• Member Since 11th Jan, 2019
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I am a fellow Brony and have been one since 2016 My Favorite Pony is Fluttershy, I Work at a Wildlife Rehab Center in Utah


The Main 7 Along with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo become Power Rangers and team up with the Dino Charge Power Rangers to save the Earth from Sledge. along with Legendary Rangers, the story takes place after Legand Of Everfree so when readers get to Rainbow's chapter and ask why she was mean to the Dazzlings it is because the Rainbooms do not know what the Dazzlings have been up to since Rainbow Rocks

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 133 )

Oof. This needs a proofreader. And a bit of an edit. Here's a useful pointer.

It was a sunny day when Sunset Shimmer left Canterlot High and was on her way back to her apartment when she saw a flash of light in the sky heading toward the Everfree Forest, so she raced toward the forest while calling the others, she first called Twilight Sparkle then Applejack then Fluttershy then Rarity then Rainbow Dash then finally Pinkie Pie, Rainbow said that she would be right there then activated her geode for super speed and ran over to where Sunset said she was "What's Up Sunset?" asked Rainbow, "I just saw a flash of light come out of the sky and crash in the forest, I think it was a meteor or falling star, I don't know, it happened so fast" said Sunset, then Twilight showed up and said "Where is the crater? Take me to the crater"

This entire paragraph is one massive sentence, and you have multiple characters talking in the same pragraph. These are big no-nos for two main reasons;

1. You are not James Joyce.
2. If we don't have the characters split up into several paragraphs, it can become very hard to figure out who is speaking. In this paragraph alone, we have three characters talking and no idea who is meant to be speaking when.

Why did fluttershy seem so surprised when she saw the others? Also, I’m curious to know if they’re gonna be good rangers.

They are going to be good Rangers and The reason Fluttershy was surprised was she had her back turned and was working in her garden and was not expecting company

It's my first time writting a fanfic I have never done something like this

I would personally recommend finding somebody to help you with the story. This is not meant as an attack on you; I was a new author once as well.

Here's a group that can help.


But other then the errors what did you think of the story?

Certainly captures the spirit of Power Rangers well.

Meanwhile inside Fluttershy's cottage, Sunset asked, "Wait, you too are mentors to Power Ranger teams and you want us to be your new rangers?" "Not to Me, Sunset Shimmer, to Princess Shayla, since her team has retired from ranger duty, She first started with 6 Rangers named Cole, Danny, Taylor, Max, Merrick and Alyssa but after they defeated Master Org they retired from Ranger Duty, So Princess Shayla has been looking for new rangers to take their place and she chose new animals to put in the spheres and new colors" Said Keeper.

Man, shoutouts to the wild force rangers.

Thanks Wild Force is my number 3 favorite Power Rangers Season. A lot of this story will reference Wild Force and Dino Charge

I used to love Power Rangers. Especially Dino Charge.

My story is tieing in elements from Dino Charge and Wild Force

Let’s be real here, would they really stand a chance?

I am thinking about bringing Vetern Rangers into the story

Yea, because let’s be real, they’re not even close to sledge’s level, even with powers.

The veteran Rangers I am thinking about bringing in are Wes Collins ,Tommy Oliver, Conner McKnight, Andros, Billy Cranston, Jason Lee Scott and Carter Grayson

Aren’t most of those red rangers?

Yes I love the Red Rangers Billy is the only Blue Ranger

I guess that might work.

Do you think I should Bring in a Pink yellow and Black veteran Ranger

Yea, it would probably be a good idea to have more colors than just red and blue.

Well Tommy is going to have his Master Morpher

Yea, but it would still probably be better to add a few more colors.

Ok Which Rangers do you think I should bring in?

What ranger seasons are gonna be in it?

Dino Charge for one and Mighty Morphin, Lightspeed Rescue, Dino Thunder, Time Force and In Space and I am tying in Wild Force but The Wild Force Rangers have long since retired from Ranger duties in my story so that is why the girls became Rangers and I am bringing Drakkon to team up with Sledge

For Dino Charge- Tyler, Koda, Ivan, Riley, and Kendall.
For Mighty Morphin- Tommy, Jason, and Adam.
For Lightspeed Rescue- Carter and Ryan.
For Dino Thunder- Tommy and Trent.
For Time Force- Wes, Jen, and Eric.
For In Space- Andros, Carlos, and Zane.

I am bringing in all the Dino Charge Rangers And I am bringing in Jason, Wes, Andros, Carter, Conner, Billy And Tommy is going to use his Green Ranger, White Ranger, and Black Dino Thunder Powers since I am giving him his Master Morpher and Maybe I will bring in Kimberley

And you said drakkon will be in it?

Yes Drakkon will be in the story

Oh no, they gonna need the whole team from each of the seasons you named.

Do you think I should bring in SPD?

Yes, because spd is like a military version of power rangers they may have a lot of experience, on top of that they have a lot of smart people in spd.

Do you think I should bring the entire team or just certain Rangers

Like which ones from SPD, Like maybe Jack or Sky?

Sky, Bridge, Syd, Sam, Nova, Kat, and Cruger.

Didn’t jack retire? And Z I feel like wouldn’t be that useful.

Yeah Jake did retire but I am thinking about useing the entire team before Jake and Z Retired

Ohh, but I still don’t see how jack and z could be that useful.

ohhh since dino charge is in the story, could you bring in dino thunder? Like Trent and Kiera?

I am bringing in Dino Thunder I am bringing in Conner and Tommy and Trent

Apple Bloom transformed into her Gold Ranger form and yelled "ELEPHANT POWER" Sweetie Belle Transformed into her Purple Ranger form and yelled "RED FOX POWER" And Scootaloo Transformed into her Sliver Ranger form and yelled "HARPY EAGLE POWER"

Why a red fox for the purple ranger?

I was thinking of a animal that fits Sweetie Belle's personality

And you thought of a red fox?

I wanted her animal Spirit to be like Rarity's cause Foxes have really smooth fur like Otters (which I chose for Rarity) so I wanted an animal that had smooth fur

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