was wearing a shirt, showing off their breasts. They screamed at each other before searching for their shirts and putting them on as fast as possible. That was until they realized they grabbed the wrong ones when they putting them back on, as Sunset was wearing Twilight’s and Twilight was wearing Sunset's. They decided to deal with it for the moment as they sat next to each other on the side of the bed, feeling quite embarrassed while they each looked down at their feet.

“Sunset, did we do anything last night after we went to bed? I can’t remember anything besides you not letting go of me like a stuffed animal?” Twilight asked, moving a bit of hair out of her face.

“I don’t think we did at the top of my head. I just remember removing my shirt and jacket because of how hot I was getting. I can't remember the last time I shared a bed with someone. So that's likely what happened.” Sunset replied, playing with her messy bed hair.

“That’s exactly what I did too.”

The two girls stared back at each other, blushing red cheeks again before going exchanging a good laugh.

“Guess we have a lot more to learn about each other if we're gonna be in a relationship now,” Sunset said, grabbing ahold of Twilight’s hand.

“Yeah. I mean, it seems like we have similar morning routines as well, don’t you think?” Twilight replied, a slight blush on her face.

“Yep, seems like it. Say, do you want to have breakfast now? I’m getting pretty hungry.”

“Sure thing, but do you mind if I cook? I know that I’m your guest and you should be serving me, but it’s the least I can offer after saving your life. Not to mention confessing my feelings for you,” Twilight said, as she placed her left hand on Sunset’s shoulder.

“Sure thing Twilight. Just use what you need in my kitchen.”

“Thanks. Oh, and can I have my shirt back?”

“Oh right, sorry. And I'd like mine back as well!”

They both giggled for a second before they changed their shirts and Twilight grabbed her glasses as she headed down to the kitchen to start on breakfast.

A little while later, after Twilight had made them pancakes, they sat down at Sunset’s small dinner table, eating their breakfast with a glass of orange juice each to wash it down. It was silent for the first few minutes before Twilight broke the silence, nearly knocking her glass of orange juice onto her lap.

“Oh crap, I forgot!”

“You forgot what?”

“I didn’t send a message to my parents last night or this morning if it’s alright I can stay with you for the weekend!!! They had stuff planned and I-”

“Twilight! Look at me.”

Twilight looked deep into Sunset’s cyan eyes after getting her attention.

“Breath in. And out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.”

After her little breathing session was over Twilight started to feel much better.

“Feeling better?”

“A little. Sometimes I don’t know how to control my anxiety like you. Thanks, Sunset.”

“I just know how to help someone in need in a situation like this, especially my best friend. Or should I say girlfriend now? Getting back to your parents, I’m sure they’ll allow it. They trust me and know me very well. Just go and send them a message and see what they say. I won’t be going anywhere. Everything will be fine, trust me.”

"If you say so Sunset," Twilight said adjusting her glasses.

After finding her phone that was still in the skirt she wore yesterday, she sent her mom a message, with an instant reply in seconds.

A few minutes later she sat back down at the table with Sunset, who was just about done with her pancakes as she took a sip of her orange juice.

“Well, what did they say?”

“They said it’s alright. As long as I keep them updated every few hours I’ll be good to go.”

“That’s perfect Twi. So um, did you still want to do those things you mentioned last night? You know the shopping, going to the beach, seeing a movie, and perhaps getting dinner too?”

“Yes of course Sunset! But why don’t we save the movie for another day? For now, let’s just do those other three things today, just the two of us. We head to the mall to do some shopping and maybe buy a few things. Then we can head down to the beach. And then come back here and have a nice dinner date. That good with you?” Twilight asks as she took a bite of her pancake.

“Sounds good. We better get dressed first if we're heading to the mall first. It opens in half an hour.”

“Sounds good Sun- Oh wait I forgot something else!”

“What is it now Twilight?” Sunset asked as she put her hand on Twilight.

“I don’t have any clean clothes to wear. And my house is a 20-minute walk from here. I can’t head there and back in under 10 minutes unless I run as fast as Rainbow! Although I'm a terrible runner compared to her.”

“Don’t worry. You can borrow some of mine. I’ve got some that you can use.”

“Are you sure you're fine with that Sunset?”

“Yes, Twilight. If you allowed me to wear your jacket after saving my life, then you can borrow some of my clothes. Fair enough?”

“Yeah, that seems fair.”

“Alright, now come on, let’s find you something that you’ll be fine wearing. At least be glad I don’t have a Crystal Prep uniform sitting around.”

“Oh shut up. I know you don’t.”

“You never know what you'll find?”

After getting dressed and Sunset lending some of her clothes to Twilight they headed off to the mall via Sunset’s motorcycle.

Twilight held onto Sunset tight as she could while they zoomed down the road. She felt her hair moving freely in the morning breeze. It felt nice, even if she was wearing a helmet.

After parking, they entered the mall holding hands together and locking their eyes, before sitting down on a bench to discuss a few things.

“Thanks for lending me some clothes Sunset.”

“No problem Twilight. What are friends for? Besides, now that we’re in a relationship, you can borrow any of my clothes anytime you come over.” Sunset replied, softly punching her in the arm, making Twilight blush in the process.

Twilight was wearing a blue sweater with a white collared shirt underneath, a dark purple tartan skirt that was identical to the one she wore at Crystal Prep, a pair of long light blue socks, her shoes she wore the previous night, and her geode around her neck.

As for Sunset, she was wearing a plain green t-shirt, a blue and green tartan pattern skirt, black leggings, her new jacket Twilight gave her, her current boots she wore, her geode around her neck, and lastly her signature bookbag on her left shoulder.

“So where should we start first?”

“Why not that one? Seems like they got some sales.”

“Great. Let’s go!” Twilight said and grabbed Sunset’s hand as they ran toward the store, about to start a great weekend together, as they started their first official date.

Sunset and Twilight were happy they were getting to spend some time together, and they knew that this weekend was gonna be a blast of fun!

Author's Note:

And that wraps the first chapter. Expect to see the next chapter in the next few days. Till then I'll see you down the line. :twilightsmile: